Company Information for



Company Registration Number


Private Limited Company


About Haven Timeshare Ltd

HAVEN TIMESHARE LIMITED was founded on 1987-04-21 and had its registered office in 100 Wood Street. The company was dissolved on the 2016-11-01 and is no longer trading or active.

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
Other companies in EC2V

Filing Information

Company Number02124575
Date formed1987-04-21
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePrivate Limited Company
Company StatusDissolved
Lastest accounts2015-03-31
Date Dissolved2016-11-01
Last Datalog update:
2017-01-21 04:38:14
Primary Source:

Company Directors at or before company was Dissolved 2016-11-01

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd Company Secretary 1997-07-08
L.d.c. Corporate Director No 1 Limited Director 1997-07-20
L.d.c. Corporate Director No.2 Limited Director 2010-09-29
Alan Morgan Director DIRECTOR 2014-02-11 WALES

Previous Directors

Officer Role Date AppointedDate Resigned
Michael Roger Bryer Director 2013-11-21 2014-02-11
Alan Morgan Director 2010-09-29 2013-11-21
Graham Idris Lane Director 1992-09-20 1997-07-21
Colin Malcolm Bloodworth Director 1992-09-20 1997-07-16
Patricia Linda Bloodworth Company Secretary 1992-09-20 1997-07-08
Robin Gregory Baker Director 1992-09-20 1996-09-16

Related Directorships for Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd CMC MATERIALS UPC LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2008-01-17 CURRENT 1972-04-21 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd SAFECALL LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2007-10-31 CURRENT 1999-05-12 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd SAFECALL TRAINING LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2007-10-31 CURRENT 2004-05-19 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE WHISTLEBLOWING COMPANY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2007-10-31 CURRENT 2006-04-06 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (SAPP) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 2007-06-22 CURRENT 2007-06-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE HOLDINGS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2007-04-25 CURRENT 2007-04-25 Dissolved 2015-04-16
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE GUARANTEE COMPANY NO. 1Company Secretary 2007-04-24 CURRENT 2007-04-24 Dissolved 2015-04-16
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE GUARANTEE COMPANY NO. 4Company Secretary 2007-04-24 CURRENT 2007-04-24 Dissolved 2015-04-16
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE GUARANTEE COMPANY NO. 5Company Secretary 2007-04-24 CURRENT 2007-04-24 Dissolved 2015-04-16
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE GUARANTEE COMPANY NO. 3Company Secretary 2007-04-24 CURRENT 2007-04-24 Dissolved 2015-04-16
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE GUARANTEE COMPANY NO. 2Company Secretary 2007-04-24 CURRENT 2007-04-24 Dissolved 2015-04-16
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd ALBA 2007-1 PLCCompany Secretary 2007-02-22 CURRENT 2006-10-13 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE FORRESTDALE TRUST LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2007-01-16 CURRENT 1925-03-25 Dissolved 2014-07-22
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LDC NOMINEE SECRETARY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2007-01-03 CURRENT 2007-01-03 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GREAT HALL MORTGAGES NO.1 PLCCompany Secretary 2006-09-28 CURRENT 2006-09-28 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GREAT HALL ACQUISITION LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-09-28 CURRENT 2006-09-28 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd ALBA 2006-2 PLCCompany Secretary 2006-08-23 CURRENT 2006-05-16 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd SHAREHOLDER TRUSTEE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-07-07 CURRENT 2006-07-07 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd ALBA 2006-1 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-04-05 CURRENT 2006-03-17 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LATHES OPTION COMPANY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2005-11-17 CURRENT 2005-10-18 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd ALBA 2005-1 PLCCompany Secretary 2005-09-16 CURRENT 2005-08-10 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd CHESTER ASSET OPTION NO. 3 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2005-09-15 CURRENT 2005-07-13 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd OAKWOOD GLOBAL ASSETS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2005-07-07 CURRENT 2005-05-19 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd VICTORIA FUNDING (EMC-III) LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2005-05-16 CURRENT 2005-05-16 Dissolved 2014-10-21
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd EMC FUNDING (OPTIONS) LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2005-05-16 CURRENT 2005-05-16 Dissolved 2015-01-13
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd VICTORIA FUNDING (EMC-III) (HOLDINGS) LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2005-05-13 CURRENT 2005-05-13 Dissolved 2015-01-13
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GREENE KING FINANCE PLCCompany Secretary 2005-01-14 CURRENT 2005-01-14 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GREENE KING FINANCE PARENT LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2004-12-23 CURRENT 2004-12-23 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd TRUSTCO FINANCE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2004-11-17 CURRENT 1989-11-13 Dissolved 2017-09-12
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd BLUESTONE SECURITIES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2004-11-11 CURRENT 2004-11-11 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd BLUESTONE PARENT LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2004-11-08 CURRENT 2004-11-08 Dissolved 2018-08-14
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd BOX HILL HOLDINGS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2004-10-13 CURRENT 2004-10-13 Dissolved 2013-12-03
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GRANITE MASTER ISSUER PLCCompany Secretary 2004-10-05 CURRENT 2004-10-05 Liquidation
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GRANITE FINANCE FUNDING 2 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2004-10-04 CURRENT 2004-10-04 Liquidation
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd CASPAR FINANCE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2004-09-23 CURRENT 2004-07-12 Dissolved 2014-05-27
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GRANITE MORTGAGES 04-3 PLCCompany Secretary 2004-07-01 CURRENT 2004-07-01 Liquidation
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GRANITE MORTGAGES 04-2 PLCCompany Secretary 2004-02-26 CURRENT 2004-02-26 Liquidation
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LDC DR NOMINEES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2004-01-09 CURRENT 2004-01-09 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (CSMA) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 2003-11-11 CURRENT 2003-11-11 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (BRITANNIA) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 2003-11-11 CURRENT 2003-11-11 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GRANITE MORTGAGES 04-1 PLCCompany Secretary 2003-11-11 CURRENT 2003-11-11 Liquidation
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (TOOTAL) TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 2003-09-05 CURRENT 1997-04-03 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GRANITE MORTGAGES 03-3 PLCCompany Secretary 2003-07-07 CURRENT 2003-07-07 Liquidation
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd CD CORPORATE DIRECTOR NO. 1 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2003-06-20 CURRENT 2003-06-20 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd CD CORPORATE DIRECTOR NO. 2 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2003-06-20 CURRENT 2003-06-20 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd DLC SVC LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2003-04-09 CURRENT 2003-04-09 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GRANITE MORTGAGES 03-2 PLCCompany Secretary 2003-03-03 CURRENT 2003-03-03 Liquidation
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd L.D.C SECURITISATION DIRECTOR NO. 4 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2003-01-30 CURRENT 2003-01-30 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd L.D.C SECURITISATION DIRECTOR NO. 3 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2003-01-30 CURRENT 2003-01-30 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LDC DR TRUSTEE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2002-08-30 CURRENT 2002-08-30 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE GUARANTEE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2002-06-20 CURRENT 2002-06-20 Dissolved 2014-05-06
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd L.D.C. (SPV NO.1) LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2002-06-06 CURRENT 2002-06-06 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd L.D.C. CORPORATE DIRECTOR NO.3 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2001-06-11 CURRENT 2001-06-11 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd L.D.C. CORPORATE DIRECTOR NO.4 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2001-06-11 CURRENT 2001-06-11 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd BILLITON SVC LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2001-05-23 CURRENT 2000-09-19 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GPCH LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2000-12-15 CURRENT 2000-12-15 Liquidation
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd GRANITE FINANCE HOLDINGS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2000-12-14 CURRENT 2000-12-14 Liquidation
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE CORPORATION PLC(THE)Company Secretary 2000-09-19 CURRENT 1889-12-12 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE CORPORATION (DEUTSCHLAND) LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2000-06-22 CURRENT 2000-06-22 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (KBPP) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1999-10-29 CURRENT 1996-11-27 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (JGSPS) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1999-10-29 CURRENT 1999-10-29 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (JGRP) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1999-10-29 CURRENT 1999-10-29 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE TRUSTEE FOR CHARITIESCompany Secretary 1999-10-29 CURRENT 1999-10-29 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd L.D.C. LATVIA LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1999-08-31 CURRENT 1999-07-30 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE FINANCE P.L.C.Company Secretary 1999-08-26 CURRENT 1999-08-26 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd SIX WHOLE MILES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1998-12-21 CURRENT 1998-06-25 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (LBS) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1998-06-26 CURRENT 1998-06-26 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (SRL) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1998-06-26 CURRENT 1998-06-26 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-10-10 CURRENT 1990-06-18 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE AMERSHAM PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1996-12-09 Dissolved 2016-11-01
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (1996) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1996-10-31 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (JLPP) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1996-12-30 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (JLPF) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-01-17 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (BIS RETIREMENT) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-02-06 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (BIS MANAGEMENT) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-02-06 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (NO.5) TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-02-06 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (INTEL OLD PLAN) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-02-21 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (SWISS RE GB) TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-04-30 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LDPTC NOMINEES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1996-11-15 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE (NO. 3 SCHEME) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1996-11-27 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE (NO.2 SCHEME) TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1996-12-02 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE (OCEAN) TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-04-10 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE SECURITISATION SERVICES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-04-14 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd L.D.C. SECURITISATION DIRECTOR NO. 2 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-05-08 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd L.D.C. SECURITISATION DIRECTOR NO. 1 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-05-08 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE OVERSEAS (NO. 1) LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1980-01-04 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE TRUST CORPORATION P.L.C.(THE)Company Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1982-11-02 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (GS) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1996-11-06 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE (NO.1 SCHEME) TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1996-12-02 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (BAA) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-01-17 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (STENA LINE EPS) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-01-17 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (FREEMANS) TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-02-11 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (AIRBORNE) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-02-21 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE (ODYSSEY) TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-04-10 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE (KGPP) PENSION TRUST CORPORATIONCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-05-14 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd L.D.C. CORPORATE DIRECTOR NO.2 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-09-23 CURRENT 1997-05-30 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd L.D.C. TRUST MANAGEMENT LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-09-16 CURRENT 1975-11-24 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE INTERMEDIARY CORPORATION P.L.C.Company Secretary 1997-09-16 CURRENT 1980-10-29 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd LAW DEBENTURE TRUSTEES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-09-16 CURRENT 1959-04-13 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd BEAGLE NOMINEES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-09-16 CURRENT 1959-05-25 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd RTL SHAREHOLDER SVC LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-09-05 CURRENT 1995-10-18 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd THE LAW DEBENTURE PENSION TRUST CORPORATION P.L.C.Company Secretary 1997-09-05 CURRENT 1996-10-17 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd L.D. PENSION PLAN TRUSTEE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-09-05 CURRENT 1997-06-06 Active
Law Debenture Corporate Services Ltd L.D.C. CORPORATE DIRECTOR NO.1 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 1997-07-23 CURRENT 1997-05-30 Active