Company Information for



Company Registration Number


Private Limited Company


About Lib Worldwide Ltd

LIB WORLDWIDE LIMITED was founded on 2013-08-08 and had its registered office in London. The company was dissolved on the 2016-02-23 and is no longer trading or active.

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
Other companies in SW1Y

Filing Information

Company Number08642919
Date formed2013-08-08
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePrivate Limited Company
Company StatusDissolved
Date Dissolved2016-02-23
Type of accountsNO ACCOUNTS FILED
Last Datalog update:
2016-02-25 01:55:18
Primary Source:

Company Directors at or before company was Dissolved 2016-02-23

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
Ap Partnership Services Ltd Company Secretary 2015-03-23
Jeffrey Munro Parry Director ENTERTAINMENT ENTREPRENEUR 2014-08-08 CANADA

Previous Directors

Officer Role Date AppointedDate Resigned
Robert Scott Christensen Director 2013-08-08 2015-03-30
Jeffrey Munro Parry Director 2015-03-26 2015-03-26
Stuart Peterson Director 2013-08-08 2014-08-08
Ralph Schmidtke Director 2013-08-08 2014-08-08
Lucy Mills Company Secretary 2013-08-29 2013-12-31
Jamie Hendry Director 2013-08-08 2013-12-31

Related Directorships for Ap Partnership Services Ltd

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Ap Partnership Services Ltd THEATRE TOURS UK LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2015-08-20 CURRENT 2015-08-20 Dissolved 2017-11-14
Ap Partnership Services Ltd LIB GARRICK LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2015-03-23 CURRENT 2015-01-13 Dissolved 2016-07-19
Ap Partnership Services Ltd AVFTB LTDCompany Secretary 2014-10-16 CURRENT 2014-10-16 Dissolved 2016-07-05
Ap Partnership Services Ltd URINETOWN THEATRE PRODUCTIONS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-09-29 CURRENT 2014-09-29 Dissolved 2016-03-29
Ap Partnership Services Ltd DOUBLE DIAMOND PRODUCTIONS LTDCompany Secretary 2014-01-17 CURRENT 2014-01-17 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Ap Partnership Services Ltd LOVE ME TENDER 2014 LTDCompany Secretary 2013-10-17 CURRENT 2013-10-17 Dissolved 2017-01-31
Ap Partnership Services Ltd R4TM LTDCompany Secretary 2013-07-19 CURRENT 2013-07-19 Dissolved 2015-08-18
Ap Partnership Services Ltd WRITE FOR THE WEST END LTDCompany Secretary 2013-07-15 CURRENT 2013-07-15 Dissolved 2016-03-01
Ap Partnership Services Ltd ARTISAN RECORDS LTDCompany Secretary 2013-02-01 CURRENT 2011-09-19 Dissolved 2017-01-31
Ap Partnership Services Ltd JAMES TRINER LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-02-01 CURRENT 2013-02-01 Dissolved 2017-06-20
Ap Partnership Services Ltd ANNE MUNYARD LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-03-31 CURRENT 2006-03-17 Dissolved 2015-06-30
Ap Partnership Services Ltd LIB LONDON LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-03-01 CURRENT 2012-03-01 Dissolved 2016-08-09
Ap Partnership Services Ltd MA PRODUCTIONS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-01-09 CURRENT 2012-01-09 Dissolved 2017-04-25
Ap Partnership Services Ltd FELA UK LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2011-04-06 CURRENT 2011-04-06 Dissolved 2016-02-09

Related Directorships for Jeffrey Munro Parry

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Jeffrey Munro Parry LIB LONDON LIMITEDDirector 2015-03-26 CURRENT 2012-03-01 Dissolved 2016-08-09
Jeffrey Munro Parry ANNERIN PRODUCTIONS LIMITEDDirector 2015-03-26 CURRENT 2012-02-29 Active
Jeffrey Munro Parry LIB SHOW LTDDirector 2015-03-20 CURRENT 2015-03-20 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Jeffrey Munro Parry LIB GARRICK LIMITEDDirector 2015-01-13 CURRENT 2015-01-13 Dissolved 2016-07-19
Jeffrey Munro Parry LIB TOURING LIMITEDDirector 2014-08-13 CURRENT 2013-08-13 Dissolved 2016-02-23