Company Information for



Company Registration Number


Private Limited Company


About Stat Company Ltd

STAT COMPANY LIMITED was founded on 1999-11-02 and has its registered office in Ashton-under-lyne. The organisation's status is listed as "Active". Stat Company Limited is a Private Limited Company registered in ENGLAND with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as FULL
  • Annual turnover is £6.5 million or more
  • The balance sheet total is £ 3.26 million or more
  • Employs 50 or more employees
  • May be publically listed
  • May be a member of a group of companies meeting any of the above criteria

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
Other companies in OL9

Filing Information

Company Number03869784
Date formed1999-11-02
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePrivate Limited Company
Company StatusActive
Lastest accounts30/06/2022
Account next due30/06/2024
Latest filing return02/11/2015
Filing return next due30/11/2016
Type of accountsFULL
Last Datalog update:
2024-09-09 03:32:39
Primary Source:

Current Directors

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
Philippa Maynard Company Secretary 2018-04-11
Leslie John Kerr Director CEO 2002-01-01 ENGLAND
Andrew Graham Mobbs Director FINANCE DIRECTOR 2018-04-11 ENGLAND
Octavia Kate Morley Director CHAIRMAN 2018-04-11 ENGLAND
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway Director DIRECTOR 2018-04-11 ENGLAND

Previous Directors

Officer Role Date AppointedDate Resigned
Monique Jane Scholes Company Secretary 2014-11-25 2018-04-11
Martyn Shaun Waterhouse Director 2002-01-01 2018-04-11
Stephanie Hitchman Company Secretary 2001-11-01 2014-11-25
Stephanie Hitchman Director 2007-08-01 2010-06-18
Martyn Shaun Waterhouse Company Secretary 1999-11-02 2002-01-20
Leslie John Kerr Director 1999-11-02 2001-11-01
Temple Secretaries Limited Nominated Secretary 1999-11-02 1999-11-02
Company Directors Limited Nominated Director 1999-11-02 1999-11-02

Related Directorships for Leslie John Kerr

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Leslie John Kerr SEAMLESS IT LTD.Director 2014-10-10 CURRENT 1999-05-20 Active
Leslie John Kerr LJK INVESTMENTS LTDDirector 2013-08-01 CURRENT 2003-09-17 Active
Leslie John Kerr ZENOFFICE LIMITEDDirector 2009-10-01 CURRENT 1974-10-31 Active
Leslie John Kerr PINNACLE SHEET METAL (HOLDINGS) LIMITEDDirector 2007-11-07 CURRENT 2003-07-31 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Leslie John Kerr GEEKAY OFFICE SUPPLIES LTDDirector 2002-02-12 CURRENT 2002-02-12 Active - Proposal to Strike off

Related Directorships for Andrew Graham Mobbs

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Andrew Graham Mobbs ZENOFFICE LIMITEDDirector 2018-04-11 CURRENT 1974-10-31 Active
Andrew Graham Mobbs BURO BUSINESS SUPPLIES LTDDirector 2016-05-20 CURRENT 2001-10-31 Liquidation

Related Directorships for Octavia Kate Morley

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Octavia Kate Morley ZENOFFICE LIMITEDDirector 2018-04-11 CURRENT 1974-10-31 Active
Octavia Kate Morley THE SPICERS-OFFICETEAM GROUP LIMITEDDirector 2018-01-03 CURRENT 2014-06-05 Liquidation
Octavia Kate Morley CREST NICHOLSON HOLDINGS PLCDirector 2017-05-01 CURRENT 2009-01-23 Active
Octavia Kate Morley ASCENSOS LIMITEDDirector 2016-01-01 CURRENT 2013-02-19 Active
Octavia Kate Morley CARD FACTORY PLCDirector 2014-04-30 CURRENT 2014-04-17 Active

Related Directorships for Jeffrey Michael Whiteway

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway ZENOFFICE LIMITEDDirector 2018-04-11 CURRENT 1974-10-31 Active
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway THE BRITISH OFFICE SUPPLIES AND SERVICES FEDERATION LIMITEDDirector 2015-06-02 CURRENT 2002-12-02 Active
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway VENTURE CONNECT LIMITEDDirector 2015-01-21 CURRENT 2011-12-01 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway BECAP SPICERS (UK) LIMITEDDirector 2014-09-16 CURRENT 2011-04-07 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway SPICERS LIMITEDDirector 2014-09-16 CURRENT 1946-12-16 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway THE SPICERS-OFFICETEAM GROUP LIMITEDDirector 2014-09-02 CURRENT 2014-06-05 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway PROJECT OLIVER MANAGEMENT LIMITEDDirector 2013-05-24 CURRENT 2013-05-24 Dissolved 2015-06-09
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway PROJECT OLIVER TOPCO LIMITEDDirector 2013-05-24 CURRENT 2013-05-24 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway PROJECT OLIVER HOLDCO LIMITEDDirector 2013-05-24 CURRENT 2013-05-24 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway C & M REGISTRARS LIMITEDDirector 2013-03-31 CURRENT 1991-05-08 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway WATERLOW BUSINESS SUPPLIES LIMITEDDirector 2013-03-31 CURRENT 1989-05-15 Active
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway OYEZ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIMITEDDirector 2013-03-31 CURRENT 1976-12-21 Active
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway TEWKESBURY LIMITEDDirector 2013-03-31 CURRENT 2006-03-13 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway OFFICETEAM SALES LIMITEDDirector 2008-07-30 CURRENT 2008-07-29 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway PADS PRINTING & COMMERCIAL STATIONERY LIMITEDDirector 2008-04-02 CURRENT 1998-11-19 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway OFFICETEAM TRUSTEES LIMITEDDirector 2007-05-16 CURRENT 1995-02-15 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway STAT-PLUS GROUP LIMITEDDirector 2007-05-16 CURRENT 1972-09-13 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway STAT-PLUS LIMITEDDirector 2007-05-16 CURRENT 1991-03-26 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway PEARL MEZZANINE LIMITEDDirector 2007-04-24 CURRENT 2007-02-13 Dissolved 2014-09-18
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway PEARL FINANCE BOND LIMITEDDirector 2007-04-24 CURRENT 2007-02-13 Dissolved 2015-10-17
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway OSG HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2007-04-24 CURRENT 2007-02-13 Dissolved 2015-10-17
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway PEARL FINANCE BOND 2 LIMITEDDirector 2007-04-24 CURRENT 2007-03-05 Dissolved 2015-10-17
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway OFFICE ZONE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LTDDirector 2006-01-19 CURRENT 2000-12-20 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway OFFICE ZONE LIMITEDDirector 2005-11-17 CURRENT 1993-08-27 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway WHITEGROVE GROUP LIMITEDDirector 2005-07-01 CURRENT 2003-02-26 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway LYNCH MCQUEEN LIMITEDDirector 2004-09-02 CURRENT 1994-01-24 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway OFFICETEAM LIMITEDDirector 2004-04-14 CURRENT 2004-04-06 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway OFFICETEAM GROUP LIMITEDDirector 2004-04-07 CURRENT 2004-03-04 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway OFFICETEAM 2 GROUP LIMITEDDirector 2003-03-31 CURRENT 1996-04-04 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway OFFICE TEAM LOGISTICS LIMITEDDirector 1996-04-01 CURRENT 1956-11-22 Liquidation
Jeffrey Michael Whiteway OT OFFICE SUPPLIES LIMITEDDirector 1991-07-12 CURRENT 1900-05-09 Liquidation