Company Information for



Company Registration Number


Private Limited Company


About Fradley Park Ltd

FRADLEY PARK LIMITED was founded on 2006-11-22 and had its registered office in Barnsley. The company was dissolved on the 2016-12-05 and is no longer trading or active.

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
S70 2BB
Other companies in LS11
Previous Names

Filing Information

Company Number06006590
Date formed2006-11-22
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePrivate Limited Company
Company StatusDissolved
Lastest accounts2014-03-31
Date Dissolved2016-12-05
Type of accountsFULL
Last Datalog update:
2018-01-24 09:04:54
Primary Source:

Company Directors at or before company was Dissolved 2016-12-05

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
Robert Marshall Company Secretary 2011-12-31
Paul Terence Millington Director ACCOUNTANT 2006-11-22 UNITED KINGDOM

Previous Directors

Officer Role Date AppointedDate Resigned
Roderick Michael Evans Director 2012-12-10 2015-07-01
John Drummond Bell Director 2006-11-22 2012-06-30
Stuart Jobbins Company Secretary 2006-11-22 2011-12-31
Philip Arthur Turner Director 2007-02-19 2008-10-31
York Place Company Secretaries Limited Nominated Secretary 2006-11-22 2006-11-22
York Place Company Nominees Limited Nominated Director 2006-11-22 2006-11-22

Related Directorships for Paul Terence Millington

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Paul Terence Millington HUNGATE (YORK) RETAIL LIMITEDDirector 2015-06-19 CURRENT 2015-06-19 Active
Paul Terence Millington FRADLEY PARK INDUSTRIAL LIMITEDDirector 2014-02-21 CURRENT 2014-02-21 Active
Paul Terence Millington DAKOTA HOTEL LEEDS LIMITEDDirector 2014-02-21 CURRENT 2014-02-21 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington DAKOTA HOTEL (EUROCENTRAL) LIMITEDDirector 2013-12-23 CURRENT 2004-09-01 Liquidation
Paul Terence Millington EUROCENTRAL HOTELS LIMITEDDirector 2013-11-08 CURRENT 2013-11-08 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington EVASOLAR LIMITEDDirector 2010-09-22 CURRENT 2010-09-22 Dissolved 2017-04-25
Paul Terence Millington MILLSHAW NO.1 LIMITEDDirector 2009-10-19 CURRENT 2009-10-19 Dissolved 2017-03-14
Paul Terence Millington EVANS PROPERTY GROUP LIMITEDDirector 2009-04-14 CURRENT 2002-04-23 Active
Paul Terence Millington FRADLEY DISTRICT CENTRE LIMITEDDirector 2008-08-29 CURRENT 2008-08-29 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington QUARTZ POINT LIMITEDDirector 2008-05-06 CURRENT 2008-04-07 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington HUNGATE (YORK) REGENERATION LIMITEDDirector 2008-02-21 CURRENT 2001-12-13 Active
Paul Terence Millington EVANS HOMES (SKELTON) NO.2 LIMITEDDirector 2007-10-18 CURRENT 2000-12-14 Active
Paul Terence Millington EVANS MANAGEMENT LIMITEDDirector 2007-01-30 CURRENT 2007-01-25 Active
Paul Terence Millington EVANS STUDENT ACCOMMODATION LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Dissolved 2016-11-03
Paul Terence Millington EVANS STUDENT INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Dissolved 2016-12-05
Paul Terence Millington MILLSHAW NO.2 LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Dissolved 2017-11-02
Paul Terence Millington FORTH BRIDGES BUSINESS PARK DEVELOPMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington CITYGATE DEVELOPMENTS NO.1 LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active
Paul Terence Millington EVANS HOMES LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active
Paul Terence Millington EVANS ASHFORD INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington EVANS REGENERATION INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington EVANS PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active
Paul Terence Millington EVANS ADVISORY LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active
Paul Terence Millington FRADLEY PARK DEVELOPMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active
Paul Terence Millington YORK BUSINESS PARK DEVELOPMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington SKELTON INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington SPRINGHEAD DEVELOPMENTS NO.1 LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington CITYGATE DEVELOPMENTS NO.2 LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington BUSINESS LIVING INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington F R EVANS (LEEDS) LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active
Paul Terence Millington MILLSHAW INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington EVANS RESIDENTIAL HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington ROANDO INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active
Paul Terence Millington MILLSHAW NO.3 LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington WHITE ROSE PROPERTY INVESTMENTS NO.2 LIMITEDDirector 2006-11-22 CURRENT 2006-11-22 Active
Paul Terence Millington FRADLEY PARK NO.2 LIMITEDDirector 2006-09-04 CURRENT 2006-07-04 Dissolved 2016-12-05
Paul Terence Millington BUSINESS LIVING LIMITEDDirector 2005-10-13 CURRENT 2005-09-28 Active
Paul Terence Millington DAKOTA FORTH BRIDGE LIMITEDDirector 2005-02-15 CURRENT 2005-02-15 Liquidation
Paul Terence Millington CALA EVANS RESTORATION LIMITEDDirector 2004-03-08 CURRENT 2003-01-09 Active
Paul Terence Millington WHITE ROSE (LEEDS) LIMITEDDirector 2000-11-13 CURRENT 1993-12-08 Active
Paul Terence Millington EVANS EASYLET LIMITEDDirector 2000-11-13 CURRENT 1995-03-13 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington REDVERS DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISES (SCOTLAND) LIMITEDDirector 2000-10-02 CURRENT 1997-12-11 Dissolved 2017-04-18
Paul Terence Millington MILLSHAW PROPERTY CO. LIMITEDDirector 2000-10-02 CURRENT 1963-12-23 Dissolved 2017-11-02
Paul Terence Millington EVANS OF LEEDS LIMITEDDirector 2000-10-02 CURRENT 1963-09-11 Active
Paul Terence Millington EVANS HOMES LIMITEDDirector 2000-10-02 CURRENT 1999-12-08 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington ASTRA HOUSE LIMITEDDirector 2000-10-02 CURRENT 1946-05-10 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington EVANS (ASHFORD) LIMITEDDirector 2000-10-02 CURRENT 2000-01-21 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington MARCHINGTON PROPERTIES LIMITEDDirector 2000-10-02 CURRENT 1884-08-07 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Paul Terence Millington EVANS PROPERTY LIMITEDDirector 2000-10-02 CURRENT 2000-01-21 Active
Paul Terence Millington CALA EVANS RESIDENTIAL LIMITEDDirector 2000-10-01 CURRENT 1999-09-29 Dissolved 2015-11-13