Company Information for



Company Registration Number


Private Limited Company


About Brooklin Models Ltd

BROOKLIN MODELS LIMITED was founded on 2015-05-08 and has its registered office in Radstock. The organisation's status is listed as "Active". Brooklin Models Limited is a Private Limited Company registered in UNITED KINGDOM with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as UNAUDITED ABRIDGED

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
Previous Names

Filing Information

Company Number09580519
Date formed2015-05-08
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePrivate Limited Company
Company StatusActive
Lastest accounts31/12/2023
Account next due30/09/2025
Latest filing return29/06/2016
Filing return next due27/07/2017
Last Datalog update:
2024-11-05 18:01:37
Primary Source:

Current Directors

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
Lincoln Secretaries Limited Company Secretary 2015-05-08
Luca Benigni Director CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 2015-10-01 ITALY
Gary James Gartner Director LAWYER 2017-05-01 UNITED STATES
Nigel Mark Parker Director COMPANY DIRECTOR 2015-10-01 ENGLAND

Previous Directors

There are no previous directors or officers recorded

Related Directorships for Lincoln Secretaries Limited

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Lincoln Secretaries Limited SIGILLUS LTDCompany Secretary 2018-05-23 CURRENT 2015-11-10 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited FABULOGICA LTDCompany Secretary 2018-02-13 CURRENT 2015-10-04 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited SICES LTDCompany Secretary 2018-01-29 CURRENT 2018-01-29 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited CASTEL RE LTDCompany Secretary 2018-01-29 CURRENT 2018-01-29 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited INTERLACE HOLDINGS LTDCompany Secretary 2018-01-26 CURRENT 2016-03-16 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited VOULAZ JEAN-BAPTISTE RE LTDCompany Secretary 2017-12-18 CURRENT 2017-12-18 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BABA RE LTDCompany Secretary 2017-12-18 CURRENT 2017-12-18 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited INTERWORK RE LTDCompany Secretary 2017-12-15 CURRENT 2017-12-15 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited DOMINIQUE RE LTDCompany Secretary 2017-12-14 CURRENT 2017-12-14 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited VALENTINO RE LTDCompany Secretary 2017-12-14 CURRENT 2017-12-14 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited MULTILEVEL RE LTDCompany Secretary 2017-12-14 CURRENT 2017-12-14 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited FINGRAINES LTDCompany Secretary 2017-12-12 CURRENT 2017-12-12 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited POLITIMI LTDCompany Secretary 2017-12-08 CURRENT 2017-12-08 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited REGGELBERGBAU RE LTDCompany Secretary 2017-12-08 CURRENT 2017-12-08 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited VASSILIO LTDCompany Secretary 2017-12-08 CURRENT 2017-12-08 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited REGGELBERGBAU TESAURERY LTDCompany Secretary 2017-12-07 CURRENT 2017-12-07 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited NETTUNO LTDCompany Secretary 2017-11-23 CURRENT 2017-11-23 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited GELOSO LTDCompany Secretary 2017-10-30 CURRENT 2017-10-12 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited RE DACIA LTDCompany Secretary 2017-08-09 CURRENT 2017-08-09 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited AZZURRA RE LTDCompany Secretary 2017-08-09 CURRENT 2017-08-09 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited VALESTREAM LTDCompany Secretary 2017-08-08 CURRENT 2017-08-08 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited VALENTE HOLDING LTDCompany Secretary 2017-08-07 CURRENT 2017-08-07 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited GI & GI CONSULTING LTDCompany Secretary 2017-08-03 CURRENT 2017-08-03 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BI-REI LTDCompany Secretary 2017-07-10 CURRENT 2017-07-10 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited ARGENTA SUB-HOLDING LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2017-06-22 CURRENT 2017-06-22 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited FOODATION LTDCompany Secretary 2017-06-22 CURRENT 2017-06-22 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited IDA CAPITAL LTDCompany Secretary 2017-06-07 CURRENT 2013-10-29 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited YUMMY CONSULTING LTDCompany Secretary 2016-12-12 CURRENT 2016-12-12 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited GABRIELA HERMA LTDCompany Secretary 2016-11-25 CURRENT 2016-11-25 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited MOVIE-INVEST LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2016-11-09 CURRENT 1996-02-14 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited OMNINECS EUROPE LTDCompany Secretary 2016-10-18 CURRENT 2016-10-18 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited PRO-MEET PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS LTDCompany Secretary 2016-08-12 CURRENT 2016-08-12 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited ONH LTDCompany Secretary 2016-07-27 CURRENT 2016-07-27 Liquidation
Lincoln Secretaries Limited GNAM UK LTDCompany Secretary 2016-07-14 CURRENT 2016-07-14 Dissolved 2018-02-27
Lincoln Secretaries Limited RAMSEY & PEARCE LTDCompany Secretary 2016-04-21 CURRENT 2016-04-21 Dissolved 2017-10-17
Lincoln Secretaries Limited MOSBY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2016-03-31 CURRENT 2016-03-31 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited THAMYS LTDCompany Secretary 2016-03-21 CURRENT 2016-03-21 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited DIAMOND MIND LTDCompany Secretary 2016-03-11 CURRENT 2016-03-11 Dissolved 2017-01-24
Lincoln Secretaries Limited MA.SELETTRA LTDCompany Secretary 2016-03-04 CURRENT 2016-03-04 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited SA.GRA LTDCompany Secretary 2016-01-27 CURRENT 2016-01-27 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited DC & PARTNERS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2015-10-16 CURRENT 2015-04-27 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited TRIPTALK LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2015-09-26 CURRENT 2015-09-26 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited INTERNATIONAL DIE CASTING LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2015-08-26 CURRENT 2011-12-20 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited ITALIANITY LTDCompany Secretary 2015-07-21 CURRENT 2015-07-21 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited AREA SOLUTIONS LTDCompany Secretary 2015-06-17 CURRENT 2015-06-17 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited SPORT POWER MIND LTDCompany Secretary 2015-05-27 CURRENT 2015-05-27 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited APIS CAPITAL LTDCompany Secretary 2015-05-21 CURRENT 2015-05-21 Dissolved 2017-04-25
Lincoln Secretaries Limited KELMER FREIGHT AUDITS LTDCompany Secretary 2015-04-10 CURRENT 2015-04-10 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited INTERNATIONAL SPORT MENTAL COACHING LTDCompany Secretary 2015-03-18 CURRENT 2015-03-18 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited AROMA HOLDING UK LTDCompany Secretary 2015-02-03 CURRENT 2015-02-03 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited CELESTIAL COLLECTION LTDCompany Secretary 2015-01-09 CURRENT 2015-01-09 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited RASINI FAIRWAY CAPITAL LTDCompany Secretary 2015-01-01 CURRENT 1999-04-22 Dissolved 2018-07-24
Lincoln Secretaries Limited ERMANNO SCERVINO LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-12-03 CURRENT 2007-05-17 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited RR INTERNATIONAL TRAINING LTDCompany Secretary 2014-10-31 CURRENT 2014-10-31 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited CLIKING INVESTMENT LTDCompany Secretary 2014-10-15 CURRENT 2014-10-15 Liquidation
Lincoln Secretaries Limited KMFK LTDCompany Secretary 2014-10-01 CURRENT 2014-10-01 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited AG MONTAGGI LTDCompany Secretary 2014-08-01 CURRENT 2013-10-03 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited CHEMISTAR LTDCompany Secretary 2014-07-24 CURRENT 2014-07-24 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited LUXURY ITALIAN STYLE LTDCompany Secretary 2014-07-03 CURRENT 2014-07-03 Dissolved 2017-11-21
Lincoln Secretaries Limited SALTCOM LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-06-16 CURRENT 2014-06-16 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited HORSY&CO LTDCompany Secretary 2014-06-12 CURRENT 2014-06-12 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited LA MODE RETAIL LTDCompany Secretary 2014-06-02 CURRENT 2014-06-02 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BENIGNI & K INTERNATIONAL LTDCompany Secretary 2014-05-07 CURRENT 2014-05-07 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited CENTUR LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-03-18 CURRENT 2013-11-25 Dissolved 2016-11-22
Lincoln Secretaries Limited NEMO PLUS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-02-13 CURRENT 2004-02-12 Dissolved 2016-11-01
Lincoln Secretaries Limited SESTANTE HOLDING LTDCompany Secretary 2014-02-03 CURRENT 2014-02-03 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited MD & CO HOLDINGS LTDCompany Secretary 2014-01-29 CURRENT 2014-01-29 Dissolved 2018-04-24
Lincoln Secretaries Limited HOMETAC LTDCompany Secretary 2014-01-17 CURRENT 2014-01-17 Dissolved 2016-04-26
Lincoln Secretaries Limited FDI HOLDING UK LTDCompany Secretary 2013-12-17 CURRENT 2013-12-17 Dissolved 2017-11-21
Lincoln Secretaries Limited KELMERISK LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-12-06 CURRENT 2013-12-06 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited UNIVERSAL LUXURY TRADING LTDCompany Secretary 2013-11-11 CURRENT 2013-11-11 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited GEPPO LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-10-31 CURRENT 2013-10-31 Dissolved 2017-04-18
Lincoln Secretaries Limited FEEL NICE UN LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-09-25 CURRENT 2013-09-25 Dissolved 2018-06-26
Lincoln Secretaries Limited ADV CHANNEL LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-08-16 CURRENT 2008-12-10 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited CANDLER PROPERTIES LTDCompany Secretary 2013-07-08 CURRENT 2013-07-08 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited GORDON PROPERTIES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-04-01 CURRENT 2000-06-12 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited FINCLUSTER LTDCompany Secretary 2013-01-14 CURRENT 2013-01-14 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited CPWH UK LTDCompany Secretary 2012-12-06 CURRENT 2012-12-06 Dissolved 2018-07-17
Lincoln Secretaries Limited AYSTON CAPITAL LTDCompany Secretary 2012-10-22 CURRENT 2012-10-22 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited CREA MC LTDCompany Secretary 2012-10-08 CURRENT 2012-10-08 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited IDS ITALIAN DESIGN SOLUTIONS LTDCompany Secretary 2012-09-20 CURRENT 2012-09-20 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited MERCRAFT LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-09-12 CURRENT 2012-09-12 Dissolved 2017-07-11
Lincoln Secretaries Limited JARVILLE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-09-05 CURRENT 2012-09-05 Dissolved 2015-06-16
Lincoln Secretaries Limited DOS & DONTS UK LTDCompany Secretary 2012-06-07 CURRENT 2012-06-07 Dissolved 2016-06-07
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BORRELLO & CO. UK LTDCompany Secretary 2012-04-25 CURRENT 2012-04-25 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited ELC WELLNESS LTDCompany Secretary 2012-04-13 CURRENT 2012-04-13 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited MARTINS CONSULTANCY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-02-27 CURRENT 2011-04-19 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited MULTIDUBBING LTD.Company Secretary 2012-01-03 CURRENT 2012-01-03 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited AKELA REAL ESTATE LTDCompany Secretary 2011-10-13 CURRENT 2011-10-13 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BALOO REAL ESTATE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2011-08-09 CURRENT 2011-08-09 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited F&M INTERNATIONAL LTDCompany Secretary 2011-02-21 CURRENT 2011-02-21 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited TENET INVESTMENT LTDCompany Secretary 2011-02-17 CURRENT 2011-02-17 Dissolved 2017-06-06
Lincoln Secretaries Limited CARBAY DESIGN LTDCompany Secretary 2011-02-04 CURRENT 2011-02-04 Dissolved 2015-05-12
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BEST PRICE (UK) LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2011-02-04 CURRENT 2000-09-19 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited ENERGIA EUROPA LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2010-11-08 CURRENT 2010-11-08 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited PLANETPRIDE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2010-08-25 CURRENT 1983-03-31 Dissolved 2015-06-30
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BLACKSTONE FINANCE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2010-08-20 CURRENT 1997-06-11 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BONVILLE MANOR UK LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2009-12-23 CURRENT 2009-12-23 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited OMNIA MULTILINGUAL SOLUTIONS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2009-11-24 CURRENT 2009-11-24 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited LITTLEBAND LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2009-09-01 CURRENT 1995-04-12 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited CANALI RETAIL UK LTD.Company Secretary 2009-05-27 CURRENT 2009-05-27 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited DERRICK MEDIA LTDCompany Secretary 2009-05-22 CURRENT 2009-05-22 Dissolved 2017-03-07
Lincoln Secretaries Limited NAYARD INVESTMENT LTDCompany Secretary 2009-05-13 CURRENT 2009-05-13 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited KELMER PROCUREMENT LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2009-04-08 CURRENT 2009-04-08 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited FILA SURFACE CARE PRODUCTS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2009-03-20 CURRENT 2009-03-20 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited MEYRTON PROPERTIES LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2009-01-28 CURRENT 2009-01-28 Dissolved 2016-02-23
Lincoln Secretaries Limited SEBYLL LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2008-09-11 CURRENT 2008-09-11 Dissolved 2015-07-21
Lincoln Secretaries Limited STRAWBERRY DESIGN LTDCompany Secretary 2008-08-05 CURRENT 2008-08-05 Dissolved 2015-10-27
Lincoln Secretaries Limited @ HOME INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES LTDCompany Secretary 2008-03-11 CURRENT 2008-03-11 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited TECNINT ARREDAMENTI LTDCompany Secretary 2008-01-16 CURRENT 2008-01-16 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BOBSON LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2007-12-18 CURRENT 2007-12-18 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited DOBBSON LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2007-11-29 CURRENT 2007-11-29 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited A.B. INDUSTRIES LTDCompany Secretary 2007-09-27 CURRENT 2007-09-27 Dissolved 2015-08-11
Lincoln Secretaries Limited RICHMORE HOLDINGS LTDCompany Secretary 2007-09-10 CURRENT 2007-01-24 Dissolved 2013-11-26
Lincoln Secretaries Limited LC MEDIA SOLUTIONS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2007-06-12 CURRENT 2007-06-12 Dissolved 2013-11-19
Lincoln Secretaries Limited B & O ASSOCIATES LTD.Company Secretary 2007-05-09 CURRENT 2007-05-09 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited MACH TOOLS LTD.Company Secretary 2007-04-18 CURRENT 2004-01-30 Dissolved 2016-08-16
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BRILLIANT BEAUTY TRADING LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2007-03-13 CURRENT 2007-03-13 Dissolved 2014-06-24
Lincoln Secretaries Limited JOHN ASHTON RUSSELL & PARTNERS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2007-02-02 CURRENT 2007-02-02 Dissolved 2013-11-12
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BARCELONISTA SPORTURISMO LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2007-01-04 CURRENT 2007-01-04 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited FACTORING & FINANCING EUROPE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-11-01 CURRENT 2006-11-01 Dissolved 2017-01-17
Lincoln Secretaries Limited ABACA HOLIDAYS AND BUSINESS LTDCompany Secretary 2006-11-01 CURRENT 2006-11-01 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited PERSPECTIVE VIEWS LTDCompany Secretary 2006-10-20 CURRENT 2006-10-20 Dissolved 2013-12-17
Lincoln Secretaries Limited FAR EAST SERVICED OFFICES LTDCompany Secretary 2006-09-28 CURRENT 2006-09-28 Dissolved 2015-08-18
Lincoln Secretaries Limited DAPHNE INVESTMENTS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-05-03 CURRENT 2006-05-03 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BOSHELL LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-03-03 CURRENT 2006-03-03 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited NEMYSIS TRADING LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-02-17 CURRENT 2006-02-17 Dissolved 2016-06-14
Lincoln Secretaries Limited BROMPTON MANOR (UK) LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-02-15 CURRENT 2006-02-15 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Lincoln Secretaries Limited HAZELMERE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-01-27 CURRENT 2006-01-27 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited INFRASTRUCTURE POLSKA LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2005-12-12 CURRENT 2005-12-12 Dissolved 2017-05-02
Lincoln Secretaries Limited INVESTMEDIA UK LTDCompany Secretary 2005-11-03 CURRENT 2005-11-01 Dissolved 2017-12-12
Lincoln Secretaries Limited DOCUMEDICA TRADING CO. LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2005-04-11 CURRENT 2005-04-11 Dissolved 2016-02-09
Lincoln Secretaries Limited SHERINGHAM LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2004-10-15 CURRENT 2004-10-15 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited WEIMAR LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2004-10-04 CURRENT 2004-10-04 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited CORBET LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2004-10-04 CURRENT 2004-10-04 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited CRYSTALHAVEN LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2004-04-30 CURRENT 2000-08-29 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited HMR HOLDING LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2003-12-11 CURRENT 2003-12-11 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited MIRABELLA LTD.Company Secretary 2003-08-18 CURRENT 1998-12-10 Active
Lincoln Secretaries Limited HAMILTON DIRECTORS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2002-03-21 CURRENT 2002-03-21 Dissolved 2014-06-03

Related Directorships for Pietro Marini

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Pietro Marini PRO-MEET PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS LTDDirector 2016-08-12 CURRENT 2016-08-12 Active
Pietro Marini @ HOME INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES LTDDirector 2016-05-18 CURRENT 2008-03-11 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Pietro Marini KMFK LTDDirector 2014-10-01 CURRENT 2014-10-01 Active
Pietro Marini BENIGNI & K INTERNATIONAL LTDDirector 2014-05-07 CURRENT 2014-05-07 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Pietro Marini KELMER UK LTDDirector 2013-12-01 CURRENT 2004-10-15 Active