Company Information for



Company Registration Number



Converted / Closed

About Elmo Las Mimosas

ELMO LAS MIMOSAS was founded on 1996-11-01 and has its registered office in Douglas. The organisation's status is listed as "Converted / Closed". Elmo Las Mimosas is a Converted/Closed registered in with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as FULL
  • Annual turnover is £6.5 million or more
  • The balance sheet total is £ 3.26 million or more
  • Employs 50 or more employees
  • May be publically listed
  • May be a member of a group of companies meeting any of the above criteria

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
Other companies in IM1

Filing Information

Company NumberFC019778
Date formed1996-11-01
Origin CountryISLE OF MAN
Company StatusConverted / Closed
Lastest accounts2014-03-31
Latest filing return2008-11-18
Type of accountsFULL
Last Datalog update:
2016-07-13 00:08:49
Primary Source:

Current Directors

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
Michael John Gordon Company Secretary 2011-03-28
Manx Secretarial Services Ltd Company Secretary 2006-08-04
Michael John Gordon Director ACCOUNTANT 2011-03-28 UK
John Bailey Hughes Director SOLICITOR 2006-08-04 UNITED KINGDOM
Narinder Kumar Rajput Director SOLICITOR 2006-08-04 ENGLAND

Previous Directors

Officer Role Date AppointedDate Resigned
Fntc (secretaries) Limited Company Secretary 1998-06-24 2006-08-04
Philip Michael Broomhead Director 2005-08-26 2006-08-04
David Jonathan Cox Director 2000-09-01 2006-08-04
Julian Richard Beardsley Director 2004-12-01 2005-08-11
Paul Frederick Francis Gardner Bougaard Director 1996-12-18 2004-12-01
Philip Michael Broomhead Director 1996-12-18 2001-12-10
Alistair Charles Peter Mclean Director 1997-03-20 2000-01-14
Lee Wright Penrose Company Secretary 1996-12-18 1998-06-24

Related Directorships for Manx Secretarial Services Ltd

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Manx Secretarial Services Ltd WESTRING LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Manx Secretarial Services Ltd DELTAFIELD LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Manx Secretarial Services Ltd FERINA LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Manx Secretarial Services Ltd GRANANE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Manx Secretarial Services Ltd HARTSHILL INVESTMENTS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed
Manx Secretarial Services Ltd LAS MIMOSAS TITLE ONECompany Secretary 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Manx Secretarial Services Ltd LINDEN LAS MIMOSASCompany Secretary 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed
Manx Secretarial Services Ltd MARINEVIEW LAS MIMOSASCompany Secretary 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Manx Secretarial Services Ltd MERRIDALE INVESTMENTS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed
Manx Secretarial Services Ltd SILVERSEA INVESTMENTS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed

Related Directorships for Michael John Gordon

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Michael John Gordon WESTRING LIMITEDDirector 2011-03-28 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Michael John Gordon DELTAFIELD LIMITEDDirector 2011-03-28 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Michael John Gordon FERINA LIMITEDDirector 2011-03-28 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Michael John Gordon GRANANE LIMITEDDirector 2011-03-28 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Michael John Gordon HARTSHILL INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2011-03-28 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed
Michael John Gordon LAS MIMOSAS TITLE ONEDirector 2011-03-28 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Michael John Gordon MARINEVIEW LAS MIMOSASDirector 2011-03-28 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Michael John Gordon MERRIDALE INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2011-03-28 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed
Michael John Gordon SILVERSEA INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2011-03-28 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed
Michael John Gordon BEACHVIEW LAS MIMOSASDirector 2011-03-28 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Active
Michael John Gordon MARRIAGE MAKEOVER COMPANY LIMITEDDirector 2006-02-23 CURRENT 2006-02-23 Dissolved 2016-03-08
Michael John Gordon HARMONY HOUSE (PERSHORE) LIMITEDDirector 2006-02-23 CURRENT 2006-02-23 Dissolved 2016-03-08

Related Directorships for John Bailey Hughes

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
John Bailey Hughes MIJAS COSTA DEVELOPMENT LIMITEDDirector 2011-07-29 CURRENT 2011-07-29 Active - Proposal to Strike off
John Bailey Hughes CLUB OLYMPUS (UNIT THREE) LIMITEDDirector 2010-05-17 CURRENT 2009-12-21 Active
John Bailey Hughes CLUB OLYMPUS (UNIT FIVE) LIMITEDDirector 2010-05-17 CURRENT 2009-12-21 Active
John Bailey Hughes CLUB OLYMPUS (UNIT TWO) LIMITEDDirector 2010-05-17 CURRENT 2009-12-21 Active
John Bailey Hughes CLUB OLYMPUS (UNIT ONE) LIMITEDDirector 2010-05-17 CURRENT 2009-12-21 Active
John Bailey Hughes CLUB OLYMPUS (UNIT FOUR) LIMITEDDirector 2010-05-17 CURRENT 2009-12-21 Active
John Bailey Hughes CLUB OLYMPUS (UNIT SIX) LIMITEDDirector 2010-05-17 CURRENT 2009-12-21 Active
John Bailey Hughes CLUB OLYMPUS TRUSTEES LIMITEDDirector 2009-12-08 CURRENT 2009-12-08 Active
John Bailey Hughes ABRADE LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-30 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes AMADIS LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-30 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes BALAS LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-30 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes AVENGER LA QUINTADirector 2008-06-30 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes ASMID LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-30 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes ASHLONE LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-30 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes ARROWWOOD LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-30 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes ALACRITY LA QUINTADirector 2008-06-30 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes BRUNICO LA QUINTADirector 2008-06-30 CURRENT 1996-12-11 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes ARDENT LIMITEDDirector 2008-06-30 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Active
John Bailey Hughes WESTRING LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes DELTAFIELD LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes FERINA LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes GRANANE LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes HARTSHILL INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes LAS MIMOSAS TITLE ONEDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes LINDEN LAS MIMOSASDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes MARINEVIEW LAS MIMOSASDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes MERRIDALE INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed
John Bailey Hughes SILVERSEA INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed

Related Directorships for Narinder Kumar Rajput

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Narinder Kumar Rajput TRINITY CORPORATE LAWYERS LIMITEDDirector 2013-06-21 CURRENT 2013-06-21 Dissolved 2016-10-18
Narinder Kumar Rajput TRINITY LAWYERS LIMITEDDirector 2013-06-21 CURRENT 2013-06-21 Active
Narinder Kumar Rajput RAJPUT (HOLDINGS) LIMITEDDirector 2013-04-03 CURRENT 2013-04-03 Dissolved 2014-10-14
Narinder Kumar Rajput LAW OFFICE (N RAJPUT) LIMITEDDirector 2013-04-03 CURRENT 2013-04-03 Dissolved 2014-10-14
Narinder Kumar Rajput RAJPUT (LAW OFFICE) LIMITEDDirector 2013-04-03 CURRENT 2013-04-03 Dissolved 2014-10-14
Narinder Kumar Rajput LAW OFFICE OF N RAJPUT LIMITEDDirector 2013-03-21 CURRENT 2013-03-21 Dissolved 2014-10-14
Narinder Kumar Rajput WESTRING LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Narinder Kumar Rajput DELTAFIELD LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Narinder Kumar Rajput FERINA LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Narinder Kumar Rajput GRANANE LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Narinder Kumar Rajput HARTSHILL INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed
Narinder Kumar Rajput LAS MIMOSAS TITLE ONEDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Narinder Kumar Rajput LINDEN LAS MIMOSASDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed
Narinder Kumar Rajput MARINEVIEW LAS MIMOSASDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-01 Converted / Closed
Narinder Kumar Rajput MERRIDALE INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed
Narinder Kumar Rajput SILVERSEA INVESTMENTS LIMITEDDirector 2006-08-04 CURRENT 1996-11-29 Converted / Closed