Company Information for



Company Registration Number


Private Limited Company

Active - Proposal to Strike off

About Masa Rpm Ltd

MASA RPM LIMITED was founded on 2014-08-06 and has its registered office in London. The organisation's status is listed as "Active - Proposal to Strike off". Masa Rpm Limited is a Private Limited Company registered in with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
  • Company qualifies as a small company
  • Company has filed full accounts
  • Company is exempt from audit
  • Annual turnover is less than £6.5 million
  • The balance sheet total is less than £ 3.26 million
  • Employs less than 50 employees

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
Other companies in EC1N

Filing Information

Company Number09163457
Date formed2014-08-06
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePrivate Limited Company
Company StatusActive - Proposal to Strike off
Lastest accounts31/08/2019
Account next due31/05/2021
Latest filing return06/08/2015
Filing return next due03/09/2016
Last Datalog update:
2020-07-06 06:05:35
Primary Source:

Current Directors

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
Forgate Secretaries Limited Company Secretary 2014-08-06
Lorenzo Corti Director NONE 2017-03-02 UNITED KINGDOM
Lidia Otaduy Gonzalez Director DIRECTOR 2017-02-24 UNITED KINGDOM
Tania Maggiolo Director COMPANY DIRECTOR 2014-08-06 ENGLAND
Cristiano Sandrini Director COMPANY DIRECTOR 2014-08-06 ENGLAND

Previous Directors

There are no previous directors or officers recorded

Related Directorships for Forgate Secretaries Limited

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Forgate Secretaries Limited GO & PARTNERS HOLDING LTDCompany Secretary 2018-03-07 CURRENT 2018-03-07 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited GOLDWATER UNITED ADVISORY LTDCompany Secretary 2017-10-10 CURRENT 2017-10-10 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited MFA87 CONSULTING LTDCompany Secretary 2017-05-25 CURRENT 2017-05-25 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited ISC HOLDINGS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2016-10-31 CURRENT 2016-10-31 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited GO TRADING INTERNATIONAL LTDCompany Secretary 2016-07-06 CURRENT 2016-07-06 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited NEXTIT LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2016-05-06 CURRENT 2016-05-06 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited WHOLESAFETY UK LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2016-05-05 CURRENT 2016-05-05 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited OG SOLUTIONS LTDCompany Secretary 2015-12-03 CURRENT 2015-12-03 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited EUROPEAN SERVICING COMPANY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2015-07-29 CURRENT 2015-07-29 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited HPF (UK) HOLDING LTDCompany Secretary 2015-04-27 CURRENT 2013-12-19 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited M2C INVESTMENTS LTDCompany Secretary 2015-04-23 CURRENT 2015-04-23 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited PALATIA LEISURE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2015-01-27 CURRENT 2015-01-27 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited SUPERB SPORT LTDCompany Secretary 2015-01-06 CURRENT 2015-01-06 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited VISO 15 LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-12-15 CURRENT 2014-12-15 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited SEQUOR INVESTMENTS UK LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-12-10 CURRENT 2010-12-07 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited NEXAMA LTDCompany Secretary 2014-11-12 CURRENT 2014-11-07 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited YOUTRUE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-07-16 CURRENT 2014-07-16 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited SEAMLESS GLOBE LTDCompany Secretary 2014-06-13 CURRENT 2014-06-13 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited CITIZENS OF HUMANITY (U.K.), LTD.Company Secretary 2014-05-20 CURRENT 2009-07-29 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited ALESTRA GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-01-06 CURRENT 2013-12-09 Liquidation
Forgate Secretaries Limited MARCOPOLO ASIA LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-10-18 CURRENT 2013-10-18 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited OFFSIDE LTDCompany Secretary 2013-07-30 CURRENT 2013-07-30 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited LAND PROJECT AND DEVELOPMENT LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-03-14 CURRENT 2003-03-26 Dissolved 2017-03-12
Forgate Secretaries Limited GJ MUSIC LTDCompany Secretary 2013-01-04 CURRENT 2013-01-04 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited CFE (UK) LTDCompany Secretary 2012-12-07 CURRENT 2012-12-07 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited TESAUR UE LTDCompany Secretary 2012-06-21 CURRENT 2003-12-03 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited AXZIUS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-01-27 CURRENT 2012-01-27 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited KENGEE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2011-01-14 CURRENT 2011-01-14 Active
Forgate Secretaries Limited ACCOLAB LTDCompany Secretary 2010-07-26 CURRENT 2010-07-13 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited IDIBA LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2010-06-16 CURRENT 2010-06-16 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Forgate Secretaries Limited KB COMMODITIES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2010-02-15 CURRENT 2008-05-23 Dissolved 2015-09-22
Forgate Secretaries Limited J & M RACING LTDCompany Secretary 2010-02-09 CURRENT 2010-02-09 Active - Proposal to Strike off

Related Directorships for Tania Maggiolo

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Tania Maggiolo ABITARE LONDON LTDDirector 2012-04-27 CURRENT 2012-04-27 Dissolved 2013-10-01