Company Information for



Company Registration Number


Private Limited Company

Active - Proposal to Strike off

About Flexoset Ltd

FLEXOSET LIMITED was founded on 1983-03-28 and has its registered office in Rushden. The organisation's status is listed as "Active - Proposal to Strike off". Flexoset Limited is a Private Limited Company registered in ENGLAND with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as DORMANT
  • Company is not active ie not engaged in any business activity or receiving income or profits
  • Is not incurring costs other than: Annual return fee, late filing fees, companies house admin fees eg company name change or share payments
  • Holds no assets capable of producing any profits or income
  • Holds assets that are unlikely to produce profits and income in the near future
  • Investment trusts, pensions and client account companies may show as dormant companies as they are non trading

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
NN10 6FB
Other companies in EC2Y

Filing Information

Company Number01710023
Date formed1983-03-28
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePrivate Limited Company
Company StatusActive - Proposal to Strike off
Lastest accounts2015-12-31
Account next due2017-12-31
Latest filing return2017-05-18
Filing return next due2018-06-01
Type of accountsDORMANT
Last Datalog update:
2017-12-09 04:16:09
Primary Source:

Current Directors

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
British Polythene Limited Director 1995-05-03
David George Duthie Director FINANCIAL CONTROLLER 2008-06-02 SCOTLAND

Previous Directors

Officer Role Date AppointedDate Resigned
Hilary Anne Kane Company Secretary 2012-09-01 2016-12-31
Raymond Bernard Brooksbank Company Secretary 1995-05-03 2012-08-31
John Thomson Langlands Director 1995-05-03 2004-06-30
John Bunnell Director 1995-05-03 1999-05-13
Timothy Charles Crow Director 1991-05-18 1998-11-04
Gareth Steadman York Director 1993-11-01 1995-06-02
Diane Elizabeth Crow Company Secretary 1991-05-18 1995-05-03
Brian James White Director 1992-10-05 1995-04-27
George Telfer Director 1994-03-01 1994-04-30

Related Directorships for British Polythene Limited

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
British Polythene Limited POLYTHENE FILMS LIMITEDDirector 1999-04-12 CURRENT 1955-12-23 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited MINSTER POLYTHENE FILMS LIMITEDDirector 1997-11-28 CURRENT 1972-10-27 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited BPI INTERNATIONAL (NO 2) LIMITEDDirector 1997-11-25 CURRENT 1997-11-18 Active
British Polythene Limited POLYCON LIMITEDDirector 1997-08-28 CURRENT 1997-06-19 Dissolved 2017-10-17
British Polythene Limited BPI INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDDirector 1997-03-07 CURRENT 1997-03-07 Active
British Polythene Limited MOORE AND COMPANY (NOTTINGHAM) LIMITEDDirector 1997-01-31 CURRENT 1917-05-01 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited RIVERSIDE TRADING LIMITEDDirector 1996-09-13 CURRENT 1994-07-11 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited AGRIPAC (DUNDEE) LIMITEDDirector 1996-07-18 CURRENT 1984-01-26 Dissolved 2017-10-17
British Polythene Limited TAY FLEXIBLE PACKAGING LIMITEDDirector 1996-07-18 CURRENT 1994-06-28 Dissolved 2017-10-17
British Polythene Limited PCL RECYCLING LIMITEDDirector 1996-07-18 CURRENT 1988-11-24 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited KARDON LIMITEDDirector 1996-03-01 CURRENT 1957-08-14 Dissolved 2018-05-29
British Polythene Limited BIBBY AND BARON GROUP LIMITEDDirector 1996-03-01 CURRENT 1994-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited BRITHENE FILMS LIMITEDDirector 1996-03-01 CURRENT 1952-11-05 Active
British Polythene Limited SUSSEX POLYTHENE LIMITEDDirector 1996-01-31 CURRENT 1978-01-04 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited BPI LEGACY TWO LIMITEDDirector 1996-01-18 CURRENT 1977-04-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited EXCELSIOR PACKAGING LIMITEDDirector 1995-11-09 CURRENT 1989-07-20 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited BRAMPTON FILMS LIMITEDDirector 1995-11-09 CURRENT 1992-07-22 Dissolved 2017-10-24
British Polythene Limited VALENTINE MANN & BROWN LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1966-09-20 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited SINGLETON FLINT LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1992-06-01 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited NOVATHENE FILMS LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1992-08-12 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited P C POLYTHENE LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1993-03-10 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited DUMFRIES PLASTICS RECYCLING LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1972-02-15 Dissolved 2017-10-17
British Polythene Limited BPI 2007 LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1965-04-08 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited CLINGTECH FILMS LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1969-08-29 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited CLINGTECH PACKAGING LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1987-08-28 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited EDINBURGH PLASTICS LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1976-06-15 Dissolved 2018-01-09
British Polythene Limited BPI 2002 LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1973-05-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited ANAPLAST LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1983-09-30 Dissolved 2017-10-24
British Polythene Limited FLEXER SACKS LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1938-08-11 Dissolved 2017-10-24
British Polythene Limited DELTA POLYTHENE LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1978-04-11 Active
British Polythene Limited HIGH PERFORMANCE FILMS LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1988-12-07 Dissolved 2018-05-29
British Polythene Limited V M B LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1972-11-24 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited VISQUEEN APRONS LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1992-09-17 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited SCOTT & ROBERTSON LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1923-07-06 Active
British Polythene Limited BPI 2012 LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1960-09-15 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited TREVOR JONES LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1964-10-19 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited PLASTI-COVERS LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1977-05-20 Dissolved 2018-07-03
British Polythene Limited BPI 2010 LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1968-07-19 Active
British Polythene Limited BPI LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1983-06-24 Active
British Polythene Limited ADVANCED FILMS LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1988-11-18 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited PAVELODGE PACKAGING LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1992-11-09 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited JAMES SCOTT & SONS LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1950-02-18 Active
British Polythene Limited PROMOPACK LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1982-06-18 Dissolved 2018-07-10
British Polythene Limited UK POLYFILM LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1986-09-29 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited POLYCROP LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1941-12-01 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited WIDNES FILMS LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1981-08-07 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited ROLL-A-RAP LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1976-05-12 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited BPI LEGACY ONE LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1899-02-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited U.K. POLYTHENE LTD.Director 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1983-06-01 Active - Proposal to Strike off
British Polythene Limited CALNAY LIMITEDDirector 1994-10-03 CURRENT 1980-08-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off

Related Directorships for David George Duthie

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
David George Duthie EXLSHRINK LIMITEDDirector 2017-11-30 CURRENT 1994-03-21 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie ZEDCOR LIMITEDDirector 2017-11-30 CURRENT 1998-05-01 Active
David George Duthie MEGAFILM LIMITEDDirector 2016-11-16 CURRENT 1986-11-27 Active
David George Duthie ROMFILMS LIMITEDDirector 2016-11-16 CURRENT 1999-12-15 Active
David George Duthie SCOTT & ROBERTSON LIMITEDDirector 2016-11-16 CURRENT 1923-07-06 Active
David George Duthie BPI LIMITED PARTNER LIMITEDDirector 2016-11-16 CURRENT 2010-12-16 Active
David George Duthie BPI LIMITEDDirector 2016-11-16 CURRENT 1983-06-24 Active
David George Duthie FLEXFILM LIMITEDDirector 2016-11-16 CURRENT 1997-05-30 Active
David George Duthie BPI INTERNATIONAL (NO 2) LIMITEDDirector 2016-11-16 CURRENT 1997-11-18 Active
David George Duthie JORDAN PLASTICS LIMITEDDirector 2016-11-16 CURRENT 1973-12-19 Active
David George Duthie BPI 1998 LIMITEDDirector 2016-11-16 CURRENT 1908-11-19 Active
David George Duthie BRITISH POLYTHENE INDUSTRIES LIMITEDDirector 2016-11-16 CURRENT 1910-03-16 Active
David George Duthie VALENTINE MANN & BROWN LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1966-09-20 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie CLINGTECH PACKAGING LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1987-08-28 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie EXCELSIOR PACKAGING LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1989-07-20 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie EDINBURGH PLASTICS LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1976-06-15 Dissolved 2018-01-09
David George Duthie ANAPLAST LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1983-09-30 Dissolved 2017-10-24
David George Duthie BPI EMPLOYEES TRUST LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1997-09-23 Dissolved 2017-10-24
David George Duthie KARDON LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1957-08-14 Dissolved 2018-05-29
David George Duthie TREVOR JONES LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1964-10-19 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie PLASTI-COVERS LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1977-05-20 Dissolved 2018-07-03
David George Duthie JAMES SCOTT & SONS LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1950-02-18 Active
David George Duthie PROMOPACK LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1982-06-18 Dissolved 2018-07-10
David George Duthie PCL RECYCLING LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1988-11-24 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie UK POLYFILM LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1986-09-29 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie POLYCROP LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1941-12-01 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie BPI LEGACY TWO LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1977-04-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie ROLL-A-RAP LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1976-05-12 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie MOORE AND COMPANY (NOTTINGHAM) LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1917-05-01 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie U.K. POLYTHENE LTD.Director 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1983-06-01 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie CALNAY LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1980-08-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie BRITHENE FILMS LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-31 CURRENT 1952-11-05 Active
David George Duthie BERRY UK PENSION TRUSTEES LIMITEDDirector 2011-03-15 CURRENT 2011-02-10 Active
David George Duthie BPI GENERAL PARTNER LIMITEDDirector 2011-02-03 CURRENT 2010-12-16 Active
David George Duthie SUSSEX POLYTHENE LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1978-01-04 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie SINGLETON FLINT LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1992-06-01 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie NOVATHENE FILMS LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1992-08-12 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie P C POLYTHENE LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1993-03-10 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie DUMFRIES PLASTICS RECYCLING LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1972-02-15 Dissolved 2017-10-17
David George Duthie AGRIPAC (DUNDEE) LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1984-01-26 Dissolved 2017-10-17
David George Duthie TAY FLEXIBLE PACKAGING LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1994-06-28 Dissolved 2017-10-17
David George Duthie POLYCON LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1997-06-19 Dissolved 2017-10-17
David George Duthie BPI 2007 LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1965-04-08 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie CLINGTECH FILMS LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1969-08-29 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie BPI 2002 LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1973-05-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie RIVERSIDE TRADING LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1994-07-11 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie FLEXER SACKS LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1938-08-11 Dissolved 2017-10-24
David George Duthie DELTA POLYTHENE LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1978-04-11 Active
David George Duthie HIGH PERFORMANCE FILMS LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1988-12-07 Dissolved 2018-05-29
David George Duthie V M B LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1972-11-24 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie VISQUEEN APRONS LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1992-09-17 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie BPI 2012 LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1960-09-15 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie BPI 2010 LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1968-07-19 Active
David George Duthie MINSTER POLYTHENE FILMS LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1972-10-27 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie ADVANCED FILMS LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1988-11-18 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie PAVELODGE PACKAGING LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1992-11-09 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie BIBBY AND BARON GROUP LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1994-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie POLYTHENE FILMS LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1955-12-23 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie WIDNES FILMS LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1981-08-07 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie BPI LEGACY ONE LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1899-02-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
David George Duthie BPI INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-02 CURRENT 1997-03-07 Active