Company Information for



Company Registration Number


Private Limited Company


About Sensory Education Consultancy Ltd

SENSORY EDUCATION CONSULTANCY LTD was founded on 2014-05-21 and had its registered office in Bishopstone. The company was dissolved on the 2017-12-19 and is no longer trading or active.

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
Other companies in SP5

Filing Information

Company Number09050677
Date formed2014-05-21
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePrivate Limited Company
Company StatusDissolved
Lastest accounts2017-04-30
Date Dissolved2017-12-19
Last Datalog update:
2017-12-22 13:28:54
Primary Source:

Company Directors at or before company was Dissolved 2017-12-19

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
Bath Secretarial Services Limited Company Secretary 2014-05-21
Frances Jane Stimpson Director TEACHER 2014-05-21 ENGLAND

Previous Directors

There are no previous directors or officers recorded

Related Directorships for Bath Secretarial Services Limited

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Bath Secretarial Services Limited TREMAYNE SERVICES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2016-11-18 CURRENT 2016-11-18 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited Z80T LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-09-10 CURRENT 2014-09-10 Dissolved 2017-01-24
Bath Secretarial Services Limited ANDY PACKER CONSULTANCY LTDCompany Secretary 2014-07-16 CURRENT 2014-07-16 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited LIZ BANISTER LTDCompany Secretary 2014-07-11 CURRENT 2014-07-11 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited PATRICK CUMMINGS LTDCompany Secretary 2014-07-08 CURRENT 2014-07-08 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited BATH DIRECTORS UK LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-03-18 CURRENT 2014-03-18 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited SEN SOLUTIONS (BRISTOL) LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-03-10 CURRENT 2014-03-10 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited BROKERSWOOD SERVICES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-02-12 CURRENT 2014-02-12 Dissolved 2017-06-13
Bath Secretarial Services Limited WHITTAKER EDUCATION LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-10-15 CURRENT 2013-10-15 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Bath Secretarial Services Limited COOPER EDUCATION CONSULTANCY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-10-11 CURRENT 2013-10-11 Dissolved 2017-10-17
Bath Secretarial Services Limited SUSAN ROLES ASSOCIATES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-09-03 CURRENT 2013-09-03 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited BLACK DOG TURNPIKE LTDCompany Secretary 2013-08-08 CURRENT 2012-08-08 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited CHRIS HARRIES CONSULTANCY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-06-13 CURRENT 2013-06-13 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Bath Secretarial Services Limited THE BRAND SEEDERS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-05-13 CURRENT 2013-05-13 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Bath Secretarial Services Limited BROKERSWOOD BIOMASS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-03-27 CURRENT 2013-03-27 Dissolved 2017-06-13
Bath Secretarial Services Limited ACADEMY LEADERSHIP CONSULTANCY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-03-21 CURRENT 2012-09-19 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited GLAC LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-12-19 CURRENT 2012-12-19 Dissolved 2018-02-13
Bath Secretarial Services Limited AMAZING SMILE (BATH) LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-11-13 CURRENT 2012-11-13 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Bath Secretarial Services Limited JC EDUCATION LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-06-14 CURRENT 2012-06-14 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Bath Secretarial Services Limited LUCIEL LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2011-11-28 CURRENT 2011-11-28 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited ELIZABETH ASHARD LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2011-07-26 CURRENT 2005-12-22 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Bath Secretarial Services Limited ARBITRARY CONSTANT ASSOCIATES LTDCompany Secretary 2011-05-06 CURRENT 2011-05-06 Dissolved 2016-11-08
Bath Secretarial Services Limited EXCON TRAINING LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2011-02-07 CURRENT 2011-02-07 Dissolved 2016-10-11
Bath Secretarial Services Limited BLUE PEACOCK PROPERTIES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2011-02-01 CURRENT 2010-01-27 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited BATH ADMINISTRATION UK LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2011-01-17 CURRENT 2011-01-17 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited K R WATTS LTDCompany Secretary 2010-11-24 CURRENT 2002-09-23 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited THE ORANGERY BEAUTY CLINIC LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2010-09-01 CURRENT 2003-09-01 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Bath Secretarial Services Limited MARY HOATHER LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2010-09-01 CURRENT 2009-09-08 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited TUTTI FRUTTI TAN & NAIL BEAUTY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2010-08-01 CURRENT 2003-08-28 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Bath Secretarial Services Limited THE BATH HAIR REMOVAL CLINIC LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2010-08-01 CURRENT 2003-08-28 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Bath Secretarial Services Limited HAPSFORD ASSOCIATES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2010-07-23 CURRENT 2010-07-23 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited BYDE BROOK CLINIC LTDCompany Secretary 2010-07-23 CURRENT 2010-07-23 Active
Bath Secretarial Services Limited ANGELA JENSEN LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2010-07-21 CURRENT 2010-07-21 Dissolved 2016-11-15
Bath Secretarial Services Limited REJUVENESCENCE LASER CLINIC LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2010-05-18 CURRENT 2010-02-23 Active