Company Information for



Company Registration Number


Private Limited Company


About Huntford Ltd

HUNTFORD LTD was founded on 2014-09-17 and had its registered office in South Tottenham. The company was dissolved on the 2017-02-28 and is no longer trading or active.

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
N15 6BL
Other companies in N15

Filing Information

Company Number09223438
Date formed2014-09-17
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePrivate Limited Company
Company StatusDissolved
Lastest accounts2015-09-30
Date Dissolved2017-02-28
Last Datalog update:
2017-08-15 14:22:48
Primary Source:

Company Directors at or before company was Dissolved 2017-02-28

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
Etelka Noe Director DIRECTOR 2014-09-17 UNITED KINGDOM
Salomon Noe Director DIRECTOR 2014-09-17 ENGLAND

Previous Directors

There are no previous directors or officers recorded

Related Directorships for Etelka Noe

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Etelka Noe HILLINGTON LTDDirector 2006-08-08 CURRENT 2006-07-17 Active
Etelka Noe REISEL TRUSTDirector 2002-04-15 CURRENT 2002-04-15 Active
Etelka Noe LANDMASTER PROPERTIES LTDDirector 2002-04-13 CURRENT 1997-02-03 Live but Receiver Manager on at least one charge
Etelka Noe 126/132 HIGH STREET (ELGIN) (NO.1) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Etelka Noe 52 HIGH STREET (HAWICK) (NO.2) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-17 Liquidation
Etelka Noe 71/73 HIGH STREET (DUMBARTON) (NO.2) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Etelka Noe 52 HIGH STREET (HAWICK) (NO.1) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-17 Liquidation
Etelka Noe 50 HIGH STREET (HAWICK) (NO.1) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Etelka Noe 157/159 HIGH STREET (ELGIN) (NO.1) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Etelka Noe 157/159 HIGH STREET (ELGIN) (NO.2) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Etelka Noe 50 HIGH STREET (HAWICK) (NO.2) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Etelka Noe 71/73 HIGH STREET (DUMBARTON) (NO.1) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Etelka Noe 126/132 HIGH STREET (ELGIN) (NO.2) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Etelka Noe KEWBRIDGE LTDDirector 2002-03-27 CURRENT 2002-03-27 Active
Etelka Noe CARONSTYLE LIMITEDDirector 1996-04-18 CURRENT 1996-03-12 Dissolved 2016-10-05
Etelka Noe DENSTAR LIMITEDDirector 1995-08-01 CURRENT 1995-07-25 Active
Etelka Noe GABLEHOLT LIMITEDDirector 1991-09-25 CURRENT 1978-06-06 Active - Proposal to Strike off

Related Directorships for Salomon Noe

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Salomon Noe BAILEYWICK LIMITEDDirector 2016-02-18 CURRENT 2016-02-18 Active
Salomon Noe ELTER LIMITEDDirector 2013-12-19 CURRENT 2013-12-19 Dissolved 2015-08-04
Salomon Noe BOUNTYFORD LIMITEDDirector 2013-12-18 CURRENT 2013-12-18 Dissolved 2015-08-04
Salomon Noe FINEPACE LTDDirector 2013-11-07 CURRENT 2013-11-07 Dissolved 2015-06-23
Salomon Noe MANORSTATE LTDDirector 2013-07-16 CURRENT 2013-07-16 Dissolved 2015-08-18
Salomon Noe MANORPRIME LTDDirector 2013-07-15 CURRENT 2013-07-15 Dissolved 2015-08-18
Salomon Noe STRONGPARK LTDDirector 2008-01-16 CURRENT 2007-11-27 Liquidation
Salomon Noe LANDMOOR ESTATES LTDDirector 2007-07-03 CURRENT 2007-06-19 Dissolved 2015-02-24
Salomon Noe REDDINGFORD LTDDirector 2006-12-04 CURRENT 2006-11-02 Dissolved 2015-03-17
Salomon Noe NORMINGTON LTDDirector 2006-11-15 CURRENT 2006-11-14 Dissolved 2015-03-17
Salomon Noe EDGELINK ESTATES LTDDirector 2006-06-20 CURRENT 2006-06-20 Dissolved 2015-02-03
Salomon Noe STRONGEAGLE LTDDirector 2005-11-21 CURRENT 2005-11-03 Active
Salomon Noe HALECRAFT LIMITEDDirector 2005-11-02 CURRENT 2005-07-22 Active
Salomon Noe IVERLEX LTDDirector 2005-09-30 CURRENT 2005-09-29 Dissolved 2016-11-15
Salomon Noe HAVENLEA ESTATES LTDDirector 2005-06-02 CURRENT 2005-05-11 Dissolved 2014-12-23
Salomon Noe CLOVERPARK LTDDirector 2003-09-03 CURRENT 2003-06-10 Dissolved 2014-10-14
Salomon Noe WICKERTON LTDDirector 2003-09-03 CURRENT 2003-06-10 Dissolved 2014-10-14
Salomon Noe CEDARPORT LTDDirector 2003-09-03 CURRENT 2003-06-10 Dissolved 2014-10-14
Salomon Noe BELLERTON LTDDirector 2003-08-01 CURRENT 2003-07-11 Dissolved 2014-11-18
Salomon Noe MEADOWBURN LTDDirector 2003-08-01 CURRENT 2003-07-25 Dissolved 2014-11-18
Salomon Noe CHILTONWOOD LTDDirector 2003-08-01 CURRENT 2003-07-11 Dissolved 2014-11-18
Salomon Noe KLAYMEAD LTDDirector 2003-08-01 CURRENT 2003-07-25 Dissolved 2014-11-18
Salomon Noe AGRA (FREEMAN DEVELOPMENT,GRIMSBY) LTDDirector 2003-05-09 CURRENT 2003-05-08 Dissolved 2014-12-23
Salomon Noe 72 THE MOOR SHEFFIELD (NO. 1) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Salomon Noe 126/132 HIGH STREET (ELGIN) (NO.1) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Salomon Noe 52 HIGH STREET (HAWICK) (NO.2) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-17 Liquidation
Salomon Noe 72 THE MOOR SHEFFIELD (NO. 2) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Salomon Noe 71/73 HIGH STREET (DUMBARTON) (NO.2) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Salomon Noe 52 HIGH STREET (HAWICK) (NO.1) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-17 Liquidation
Salomon Noe 50 HIGH STREET (HAWICK) (NO.1) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Salomon Noe 157/159 HIGH STREET (ELGIN) (NO.1) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Salomon Noe 157/159 HIGH STREET (ELGIN) (NO.2) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Salomon Noe 50 HIGH STREET (HAWICK) (NO.2) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Salomon Noe 71/73 HIGH STREET (DUMBARTON) (NO.1) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Salomon Noe 126/132 HIGH STREET (ELGIN) (NO.2) LIMITEDDirector 2002-04-12 CURRENT 2001-12-12 Liquidation
Salomon Noe ULTRAGRANGE LIMITEDDirector 2001-10-08 CURRENT 2001-07-24 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Salomon Noe HAVENSTONE PROPERTIES LIMITEDDirector 1999-02-18 CURRENT 1998-07-15 Dissolved 2014-11-18
Salomon Noe LANDMASTER PROPERTIES LTDDirector 1997-02-10 CURRENT 1997-02-03 Live but Receiver Manager on at least one charge
Salomon Noe ROSEBEAM LIMITEDDirector 1996-06-06 CURRENT 1996-06-05 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Salomon Noe CARONSTYLE LIMITEDDirector 1996-04-18 CURRENT 1996-03-12 Dissolved 2016-10-05
Salomon Noe UNELLA LIMITEDDirector 1996-02-26 CURRENT 1996-02-15 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Salomon Noe CRESTAWORTH LIMITEDDirector 1992-10-08 CURRENT 1992-10-02 Dissolved 2017-02-28
Salomon Noe RICEMAN ESTATES LIMITEDDirector 1992-09-29 CURRENT 1973-08-14 Active
Salomon Noe PLACEHOLD LIMITEDDirector 1991-01-15 CURRENT 1987-07-29 Dissolved 2016-05-10