Company Information for



Company Registration Number


Private Limited Company


About St William Eighteen Ltd

ST WILLIAM EIGHTEEN LIMITED was founded on 2018-05-30 and has its registered office in Cobham. The organisation's status is listed as "Active". St William Eighteen Limited is a Private Limited Company registered in UNITED KINGDOM with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as DORMANT
  • Company is not active ie not engaged in any business activity or receiving income or profits
  • Is not incurring costs other than: Annual return fee, late filing fees, companies house admin fees eg company name change or share payments
  • Holds no assets capable of producing any profits or income
  • Holds assets that are unlikely to produce profits and income in the near future
  • Investment trusts, pensions and client account companies may show as dormant companies as they are non trading

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
KT11 1JG

Filing Information

Company Number11388101
Date formed2018-05-30
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePrivate Limited Company
Company StatusActive
Lastest accounts30/04/2023
Account next due31/01/2025
Filing return next due27/06/2019
Type of accountsDORMANT
Last Datalog update:
2024-06-07 15:23:05
Primary Source:

Current Directors

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
Jared Stephen Philip Cranney Company Secretary 2018-05-30
Richard Alden Director DIRECTOR 2018-05-30 UNITED KINGDOM
Neil Leslie Eady Director DIRECTOR 2018-05-30 UNITED KINGDOM
Philip Duncan Edwards Director DIRECTOR 2018-05-30 UNITED KINGDOM
Prem Kumar Gabbi Director DIRECTOR 2018-05-30 UNITED KINGDOM
Robert Charles Grenville Perrins Director DIRECTOR 2018-05-30 UNITED KINGDOM
Anthony William Pidgley Director DIRECTOR 2018-05-30 UNITED KINGDOM
Richard James Stearn Director DIRECTOR 2018-05-30 UNITED KINGDOM
Michael John Westcott Director DIRECTOR 2018-05-30 UNITED KINGDOM

Previous Directors

There are no previous directors or officers recorded

Related Directorships for Richard Alden

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FOUR LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM TWENTY-TWO LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM TWENTY-THREE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SIX LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM TWENTY-EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM NINETEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-30 CURRENT 2018-05-30 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM SEVENTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FIVE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-25 CURRENT 2018-05-25 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM FIFTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-27 CURRENT 2017-09-27 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM SIXTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-27 CURRENT 2017-09-27 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM ELEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-27 CURRENT 2017-09-27 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM TWELVE LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-26 CURRENT 2017-09-26 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM FOURTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-26 CURRENT 2017-09-26 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM TEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-25 CURRENT 2017-09-25 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM NINE LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-21 CURRENT 2017-09-21 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM THIRTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-21 CURRENT 2017-09-21 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM SIX LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-14 CURRENT 2017-09-14 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-14 CURRENT 2017-09-14 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-14 CURRENT 2017-09-14 Active
Richard Alden ST WILLIAM FIVE LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-12 CURRENT 2017-09-12 Active
Richard Alden BIRCH SITES LIMITEDDirector 2016-02-18 CURRENT 2007-10-19 Active
Richard Alden NATIONAL GRID PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2016-02-18 CURRENT 1999-06-24 Active
Richard Alden NATIONAL GRID WILLIAM LIMITEDDirector 2016-02-18 CURRENT 2010-06-21 Active
Richard Alden NATIONAL GRID TWENTY SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2016-02-18 CURRENT 2012-01-27 Active
Richard Alden PORT GREENWICH LIMITEDDirector 2016-02-18 CURRENT 1989-06-06 Active
Richard Alden NATIONAL GRID TWENTY EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2016-02-18 CURRENT 2012-01-27 Active

Related Directorships for Neil Leslie Eady

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Neil Leslie Eady ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FOUR LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Neil Leslie Eady ST WILLIAM TWENTY-TWO LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Neil Leslie Eady ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Neil Leslie Eady ST WILLIAM TWENTY-THREE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Neil Leslie Eady ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SIX LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Neil Leslie Eady ST WILLIAM TWENTY-EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Neil Leslie Eady ST WILLIAM NINETEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-30 CURRENT 2018-05-30 Active
Neil Leslie Eady ST WILLIAM SEVENTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Neil Leslie Eady ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FIVE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Neil Leslie Eady ST WILLIAM HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-25 CURRENT 2018-05-25 Active

Related Directorships for Philip Duncan Edwards

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FOUR LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM TWENTY-TWO LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM TWENTY-THREE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SIX LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM TWENTY-EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM NINETEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-30 CURRENT 2018-05-30 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM SEVENTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FIVE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-25 CURRENT 2018-05-25 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM FIFTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-27 CURRENT 2017-09-27 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM SIXTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-27 CURRENT 2017-09-27 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM ELEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-27 CURRENT 2017-09-27 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM TWELVE LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-26 CURRENT 2017-09-26 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM FOURTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-26 CURRENT 2017-09-26 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM TEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-25 CURRENT 2017-09-25 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM NINE LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-21 CURRENT 2017-09-21 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM THIRTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-21 CURRENT 2017-09-21 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM SIX LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-14 CURRENT 2017-09-14 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-14 CURRENT 2017-09-14 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-14 CURRENT 2017-09-14 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM FIVE LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-12 CURRENT 2017-09-12 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM FOUR LTDDirector 2017-05-04 CURRENT 2017-05-04 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM THREE LTDDirector 2017-05-04 CURRENT 2017-05-04 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM TWO LTDDirector 2017-05-04 CURRENT 2017-05-04 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards ST WILLIAM ONE LTDDirector 2017-05-03 CURRENT 2017-05-03 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards BIRCH SITES LIMITEDDirector 2017-05-01 CURRENT 2007-10-19 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards NATIONAL GRID PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2017-05-01 CURRENT 1999-06-24 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards NATIONAL GRID TWENTY SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-05-01 CURRENT 2012-01-27 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards PORT GREENWICH LIMITEDDirector 2017-05-01 CURRENT 1989-06-06 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards NATIONAL GRID TWENTY EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2017-05-01 CURRENT 2012-01-27 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards NATIONAL GRID WILLIAM LIMITEDDirector 2015-01-20 CURRENT 2010-06-21 Active
Philip Duncan Edwards NATIONAL GRID PROPERTY (NORTHFLEET) LIMITEDDirector 2008-03-28 CURRENT 2008-03-28 Dissolved 2017-08-19

Related Directorships for Prem Kumar Gabbi

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FOUR LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM TWENTY-TWO LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM TWENTY-THREE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SIX LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM TWENTY-EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM NINETEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-30 CURRENT 2018-05-30 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM SEVENTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FIVE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-25 CURRENT 2018-05-25 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM FIFTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-27 CURRENT 2017-09-27 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM SIXTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-27 CURRENT 2017-09-27 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM ELEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-27 CURRENT 2017-09-27 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM TWELVE LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-26 CURRENT 2017-09-26 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM FOURTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-26 CURRENT 2017-09-26 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM TEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-25 CURRENT 2017-09-25 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM NINE LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-21 CURRENT 2017-09-21 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM THIRTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-21 CURRENT 2017-09-21 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM SIX LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-14 CURRENT 2017-09-14 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-14 CURRENT 2017-09-14 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-14 CURRENT 2017-09-14 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi ST WILLIAM FIVE LIMITEDDirector 2017-09-12 CURRENT 2017-09-12 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi BIRCH SITES LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-20 CURRENT 2007-10-19 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi NATIONAL GRID PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-20 CURRENT 1999-06-24 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi NATIONAL GRID WILLIAM LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-20 CURRENT 2010-06-21 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi NATIONAL GRID TWENTY SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-20 CURRENT 2012-01-27 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi PORT GREENWICH LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-20 CURRENT 1989-06-06 Active
Prem Kumar Gabbi NATIONAL GRID TWENTY EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-20 CURRENT 2012-01-27 Active

Related Directorships for Robert Charles Grenville Perrins

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Robert Charles Grenville Perrins ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FOUR LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Robert Charles Grenville Perrins ST WILLIAM TWENTY-TWO LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Robert Charles Grenville Perrins ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Robert Charles Grenville Perrins ST WILLIAM TWENTY-THREE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Robert Charles Grenville Perrins ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SIX LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Robert Charles Grenville Perrins ST WILLIAM TWENTY-EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Robert Charles Grenville Perrins ST WILLIAM NINETEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-30 CURRENT 2018-05-30 Active
Robert Charles Grenville Perrins ST WILLIAM SEVENTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Robert Charles Grenville Perrins ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FIVE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Robert Charles Grenville Perrins ST WILLIAM HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-25 CURRENT 2018-05-25 Active

Related Directorships for Anthony William Pidgley

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Anthony William Pidgley ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FOUR LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Anthony William Pidgley ST WILLIAM TWENTY-TWO LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Anthony William Pidgley ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Anthony William Pidgley ST WILLIAM TWENTY-THREE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Anthony William Pidgley ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SIX LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Anthony William Pidgley ST WILLIAM TWENTY-EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Anthony William Pidgley ST WILLIAM NINETEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-30 CURRENT 2018-05-30 Active
Anthony William Pidgley ST WILLIAM SEVENTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Anthony William Pidgley ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FIVE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Anthony William Pidgley ST WILLIAM HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-25 CURRENT 2018-05-25 Active
Anthony William Pidgley ANTSARA INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2017-07-07 CURRENT 2017-07-07 Active

Related Directorships for Michael John Westcott

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FOUR LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM TWENTY-TWO LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM TWENTY-THREE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM TWENTY-SIX LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM TWENTY-EIGHT LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-31 CURRENT 2018-05-31 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM NINETEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-30 CURRENT 2018-05-30 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM SEVENTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM TWENTY-FIVE LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-26 CURRENT 2018-05-26 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM HOLDINGS LIMITEDDirector 2018-05-25 CURRENT 2018-05-25 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM SEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-04-26 CURRENT 2017-09-14 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM NINE LIMITEDDirector 2018-04-26 CURRENT 2017-09-21 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM THIRTEEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-04-26 CURRENT 2017-09-21 Active
Michael John Westcott ST WILLIAM ELEVEN LIMITEDDirector 2018-04-26 CURRENT 2017-09-27 Active
Michael John Westcott NATIONAL GRID WILLIAM LIMITEDDirector 2017-07-24 CURRENT 2010-06-21 Active
Michael John Westcott CENTREPOINT SOHODirector 2015-08-05 CURRENT 1985-07-09 Active