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Company Information for


Linx House 8 Stocks Bridge Way, Compass Point Business Park, St Ives, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, PE27 5JL,
Company Registration Number
Private Limited Company

Company Overview

About Linx Printing Technologies Ltd
LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED was founded on 1986-10-22 and has its registered office in St Ives. The organisation's status is listed as "Active". Linx Printing Technologies Limited is a Private Limited Company registered in with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as FULL
  • Annual turnover is £6.5 million or more
  • The balance sheet total is £ 3.26 million or more
  • Employs 50 or more employees
  • May be publically listed
  • May be a member of a group of companies meeting any of the above criteria
Key Data
Company Name
Legal Registered Office
Linx House 8 Stocks Bridge Way
Compass Point Business Park
St Ives
PE27 5JL
Other companies in PE27
Filing Information
Company Number 02066629
Company ID Number 02066629
Date formed 1986-10-22
Origin Country United Kingdom
Type Private Limited Company
CompanyStatus Active
Lastest accounts 2023-12-31
Account next due 2025-09-30
Latest return 2024-12-07
Return next due 2025-12-21
Type of accounts FULL
VAT Number /Sales tax ID GB880391804  
Last Datalog update: 2025-01-15 09:11:07
Primary Source:Companies House
There are multiple companies registered at this address, the registered address may be the accountant's offices for LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED
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The following companies were found which have the same name as LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED. These may be the same company in different jurisdictions
  Registered addressLast known statusFormation date
Linx Printing Technologies Inc. Delaware Unknown


Current Directors
Officer Role Date Appointed
Company Secretary 2016-04-18
Director 2018-02-08
Director 2016-04-18
Director 2005-06-01
Previous Officers
Officer Role Date Appointed Date Resigned
Director 2013-08-09 2018-02-08
Company Secretary 2013-11-28 2016-04-18
Director 2013-08-09 2016-04-18
Company Secretary 2010-09-03 2013-11-28
Director 2005-01-04 2013-08-09
Director 2011-09-06 2013-08-09
Director 2005-01-04 2013-08-09
Director 2005-01-04 2011-09-06
Company Secretary 2005-06-01 2010-09-03
Director 1992-12-07 2007-12-31
Company Secretary 1992-12-07 2005-05-31
Director 1992-12-07 2005-05-31
Director 1994-03-31 2005-01-12
Director 1992-12-07 2005-01-04
Director 1995-03-01 2004-08-06
Director 1992-12-07 2000-10-27
Director 1992-12-07 2000-10-27
Director 1993-05-25 1997-07-01
Director 1992-12-07 1994-08-31
Director 1992-12-07 1993-09-06
Director 1992-12-07 1993-05-19
Director 1992-12-07 1993-03-29

Related Directorships

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
KEITH GRAHAM WARD DH EPSILON LIMITED Director 2018-01-26 CURRENT 2018-01-26 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD IDBS ASIA-PACIFIC LIMITED Director 2017-10-27 CURRENT 2009-09-18 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD INFORSENSE LIMITED Director 2017-10-27 CURRENT 1999-11-15 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD PHENOMENEX LIMITED Director 2016-11-14 CURRENT 1987-05-12 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD PALLOBEL UK FINANCE LIMITED Director 2016-10-28 CURRENT 2016-10-28 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD VJ HOLDCO UK LIMITED Director 2016-04-05 CURRENT 2016-04-05 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD NOBEL BIOCARE U.K. LIMITED Director 2015-08-17 CURRENT 1984-06-27 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD KUK HOLDINGS LIMITED Director 2015-07-17 CURRENT 2015-06-24 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD DTIL UK LIMITED Director 2015-05-05 CURRENT 2015-04-30 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD KERR U.K. LIMITED Director 2015-02-03 CURRENT 1973-09-06 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD NBH HOLDCO LIMITED Director 2015-01-15 CURRENT 2014-08-29 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD RH HOLDCO LIMITED Director 2014-12-09 CURRENT 2014-11-21 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD BCN HOLDCO LIMITED Director 2014-10-08 CURRENT 2014-09-01 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD LTAG UK LIMITED Director 2014-10-08 CURRENT 2014-09-01 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD BCHK UK LIMITED Director 2014-10-08 CURRENT 2014-08-29 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD KAVO DENTAL LIMITED Director 2014-08-21 CURRENT 1969-12-31 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD OTT HYDROMET LIMITED Director 2014-06-01 CURRENT 1999-05-26 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD TRACKSTAR LIMITED Director 2013-10-23 CURRENT 1998-12-11 Dissolved 2015-01-13
KEITH GRAHAM WARD GLOBALWATCHCENTRAL LIMITED Director 2013-10-23 CURRENT 2007-10-04 Dissolved 2015-01-20
KEITH GRAHAM WARD TRI-MEX INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Director 2013-10-23 CURRENT 1998-07-28 Dissolved 2014-02-18
KEITH GRAHAM WARD TRI-MEX GROUP LIMITED Director 2013-10-23 CURRENT 2000-12-01 Dissolved 2015-08-11
KEITH GRAHAM WARD TELETRAC UK LTD Director 2013-10-23 CURRENT 2000-02-08 Dissolved 2015-08-11
KEITH GRAHAM WARD HEMOCUE LIMITED Director 2013-10-08 CURRENT 2006-11-06 Dissolved 2015-09-08
KEITH GRAHAM WARD TELETRAC LTD Director 2013-09-23 CURRENT 2010-05-27 Dissolved 2015-01-20
KEITH GRAHAM WARD NWUK HOLDINGS LIMITED Director 2013-04-16 CURRENT 2013-04-16 Dissolved 2018-01-09
KEITH GRAHAM WARD KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS LIMITED Director 2013-01-30 CURRENT 1967-10-13 Dissolved 2014-03-11
KEITH GRAHAM WARD NAVMAN WIRELESS NZ HOLDCO LIMITED Director 2013-01-25 CURRENT 2007-07-10 Dissolved 2015-01-13
KEITH GRAHAM WARD ANGLODENT COMPANY(THE) Director 2012-07-23 CURRENT 1962-07-18 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD HACH LANGE LTD Director 2012-07-05 CURRENT 1971-11-01 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD DH OMEGA LIMITED Director 2012-04-13 CURRENT 2012-04-13 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD DH ALPHA LIMITED Director 2012-04-13 CURRENT 2012-04-13 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD KERMOTION FINANCE LIMITED Director 2010-11-02 CURRENT 2010-11-02 Dissolved 2014-04-08
KEITH GRAHAM WARD GILZONI LIMITED Director 2010-11-02 CURRENT 2010-11-02 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD LEICA MICROSYSTEMS (GATESHEAD) LTD Director 2010-10-07 CURRENT 1986-01-31 Dissolved 2013-09-24
KEITH GRAHAM WARD GENETIX GROUP LIMITED Director 2010-10-07 CURRENT 2000-06-27 Dissolved 2015-08-18
KEITH GRAHAM WARD MOLECULAR DEVICES (NEW MILTON) LTD Director 2010-10-07 CURRENT 1991-11-04 Dissolved 2015-12-08
KEITH GRAHAM WARD DOWNIN FIVE LIMITED Director 2010-09-20 CURRENT 1999-11-23 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD DH UK FINANCE LIMITED Director 2009-12-07 CURRENT 2009-12-07 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD AB SCIEX UK LIMITED Director 2009-09-02 CURRENT 2009-09-02 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD GNZ HOLDINGS LIMITED Director 2008-09-25 CURRENT 1997-01-24 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD TH FINANCE LIMITED Director 2008-01-04 CURRENT 1997-05-23 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD COMARK LIMITED Director 2006-11-24 CURRENT 1994-05-17 Dissolved 2015-08-11
KEITH GRAHAM WARD JHC FINANCE COMPANY Director 2005-06-20 CURRENT 1996-06-19 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD LINX ACQUISITION LIMITED Director 2004-11-16 CURRENT 2004-10-07 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD GL UK HOLDINGS LIMITED Director 2002-12-17 CURRENT 1930-12-31 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD DUKI (2006) FINANCE LIMITED Director 2001-08-08 CURRENT 1993-05-06 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KEITH GRAHAM WARD VR FINANCE COMPANY Director 1998-09-15 CURRENT 1997-08-28 Active
KEITH GRAHAM WARD VRES HOLDINGS LIMITED Director 1992-12-01 CURRENT 1949-03-17 Active - Proposal to Strike off

More director information

Corporation Filing History
Companies House Filing History
This is a record of the public documents (corporate filing) lodged from Companies House where the company has filed annual returns and other statutory filing documents. Examples of documents filed include: change of registered office, accounts filing, director/officer appointments & resignations, changes in share capital, shareholder members lists etc.

DateDocument TypeDocument Description
2024-10-14FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/23
2023-08-01FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/22
2023-06-05Notification of Launchchange Holdings Limited as a person with significant control on 2023-06-02
2022-07-18AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/21
2021-07-24AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/20
2020-08-12AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/19
2019-07-04AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/18
2019-02-18AD02Register inspection address changed to 19 Jessops Riverside 800 Brightside Lane Sheffield S9 2RX
2019-02-15TM02Termination of appointment of Simon Gordon Edward West on 2019-02-01
2018-07-03AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/17
2017-07-11AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/16
2016-08-24AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/15
2016-04-19AP03Appointment of Mr Simon Gordon Edward West as company secretary on 2016-04-18
2016-04-19TM02Termination of appointment of Darren Paul Beech on 2016-04-18
2015-12-08AR0107/12/15 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2015-07-02AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/14
2014-12-08AR0107/12/14 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2014-12-08CH01Director's details changed for Mr Mark James Cooper on 2014-12-05
2014-07-11AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/13
2013-12-09AR0107/12/13 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2013-11-28AP03Appointment of Mr Darren Paul Beech as company secretary
2013-07-11AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/12
2012-12-07AR0107/12/12 FULL LIST
2012-06-27AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/11
2011-12-08RES06REDUCE ISSUED CAPITAL 01/12/2011
2011-12-08SH1908/12/11 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL GBP 10000.00
2011-12-08AR0107/12/11 FULL LIST
2011-07-08AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/10
2010-12-08AR0107/12/10 FULL LIST
2010-07-15AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/09
2009-12-09AR0107/12/09 FULL LIST
2009-07-13AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/08
2009-02-09363aRETURN MADE UP TO 07/12/08; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2008-09-24AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/07
2007-12-17363aRETURN MADE UP TO 07/12/07; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2007-11-04AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/06
2007-07-03ELRESS386 DISP APP AUDS 18/06/07
2007-07-03ELRESS366A DISP HOLDING AGM 18/06/07
2007-01-04363sRETURN MADE UP TO 07/12/06; NO CHANGE OF MEMBERS
2006-11-03AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/05
2005-08-03RES02REREG PLC-PRI 01/07/05
2005-03-07169A(2)25/02/05 £ TR 50000@.05=2500 £ IC 781677/779177
2005-02-21225ACC. REF. DATE EXTENDED FROM 30/06/05 TO 31/12/05
Industry Information
28 - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
289 - Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery
28990 - Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.

Licences & Regulatory approval
We could not find any licences issued to LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED or authorisation from an industry specific regulator to operate. These may not be required.
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Legal Notices
No legal notices or events such as winding-up orders or proposals to strike-off have been issued
Fines / Sanctions
No fines or sanctions have been issued against LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED
SELECT CourtName,CaseID,CONCAT('',MIN(Date),' to ',MAX(Date),'') AS Date,CaseText,JudgeName,CaseDescriptor,count(*) as NumRecords FROM legal_court_dates where PlaintiffCompanyNumber='02066629' OR DefendantCompanyNumber='02066629' GROUP BY CaseID
Mortgages / Charges
Total # Mortgages/Charges 8
Mortgages/Charges outstanding 1
Mortgages Partially Satisifed 0
Mortgages Satisfied/Paid 7
Details of Mortgagee Charges
Charge Type Date of Charge Charge Status Mortgagee
MORTGAGE 1991-11-06 Satisfied LLOYDS BANK PLC
MORTGAGE 1990-10-10 Satisfied LLOYDS BANK PLC
Intangible Assets

Intellectual Property Patents Registered by LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED


GB2455775 , GB2481599 , GB2447919 ,

Domain Names

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /srv/www/htdocs/datalog/browse/detail.php on line 3481
We do not have the domain name information for LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED
select Authority, B.Date AS Date, C.TrademarkID AS TrademarkID, C.RegistrationID AS RegistrationID, A.CompanyName AS Assignor, D.CompanyName AS Assignee, D.Nationality AS Nationality, D.CompanyNUmber AS AssigneeCoNum, TEXT from trademark_companies AS A left join trademark_assignments AS B ON A.CompanyID=B.AssignorID LEFT JOIN trademarks AS C ON B.TrademarkID=C.TrademarkID LEFT JOIN trademark_companies AS D ON B.AssigneeID=D.CompanyID WHERE A.CompanyNumber='02066629' AND B.TrademarkID IS NOT NULL ORDER BY TrademarkID DESC
Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /srv/www/htdocs/datalog/browse/detail.php on line 3578
select Authority, B.Date AS Date, C.TrademarkID AS TrademarkID, C.RegistrationID AS RegistrationID, A.CompanyName AS Assignor, D.CompanyName AS Assignee, D.Nationality AS Nationality, D.CompanyNUmber AS AssigneeCoNum, TEXT from trademark_companies AS A left join trademark_assignments AS B ON A.CompanyID=B.AssigneeID LEFT JOIN trademarks AS C ON B.TrademarkID=C.TrademarkID LEFT JOIN trademark_companies AS D ON B.AssignorID=D.CompanyID WHERE A.CompanyNumber='02066629' AND B.TrademarkID IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Date DESC
Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /srv/www/htdocs/datalog/browse/detail.php on line 3616


LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED is the Owner at publication for the trademark LINX ™ (73701863) through the USPTO on the 1987-12-21
LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED is the 3rd New Owner entered after registration for the trademark XYMARK ™ (74558519) through the USPTO on the 1994-08-08
laser marker for imprinting information on products
Government Income
We have not found government income sources for LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED. This could be because the transaction value was below £ 500 with local government or below £ 25,000 for central government. We have found 8,000 supplier to government that are UK companies so approx 0.2% of companies listed on Datalog supply to government.

The top companies supplying to UK government with the same SIC code (28990 - Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.) as LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED are:

SELECT MD5(concat(contract_authority_official_name,contract_operator_official_name, document_title_text,contract_contract_award_year,contract_contract_award_year,contract_contract_description)) AS HASH, TED.* FROM TED WHERE SupplierCompanyNumber='02066629' GROUP BY HASHSELECT MD5(concat(contract_authority_official_name,contract_operator_official_name, document_title_text,contract_contract_award_year,contract_contract_award_year,contract_contract_description)) AS HASH, TED.* FROM TED WHERE PurchaserCompanyNumber ='02066629' GROUP BY HASH
Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /srv/www/htdocs/datalog/browse/detail.php on line 1489

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /srv/www/htdocs/datalog/browse/detail.php on line 1489
Business Rates/Property Tax
No properties were found where LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED is liable for the business rates / property tax. This could be for a number of reasons.
  • The council hasnt published the data
  • We havent found or been able to process the councils data
  • The company is part of a group of companies and another company in the group is liable for business rates
  • The registered office may be a residential address which does not have a commercial designation. If the business is run from home then it won't be a commercial property and hence won't be liable for business rates.
  • Serviced offices are increasingly popular and therefore a business may not be paying business rates directly - the building owner is and this is incorporated in the office rental charge.
Import/Export of Goods
OriginDestinationDateImport CodeImported Goods classification description
2018-12-0022072000Denatured ethyl alcohol and other spirits of any strength
2018-12-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2018-12-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2018-12-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2018-12-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2018-12-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2018-12-0039233010Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics, with a capacity of <= 2 l
2018-12-0039269050Perforated buckets and similar articles used to filter water at the entrance to drains, of plastics
2018-12-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-12-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-12-0048211010Self-adhesive paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, printed
2018-12-0048211090Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, printed (excl. self-adhesive)
2018-12-0049111010Commercial catalogues
2018-12-0084148073Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2018-12-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2018-12-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2018-12-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2018-12-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-12-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-12-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2018-12-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2018-12-0085365019Switches for a voltage of <= 60 V (excl. relays, push-button switches and rotary switches)
2018-12-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2018-12-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-12-0090029000Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, mounted, of any material, being parts of or fittings for instruments or apparatus (excl. objective lenses for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers, such elements of glass not optically worked, and filters)
2018-12-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-12-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2018-12-0090314990Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, not elsewhere specified or included in chapter 90
2018-12-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-12-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2018-12-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-12-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-12-0040069000Rods, bars, tubes, profiles and other forms of unvulcanised rubber, incl. mixed rubber, and articles of unvulcanised rubber, incl. mixed rubber (excl. plates, sheets and strip which, apart from basic surface-working, have not been cut, or have merely been cut into square or rectangular shapes, and 'camel-back' strips)
2018-12-0040069000Rods, bars, tubes, profiles and other forms of unvulcanised rubber, incl. mixed rubber, and articles of unvulcanised rubber, incl. mixed rubber (excl. plates, sheets and strip which, apart from basic surface-working, have not been cut, or have merely been cut into square or rectangular shapes, and 'camel-back' strips)
2018-12-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-12-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-12-0084135080Reciprocating positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, hydraulic units, dosing pumps and general piston pumps)
2018-12-0084135080Reciprocating positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, hydraulic units, dosing pumps and general piston pumps)
2018-12-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-12-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-12-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-12-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-12-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-12-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-12-0085234190Optical media, unrecorded, for the recording of sound or of other phenomena "e.g. CD-RWs, DVD-/+RWs, DVD-RAMs, MiniDiscs" (excl. non-erasable discs for laser reading systems of a recording capacity <= 18 gigabytes [CD-Rs, DVD-/+Rs] and goods of chapter 37)
2018-12-0085234190Optical media, unrecorded, for the recording of sound or of other phenomena "e.g. CD-RWs, DVD-/+RWs, DVD-RAMs, MiniDiscs" (excl. non-erasable discs for laser reading systems of a recording capacity <= 18 gigabytes [CD-Rs, DVD-/+Rs] and goods of chapter 37)
2018-12-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-12-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-12-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-12-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-12-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-12-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-12-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2018-12-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2018-11-00291413004-Methylpentan-2-one "methyl isobutyl ketone"
2018-11-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2018-11-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2018-11-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2018-11-0038200000Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids (excl. prepared additives for mineral oils or other liquids used for the same purposes as mineral oils)
2018-11-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2018-11-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2018-11-0039233010Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics, with a capacity of <= 2 l
2018-11-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-11-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-11-0048211010Self-adhesive paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, printed
2018-11-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-11-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2018-11-0084148073Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2018-11-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2018-11-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2018-11-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-11-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2018-11-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2018-11-0085340011Multilayer printed circuits, consisting only of conductor elements and contacts
2018-11-0085365019Switches for a voltage of <= 60 V (excl. relays, push-button switches and rotary switches)
2018-11-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2018-11-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-11-0090021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2018-11-0090029000Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, mounted, of any material, being parts of or fittings for instruments or apparatus (excl. objective lenses for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers, such elements of glass not optically worked, and filters)
2018-11-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-11-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2018-11-0090308990Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities, without recording device, non-electronic, n.e.s.
2018-11-0090314990Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, not elsewhere specified or included in chapter 90
2018-11-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2018-11-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-11-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-11-0040069000Rods, bars, tubes, profiles and other forms of unvulcanised rubber, incl. mixed rubber, and articles of unvulcanised rubber, incl. mixed rubber (excl. plates, sheets and strip which, apart from basic surface-working, have not been cut, or have merely been cut into square or rectangular shapes, and 'camel-back' strips)
2018-11-0040069000Rods, bars, tubes, profiles and other forms of unvulcanised rubber, incl. mixed rubber, and articles of unvulcanised rubber, incl. mixed rubber (excl. plates, sheets and strip which, apart from basic surface-working, have not been cut, or have merely been cut into square or rectangular shapes, and 'camel-back' strips)
2018-11-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-11-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-11-0084139100Parts of pumps for liquids, n.e.s.
2018-11-0084139100Parts of pumps for liquids, n.e.s.
2018-11-0084559000Parts of metal-rolling mills, n.e.s.
2018-11-0084559000Parts of metal-rolling mills, n.e.s.
2018-11-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-11-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-11-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-11-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-11-0085235910Semiconductor media, unrecorded, for the recording of sound or of other phenomena (excl. solid-state non-volatile data storage devices and smart cards)
2018-11-0085235910Semiconductor media, unrecorded, for the recording of sound or of other phenomena (excl. solid-state non-volatile data storage devices and smart cards)
2018-11-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-11-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-11-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-11-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-11-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-11-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-10-0022072000Denatured ethyl alcohol and other spirits of any strength
2018-10-00291413004-Methylpentan-2-one "methyl isobutyl ketone"
2018-10-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2018-10-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2018-10-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2018-10-0039091000Urea resins and thiourea resins, in primary forms
2018-10-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2018-10-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2018-10-0039233010Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics, with a capacity of <= 2 l
2018-10-0039235010Caps and capsules for bottles, of plastics
2018-10-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-10-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-10-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-10-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2018-10-0084148073Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2018-10-0084149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2018-10-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2018-10-0084431700Gravure printing machinery
2018-10-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2018-10-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-10-0084733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2018-10-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2018-10-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2018-10-0085340011Multilayer printed circuits, consisting only of conductor elements and contacts
2018-10-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2018-10-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-10-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2018-10-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2018-10-0090308990Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities, without recording device, non-electronic, n.e.s.
2018-10-0090314990Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, not elsewhere specified or included in chapter 90
2018-10-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2018-10-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-10-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-10-0039235090Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics (excl. caps and capsules for bottles)
2018-10-0039235090Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics (excl. caps and capsules for bottles)
2018-10-0048191000Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard
2018-10-0048191000Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard
2018-10-0071039100Rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, whether or not graded, but not strung, mounted or set, rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, ungraded, temporarily strung for convenience of transport (excl. rubies, sapphires and emeralds, simply sawn or roughly shaped, imitation precious stones and semi-precious stones)
2018-10-0071039100Rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, whether or not graded, but not strung, mounted or set, rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, ungraded, temporarily strung for convenience of transport (excl. rubies, sapphires and emeralds, simply sawn or roughly shaped, imitation precious stones and semi-precious stones)
2018-10-0084135061Hydraulic fluid power piston pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-10-0084135061Hydraulic fluid power piston pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-10-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-10-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-10-0084136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2018-10-0084136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2018-10-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-10-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-10-0084559000Parts of metal-rolling mills, n.e.s.
2018-10-0084559000Parts of metal-rolling mills, n.e.s.
2018-10-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-10-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-10-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-10-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-10-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-10-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-10-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-10-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-10-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-10-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-09-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2018-09-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2018-09-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2018-09-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2018-09-0039269092Articles made from plastic sheet, n.e.s.
2018-09-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-09-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-09-0048211010Self-adhesive paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, printed
2018-09-0049111010Commercial catalogues
2018-09-0073072980Tube or pipe fittings of stainless steel (excl. cast, threaded, butt welding fittings and flanges)
2018-09-0084135061Hydraulic fluid power piston pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-09-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-09-0084148073Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2018-09-0084212100Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying water
2018-09-0084213100Intake air filters for internal combustion engines
2018-09-0084399900Parts of machinery for making or finishing paper or paperboard, n.e.s.
2018-09-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2018-09-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2018-09-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2018-09-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-09-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-09-0084661020Arbors, collets and sleeves for use as tool holders in machine tools, incl. tool holders for any type of tool for working in the hand
2018-09-0084733020Electronic assemblies of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s.
2018-09-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2018-09-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2018-09-0085340011Multilayer printed circuits, consisting only of conductor elements and contacts
2018-09-0085365019Switches for a voltage of <= 60 V (excl. relays, push-button switches and rotary switches)
2018-09-0085369001Prefabricated elements for electrical circuits, for a voltage of <= 1.000 V
2018-09-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2018-09-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-09-0090029000Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, mounted, of any material, being parts of or fittings for instruments or apparatus (excl. objective lenses for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers, such elements of glass not optically worked, and filters)
2018-09-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-09-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2018-09-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2018-09-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-09-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-09-0039206900Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular polyesters, not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials, not worked or only surface-worked, or only cut to rectangular, incl. square, shapes (excl. polycarbonates, polythylene terephthalate and other unsaturated polyesters, self-adhesive products, and floor, wall and ceiling coverings in heading 3918)
2018-09-0039206900Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular polyesters, not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials, not worked or only surface-worked, or only cut to rectangular, incl. square, shapes (excl. polycarbonates, polythylene terephthalate and other unsaturated polyesters, self-adhesive products, and floor, wall and ceiling coverings in heading 3918)
2018-09-0039269050Perforated buckets and similar articles used to filter water at the entrance to drains, of plastics
2018-09-0039269050Perforated buckets and similar articles used to filter water at the entrance to drains, of plastics
2018-09-0071039100Rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, whether or not graded, but not strung, mounted or set, rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, ungraded, temporarily strung for convenience of transport (excl. rubies, sapphires and emeralds, simply sawn or roughly shaped, imitation precious stones and semi-precious stones)
2018-09-0071039100Rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, whether or not graded, but not strung, mounted or set, rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, ungraded, temporarily strung for convenience of transport (excl. rubies, sapphires and emeralds, simply sawn or roughly shaped, imitation precious stones and semi-precious stones)
2018-09-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-09-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-09-0083040000Filing cabinets, card-index cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen trays, office-stamp stands and similar office or desk equipment, of base metal (excl. office furniture of heading 9403 and waste paper bins)
2018-09-0083040000Filing cabinets, card-index cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen trays, office-stamp stands and similar office or desk equipment, of base metal (excl. office furniture of heading 9403 and waste paper bins)
2018-09-0083099090Stoppers, caps and lids, incl. screw caps and pouring stoppers, capsules for bottles, threaded bungs, bung covers, seals and other packing accessories, of base metal (excl. crown corks, capsules of lead and capsules of aluminium of a diameter > 21 mm)
2018-09-0083099090Stoppers, caps and lids, incl. screw caps and pouring stoppers, capsules for bottles, threaded bungs, bung covers, seals and other packing accessories, of base metal (excl. crown corks, capsules of lead and capsules of aluminium of a diameter > 21 mm)
2018-09-0084136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2018-09-0084136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2018-09-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-09-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-09-0084148080Air pumps and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters, with a maximum horizontal side > 120 cm (excl. vacuum pumps, hand- or foot-operated air pumps and compressors)
2018-09-0084148080Air pumps and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters, with a maximum horizontal side > 120 cm (excl. vacuum pumps, hand- or foot-operated air pumps and compressors)
2018-09-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-09-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-09-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-09-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-09-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-09-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-09-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-09-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-08-0022072000Denatured ethyl alcohol and other spirits of any strength
2018-08-00291413004-Methylpentan-2-one "methyl isobutyl ketone"
2018-08-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2018-08-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2018-08-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2018-08-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2018-08-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2018-08-0039233010Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics, with a capacity of <= 2 l
2018-08-0039235010Caps and capsules for bottles, of plastics
2018-08-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-08-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-08-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2018-08-0084209900Parts for calendering or rolling machines, n.e.s. (other than for metals or glass and excl. cylinders)
2018-08-0084254900Jacks and hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles, not hydraulic
2018-08-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2018-08-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2018-08-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2018-08-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2018-08-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-08-0084563019Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by electro-discharge processes, numerically controlled (excl. such machines, wire-cut)
2018-08-0084716060Keyboards for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing
2018-08-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2018-08-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2018-08-0085340011Multilayer printed circuits, consisting only of conductor elements and contacts
2018-08-0085365080Switches for a voltage of > 60 V and <= 1.000 V (excl. relays, automatic circuit breakers, electronic AC switches consisting of optically coupled input and output circuits "insulated thyristor AC switches", electronic switches, incl. temperature protected electronic switches, consisting of a transistor and a logic chip [chip-on-chip technology] and electromechanical snap-action switches for a current <= 11 A)
2018-08-0085366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2018-08-0085369010Connections and contact elements, for wire and cables, for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. plugs, sockets and prefabricated elements)
2018-08-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2018-08-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-08-0090021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2018-08-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2018-08-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2018-08-0090314990Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, not elsewhere specified or included in chapter 90
2018-08-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2018-08-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2018-08-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-08-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-08-0071039100Rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, whether or not graded, but not strung, mounted or set, rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, ungraded, temporarily strung for convenience of transport (excl. rubies, sapphires and emeralds, simply sawn or roughly shaped, imitation precious stones and semi-precious stones)
2018-08-0071039100Rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, whether or not graded, but not strung, mounted or set, rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, ungraded, temporarily strung for convenience of transport (excl. rubies, sapphires and emeralds, simply sawn or roughly shaped, imitation precious stones and semi-precious stones)
2018-08-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-08-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-08-0084135061Hydraulic fluid power piston pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-08-0084135061Hydraulic fluid power piston pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-08-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-08-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-08-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-08-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-08-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-08-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-08-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-08-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-08-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-08-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-08-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-08-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-08-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-08-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-08-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-08-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-08-0090138090Magnifying glasses, thread counters, stereoscopes, kaleidoscopes and other optical instruments and apparatus not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90
2018-08-0090138090Magnifying glasses, thread counters, stereoscopes, kaleidoscopes and other optical instruments and apparatus not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90
2018-08-0090261029Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow or level of liquids (excl. flow meters, meters and regulators)
2018-08-0090261029Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow or level of liquids (excl. flow meters, meters and regulators)
2018-07-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2018-07-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2018-07-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2018-07-0039091000Urea resins and thiourea resins, in primary forms
2018-07-0039172210Rigid tubes, pipes and hoses, of polymers of propylene, seamless and of a length > the maximum cross-sectional dimension, whether or not surface-worked, but not otherwise worked
2018-07-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2018-07-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2018-07-0039233090Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics, with a capacity of > 2 l
2018-07-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-07-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-07-0049111010Commercial catalogues
2018-07-0070091000Rear-view mirrors, whether or not framed, for vehicles
2018-07-0084135061Hydraulic fluid power piston pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-07-0084212300Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines
2018-07-0084254900Jacks and hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles, not hydraulic
2018-07-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2018-07-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2018-07-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2018-07-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2018-07-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-07-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-07-0084440010Machines for extruding filaments of man-made textile materials
2018-07-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-07-0084732110Electronic assemblies of electronic calculators of subheading 8470.10, 8470.21 or 8470.29, n.e.s.
2018-07-0084733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2018-07-0084811005Pressure-reducing valves combined with filters or lubricators
2018-07-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2018-07-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2018-07-0085340011Multilayer printed circuits, consisting only of conductor elements and contacts
2018-07-0085365019Switches for a voltage of <= 60 V (excl. relays, push-button switches and rotary switches)
2018-07-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2018-07-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-07-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-07-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2018-07-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-07-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2018-07-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2018-07-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2018-07-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-07-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-07-0039235090Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics (excl. caps and capsules for bottles)
2018-07-0039235090Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics (excl. caps and capsules for bottles)
2018-07-0071049000Precious and semi-precious stones, synthetic or reconstructed, worked, whether or not graded but not strung, mounted or set, ungraded synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones, temporarily strung for convenience of transport (excl. stones simply sawn or roughly shaped, piezoelectric quartz)
2018-07-0071049000Precious and semi-precious stones, synthetic or reconstructed, worked, whether or not graded but not strung, mounted or set, ungraded synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones, temporarily strung for convenience of transport (excl. stones simply sawn or roughly shaped, piezoelectric quartz)
2018-07-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-07-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-07-0084135080Reciprocating positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, hydraulic units, dosing pumps and general piston pumps)
2018-07-0084135080Reciprocating positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, hydraulic units, dosing pumps and general piston pumps)
2018-07-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-07-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-07-0084136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2018-07-0084136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2018-07-0084148073Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2018-07-0084148073Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2018-07-0084714100Data-processing machines, automatic, comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit, and one input unit and one output unit, whether or not combined (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. those presented in the form of systems and peripheral units)
2018-07-0084714100Data-processing machines, automatic, comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit, and one input unit and one output unit, whether or not combined (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. those presented in the form of systems and peripheral units)
2018-07-0084719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2018-07-0084719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2018-07-0084818059Process control valves (excl. temperature regulators, pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of oleohydraulic or pneumatic power transmission, check valves and safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, washbasins, bidets, water cisterns, baths and similar fixtures and central heating radiator valves)
2018-07-0084818059Process control valves (excl. temperature regulators, pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of oleohydraulic or pneumatic power transmission, check valves and safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, washbasins, bidets, water cisterns, baths and similar fixtures and central heating radiator valves)
2018-07-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-07-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-07-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-07-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-07-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-07-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-07-0090019000Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any material, unmounted (excl. such elements of glass not optically worked, contact lenses and spectacle lenses)
2018-07-0090019000Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any material, unmounted (excl. such elements of glass not optically worked, contact lenses and spectacle lenses)
2018-07-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-07-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-07-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2018-07-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2018-07-0090314990Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, not elsewhere specified or included in chapter 90
2018-07-0090314990Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, not elsewhere specified or included in chapter 90
2018-06-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2018-06-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2018-06-0038140010Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers, based on butyl acetate (excl. nail varnish remover)
2018-06-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2018-06-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2018-06-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2018-06-0039233010Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics, with a capacity of <= 2 l
2018-06-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-06-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-06-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2018-06-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2018-06-0084209900Parts for calendering or rolling machines, n.e.s. (other than for metals or glass and excl. cylinders)
2018-06-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2018-06-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2018-06-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2018-06-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-06-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-06-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-06-0084719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2018-06-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2018-06-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2018-06-0085340011Multilayer printed circuits, consisting only of conductor elements and contacts
2018-06-0085366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2018-06-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2018-06-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-06-0090029000Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, mounted, of any material, being parts of or fittings for instruments or apparatus (excl. objective lenses for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers, such elements of glass not optically worked, and filters)
2018-06-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2018-06-0090314990Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, not elsewhere specified or included in chapter 90
2018-06-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-06-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2018-06-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2018-06-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2018-06-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-06-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-06-0033041000Lip make-up preparations
2018-06-0033041000Lip make-up preparations
2018-06-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-06-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-06-0084136020Rotory positive displacement hydraulic units, with pumps
2018-06-0084136020Rotory positive displacement hydraulic units, with pumps
2018-06-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-06-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-06-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-06-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-06-0084139100Parts of pumps for liquids, n.e.s.
2018-06-0084139100Parts of pumps for liquids, n.e.s.
2018-06-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-06-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-06-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-06-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-06-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2018-06-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2018-06-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2018-06-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2018-06-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-06-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-06-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-06-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-06-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-06-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-06-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-06-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-05-0029142900Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ketones, without other oxygen function (excl. cyclohexanone, methylcyclohexanones, ionones and methylionones)
2018-05-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2018-05-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2018-05-0038140010Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers, based on butyl acetate (excl. nail varnish remover)
2018-05-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2018-05-0039172110Rigid tubes, pipes and hoses, of polymers of ethylene, seamless and of a length > the maximum cross-sectional dimension, whether or not surface-worked, but not otherwise worked
2018-05-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2018-05-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2018-05-0039233010Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics, with a capacity of <= 2 l
2018-05-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-05-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-05-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-05-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2018-05-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2018-05-0084211970Centrifuges, incl. centrifugal dryers (excl. apparatus for isotope separation, cream separators, clothes-dryers, and centrifuges of a kind used in laboratories and in the manufacture of semiconductor wafers)
2018-05-0084213100Intake air filters for internal combustion engines
2018-05-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2018-05-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2018-05-0084431970Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442 (excl. machinery for printing textile materials, those for use in the production of semiconductors, ink jet printing machines, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines and other office printing machines of heading 8469 to 8472 and offset, flexographic, letterpress and gravure printing machinery)
2018-05-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2018-05-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2018-05-0084439191Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, of cast iron or cast steel, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors)
2018-05-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-05-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-05-0084716060Keyboards for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing
2018-05-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2018-05-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2018-05-0085340011Multilayer printed circuits, consisting only of conductor elements and contacts
2018-05-0085366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2018-05-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2018-05-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-05-0090029000Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, mounted, of any material, being parts of or fittings for instruments or apparatus (excl. objective lenses for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers, such elements of glass not optically worked, and filters)
2018-05-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-05-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2018-05-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-05-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2018-05-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2018-05-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2018-05-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-05-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-05-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-05-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-05-0084149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2018-05-0084149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2018-05-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-05-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-05-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2018-05-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2018-05-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-05-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-05-0085444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2018-05-0085444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2018-05-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-05-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-05-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-05-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2018-05-0090219090Articles and appliances, which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability (excl. artificial parts of the body, hearing aids, incl. parts and accessories, and complete pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles)
2018-05-0090219090Articles and appliances, which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability (excl. artificial parts of the body, hearing aids, incl. parts and accessories, and complete pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles)
2018-05-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-05-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-04-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2018-04-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2018-04-0035069900Glues, prepared, and other prepared adhesives, n.e.s.
2018-04-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2018-04-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2018-04-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2018-04-0039233010Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics, with a capacity of <= 2 l
2018-04-0039235010Caps and capsules for bottles, of plastics
2018-04-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-04-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-04-0049111010Commercial catalogues
2018-04-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2018-04-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2018-04-0084136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2018-04-0084148073Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2018-04-0084212100Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying water
2018-04-0084212300Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines
2018-04-0084213100Intake air filters for internal combustion engines
2018-04-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2018-04-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2018-04-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2018-04-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-04-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-04-0084716060Keyboards for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing
2018-04-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2018-04-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2018-04-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-04-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-04-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2018-04-0090275000Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis, using UV, visible or IR optical radiations (excl. spectrometers, spectrophotometers, spectrographs, and gas or smoke analysis apparatus)
2018-04-0096121010Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not on spools or in cartridges, of plastics (excl. woven of textile materials)
2018-04-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-04-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-04-0071039100Rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, whether or not graded, but not strung, mounted or set, rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, ungraded, temporarily strung for convenience of transport (excl. rubies, sapphires and emeralds, simply sawn or roughly shaped, imitation precious stones and semi-precious stones)
2018-04-0071039100Rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, whether or not graded, but not strung, mounted or set, rubies, sapphires and emeralds, worked, ungraded, temporarily strung for convenience of transport (excl. rubies, sapphires and emeralds, simply sawn or roughly shaped, imitation precious stones and semi-precious stones)
2018-04-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-04-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-04-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-04-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-04-0084137035Pumps, power-driven, with a discharge outlet diameter <= 15 mm (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and submersible pumps)
2018-04-0084137035Pumps, power-driven, with a discharge outlet diameter <= 15 mm (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and submersible pumps)
2018-04-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-04-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-04-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-04-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-04-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2018-04-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2018-04-0085441900Winding wire for electrical purposes, of material other than copper, insulated
2018-04-0085441900Winding wire for electrical purposes, of material other than copper, insulated
2018-04-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-04-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-04-0090138090Magnifying glasses, thread counters, stereoscopes, kaleidoscopes and other optical instruments and apparatus not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90
2018-04-0090138090Magnifying glasses, thread counters, stereoscopes, kaleidoscopes and other optical instruments and apparatus not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90
2018-04-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2018-04-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2018-03-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2018-03-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2018-03-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2018-03-0039173300Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses of plastics, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, with fittings, seals or connectors
2018-03-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2018-03-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2018-03-0039233010Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics, with a capacity of <= 2 l
2018-03-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-03-0040161000Articles of cellular rubber, n.e.s.
2018-03-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-03-0040169997Articles of vulcanised rubber, n.e.s. (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-03-0049111010Commercial catalogues
2018-03-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2018-03-0084133080Fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine (excl. injection pumps)
2018-03-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-03-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2018-03-0084431700Gravure printing machinery
2018-03-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2018-03-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2018-03-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-03-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-03-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2018-03-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2018-03-0085369010Connections and contact elements, for wire and cables, for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. plugs, sockets and prefabricated elements)
2018-03-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2018-03-0085439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2018-03-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-03-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2018-03-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2018-03-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2018-03-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2018-03-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2018-03-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2018-03-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-03-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-03-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-03-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-03-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-03-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-03-0084148080Air pumps and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters, with a maximum horizontal side > 120 cm (excl. vacuum pumps, hand- or foot-operated air pumps and compressors)
2018-03-0084148080Air pumps and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters, with a maximum horizontal side > 120 cm (excl. vacuum pumps, hand- or foot-operated air pumps and compressors)
2018-03-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-03-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-03-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2018-03-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2018-03-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-03-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-03-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-03-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-03-0085444999Electric conductors for a voltage 1.000 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (excl. winding wire, coaxial conductors, wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships, and wire and cables with individual conductor wires of a diameter > 0,51 mm)
2018-03-0085444999Electric conductors for a voltage 1.000 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (excl. winding wire, coaxial conductors, wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships, and wire and cables with individual conductor wires of a diameter > 0,51 mm)
2018-03-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-03-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-03-0090261029Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow or level of liquids (excl. flow meters, meters and regulators)
2018-03-0090261029Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow or level of liquids (excl. flow meters, meters and regulators)
2018-03-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2018-03-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2018-02-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2018-02-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2018-02-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2018-02-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2018-02-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2018-02-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-02-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-02-0040169997Articles of vulcanised rubber, n.e.s. (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-02-0049019900Printed books, brochures and similar printed matter (excl. those in single sheets; dictionaries, encyclopaedias, periodicals and publications which are essentially devoted to advertising)
2018-02-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2018-02-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-02-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2018-02-0084431700Gravure printing machinery
2018-02-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2018-02-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2018-02-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-02-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-02-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2018-02-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-02-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2018-02-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2018-02-0085366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2018-02-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2018-02-0085372099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage > 72,5 kV
2018-02-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-02-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2018-02-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2018-02-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2018-02-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2018-02-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-02-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-02-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-02-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-02-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-02-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-02-0084559000Parts of metal-rolling mills, n.e.s.
2018-02-0084559000Parts of metal-rolling mills, n.e.s.
2018-02-0084562000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by ultrasonic processes (excl. cleaning apparatus operated by ultrasonic processes and material testing machines)
2018-02-0084562000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by ultrasonic processes (excl. cleaning apparatus operated by ultrasonic processes and material testing machines)
2018-02-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-02-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-02-0085423190Electronic integrated circuits as processors and controllers, whether or not combined with memories, converters, logic circuits, amplifiers, clock and timing circuits, or other circuits (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2018-02-0085423190Electronic integrated circuits as processors and controllers, whether or not combined with memories, converters, logic circuits, amplifiers, clock and timing circuits, or other circuits (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2018-02-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-02-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-02-0085439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2018-02-0085439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2018-02-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-02-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-02-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-02-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-02-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-02-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-01-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2018-01-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2018-01-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2018-01-0039091000Urea resins and thiourea resins, in primary forms
2018-01-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2018-01-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2018-01-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-01-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-01-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2018-01-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2018-01-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2018-01-0084431310Offset printing machinery, sheet fed, used, taking sheets of a size > 22 x 36 cm
2018-01-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2018-01-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-01-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-01-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2018-01-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2018-01-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2018-01-0084829900Parts of ball or roller bearings (excl. balls, needles and rollers), n.e.s.
2018-01-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2018-01-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2018-01-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2018-01-0085423245Electronic integrated circuits as static random access memories "static RAMs", incl. cache random-access memories "cache-RAMs" (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2018-01-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2018-01-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2018-01-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-01-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2018-01-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-01-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-01-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-01-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2018-01-0084148080Air pumps and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters, with a maximum horizontal side > 120 cm (excl. vacuum pumps, hand- or foot-operated air pumps and compressors)
2018-01-0084148080Air pumps and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters, with a maximum horizontal side > 120 cm (excl. vacuum pumps, hand- or foot-operated air pumps and compressors)
2018-01-0084669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2018-01-0084669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2018-01-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-01-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2018-01-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2018-01-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2018-01-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2018-01-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2018-01-0085352900Automatic circuit breakers for a voltage >= 72,5 kV
2018-01-0085352900Automatic circuit breakers for a voltage >= 72,5 kV
2018-01-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-01-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-01-0085439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2018-01-0085439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2018-01-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-01-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2018-01-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-01-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2018-01-0085469010Electrical insulators of plastics (excl. insulating fittings)
2018-01-0085469010Electrical insulators of plastics (excl. insulating fittings)
2018-01-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-01-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-01-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2018-01-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2017-04-0022072000Denatured ethyl alcohol and other spirits of any strength
2017-04-0033011980Terpeneless essential oils of citrus fruit, incl. concretes and absolutes (excl. those of sweet and bitter orange and lemon)
2017-04-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2017-04-0039091000Urea resins and thiourea resins, in primary forms
2017-04-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2017-04-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2017-04-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2017-04-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2017-04-0073079980Tube or pipe fittings, of iron or steel (excl. of cast iron or stainless steel, threaded, butt welding fittings, and flanges)
2017-04-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2017-04-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2017-04-0084211970Centrifuges, incl. centrifugal dryers (excl. apparatus for isotope separation, cream separators, clothes-dryers, and centrifuges of a kind used in laboratories and in the manufacture of semiconductor wafers)
2017-04-0084254900Jacks and hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles, not hydraulic
2017-04-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2017-04-0084431970Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442 (excl. machinery for printing textile materials, those for use in the production of semiconductors, ink jet printing machines, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines and other office printing machines of heading 8469 to 8472 and offset, flexographic, letterpress and gravure printing machinery)
2017-04-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2017-04-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2017-04-0084439191Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, of cast iron or cast steel, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors)
2017-04-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2017-04-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2017-04-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2017-04-0084639000Machine tools for working metal, sintered metal carbides or cermets, without removing metal (excl. forging, bending, folding, straightening and flattening presses, shearing machines, punching or notching machines, presses, draw-benches, thread rolling machines, machines for working metal wire and machines for working in the hand)
2017-04-0084716070Input or output units for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing (excl. keyboards)
2017-04-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2017-04-0084813091Check "non-return" valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, of cast iron or steel
2017-04-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2017-04-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2017-04-0085299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2017-04-0085369010Connections and contact elements, for wire and cables, for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. plugs, sockets and prefabricated elements)
2017-04-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2017-04-0085423245Electronic integrated circuits as static random access memories "static RAMs", incl. cache random-access memories "cache-RAMs" (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2017-04-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2017-04-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2017-04-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2017-04-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2017-03-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2017-03-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2017-03-0039269092Articles made from plastic sheet, n.e.s.
2017-03-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2017-03-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2017-03-0049019900Printed books, brochures and similar printed matter (excl. those in single sheets; dictionaries, encyclopaedias, periodicals and publications which are essentially devoted to advertising)
2017-03-0082034000Pipe-cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches and similar hand tools, of base metal
2017-03-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2017-03-0084148073Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2017-03-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2017-03-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2017-03-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2017-03-0084439191Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, of cast iron or cast steel, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors)
2017-03-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2017-03-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2017-03-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2017-03-0084716070Input or output units for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing (excl. keyboards)
2017-03-0084718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2017-03-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2017-03-0084813091Check "non-return" valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, of cast iron or steel
2017-03-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2017-03-0084849000Sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings
2017-03-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2017-03-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2017-03-0090021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2017-03-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2017-03-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2017-03-0090314990Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, not elsewhere specified or included in chapter 90
2017-03-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2017-02-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2017-02-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2017-02-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2017-02-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2017-02-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2017-02-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2017-02-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2017-02-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2017-02-0084431200Offset printing machinery, sheet fed [office type], using sheets of a side <= 22 x 36 cm in the unfolded state
2017-02-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2017-02-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2017-02-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2017-02-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2017-02-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2017-02-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2017-02-0084562000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by ultrasonic processes (excl. cleaning apparatus operated by ultrasonic processes and material testing machines)
2017-02-0084716060Keyboards for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing
2017-02-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2017-02-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2017-02-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2017-02-0085361010Fuses for a current <= 10 A, for a voltage <= 1.000 V
2017-02-0085365019Switches for a voltage of <= 60 V (excl. relays, push-button switches and rotary switches)
2017-02-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2017-02-0085423245Electronic integrated circuits as static random access memories "static RAMs", incl. cache random-access memories "cache-RAMs" (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2017-02-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2017-02-0085461000Electrical insulators of glass (excl. insulating fittings)
2017-02-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2017-02-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2017-01-0022072000Denatured ethyl alcohol and other spirits of any strength
2017-01-0027101221White spirit
2017-01-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2017-01-0039091000Urea resins and thiourea resins, in primary forms
2017-01-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2017-01-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2017-01-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2017-01-0070099200Glass mirrors, framed (excl. rear-view mirrors for vehicles, optical mirrors, optically processed, and mirrors of an age of > 100 years)
2017-01-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2017-01-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2017-01-0084212300Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines
2017-01-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2017-01-0084431200Offset printing machinery, sheet fed [office type], using sheets of a side <= 22 x 36 cm in the unfolded state
2017-01-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2017-01-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2017-01-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2017-01-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2017-01-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2017-01-0084716070Input or output units for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing (excl. keyboards)
2017-01-0084718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2017-01-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2017-01-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2017-01-0085015290AC motors, multi-phase, of an output > 37 kW but <= 75 kW
2017-01-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2017-01-0085340011Multilayer printed circuits, consisting only of conductor elements and contacts
2017-01-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2017-01-0085372099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage > 72,5 kV
2017-01-0085423245Electronic integrated circuits as static random access memories "static RAMs", incl. cache random-access memories "cache-RAMs" (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2017-01-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2017-01-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2016-11-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2016-11-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2016-11-0032159000Ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. printing ink)
2016-11-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2016-11-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2016-11-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2016-11-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-11-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2016-11-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2016-11-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2016-11-0084139200Parts of liquid elevators, n.e.s.
2016-11-0084145920Axial fans (excl. table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W)
2016-11-0084148073Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2016-11-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-11-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2016-11-0084219900Parts of machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2016-11-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2016-11-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2016-11-0084431970Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442 (excl. machinery for printing textile materials, those for use in the production of semiconductors, ink jet printing machines, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines and other office printing machines of heading 8469 to 8472 and offset, flexographic, letterpress and gravure printing machinery)
2016-11-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-11-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-11-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2016-11-0084439191Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, of cast iron or cast steel, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors)
2016-11-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-11-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-11-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-11-0084459000Machines for producing textile yarns and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on machines of heading 8446 or 8447 (excl. machines of heading 8444 and spinning, doubling or twisting machines)
2016-11-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2016-11-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2016-11-0084716060Keyboards for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing
2016-11-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2016-11-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2016-11-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2016-11-0085159000Parts of machines and apparatus for soldering or welding or for hot spraying of metals, metal carbides or cermets, n.e.s. (excl. wire bonders of a kind used for the manufacture of semiconductor devices)
2016-11-0085365019Switches for a voltage of <= 60 V (excl. relays, push-button switches and rotary switches)
2016-11-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2016-11-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2016-11-0085423245Electronic integrated circuits as static random access memories "static RAMs", incl. cache random-access memories "cache-RAMs" (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2016-11-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2016-11-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2016-11-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2016-11-0090318034Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities (excl. for inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices)
2016-11-0090319085Parts and accessories for instruments, appliances and machines for measuring and checking, n.e.s.
2016-11-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2016-11-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2016-11-0039235010Caps and capsules for bottles, of plastics
2016-11-0039269050Perforated buckets and similar articles used to filter water at the entrance to drains, of plastics
2016-11-0039269092Articles made from plastic sheet, n.e.s.
2016-11-0073072980Tube or pipe fittings of stainless steel (excl. cast, threaded, butt welding fittings and flanges)
2016-11-0073102990Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, of iron or steel, for any material, of a capacity of < 50 l and of a wall thickness of >= 0,5 mm, n.e.s. (excl. containers for compressed or liquefied gas, or containers fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment, and cans which are to be closed by soldering or crimping)
2016-11-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-11-0084148080Air pumps and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters, with a maximum horizontal side > 120 cm (excl. vacuum pumps, hand- or foot-operated air pumps and compressors)
2016-11-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2016-11-0084433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-11-0084485900Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8447, n.e.s.
2016-11-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-11-0084812010Valves for the control of oleohydraulic power transmission
2016-11-0084813091Check "non-return" valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, of cast iron or steel
2016-11-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2016-11-0085052000Electromagnetic couplings, clutches and brakes
2016-11-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2016-11-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2016-11-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2016-11-0085439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2016-11-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2016-11-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2016-11-0090138090Magnifying glasses, thread counters, stereoscopes, kaleidoscopes and other optical instruments and apparatus not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90
2016-11-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2016-11-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2016-10-0032121000Stamping foils of a kind used in the printing of book bindings or hatband leather
2016-10-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2016-10-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2016-10-0032159000Ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. printing ink)
2016-10-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2016-10-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2016-10-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2016-10-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-10-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2016-10-0049019900Printed books, brochures and similar printed matter (excl. those in single sheets; dictionaries, encyclopaedias, periodicals and publications which are essentially devoted to advertising)
2016-10-0049111010Commercial catalogues
2016-10-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2016-10-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2016-10-0084145920Axial fans (excl. table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W)
2016-10-0084148073Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2016-10-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-10-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2016-10-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2016-10-0084431200Offset printing machinery, sheet fed [office type], using sheets of a side <= 22 x 36 cm in the unfolded state
2016-10-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2016-10-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-10-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-10-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2016-10-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-10-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-10-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-10-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2016-10-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2016-10-0084716070Input or output units for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing (excl. keyboards)
2016-10-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2016-10-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2016-10-0084829900Parts of ball or roller bearings (excl. balls, needles and rollers), n.e.s.
2016-10-0084836080Clutches and shaft couplings, incl. universal joints (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-10-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2016-10-0085366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2016-10-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2016-10-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2016-10-0085423245Electronic integrated circuits as static random access memories "static RAMs", incl. cache random-access memories "cache-RAMs" (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2016-10-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2016-10-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2016-10-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2016-10-0090318034Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities (excl. for inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices)
2016-10-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2016-10-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2016-10-0032041100Synthetic organic disperse dyes; preparations based on synthetic organic disperse dyes of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2016-10-0032091000Paints and varnishes, incl. enamels and lacquers, based on acrylic or vinyl polymers, dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium
2016-10-0039235010Caps and capsules for bottles, of plastics
2016-10-0039269050Perforated buckets and similar articles used to filter water at the entrance to drains, of plastics
2016-10-0084137021Submersible pumps, single-stage
2016-10-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2016-10-0084219900Parts of machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2016-10-0084433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-10-0084490000Machinery for the manufacture or finishing of felt or nonwovens in the piece or in shapes, incl. machinery for making felt hats; blocks for making hats; parts thereof (excl. machinery for preparing fibres for felt and calenders)
2016-10-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-10-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2016-10-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2016-10-0085234959Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing sound and image or image only (excl. digital versatile discs "DVD" and discs for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine)
2016-10-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2016-10-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2016-10-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2016-10-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2016-10-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2016-10-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2016-10-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2016-10-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2016-09-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2016-09-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2016-09-0032159000Ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. printing ink)
2016-09-0033021029Preparations based on odoriferous substances, containing all flavouring agents characterizing a beverage, containing, by weight, >= 1,5% milkfat, >= 5% sucrose or isoglucose, >= 5% glucose or >= 5% starch, of a kind used in the drink industries (excl. of an actual alcoholic strength of > 0,5% vol)
2016-09-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2016-09-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2016-09-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2016-09-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-09-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2016-09-0049019900Printed books, brochures and similar printed matter (excl. those in single sheets; dictionaries, encyclopaedias, periodicals and publications which are essentially devoted to advertising)
2016-09-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2016-09-0084145920Axial fans (excl. table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W)
2016-09-0084145940Centrifugal fans (excl. table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W)
2016-09-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-09-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2016-09-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2016-09-0084431200Offset printing machinery, sheet fed [office type], using sheets of a side <= 22 x 36 cm in the unfolded state
2016-09-0084431970Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442 (excl. machinery for printing textile materials, those for use in the production of semiconductors, ink jet printing machines, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines and other office printing machines of heading 8469 to 8472 and offset, flexographic, letterpress and gravure printing machinery)
2016-09-0084433120Machines having digital copying as principal function, where the copying is performed by scanning the original and printing the copies by means of an electrostatic print engine, capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-09-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-09-0084433910Machines performing a copying function by scanning the original and printing the copies by means of an electrostatic print engine (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-09-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-09-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-09-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-09-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-09-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2016-09-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2016-09-0084716070Input or output units for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing (excl. keyboards)
2016-09-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2016-09-0084813091Check "non-return" valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, of cast iron or steel
2016-09-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2016-09-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2016-09-0085044082Rectifiers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)
2016-09-0085318095Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus (excl. with flat panel display devices, indicator panels with liquid crystal devices or light emitting diodes, burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus and apparatus for cycles, motor vehicles and traffic signalling)
2016-09-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2016-09-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2016-09-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2016-09-0085423245Electronic integrated circuits as static random access memories "static RAMs", incl. cache random-access memories "cache-RAMs" (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2016-09-0085444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2016-09-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2016-09-0090318034Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities (excl. for inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices)
2016-09-0032041100Synthetic organic disperse dyes; preparations based on synthetic organic disperse dyes of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2016-09-0040169997Articles of vulcanised rubber, n.e.s. (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2016-09-0071049000Precious and semi-precious stones, synthetic or reconstructed, worked, whether or not graded but not strung, mounted or set, ungraded synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones, temporarily strung for convenience of transport (excl. stones simply sawn or roughly shaped, piezoelectric quartz)
2016-09-0073072980Tube or pipe fittings of stainless steel (excl. cast, threaded, butt welding fittings and flanges)
2016-09-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2016-09-0084131900Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)
2016-09-0084135020Reciprocating positive displacement hydraulic units, with pumps
2016-09-0084433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-09-0084485900Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8447, n.e.s.
2016-09-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2016-09-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2016-09-0085369010Connections and contact elements, for wire and cables, for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. plugs, sockets and prefabricated elements)
2016-09-0085372099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage > 72,5 kV
2016-09-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2016-09-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2016-09-0085441900Winding wire for electrical purposes, of material other than copper, insulated
2016-09-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2016-09-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2016-09-0085469010Electrical insulators of plastics (excl. insulating fittings)
2016-09-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2016-09-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2016-09-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2016-09-0090314990Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, not elsewhere specified or included in chapter 90
2016-08-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2016-08-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2016-08-0032159000Ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. printing ink)
2016-08-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2016-08-0039089000Polyamides, in primary forms (excl. polyamides-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 and -6,12)
2016-08-0039091000Urea resins and thiourea resins, in primary forms
2016-08-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2016-08-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2016-08-0082032000Pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use and similar hand tools, of base metal
2016-08-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2016-08-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-08-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2016-08-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2016-08-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2016-08-0084431920Printing machinery for printing textile materials (excl. offset, flexographic, letterpress and gravure printing machinery)
2016-08-0084433180Machines which perform two or more of the functions of printing, copying or facsimile transmission, capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network (excl. those having digital copying as principal function, where the copying is performed by scanning the original and printing the copies by means of an electrostatic print engine)
2016-08-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-08-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-08-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2016-08-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-08-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-08-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2016-08-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2016-08-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2016-08-0084799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-08-0084813091Check "non-return" valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, of cast iron or steel
2016-08-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2016-08-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2016-08-0085369010Connections and contact elements, for wire and cables, for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. plugs, sockets and prefabricated elements)
2016-08-0085369085Electrical apparatus for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. fuses, circuit breakers and other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits, relays and other switches, lamp holders, plugs and sockets, prefabricated elements for electrical circuits and other connections and contact elements for wire and cables and for wafer probers)
2016-08-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2016-08-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2016-08-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2016-08-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2016-08-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2016-08-0090275000Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis, using UV, visible or IR optical radiations (excl. spectrometers, spectrophotometers, spectrographs, and gas or smoke analysis apparatus)
2016-08-0090319085Parts and accessories for instruments, appliances and machines for measuring and checking, n.e.s.
2016-08-0094039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2016-08-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2016-08-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2016-08-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2016-08-0039235090Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics (excl. caps and capsules for bottles)
2016-08-0072189980Semi-finished products of stainless steel, forged (excl. products of square or rectangular cross-section)
2016-08-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2016-08-0084433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-08-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-08-0084714100Data-processing machines, automatic, comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit, and one input unit and one output unit, whether or not combined (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. those presented in the form of systems and peripheral units)
2016-08-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2016-08-0085340019Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. multiple printed circuits)
2016-08-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2016-08-0085437030Aerial amplifiers
2016-08-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2016-08-0085439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2016-08-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2016-08-0090021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2016-08-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2016-08-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2016-08-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2016-07-0022072000Denatured ethyl alcohol and other spirits of any strength
2016-07-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2016-07-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2016-07-0032159000Ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. printing ink)
2016-07-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2016-07-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2016-07-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2016-07-0049019900Printed books, brochures and similar printed matter (excl. those in single sheets; dictionaries, encyclopaedias, periodicals and publications which are essentially devoted to advertising)
2016-07-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2016-07-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-07-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2016-07-0084424000Parts of machinery, apparatus and equipment for preparing or making printing blocks, plates, cylinders or other printing components, n.e.s.
2016-07-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2016-07-0084431200Offset printing machinery, sheet fed [office type], using sheets of a side <= 22 x 36 cm in the unfolded state
2016-07-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2016-07-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-07-0084433910Machines performing a copying function by scanning the original and printing the copies by means of an electrostatic print engine (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-07-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-07-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2016-07-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-07-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-07-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-07-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2016-07-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2016-07-0084733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2016-07-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2016-07-0085340011Multilayer printed circuits, consisting only of conductor elements and contacts
2016-07-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2016-07-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2016-07-0085423245Electronic integrated circuits as static random access memories "static RAMs", incl. cache random-access memories "cache-RAMs" (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2016-07-0090318034Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities (excl. for inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices)
2016-07-0090319085Parts and accessories for instruments, appliances and machines for measuring and checking, n.e.s.
2016-07-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2016-07-0032030090Dyes of animal origin, incl. dye extracts but excl. animal black, whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on dyes of animal origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2016-07-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-07-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2016-07-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2016-07-0084433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-07-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-07-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2016-07-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2016-07-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2016-07-0085234959Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing sound and image or image only (excl. digital versatile discs "DVD" and discs for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine)
2016-07-0085235999Semiconductor media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, solid-state non-volatile data storage devices, smart cards, and goods of chapter 37)
2016-07-0085340019Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. multiple printed circuits)
2016-07-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2016-07-0085437030Aerial amplifiers
2016-07-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2016-07-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2016-07-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2016-07-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2016-07-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2016-07-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2016-07-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2016-06-0029141990Acyclic ketones without other oxygen function (excl. acetone, butanone "methyl ethyl ketone", 4-Methylpentan-2-one "Methyl isobutyl ketone" and 5-methylhexan-2-one)
2016-06-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2016-06-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2016-06-0032159000Ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. printing ink)
2016-06-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2016-06-0039091000Urea resins and thiourea resins, in primary forms
2016-06-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2016-06-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2016-06-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-06-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2016-06-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2016-06-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-06-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2016-06-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2016-06-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2016-06-0084431970Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442 (excl. machinery for printing textile materials, those for use in the production of semiconductors, ink jet printing machines, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines and other office printing machines of heading 8469 to 8472 and offset, flexographic, letterpress and gravure printing machinery)
2016-06-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-06-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-06-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2016-06-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-06-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-06-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2016-06-0084716070Input or output units for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing (excl. keyboards)
2016-06-0084717020Central storage units for automatic data-processing machines
2016-06-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2016-06-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2016-06-0084839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-06-0085123010Sound signalling burglar alarms, electrical, of a kind used for motor vehicles
2016-06-0085287280Reception apparatus for television, colour (excl. with integral tube or LCD or plasma display, or incorporating video recording or reproducing apparatus, and monitors and television projection equipment)
2016-06-0085365019Switches for a voltage of <= 60 V (excl. relays, push-button switches and rotary switches)
2016-06-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2016-06-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2016-06-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2016-06-0090319085Parts and accessories for instruments, appliances and machines for measuring and checking, n.e.s.
2016-06-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2016-06-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2016-06-0040169997Articles of vulcanised rubber, n.e.s. (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2016-06-0073072980Tube or pipe fittings of stainless steel (excl. cast, threaded, butt welding fittings and flanges)
2016-06-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2016-06-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-06-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2016-06-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2016-06-0085234190Optical media, unrecorded, for the recording of sound or of other phenomena "e.g. CD-RWs, DVD-/+RWs, DVD-RAMs, MiniDiscs" (excl. non-erasable discs for laser reading systems of a recording capacity <= 18 gigabytes [CD-Rs, DVD-/+Rs] and goods of chapter 37)
2016-06-0085235910Semiconductor media, unrecorded, for the recording of sound or of other phenomena (excl. solid-state non-volatile data storage devices and smart cards)
2016-06-0085340019Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. multiple printed circuits)
2016-06-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2016-06-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2016-06-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2016-06-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2016-06-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2016-06-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2016-06-0090138090Magnifying glasses, thread counters, stereoscopes, kaleidoscopes and other optical instruments and apparatus not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90
2016-06-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2016-06-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2016-05-0022072000Denatured ethyl alcohol and other spirits of any strength
2016-05-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2016-05-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2016-05-0032159000Ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. printing ink)
2016-05-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2016-05-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2016-05-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2016-05-0039235010Caps and capsules for bottles, of plastics
2016-05-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-05-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2016-05-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2016-05-0084211970Centrifuges, incl. centrifugal dryers (excl. apparatus for isotope separation, cream separators, clothes-dryers, and centrifuges of a kind used in laboratories and in the manufacture of semiconductor wafers)
2016-05-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-05-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2016-05-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2016-05-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2016-05-0084431970Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442 (excl. machinery for printing textile materials, those for use in the production of semiconductors, ink jet printing machines, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines and other office printing machines of heading 8469 to 8472 and offset, flexographic, letterpress and gravure printing machinery)
2016-05-0084433180Machines which perform two or more of the functions of printing, copying or facsimile transmission, capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network (excl. those having digital copying as principal function, where the copying is performed by scanning the original and printing the copies by means of an electrostatic print engine)
2016-05-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-05-0084433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-05-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-05-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2016-05-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-05-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-05-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-05-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2016-05-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2016-05-0084733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2016-05-0084793090Machinery for treating wood or cork (excl. dryers, spray guns and the like, machine tools and presses for the manufacture of particle board or fibre building board)
2016-05-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2016-05-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2016-05-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2016-05-0085045095Inductors (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus and for power supplies for automatic data-processing machines and units thereof and those for discharge lamps or tubes)
2016-05-0085318095Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus (excl. with flat panel display devices, indicator panels with liquid crystal devices or light emitting diodes, burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus and apparatus for cycles, motor vehicles and traffic signalling)
2016-05-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2016-05-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2016-05-0085423245Electronic integrated circuits as static random access memories "static RAMs", incl. cache random-access memories "cache-RAMs" (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2016-05-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2016-05-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2016-05-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2016-05-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2016-05-0090318034Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities (excl. for inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices)
2016-05-0096121010Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not on spools or in cartridges, of plastics (excl. woven of textile materials)
2016-05-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2016-05-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2016-05-0040103900Transmission belts or belting, of vulcanised rubber (excl. endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-section "V-belts", V-ribbed, of an outside circumference > 60 cm but <= 240 cm and endless synchronous belts of an outside circumference > 60 cm but <= 198 cm)
2016-05-0084219900Parts of machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2016-05-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-05-0085232990Magnetic media for sound or image reproducing phenomena (excl. cards incorporating a magnetic stripe, magnetic tapes, magnetic strips and goods of chapter 37)
2016-05-0085340019Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. multiple printed circuits)
2016-05-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2016-05-0085444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2016-05-0090138030Liquid crystal devices, n.e.s.
2016-05-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2016-05-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2016-04-0022072000Denatured ethyl alcohol and other spirits of any strength
2016-04-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2016-04-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2016-04-0032159000Ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. printing ink)
2016-04-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2016-04-0039173100Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, burst pressure >= 27,6 MPa
2016-04-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2016-04-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2016-04-0039235010Caps and capsules for bottles, of plastics
2016-04-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2016-04-0084148073Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2016-04-0084211970Centrifuges, incl. centrifugal dryers (excl. apparatus for isotope separation, cream separators, clothes-dryers, and centrifuges of a kind used in laboratories and in the manufacture of semiconductor wafers)
2016-04-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-04-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2016-04-0084424000Parts of machinery, apparatus and equipment for preparing or making printing blocks, plates, cylinders or other printing components, n.e.s.
2016-04-0084425020Plates, cylinders and other printing components, with printing image "e.g. for gravure printing"
2016-04-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2016-04-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2016-04-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-04-0084433910Machines performing a copying function by scanning the original and printing the copies by means of an electrostatic print engine (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-04-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-04-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2016-04-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-04-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-04-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-04-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2016-04-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2016-04-0084811005Pressure-reducing valves combined with filters or lubricators
2016-04-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2016-04-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2016-04-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2016-04-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2016-04-0085414010Light-emitting diodes, incl. laser diodes
2016-04-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2016-04-0090029000Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, mounted, of any material, being parts of or fittings for instruments or apparatus (excl. objective lenses for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers, such elements of glass not optically worked, and filters)
2016-04-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2016-04-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2016-04-0090318034Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities (excl. for inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices)
2016-04-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2016-04-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2016-04-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2016-04-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-04-0072189980Semi-finished products of stainless steel, forged (excl. products of square or rectangular cross-section)
2016-04-0073072980Tube or pipe fittings of stainless steel (excl. cast, threaded, butt welding fittings and flanges)
2016-04-0084137021Submersible pumps, single-stage
2016-04-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2016-04-0084219900Parts of machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2016-04-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-04-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2016-04-0085340019Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. multiple printed circuits)
2016-04-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2016-04-0085369085Electrical apparatus for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. fuses, circuit breakers and other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits, relays and other switches, lamp holders, plugs and sockets, prefabricated elements for electrical circuits and other connections and contact elements for wire and cables and for wafer probers)
2016-04-0085437030Aerial amplifiers
2016-04-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2016-04-0087149690Parts of pedals and crank-gear for bicycles, n.e.s.
2016-04-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2016-04-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2016-03-0022072000Denatured ethyl alcohol and other spirits of any strength
2016-03-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2016-03-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2016-03-0032159000Ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. printing ink)
2016-03-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2016-03-0039091000Urea resins and thiourea resins, in primary forms
2016-03-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2016-03-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2016-03-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2016-03-0084145920Axial fans (excl. table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W)
2016-03-0084211100Centrifugal cream separators
2016-03-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-03-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2016-03-0084351000Presses, crushers and similar machinery used in the manufacture of wine, cider, fruit juices or similar beverages (excl. machinery for the treatment of these beverages, incl. centrifuges, filter presses, other filtering equipment and domestic appliances)
2016-03-0084424000Parts of machinery, apparatus and equipment for preparing or making printing blocks, plates, cylinders or other printing components, n.e.s.
2016-03-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2016-03-0084431400Letterpress printing machinery, reel fed (excl. flexographic printing machinery)
2016-03-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-03-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-03-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2016-03-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-03-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-03-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-03-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2016-03-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2016-03-0084714100Data-processing machines, automatic, comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit, and one input unit and one output unit, whether or not combined (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. those presented in the form of systems and peripheral units)
2016-03-0084716060Keyboards for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing
2016-03-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2016-03-0084811005Pressure-reducing valves combined with filters or lubricators
2016-03-0084813091Check "non-return" valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, of cast iron or steel
2016-03-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2016-03-0084829900Parts of ball or roller bearings (excl. balls, needles and rollers), n.e.s.
2016-03-0085176200Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, incl. switching and routing apparatus (excl. telephone sets, telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks)
2016-03-0085369085Electrical apparatus for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. fuses, circuit breakers and other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits, relays and other switches, lamp holders, plugs and sockets, prefabricated elements for electrical circuits and other connections and contact elements for wire and cables and for wafer probers)
2016-03-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2016-03-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2016-03-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2016-03-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2016-03-0090318034Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities (excl. for inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices)
2016-03-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2016-03-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2016-03-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-03-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2016-03-0084135020Reciprocating positive displacement hydraulic units, with pumps
2016-03-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2016-03-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-03-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2016-03-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2016-03-0085340019Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. multiple printed circuits)
2016-03-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2016-03-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2016-03-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2016-03-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2016-03-0085444999Electric conductors for a voltage 1.000 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (excl. winding wire, coaxial conductors, wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships, and wire and cables with individual conductor wires of a diameter > 0,51 mm)
2016-03-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2016-03-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2016-03-0090138030Liquid crystal devices, n.e.s.
2016-03-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2016-03-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2016-02-0029141990Acyclic ketones without other oxygen function (excl. acetone, butanone "methyl ethyl ketone", 4-Methylpentan-2-one "Methyl isobutyl ketone" and 5-methylhexan-2-one)
2016-02-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2016-02-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2016-02-0032159000Ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. printing ink)
2016-02-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2016-02-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2016-02-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2016-02-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-02-0040169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2016-02-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2016-02-0084145920Axial fans (excl. table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W)
2016-02-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-02-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2016-02-0084425080Lithographic stones, plates and cylinders, without printing image, but prepared for printing purposes, e.g. planed, grained or polished
2016-02-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2016-02-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2016-02-0084431970Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442 (excl. machinery for printing textile materials, those for use in the production of semiconductors, ink jet printing machines, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines and other office printing machines of heading 8469 to 8472 and offset, flexographic, letterpress and gravure printing machinery)
2016-02-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-02-0084433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-02-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2016-02-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-02-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-02-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-02-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2016-02-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2016-02-0084714100Data-processing machines, automatic, comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit, and one input unit and one output unit, whether or not combined (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. those presented in the form of systems and peripheral units)
2016-02-0084716060Keyboards for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing
2016-02-0084798200Mixing, kneading, crushing, grinding, screening, sifting, homogenising, emulsifying or stirring machines, n.e.s. (excl. industrial robots)
2016-02-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2016-02-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2016-02-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2016-02-0085366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2016-02-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2016-02-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2016-02-0085423245Electronic integrated circuits as static random access memories "static RAMs", incl. cache random-access memories "cache-RAMs" (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2016-02-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2016-02-0085461000Electrical insulators of glass (excl. insulating fittings)
2016-02-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2016-02-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2016-02-0090262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2016-02-0090318032Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices
2016-02-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2016-02-0084137021Submersible pumps, single-stage
2016-02-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2016-02-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-02-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-02-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2016-02-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2016-02-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2016-02-0085444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2016-02-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2016-02-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2016-02-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2016-01-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2016-01-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2016-01-0032159000Ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. printing ink)
2016-01-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2016-01-0039173900Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials (excl. those with a burst pressure of >= 27,6 MPa)
2016-01-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2016-01-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-01-0073181699Nuts of iron or steel other than stainless, with an inside diameter of > 12 mm (excl. self-locking nuts)
2016-01-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2016-01-0084145920Axial fans (excl. table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W)
2016-01-0084145940Centrifugal fans (excl. table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W)
2016-01-0084148073Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2016-01-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-01-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2016-01-0084399900Parts of machinery for making or finishing paper or paperboard, n.e.s.
2016-01-0084431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2016-01-0084431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2016-01-0084431970Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442 (excl. machinery for printing textile materials, those for use in the production of semiconductors, ink jet printing machines, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines and other office printing machines of heading 8469 to 8472 and offset, flexographic, letterpress and gravure printing machinery)
2016-01-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2016-01-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2016-01-0084439110Parts and accessories of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors, n.e.s.
2016-01-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-01-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-01-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2016-01-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2016-01-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2016-01-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2016-01-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2016-01-0085043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2016-01-0085045095Inductors (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus and for power supplies for automatic data-processing machines and units thereof and those for discharge lamps or tubes)
2016-01-0085340011Multilayer printed circuits, consisting only of conductor elements and contacts
2016-01-0085366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2016-01-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2016-01-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2016-01-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2016-01-0085423245Electronic integrated circuits as static random access memories "static RAMs", incl. cache random-access memories "cache-RAMs" (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2016-01-0085441110Winding wire for electrical purposes, of copper, lacquered or enamelled
2016-01-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2016-01-0090138020Matrix liquid crystal devices, active
2016-01-0096121080Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not in spools or cartridges, made from fibres or paper (excl. those made from man-made fibres of subheading 9612.10.20)
2016-01-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-01-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2016-01-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2016-01-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2016-01-0090138090Magnifying glasses, thread counters, stereoscopes, kaleidoscopes and other optical instruments and apparatus not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90
2016-01-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2016-01-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-12-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-12-0032049000Synthetic organic products of a kind used as luminophores, whether or not chemically defined
2015-12-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-12-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2015-12-0084131900Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)
2015-12-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-12-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-12-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-12-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-12-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-12-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-12-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-12-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-12-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2015-12-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2015-12-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-12-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-12-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-12-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-11-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-11-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-11-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2015-11-0039269050Perforated buckets and similar articles used to filter water at the entrance to drains, of plastics
2015-11-0084136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2015-11-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-11-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-11-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-11-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-11-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-11-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-11-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2015-11-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-11-0085234925Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing phenomena (excl. those for reproducing sound or image, and goods of chapter 37)
2015-11-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-11-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2015-11-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2015-11-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2015-11-0085439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2015-11-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-11-0085446090Electric conductors for a voltage > 1.000 V, insulated, not with copper conductors, n.e.s.
2015-11-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-11-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-11-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-11-0090183190Syringes, with or without needles, used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences (excl. of plastic)
2015-11-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-11-0090268080Non-electronic instruments or apparatus for measuring or checking variables of liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2015-11-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2015-11-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2015-10-0032041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2015-10-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-10-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2015-10-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-10-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-10-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-10-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-10-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-10-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-10-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-10-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-10-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-10-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2015-10-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-10-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2015-10-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-10-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-10-0085365080Switches for a voltage of > 60 V and <= 1.000 V (excl. relays, automatic circuit breakers, electronic AC switches consisting of optically coupled input and output circuits "insulated thyristor AC switches", electronic switches, incl. temperature protected electronic switches, consisting of a transistor and a logic chip [chip-on-chip technology] and electromechanical snap-action switches for a current <= 11 A)
2015-10-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2015-10-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2015-10-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2015-10-0085423990Electronic integrated circuits (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits and such as processors, controllers, memories and amplifiers)
2015-10-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2015-10-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-10-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-10-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-10-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-10-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-10-0090269000Parts and accessories for instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2015-10-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2015-09-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-09-0032071000Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared colours and similar preparations of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
2015-09-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-09-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2015-09-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-09-0084131900Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)
2015-09-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-09-0084136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2015-09-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-09-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-09-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-09-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-09-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-09-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-09-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2015-09-0085045020Inductors of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus and for power supplies for automatic data-processing machines and units thereof (excl. those for discharge lamps or tubes)
2015-09-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-09-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2015-09-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2015-09-0085439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2015-09-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-09-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-09-0090021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2015-09-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-09-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-09-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-09-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2015-09-0094054035Electric lamps and lighting fittings, of plastics, used with tubular fluorescent lamps, n.e.s.
2015-08-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-08-0032041700Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2015-08-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-08-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-08-0084123100Pneumatic power engines and motors, linear-acting, "cylinders"
2015-08-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-08-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-08-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-08-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-08-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-08-0084439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-08-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-08-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-08-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2015-08-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-08-0084818079Globe valves (excl. valves of cast iron or steel, temperature regulators, pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of oleohydraulic or pneumatic power transmission, check valves and safety or relief valves, process control valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, washbasins, bidets, water cisterns, baths and similar fixtures, and central heating radiator valves)
2015-08-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-08-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-08-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2015-08-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2015-08-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2015-08-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2015-08-0085439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2015-08-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-08-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-08-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-08-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-08-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-07-0129270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-07-0132149000Non-refractory surfacing preparations for facades, inside walls, floors, ceilings and the like
2015-07-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-07-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2015-07-0138140010Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers, based on butyl acetate (excl. nail varnish remover)
2015-07-0138140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2015-07-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-07-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-07-0184213960Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying gases (other than air), by a catalytic process (excl. isotope separators)
2015-07-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-07-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-07-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-07-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-07-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-07-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2015-07-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-07-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2015-07-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-07-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-07-0185371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2015-07-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2015-07-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2015-07-0185437010Electrical machines with translation or dictionary functions
2015-07-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2015-07-0185439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2015-07-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-07-0185447000Optical fibre cables made up of individually sheathed fibres, whether or not containing electric conductors or fitted with connectors
2015-07-0185469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-07-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-07-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-07-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-07-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-07-0032149000Non-refractory surfacing preparations for facades, inside walls, floors, ceilings and the like
2015-07-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-07-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2015-07-0038140010Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers, based on butyl acetate (excl. nail varnish remover)
2015-07-0038140090Organic composite solvents and thinners and prepared paint or varnish removers (excl. those based on butyl acetate and nail varnish remover)
2015-07-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-07-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-07-0084213960Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying gases (other than air), by a catalytic process (excl. isotope separators)
2015-07-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-07-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-07-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-07-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-07-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-07-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2015-07-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-07-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2015-07-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-07-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-07-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2015-07-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2015-07-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2015-07-0085437010Electrical machines with translation or dictionary functions
2015-07-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2015-07-0085439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2015-07-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-07-0085447000Optical fibre cables made up of individually sheathed fibres, whether or not containing electric conductors or fitted with connectors
2015-07-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-07-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-07-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-07-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-06-0129270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-06-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-06-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-06-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-06-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-06-0184213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2015-06-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-06-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-06-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-06-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-06-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-06-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-06-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-06-0185329000Parts of electrical "pre-set" capacitors, fixed, variable or adjustable, n.e.s.
2015-06-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2015-06-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2015-06-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2015-06-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-06-0190021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2015-06-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-06-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-06-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-06-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-06-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-06-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-06-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-06-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-06-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2015-06-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-06-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-06-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-06-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-06-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-06-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-06-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-06-0085329000Parts of electrical "pre-set" capacitors, fixed, variable or adjustable, n.e.s.
2015-06-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2015-06-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2015-06-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2015-06-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-06-0090021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2015-06-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-06-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-06-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-05-0129270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-05-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-05-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2015-05-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-05-0184131900Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)
2015-05-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-05-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-05-0184213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2015-05-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-05-0184249000Parts of fire extinguishers, spray guns and similar appliances, steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines and machinery and apparatus for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders, n.e.s.
2015-05-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-05-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-05-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-05-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-05-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2015-05-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-05-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2015-05-0185044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2015-05-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-05-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-05-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2015-05-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2015-05-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-05-0185469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-05-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-05-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-05-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-05-0190329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2015-05-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-05-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-05-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2015-05-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-05-0084131900Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)
2015-05-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-05-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-05-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2015-05-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-05-0084249000Parts of fire extinguishers, spray guns and similar appliances, steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines and machinery and apparatus for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders, n.e.s.
2015-05-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-05-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-05-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-05-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-05-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2015-05-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-05-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2015-05-0085044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2015-05-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-05-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-05-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2015-05-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2015-05-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-05-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-05-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-05-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-05-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-05-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2015-04-0132129000Pigments, incl. metallic powders and flakes, dispersed in non-aqueous media, in liquid or paste form, of a kind used in the manufacture of paints; colorants and other colouring matter, n.e.s. put up for retail sale
2015-04-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-04-0184123100Pneumatic power engines and motors, linear-acting, "cylinders"
2015-04-0184131900Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)
2015-04-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-04-0184149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2015-04-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-04-0184213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2015-04-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-04-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-04-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-04-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-04-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-04-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2015-04-0184669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2015-04-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-04-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2015-04-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-04-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-04-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2015-04-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2015-04-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-04-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-04-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-04-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-04-0032129000Pigments, incl. metallic powders and flakes, dispersed in non-aqueous media, in liquid or paste form, of a kind used in the manufacture of paints; colorants and other colouring matter, n.e.s. put up for retail sale
2015-04-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-04-0084123100Pneumatic power engines and motors, linear-acting, "cylinders"
2015-04-0084131900Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)
2015-04-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-04-0084149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2015-04-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-04-0084213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2015-04-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-04-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-04-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-04-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-04-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-04-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2015-04-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2015-04-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-04-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2015-04-0085234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2015-04-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-04-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2015-04-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2015-04-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-04-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-04-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-04-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-03-0129270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-03-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-03-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-03-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-03-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-03-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-03-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-03-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-03-0185238099Media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, magnetic, optical and semiconductor media, and products of chapter 37)
2015-03-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2015-03-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2015-03-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2015-03-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2015-03-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-03-0185469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-03-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-03-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-03-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-03-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-03-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-03-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-03-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-03-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-03-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-03-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-03-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-03-0085238099Media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, magnetic, optical and semiconductor media, and products of chapter 37)
2015-03-0085371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2015-03-0085371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2015-03-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2015-03-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2015-03-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-03-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-03-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-03-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-03-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-02-0132071000Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared colours and similar preparations of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
2015-02-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-02-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2015-02-0184136020Rotory positive displacement hydraulic units, with pumps
2015-02-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-02-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-02-0184213960Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying gases (other than air), by a catalytic process (excl. isotope separators)
2015-02-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-02-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-02-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-02-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-02-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-02-0184483900Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8445, n.e.s.
2015-02-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2015-02-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-02-0184719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2015-02-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2015-02-0185176200Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, incl. switching and routing apparatus (excl. telephone sets, telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks)
2015-02-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-02-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-02-0185469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-02-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-02-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-02-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-02-0190329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2015-02-0032071000Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared colours and similar preparations of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
2015-02-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-02-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2015-02-0084136020Rotory positive displacement hydraulic units, with pumps
2015-02-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-02-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-02-0084213960Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying gases (other than air), by a catalytic process (excl. isotope separators)
2015-02-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-02-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-02-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-02-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-02-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-02-0084483900Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8445, n.e.s.
2015-02-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2015-02-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-02-0084719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2015-02-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2015-02-0085176200Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, incl. switching and routing apparatus (excl. telephone sets, telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks)
2015-02-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-02-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-02-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-02-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-02-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-02-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-02-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2015-01-0129270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-01-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-01-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2015-01-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-01-0183024900Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles (excl. locks with keys, clasps and frames with clasps incorporating locks, hinges, castors and mountings and fittings suitable for buildings, motor vehicles or furniture)
2015-01-0184131900Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)
2015-01-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-01-0184136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2015-01-0184138100Pumps for liquids, power-driven (excl. those of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, general reciprocating or rotary positive displacement pumps and centrifugal pumps of all kinds)
2015-01-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-01-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-01-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-01-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-01-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-01-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-01-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2015-01-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-01-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2015-01-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-01-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2015-01-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2015-01-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-01-0185444999Electric conductors for a voltage 1.000 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (excl. winding wire, coaxial conductors, wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships, and wire and cables with individual conductor wires of a diameter > 0,51 mm)
2015-01-0185446090Electric conductors for a voltage > 1.000 V, insulated, not with copper conductors, n.e.s.
2015-01-0185469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-01-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-01-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-01-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-01-0190329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2015-01-0029270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2015-01-0032151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2015-01-0032151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2015-01-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-01-0083024900Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles (excl. locks with keys, clasps and frames with clasps incorporating locks, hinges, castors and mountings and fittings suitable for buildings, motor vehicles or furniture)
2015-01-0084131900Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)
2015-01-0084136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2015-01-0084136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2015-01-0084138100Pumps for liquids, power-driven (excl. those of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, general reciprocating or rotary positive displacement pumps and centrifugal pumps of all kinds)
2015-01-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2015-01-0084213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2015-01-0084433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2015-01-0084433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2015-01-0084439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-01-0084439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2015-01-0084561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2015-01-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2015-01-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2015-01-0085340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2015-01-0085437030Aerial amplifiers
2015-01-0085437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2015-01-0085444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2015-01-0085444999Electric conductors for a voltage 1.000 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (excl. winding wire, coaxial conductors, wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships, and wire and cables with individual conductor wires of a diameter > 0,51 mm)
2015-01-0085446090Electric conductors for a voltage > 1.000 V, insulated, not with copper conductors, n.e.s.
2015-01-0085469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2015-01-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2015-01-0090139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2015-01-0090262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2015-01-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2014-12-0132071000Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared colours and similar preparations of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
2014-12-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2014-12-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2014-12-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2014-12-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2014-12-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2014-12-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2014-12-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2014-12-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-12-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-12-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2014-12-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2014-12-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2014-12-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2014-12-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2014-12-0185437060Electric fence energisers
2014-12-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2014-12-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2014-12-0190138090Magnifying glasses, thread counters, stereoscopes, kaleidoscopes and other optical instruments and apparatus not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90
2014-12-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2014-12-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2014-11-0129270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2014-11-0132071000Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared colours and similar preparations of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
2014-11-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2014-11-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2014-11-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2014-11-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2014-11-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2014-11-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2014-11-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-11-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-11-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2014-11-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2014-11-0184719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2014-11-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2014-11-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2014-11-0185437060Electric fence energisers
2014-11-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2014-11-0185469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2014-11-0190021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2014-11-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2014-11-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2014-11-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2014-10-0129141200Butanone "methyl ethyl ketone"
2014-10-0129270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2014-10-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2014-10-0132071000Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared colours and similar preparations of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
2014-10-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2014-10-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2014-10-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2014-10-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2014-10-0184433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2014-10-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2014-10-0184439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2014-10-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-10-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-10-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2014-10-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2014-10-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2014-10-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2014-10-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2014-10-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2014-10-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2014-10-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2014-09-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2014-09-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2014-09-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2014-09-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2014-09-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2014-09-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2014-09-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-09-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-09-0184669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2014-09-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2014-09-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2014-09-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2014-09-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2014-09-0185437060Electric fence energisers
2014-09-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2014-09-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2014-09-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2014-09-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2014-08-0129299000Compounds with nitrogen function (excl. amine-function compounds; oxygen-function amino-compounds; quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithin and other phosphoaminolipids; carboxyamide-function compounds; amide-function compounds of carbonic acid; carboxyimide-function, imine-function or nitrile-function compounds; diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds; organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine and isocyanates)
2014-08-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2014-08-0132071000Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared colours and similar preparations of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
2014-08-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2014-08-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2014-08-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2014-08-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2014-08-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2014-08-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-08-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-08-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2014-08-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2014-08-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2014-08-0185437060Electric fence energisers
2014-08-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2014-08-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2014-08-0185469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2014-08-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2014-08-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2014-08-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2014-08-0190329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2014-06-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2014-06-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2014-06-0173181510Screws of iron or steel, turned from bars, rods, profiles, or wire, of solid section, threaded, of a shank thickness of <= 6 mm
2014-06-0182042000Interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles, of base metal
2014-06-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2014-06-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2014-06-0184399900Parts of machinery for making or finishing paper or paperboard, n.e.s.
2014-06-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2014-06-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2014-06-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-06-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-06-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2014-06-0184719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2014-06-0184798930Mobile hydraulic powered mine roof supports
2014-06-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2014-06-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2014-06-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2014-06-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2014-06-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2014-06-0185469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2014-06-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2014-06-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2014-06-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2014-06-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2014-04-0132071000Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared colours and similar preparations of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
2014-04-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2014-04-0139269092Articles made from plastic sheet, n.e.s.
2014-04-0140161000Articles of cellular rubber, n.e.s.
2014-04-0173063072Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, welded, of circular cross-section, of iron or non-alloy steel, of an external diameter of <= 168,3 mm, plated or coated with zinc (excl. line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines or casing and tubingof a kind used in drilling for oil or gas)
2014-04-0182042000Interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles, of base metal
2014-04-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2014-04-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2014-04-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2014-04-0184219900Parts of machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2014-04-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2014-04-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2014-04-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-04-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-04-0184669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2014-04-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2014-04-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2014-04-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2014-04-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2014-04-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2014-04-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2014-04-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2014-04-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2014-04-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2014-04-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2014-04-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2014-04-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2014-03-0129270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2014-03-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2014-03-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2014-03-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2014-03-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2014-03-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2014-03-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2014-03-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2014-03-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-03-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-03-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2014-03-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2014-03-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2014-03-0185234999Optical media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. discs for laser reading systems, those for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine and goods of chapter 37)
2014-03-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2014-03-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2014-03-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2014-03-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2014-03-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2014-03-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2014-03-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2014-03-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2014-02-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2014-02-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2014-02-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2014-02-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2014-02-0184136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2014-02-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2014-02-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2014-02-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-02-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-02-0184798930Mobile hydraulic powered mine roof supports
2014-02-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2014-02-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2014-02-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2014-02-0190021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2014-02-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2014-02-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2014-02-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2014-02-0190329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2014-01-0129270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2014-01-0132071000Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared colours and similar preparations of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
2014-01-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2014-01-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2014-01-0182042000Interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles, of base metal
2014-01-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2014-01-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2014-01-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2014-01-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2014-01-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-01-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2014-01-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2014-01-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2014-01-0184798930Mobile hydraulic powered mine roof supports
2014-01-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2014-01-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2014-01-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2014-01-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2014-01-0185444995Electric conductors for a voltage > 80 V but < 1.000 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (excl. winding wire, coaxial conductors, wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships, and wire and cables with individual conductor wires of a diameter > 0,51 mm)
2014-01-0190021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2014-01-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2014-01-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2014-01-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2014-01-0190329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2013-12-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2013-12-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2013-12-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2013-12-0173202089Helical springs, of iron or steel (excl. hot-worked, coil compression and coil tension springs)
2013-12-0182042000Interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles, of base metal
2013-12-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2013-12-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2013-12-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-12-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2013-12-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-12-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-12-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2013-12-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2013-12-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2013-12-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2013-12-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2013-12-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2013-12-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2013-12-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2013-12-0190021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2013-12-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2013-12-0190139010Parts and accessories for liquid crystal displays "LCD"
2013-12-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2013-12-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2013-12-0190282000Liquid meters, incl. calibrating meters therefor
2013-12-0190312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2013-11-0132149000Non-refractory surfacing preparations for facades, inside walls, floors, ceilings and the like
2013-11-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2013-11-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2013-11-0182042000Interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles, of base metal
2013-11-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2013-11-0184136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2013-11-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2013-11-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2013-11-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-11-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-11-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-11-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2013-11-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2013-11-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2013-11-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2013-11-0185437010Electrical machines with translation or dictionary functions
2013-11-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2013-11-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2013-11-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2013-11-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2013-11-0190139010Parts and accessories for liquid crystal displays "LCD"
2013-11-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2013-11-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2013-10-0129270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2013-10-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2013-10-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2013-10-0182042000Interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles, of base metal
2013-10-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2013-10-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2013-10-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-10-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2013-10-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-10-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-10-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2013-10-0185044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2013-10-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2013-10-0185234959Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing sound and image or image only (excl. digital versatile discs "DVD" and discs for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine)
2013-10-0185340019Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. multiple printed circuits)
2013-10-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2013-10-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2013-10-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2013-10-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2013-10-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2013-10-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2013-10-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2013-10-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2013-10-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2013-09-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2013-09-0184136020Rotory positive displacement hydraulic units, with pumps
2013-09-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2013-09-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2013-09-0184433180Machines which perform two or more of the functions of printing, copying or facsimile transmission, capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network (excl. those having digital copying as principal function, where the copying is performed by scanning the original and printing the copies by means of an electrostatic print engine)
2013-09-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-09-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2013-09-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-09-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-09-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2013-09-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2013-09-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2013-09-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2013-09-0190021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2013-09-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2013-09-0190139010Parts and accessories for liquid crystal displays "LCD"
2013-09-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2013-09-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2013-09-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2013-08-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2013-08-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2013-08-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2013-08-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2013-08-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2013-08-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-08-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-08-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-08-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2013-08-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2013-08-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2013-08-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2013-08-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2013-08-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2013-08-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2013-08-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2013-08-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2013-08-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2013-08-0185446090Electric conductors for a voltage > 1.000 V, insulated, not with copper conductors, n.e.s.
2013-08-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2013-08-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2013-08-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2013-07-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2013-07-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2013-07-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2013-07-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2013-07-0184431100Offset printing machinery, reel fed
2013-07-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-07-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-07-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-07-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2013-07-0184669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2013-07-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2013-07-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2013-07-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2013-07-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2013-07-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2013-07-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2013-07-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2013-07-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2013-07-0190262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2013-07-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2013-07-0190269000Parts and accessories for instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2013-06-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2013-06-0139059990Polymers of vinyl esters and other vinyl polymers, in primary forms (excl. those of vinyl chloride or other halogenated olefins, poly"vinyl acetate", copolymers and poly"vinyl alcohol", whether or not containing unhydrolised acetate groups, and poly"vinyl formal" in blocks of irregular shape, lumps, powders, granules, flakes and similar bulk forms, of a molecular weight of >= 10.000 but <= 40.000 and containing by weight >= 9,5% but <= 13% of acetyl groups evaluated as vinyl acetate and >= 5% bu
2013-06-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2013-06-0184136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2013-06-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-06-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2013-06-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-06-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-06-0184669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2013-06-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2013-06-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2013-06-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2013-06-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2013-06-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2013-06-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2013-06-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2013-06-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2013-06-0190328100Hydraulic or pneumatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. manostats and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2013-05-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2013-05-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2013-05-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-05-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-05-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-05-0184718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2013-05-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2013-05-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2013-05-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2013-05-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2013-05-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2013-05-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2013-05-0190262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2013-05-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2013-04-0129270000Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
2013-04-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2013-04-0184136020Rotory positive displacement hydraulic units, with pumps
2013-04-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2013-04-0184136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2013-04-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2013-04-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-04-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2013-04-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-04-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-04-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2013-04-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2013-04-0184798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2013-04-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2013-04-0185234999Optical media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. discs for laser reading systems, those for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine and goods of chapter 37)
2013-04-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2013-04-0185423245Electronic integrated circuits as static random access memories "static RAMs", incl. cache random-access memories "cache-RAMs" (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2013-04-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2013-04-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2013-04-0185469090Electrical insulators (excl. those of glass, ceramics or plastics and insulating fittings)
2013-04-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2013-04-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2013-04-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2013-04-0190321020Electronic thermostats
2013-04-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2013-03-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2013-03-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2013-03-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2013-03-0184136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2013-03-0184433120Machines having digital copying as principal function, where the copying is performed by scanning the original and printing the copies by means of an electrostatic print engine, capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-03-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-03-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2013-03-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-03-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-03-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2013-03-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2013-03-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2013-03-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2013-03-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2013-03-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2013-03-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2013-02-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2013-02-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2013-02-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2013-02-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2013-02-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-02-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-02-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-02-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2013-02-0184798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2013-02-0185044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2013-02-0185234939Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing sound only, of a diameter > 6,5 cm
2013-02-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2013-02-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2013-02-0185371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2013-02-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2013-02-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2013-02-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2013-02-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2013-02-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2013-01-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2013-01-0184136020Rotory positive displacement hydraulic units, with pumps
2013-01-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2013-01-0184136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2013-01-0184138100Pumps for liquids, power-driven (excl. those of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, general reciprocating or rotary positive displacement pumps and centrifugal pumps of all kinds)
2013-01-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2013-01-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2013-01-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2013-01-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-01-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2013-01-0185044055Accumulator chargers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, and polycrystalline semiconductor rectifiers)
2013-01-0185234939Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing sound only, of a diameter > 6,5 cm
2013-01-0185234999Optical media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. discs for laser reading systems, those for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine and goods of chapter 37)
2013-01-0185340019Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. multiple printed circuits)
2013-01-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2013-01-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2013-01-0185446090Electric conductors for a voltage > 1.000 V, insulated, not with copper conductors, n.e.s.
2013-01-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2013-01-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2013-01-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2013-01-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2012-12-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2012-12-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2012-12-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2012-12-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2012-12-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-12-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-12-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-12-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2012-12-0185044082Rectifiers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)
2012-12-0185234999Optical media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. discs for laser reading systems, those for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine and goods of chapter 37)
2012-12-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2012-12-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2012-12-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2012-12-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2012-12-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2012-12-0190282000Liquid meters, incl. calibrating meters therefor
2012-11-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2012-11-0174130000Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, of copper (excl. electrically insulated products)
2012-11-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2012-11-0184136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2012-11-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2012-11-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-11-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2012-11-0184439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2012-11-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-11-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-11-0184669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2012-11-0184812010Valves for the control of oleohydraulic power transmission
2012-11-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2012-11-0185234939Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing sound only, of a diameter > 6,5 cm
2012-11-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2012-11-0185371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2012-11-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2012-11-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2012-11-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2012-11-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2012-11-0190262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2012-11-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2012-11-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2012-10-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2012-10-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2012-10-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2012-10-0184136080Rotary positive displacement pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, gear pumps, vane pumps, screw pumps and hydraulic units)
2012-10-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2012-10-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2012-10-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-10-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-10-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-10-0184798930Mobile hydraulic powered mine roof supports
2012-10-0185049099Parts of static converters, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)
2012-10-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2012-10-0185234939Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing sound only, of a diameter > 6,5 cm
2012-10-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2012-10-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2012-10-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2012-10-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2012-10-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2012-10-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2012-10-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2012-10-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2012-10-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2012-09-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2012-09-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2012-09-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2012-09-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2012-09-0184229090Parts of packing or wrapping machinery and of other machinery of heading 8422, n.e.s. (excl. parts of dishwashing machines)
2012-09-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-09-0184433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-09-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-09-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-09-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2012-09-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2012-09-0185234999Optical media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. discs for laser reading systems, those for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine and goods of chapter 37)
2012-09-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2012-09-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2012-09-0185444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2012-09-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2012-09-0190139010Parts and accessories for liquid crystal displays "LCD"
2012-09-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2012-09-0190262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2012-09-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2012-09-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2012-08-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2012-08-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2012-08-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-08-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-08-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-08-0184669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2012-08-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2012-08-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2012-08-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2012-08-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2012-08-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2012-08-0185437010Electrical machines with translation or dictionary functions
2012-08-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2012-08-0185437050Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment
2012-08-0185444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2012-08-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2012-08-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2012-08-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2012-08-0190262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2012-08-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2012-07-0132071000Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared colours and similar preparations of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
2012-07-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2012-07-0149019900Printed books, brochures and similar printed matter (excl. those in single sheets; dictionaries, encyclopaedias, periodicals and publications which are essentially devoted to advertising)
2012-07-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2012-07-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2012-07-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-07-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2012-07-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-07-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-07-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2012-07-0185044030Static converters of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof
2012-07-0185232990Magnetic media for sound or image reproducing phenomena (excl. cards incorporating a magnetic stripe, magnetic tapes, magnetic strips and goods of chapter 37)
2012-07-0185234939Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing sound only, of a diameter > 6,5 cm
2012-07-0185234999Optical media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. discs for laser reading systems, those for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine and goods of chapter 37)
2012-07-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2012-07-0185444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2012-07-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2012-07-0185444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2012-07-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2012-07-0190139010Parts and accessories for liquid crystal displays "LCD"
2012-07-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2012-07-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2012-06-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2012-06-0184131900Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)
2012-06-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2012-06-0184136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2012-06-0184137029Submersible pumps, multi-stage
2012-06-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2012-06-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2012-06-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-06-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2012-06-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-06-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-06-0184483900Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8445, n.e.s.
2012-06-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2012-06-0185044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2012-06-0185234939Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing sound only, of a diameter > 6,5 cm
2012-06-0185234999Optical media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. discs for laser reading systems, those for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine and goods of chapter 37)
2012-06-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2012-06-0185371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2012-06-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2012-06-0185444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2012-06-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2012-06-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2012-06-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2012-06-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2012-05-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2012-05-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2012-05-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-05-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2012-05-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-05-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-05-0185044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2012-05-0185234999Optical media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. discs for laser reading systems, those for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine and goods of chapter 37)
2012-05-0185437010Electrical machines with translation or dictionary functions
2012-05-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2012-05-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2012-05-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2012-05-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2012-05-0190289090Parts and accessories for gas or liquid meters, n.e.s.
2012-05-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2012-04-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2012-04-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2012-04-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2012-04-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-04-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-04-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-04-0184669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2012-04-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2012-04-0185044055Accumulator chargers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, and polycrystalline semiconductor rectifiers)
2012-04-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2012-04-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2012-04-0185234999Optical media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. discs for laser reading systems, those for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine and goods of chapter 37)
2012-04-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2012-04-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2012-04-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2012-04-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2012-04-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2012-04-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2012-04-0190139010Parts and accessories for liquid crystal displays "LCD"
2012-04-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2012-04-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2012-03-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2012-03-0184137029Submersible pumps, multi-stage
2012-03-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2012-03-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-03-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-03-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-03-0184669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2012-03-0184719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2012-03-0184798930Mobile hydraulic powered mine roof supports
2012-03-0185234999Optical media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. discs for laser reading systems, those for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine and goods of chapter 37)
2012-03-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2012-03-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2012-03-0190139010Parts and accessories for liquid crystal displays "LCD"
2012-03-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2012-03-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2012-03-0190289090Parts and accessories for gas or liquid meters, n.e.s.
2012-02-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2012-02-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2012-02-0184283300Continuous-action elevators and conveyors for goods or materials, belt type (excl. those for underground use)
2012-02-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-02-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-02-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-02-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2012-02-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2012-02-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2012-02-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2012-02-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2012-01-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2012-01-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2012-01-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2012-01-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2012-01-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-01-0184433230Facsimile machines capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2012-01-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-01-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2012-01-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2012-01-0185044055Accumulator chargers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, and polycrystalline semiconductor rectifiers)
2012-01-0185232939Magnetic tapes and magnetic discs, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine and goods of chapter 37)
2012-01-0185234945Optical discs for laser reading systems, recorded, for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine
2012-01-0185235910Semiconductor media, unrecorded, for the recording of sound or of other phenomena (excl. solid-state non-volatile data storage devices and smart cards)
2012-01-0185340019Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. multiple printed circuits)
2012-01-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2012-01-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2012-01-0185442000Coaxial cable and other coaxial electric conductors, insulated
2012-01-0190021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2012-01-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2012-01-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-12-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2011-12-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2011-12-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2011-12-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-12-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-12-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-12-0184733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2011-12-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2011-12-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2011-12-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2011-12-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2011-12-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-12-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2011-11-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2011-11-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2011-11-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2011-11-0184431390Offset printing machinery (excl. reel feed and sheet feed)
2011-11-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-11-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-11-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-11-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2011-11-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2011-11-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2011-11-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2011-11-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2011-11-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-10-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2011-10-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2011-10-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2011-10-0184136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2011-10-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2011-10-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-10-0184433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-10-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-10-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-10-0185044055Accumulator chargers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, and polycrystalline semiconductor rectifiers)
2011-10-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2011-10-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2011-10-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2011-10-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2011-10-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2011-10-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2011-10-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-10-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2011-09-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2011-09-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2011-09-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-09-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-09-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-09-0184798930Mobile hydraulic powered mine roof supports
2011-09-0185044055Accumulator chargers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, and polycrystalline semiconductor rectifiers)
2011-09-0185044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2011-09-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2011-09-0185299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2011-09-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2011-09-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2011-09-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2011-09-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2011-09-0190139010Parts and accessories for liquid crystal displays "LCD"
2011-09-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2011-09-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-09-0190269000Parts and accessories for instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2011-09-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2011-08-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2011-08-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2011-08-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2011-08-0184137029Submersible pumps, multi-stage
2011-08-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2011-08-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-08-0184439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2011-08-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-08-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-08-0185044082Rectifiers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)
2011-08-0185044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2011-08-0185049091Electronic assemblies of static converters of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, n.e.s.
2011-08-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2011-08-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2011-08-0185365019Switches for a voltage of <= 60 V (excl. relays, push-button switches and rotary switches)
2011-08-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2011-08-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2011-08-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2011-08-0190262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2011-08-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-07-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2011-07-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2011-07-0132159000Ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. printing ink)
2011-07-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2011-07-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-07-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-07-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-07-0184718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2011-07-0185340019Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. multiple printed circuits)
2011-07-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2011-07-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2011-07-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2011-07-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-06-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2011-06-0184136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2011-06-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2011-06-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-06-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2011-06-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-06-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-06-0184718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2011-06-0185044055Accumulator chargers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, and polycrystalline semiconductor rectifiers)
2011-06-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2011-06-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2011-06-0185416000Mounted piezoelectric crystals
2011-06-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2011-06-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2011-06-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2011-06-0190139010Parts and accessories for liquid crystal displays "LCD"
2011-06-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2011-06-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-06-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2011-05-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2011-05-0173221900Radiators for central heating, non-electrically heated, and parts thereof, of iron other than cast iron or steel (excl. parts, elsewhere specified or included, and central-heating boilers)
2011-05-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2011-05-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-05-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-05-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-05-0184719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2011-05-0185044030Static converters of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof
2011-05-0185232990Magnetic media for sound or image reproducing phenomena (excl. cards incorporating a magnetic stripe, magnetic tapes, magnetic strips and goods of chapter 37)
2011-05-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2011-05-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2011-05-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-04-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2011-04-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2011-04-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2011-04-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2011-04-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-04-0184433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-04-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-04-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-04-0185232990Magnetic media for sound or image reproducing phenomena (excl. cards incorporating a magnetic stripe, magnetic tapes, magnetic strips and goods of chapter 37)
2011-04-0185299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2011-04-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2011-04-0185444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2011-04-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2011-04-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2011-04-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-03-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2011-03-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2011-03-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2011-03-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2011-03-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-03-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-03-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-03-0184718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2011-03-0185044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2011-03-0185232990Magnetic media for sound or image reproducing phenomena (excl. cards incorporating a magnetic stripe, magnetic tapes, magnetic strips and goods of chapter 37)
2011-03-0185340090Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. those with passive and active elements)
2011-03-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2011-03-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2011-03-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2011-03-0185439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2011-03-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2011-03-0190139010Parts and accessories for liquid crystal displays "LCD"
2011-03-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2011-03-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-03-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2011-02-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2011-02-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2011-02-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2011-02-0184137021Submersible pumps, single-stage
2011-02-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2011-02-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-02-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-02-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-02-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2011-02-0185369001Prefabricated elements for electrical circuits, for a voltage of <= 1.000 V
2011-02-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2011-02-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2011-02-0190262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2011-02-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-01-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2011-01-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2011-01-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2011-01-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-01-0184433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2011-01-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-01-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-01-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2011-01-0185044082Rectifiers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)
2011-01-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2011-01-0185369001Prefabricated elements for electrical circuits, for a voltage of <= 1.000 V
2011-01-0185414090Photosensitive semiconductor devices, incl. photovoltaic cells
2011-01-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2011-01-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2011-01-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2011-01-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2011-01-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2010-12-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2010-12-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2010-12-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2010-12-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-12-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2010-12-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-12-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-12-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2010-12-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2010-12-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2010-12-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2010-12-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2010-12-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2010-12-0190262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2010-12-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2010-12-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2010-11-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2010-11-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2010-11-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2010-11-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2010-11-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2010-11-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-11-0184433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-11-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2010-11-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-11-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-11-0185044055Accumulator chargers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, and polycrystalline semiconductor rectifiers)
2010-11-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2010-11-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2010-11-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2010-11-0190021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2010-11-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2010-11-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2010-11-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2010-10-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2010-10-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2010-10-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-10-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-10-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-10-0184718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2010-10-0185044055Accumulator chargers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, and polycrystalline semiconductor rectifiers)
2010-10-0185044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2010-10-0185371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2010-10-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2010-10-0185437010Electrical machines with translation or dictionary functions
2010-10-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2010-10-0190021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2010-10-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2010-10-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2010-10-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2010-09-0132041100Synthetic organic disperse dyes; preparations based on synthetic organic disperse dyes of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215)
2010-09-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2010-09-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2010-09-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2010-09-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2010-09-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-09-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-09-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-09-0185232939Magnetic tapes and magnetic discs, recorded, for reproducing sound or image (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine and goods of chapter 37)
2010-09-0185299097Parts suitable for use solely or principally with transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. (excl. assemblies and sub-assemblies, parts for digital cameras, aerials and aerial reflectors, and electronic assemblies)
2010-09-0185371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2010-09-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2010-09-0185414010Light-emitting diodes, incl. laser diodes
2010-09-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2010-09-0185443000Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships
2010-09-0185444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2010-09-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2010-09-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2010-09-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2010-09-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2010-08-0118061030Sweetened cocoa powder, containing >= 65% but < 80% sucrose, incl. inverted sugar expressed as sucrose or isoglucose expressed as sucrose
2010-08-0129141200Butanone "methyl ethyl ketone"
2010-08-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2010-08-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2010-08-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2010-08-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2010-08-0184431970Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442 (excl. machinery for printing textile materials, those for use in the production of semiconductors, ink jet printing machines, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines and other office printing machines of heading 8469 to 8472 and offset, flexographic, letterpress and gravure printing machinery)
2010-08-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-08-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-08-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-08-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2010-08-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2010-08-0185366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2010-08-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2010-08-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2010-08-0190262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2010-08-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2010-08-0190269000Parts and accessories for instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2010-07-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2010-07-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2010-07-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2010-07-0148211010Self-adhesive paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, printed
2010-07-0184136020Rotory positive displacement hydraulic units, with pumps
2010-07-0184136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2010-07-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2010-07-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-07-0184433230Facsimile machines capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-07-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-07-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-07-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2010-07-0185444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2010-07-0185489090Electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2010-07-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2010-07-0190139010Parts and accessories for liquid crystal displays "LCD"
2010-07-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2010-07-0190262040Spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges
2010-07-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2010-06-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2010-06-0139235090Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics (excl. caps and capsules for bottles)
2010-06-0184136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2010-06-0184137029Submersible pumps, multi-stage
2010-06-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-06-0184433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-06-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-06-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-06-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2010-06-0185044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2010-06-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2010-06-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2010-06-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2010-06-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2010-06-0190021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2010-06-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2010-06-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2010-05-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2010-05-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2010-05-0138021000Activated carbon (excl. medicaments or deodorant products for fridges, vehicles etc., put up for retail sale)
2010-05-0138089110Insecticides based on pyrethroids, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excl. goods of subheading 3808.50)
2010-05-0138089190Insecticides put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excl. such products based on pyrethroids, chlorinated hydrocarbons, carbamates or organophosphorus compounds and goods of subheading 3808.50)
2010-05-0138089990Plant protection products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (excl. insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, disinfectants, rodenticides, and goods of subheading 3808.50)
2010-05-0184137029Submersible pumps, multi-stage
2010-05-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2010-05-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-05-0184433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-05-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-05-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-05-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2010-05-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2010-05-0185414090Photosensitive semiconductor devices, incl. photovoltaic cells
2010-05-0185444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2010-05-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2010-05-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2010-05-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2010-04-0132041900Synthetic organic colouring matter (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes and reactive dyes and organic pigments); preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixtures of colouring matter in subheading 3204.11 to 3204.19
2010-04-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2010-04-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-04-0184433230Facsimile machines capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-04-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-04-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-04-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2010-04-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2010-04-0185044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2010-04-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2010-04-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2010-04-0185371099Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines and programmable memory controllers)
2010-04-0185439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2010-04-0190021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2010-04-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2010-04-0190139010Parts and accessories for liquid crystal displays "LCD"
2010-04-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2010-04-0190262040Spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges
2010-04-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2010-03-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2010-03-0132151900Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid (excl. black ink)
2010-03-0184136039Gear pumps, power-driven (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and hydraulic pumps, incl. hydraulic units)
2010-03-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-03-0184433291Machines only performing a copying function by scanning the original and printing the copies by means of an electrostatic print engine capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-03-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2010-03-0184439191Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, of cast iron or cast steel, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors)
2010-03-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-03-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-03-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2010-03-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2010-03-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2010-03-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2010-03-0190262020Electronic instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators)
2010-03-0190262080Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases, non-electronic (excl. spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges, and regulators)
2010-03-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2010-02-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2010-02-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-02-0184433230Facsimile machines capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-02-0184433299Machines only performing a copying function incorporating a non-optical system capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-02-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-02-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-02-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2010-02-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2010-02-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2010-02-0185437030Aerial amplifiers
2010-02-0185444290Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications)
2010-02-0190021900Objective lenses (excl. for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers)
2010-02-0190132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2010-02-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.
2010-01-0132151100Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated or solid
2010-01-0184136031Hydraulic fluid power gear pumps (excl. hydraulic units)
2010-01-0184433210Printers capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network
2010-01-0184433990Printers and facsimile machines (excl. those capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network)
2010-01-0184439199Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442, n.e.s. (excl. of printing machinery for use in the production of semiconductors and of cast iron or cast steel)
2010-01-0184439910Electronic assemblies of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines (excl. of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-01-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2010-01-0184561000Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (excl. soldering and welding machines, incl. those which can be used for cutting, material testing machines and machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits)
2010-01-0190139090Parts and accessories for lasers and other instruments, apparatus and appliances not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90, n.e.s.

For goods imported into the United Kingdom, only imports originating from outside the EU are shown

Government Grants / Awards
Technology Strategy Board Awards
The Technology Strategy Board has not awarded LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED any grants or awards. Grants from the TSB are an indicator that the company is investing in new technologies or IPR
European Union CORDIS Awards
The European Union has not awarded LINX PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED any grants or awards.
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