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Home > England & Wales Companies > HOWMET LIMITED
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Company Registration Number
Private Limited Company

Company Overview

About Howmet Ltd
HOWMET LIMITED was founded on 1991-11-04 and has its registered office in Exeter. The organisation's status is listed as "Active". Howmet Limited is a Private Limited Company registered in ENGLAND with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as FULL
  • Annual turnover is £6.5 million or more
  • The balance sheet total is £ 3.26 million or more
  • Employs 50 or more employees
  • May be publically listed
  • May be a member of a group of companies meeting any of the above criteria
Key Data
Company Name
Legal Registered Office
Other companies in EX2
Telephone01392 429700
Filing Information
Company Number 02659893
Company ID Number 02659893
Date formed 1991-11-04
Origin Country United Kingdom
Type Private Limited Company
CompanyStatus Active
Lastest accounts 31/12/2023
Account next due 30/09/2025
Latest return 04/11/2015
Return next due 02/12/2016
Type of accounts FULL
VAT Number /Sales tax ID GB140906095  
Last Datalog update: 2024-11-05 13:41:20
Primary Source:Companies House
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Companies with same name HOWMET LIMITED
The following companies were found which have the same name as HOWMET LIMITED. These may be the same company in different jurisdictions
  Registered addressLast known statusFormation date
Howmet (Hong Kong) Limited Active Company formed on the 2007-10-25
HOWMET AEROSPACE INC. 201 ISABELLA ST STE 200 PITTSBURGH PA 15212 Active Company formed on the 2018-01-04
HOWMET ALUMINIUM CASTING LTD. 4001 AUTOROUTE DES LAURENTIDES LAVAL Quebec H7L 3H7 Dissolved Company formed on the 1996-01-01
HOWMET ALUMINUM CASTING, INC. 201 ISABELLA ST PITTSBURGH PA 15212 Active Company formed on the 1989-01-18
HOWMET AND COMPANY TAI HWAN CLOSE Singapore 555658 Dissolved Company formed on the 2008-09-09
Howmet Castings & Services, Inc. Delaware Unknown
HOWMET CASTINGS & SERVICES, INC. 201 ISABELLA ST ATTNSALES PITTSBURGH PA 15212 Active Company formed on the 2005-01-12
Howmet Castings Services Inc Connecticut Unknown
HOWMET CERCAST (CANADA), INC. 3905 INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD MONTREAL Quebec H1H2Z2 Inactive - Amalgamated Company formed on the 1989-01-18
HOWMET CERCAST (CANADA), INC. 3905 INDUSTRIEL BOULEVARD MONTREAL Quebec H1H2Z2 Inactive - Amalgamated Company formed on the 1989-01-18

Company Officers of HOWMET LIMITED

Current Directors
Officer Role Date Appointed
Company Secretary 2016-11-01
Director 2000-12-19
Director 2018-04-19
Director 2015-05-19
Director 2018-04-18
Previous Officers
Officer Role Date Appointed Date Resigned
Director 2015-05-20 2018-04-25
Company Secretary 2014-06-25 2016-11-01
Director 2012-07-10 2015-05-27
Company Secretary 2001-11-12 2014-06-25
Company Secretary 2002-10-21 2014-03-01
Director 2010-07-15 2014-03-01
Director 2009-06-09 2010-07-15
Director 2008-02-01 2009-06-09
Director 2000-12-19 2008-12-31
Director 2002-10-21 2006-03-20
Company Secretary 2000-12-19 2002-10-21
Director 2000-12-19 2002-10-21
Director 2000-12-19 2002-10-21
Director 2000-10-17 2001-10-13
Director 1993-08-23 2001-10-13
Director 1991-11-21 2001-05-08
Company Secretary 1996-07-05 2000-12-19
Director 1998-12-04 2000-07-04
Director 1994-11-29 2000-04-20
Director 1996-07-02 1998-12-04
Company Secretary 1991-11-21 1996-06-28
Director 1991-11-21 1996-02-02
Director 1991-11-21 1995-04-05
Nominated Secretary 1991-11-04 1991-11-21
Nominated Director 1991-11-04 1991-11-21

Related Directorships

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
LLUIS MARIA FARGAS MAS KAWNEER U.K. LIMITED Director 2014-03-01 CURRENT 1994-04-11 Active
LLUIS MARIA FARGAS MAS FAIRCHILD FASTENERS (UK) LIMITED Director 2011-07-08 CURRENT 1973-06-15 Active - Proposal to Strike off
LLUIS MARIA FARGAS MAS LINREAD LIMITED Director 2011-03-09 CURRENT 1925-08-01 Active
LLUIS MARIA FARGAS MAS ALUMAX EXTRUSIONS LIMITED Director 2001-09-14 CURRENT 1963-04-26 Dissolved 2014-05-13
LLUIS MARIA FARGAS MAS ALUMAX U.K. LIMITED Director 2001-09-14 CURRENT 1995-12-11 Active - Proposal to Strike off

More director information

Corporation Filing History
Companies House Filing History
This is a record of the public documents (corporate filing) lodged from Companies House where the company has filed annual returns and other statutory filing documents. Examples of documents filed include: change of registered office, accounts filing, director/officer appointments & resignations, changes in share capital, shareholder members lists etc.

DateDocument TypeDocument Description
2024-10-31Register inspection address changed from Howmet Ltd Johnson Lane Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9XH England to Howmet Kestrel Way, Sowton Industrial Estate Exeter EX2 7LG
2024-10-30Change of details for Howmet Products Uk Limited as a person with significant control on 2023-07-25
2024-10-17FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/23
2024-01-05Director's details changed for Mr Stephen Matthew Woods on 2019-03-26
2023-12-27FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/22
2023-04-03REGISTERED OFFICE CHANGED ON 03/04/23 FROM Howmet Johnson Lane Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9XH England
2023-04-03REGISTERED OFFICE CHANGED ON 03/04/23 FROM Howmet Johnson Lane Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9XH England
2022-11-22AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/21
2021-12-23FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/20
2021-12-23AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/20
2021-01-10AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/19
2020-12-03CH01Director's details changed for Patrick Michael Talbot on 2020-01-01
2020-11-06AD02Register inspection address changed from 26a Atlas Way Sheffield S4 7QQ England to Howmet Ltd Johnson Lane Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9XH
2020-09-07PSC02Notification of Howmet Products Uk Limited as a person with significant control on 2020-04-01
2019-11-26AD01REGISTERED OFFICE CHANGED ON 26/11/19 FROM 26a Atlas Way Sheffield S4 7QQ England
2019-08-12AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/18
2018-08-14AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/17
2018-07-02RES01ADOPT ARTICLES 02/07/18
2018-07-02CC04Statement of company's objects
2017-11-07AD02Register inspection address changed from 1 Park Row Leeds LS1 5AB United Kingdom to 26a Atlas Way Sheffield S4 7QQ
2017-09-27AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/16
2016-11-04LATEST SOC04/11/16 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 1000002
2016-11-01AD01REGISTERED OFFICE CHANGED ON 01/11/16 FROM Kestrel Way Exeter Devon EX2 7LG
2016-11-01AP03Appointment of Mrs Petra Papinniemi-Ainger as company secretary on 2016-11-01
2016-11-01TM02Termination of appointment of Stephen Matthew Woods on 2016-11-01
2016-10-18AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/15
2015-11-04LATEST SOC04/11/15 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 1000002
2015-11-04AR0104/11/15 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2015-10-14AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/14
2014-12-04LATEST SOC04/12/14 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 1000002
2014-12-04AR0104/11/14 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2014-10-08AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/13
2013-11-04LATEST SOC04/11/13 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 1000002
2013-11-04AR0104/11/13 FULL LIST
2013-09-03AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/12
2012-11-06AR0104/11/12 FULL LIST
2012-10-03AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/11
2011-11-04AR0104/11/11 FULL LIST
2011-09-19AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/10
2010-11-05AR0104/11/10 FULL LIST
2010-10-04AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/09
2009-11-06AR0104/11/09 FULL LIST
2009-11-03AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/08
2008-11-13363aRETURN MADE UP TO 04/11/08; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2008-10-24AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/07
2007-11-20363aRETURN MADE UP TO 04/11/07; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2007-08-23AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/06
2006-11-07363aRETURN MADE UP TO 04/11/06; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2006-07-28AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/05
2005-11-09AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/04
2005-11-06363aRETURN MADE UP TO 04/11/05; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2005-02-08363sRETURN MADE UP TO 04/11/04; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2004-11-04AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/03
2003-12-16363sRETURN MADE UP TO 04/11/03; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2003-11-04AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/02
2002-11-22363sRETURN MADE UP TO 04/11/02; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2002-09-30AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/12/01
2001-12-19363sRETURN MADE UP TO 04/11/01; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
Industry Information
24 - Manufacture of basic metals
244 - Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals
24450 - Other non-ferrous metal production

24 - Manufacture of basic metals
245 - Casting of metals
24540 - Casting of other non-ferrous metals

Licences & Regulatory approval
Issuing organisationLicence TypeLicence NumberStatusIssue dateExpiry date
Vehicle and Operator Services Agency VOSA UK Vehicle Restricted operator OH0211308 Active Licenced property: SOWTON INDUSTRIAL ESTATE KESTREL WAY EXETER GB EX2 7LG. Correspondance address: SOWTON INDUSTRIAL ESTATE KESTREL WAY EXETER GB EX2 7LG

How is this useful? Licences can be a barrier to entry or shows that the company is subject to regulation.
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Legal Notices
No legal notices or events such as winding-up orders or proposals to strike-off have been issued
Fines / Sanctions
No fines or sanctions have been issued against HOWMET LIMITED
Mortgages / Charges
Total # Mortgages/Charges 0
Mortgages/Charges outstanding 0
Mortgages Partially Satisifed 0
Mortgages Satisfied/Paid 0
Details of Mortgagee Charges
HOWMET LIMITED does not have any mortgage charges so there is no mortgagee data available

  Average Max

This shows the max and average number of mortgages for companies with the same SIC code of 24450 - Other non-ferrous metal production

Intangible Assets
We have not found any records of HOWMET LIMITED registering or being granted any patents
Domain Names
We could not find the registrant information for the domain
We have not found any records of HOWMET LIMITED registering or being granted any trademarks
Government Income
We have not found government income sources for HOWMET LIMITED. This could be because the transaction value was below £ 500 with local government or below £ 25,000 for central government. We have found 8,000 supplier to government that are UK companies so approx 0.2% of companies listed on Datalog supply to government.

The top companies supplying to UK government with the same SIC code (24450 - Other non-ferrous metal production) as HOWMET LIMITED are:

Business Rates/Property Tax
No properties were found where HOWMET LIMITED is liable for the business rates / property tax. This could be for a number of reasons.
  • The council hasnt published the data
  • We havent found or been able to process the councils data
  • The company is part of a group of companies and another company in the group is liable for business rates
  • The registered office may be a residential address which does not have a commercial designation. If the business is run from home then it won't be a commercial property and hence won't be liable for business rates.
  • Serviced offices are increasingly popular and therefore a business may not be paying business rates directly - the building owner is and this is incorporated in the office rental charge.
Import/Export of Goods
Goods imported/exported by HOWMET LIMITED
OriginDestinationDateImport CodeImported Goods classification description
2018-12-0069032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-12-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2018-12-0083026000Automatic door closers of base metal
2018-12-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2018-12-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-12-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-12-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-12-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-12-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2018-12-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2018-12-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-12-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-12-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-12-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-12-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2018-12-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2018-12-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-12-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-12-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-12-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-12-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-12-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-12-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-12-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-12-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-12-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-12-0084313900Parts of machinery of heading 8428, n.e.s.
2018-12-0084313900Parts of machinery of heading 8428, n.e.s.
2018-12-0084806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2018-12-0084806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2018-12-0090221900Apparatus based on the use of X-rays (other than for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses)
2018-12-0090221900Apparatus based on the use of X-rays (other than for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses)
2018-12-0090269000Parts and accessories for instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2018-12-0090269000Parts and accessories for instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2018-12-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-12-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-11-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-11-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2018-11-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2018-11-0084806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2018-11-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-11-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-11-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2018-11-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2018-11-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-11-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-11-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2018-11-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2018-11-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-11-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-11-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-11-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-11-0048219090Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, non-printed (excl. self-adhesive)
2018-11-0048219090Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, non-printed (excl. self-adhesive)
2018-11-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-11-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-11-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-11-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-11-0069091900Ceramic wares for chemical or other technical uses (excl. of porcelain or china, articles having a hardness equivalent to >= 9 on the Mohs scale, millstones, polishing stones, grindstones and the like of heading 6804, refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-11-0069091900Ceramic wares for chemical or other technical uses (excl. of porcelain or china, articles having a hardness equivalent to >= 9 on the Mohs scale, millstones, polishing stones, grindstones and the like of heading 6804, refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-11-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-11-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-11-0084779080Parts of machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials of subheading 8477.10.00 to 8477.80.99, n.e.s. (excl. parts of machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits, and of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-11-0084779080Parts of machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials of subheading 8477.10.00 to 8477.80.99, n.e.s. (excl. parts of machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits, and of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-11-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-11-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-10-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2018-10-0081059000Articles of cobalt, n.e.s.
2018-10-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2018-10-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-10-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-10-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2018-10-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2018-10-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2018-10-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2018-10-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-10-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-10-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-10-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-10-0039069060Copolymer of methyl acrylate with ethylene and a monomer containing a non-terminal carboxy group as a substituent, containing by weight >= 50% of methyl acrylate, whether or not compounded with silica, in primary forms
2018-10-0039069060Copolymer of methyl acrylate with ethylene and a monomer containing a non-terminal carboxy group as a substituent, containing by weight >= 50% of methyl acrylate, whether or not compounded with silica, in primary forms
2018-10-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-10-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-10-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2018-10-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2018-10-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-10-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-10-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-10-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-10-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-10-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-10-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-10-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-10-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-10-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-10-0084779080Parts of machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials of subheading 8477.10.00 to 8477.80.99, n.e.s. (excl. parts of machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits, and of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-10-0084779080Parts of machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials of subheading 8477.10.00 to 8477.80.99, n.e.s. (excl. parts of machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits, and of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-10-0085459090Articles of graphite or other carbon, for electrical purposes (excl. electrodes, carbon brushes and heating resistors)
2018-10-0085459090Articles of graphite or other carbon, for electrical purposes (excl. electrodes, carbon brushes and heating resistors)
2018-10-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-10-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-09-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2018-09-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2018-09-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-09-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-09-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-09-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-09-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-09-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-09-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-09-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-09-0069032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-09-0069032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-09-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-09-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-09-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-09-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-09-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-09-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-09-0069149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2018-09-0069149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2018-09-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-09-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-09-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-09-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-09-0084749090Parts of machinery of heading 8474 (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-09-0084749090Parts of machinery of heading 8474 (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-09-0084779080Parts of machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials of subheading 8477.10.00 to 8477.80.99, n.e.s. (excl. parts of machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits, and of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-09-0084779080Parts of machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials of subheading 8477.10.00 to 8477.80.99, n.e.s. (excl. parts of machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits, and of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-08-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2018-08-0081052000Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; cobalt powders
2018-08-0081059000Articles of cobalt, n.e.s.
2018-08-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2018-08-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-08-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-08-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-08-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-08-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-08-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-08-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-08-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-08-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-08-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-08-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2018-08-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2018-08-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-08-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-08-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-08-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-08-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-08-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-08-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-08-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-08-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2018-08-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2018-08-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-08-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-08-0085015399AC motors, multi-phase, of an output > 750 kW (excl. traction motors)
2018-08-0085015399AC motors, multi-phase, of an output > 750 kW (excl. traction motors)
2018-07-0070091000Rear-view mirrors, whether or not framed, for vehicles
2018-07-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2018-07-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2018-07-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-07-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-07-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2018-07-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2018-07-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2018-07-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2018-07-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-07-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-07-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-07-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-07-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-07-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-07-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2018-07-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2018-07-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-07-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-07-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-07-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-07-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-07-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-07-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-07-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-07-0070200080Articles of glass, n.e.s.
2018-07-0070200080Articles of glass, n.e.s.
2018-07-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-07-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-07-0075030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2018-07-0075030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2018-07-0084779080Parts of machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials of subheading 8477.10.00 to 8477.80.99, n.e.s. (excl. parts of machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits, and of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-07-0084779080Parts of machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials of subheading 8477.10.00 to 8477.80.99, n.e.s. (excl. parts of machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits, and of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-07-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2018-07-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2018-07-0085049099Parts of static converters, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)
2018-07-0085049099Parts of static converters, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)
2018-07-0085459090Articles of graphite or other carbon, for electrical purposes (excl. electrodes, carbon brushes and heating resistors)
2018-07-0085459090Articles of graphite or other carbon, for electrical purposes (excl. electrodes, carbon brushes and heating resistors)
2018-07-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-07-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-06-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2018-06-0081059000Articles of cobalt, n.e.s.
2018-06-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2018-06-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-06-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-06-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-06-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-06-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-06-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2018-06-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2018-06-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-06-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-06-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-06-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-06-0038241000Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores
2018-06-0038241000Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores
2018-06-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-06-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-06-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-06-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-06-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-06-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-06-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-06-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-06-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-06-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-06-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-06-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-06-0081129291Unwrought vanadium; vanadium powders (excl. ash and residues containing vanadium)
2018-06-0081129291Unwrought vanadium; vanadium powders (excl. ash and residues containing vanadium)
2018-06-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-06-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-05-0038220000Diagnostic or laboratory reagents on a backing, prepared diagnostic or laboratory reagents whether or not on a backing, and certified reference materials (excl. compound diagnostic reagents designed to be administered to the patient, blood-grouping reagents, animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses and vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms and similar products)
2018-05-0072181000Steel, stainless, in ingots and other primary forms (excl. waste and scrap in ingot form, and products obtained by continuous casting)
2018-05-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2018-05-0075051200Bars, rods, profiles and wire, of nickel alloys, n.e.s. (excl. electrically insulated products)
2018-05-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2018-05-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-05-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-05-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2018-05-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2018-05-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-05-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-05-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2018-05-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2018-05-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2018-05-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2018-05-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-05-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-05-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-05-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-05-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-05-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-05-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2018-05-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2018-05-0069032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-05-0069032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-05-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-05-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-05-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-05-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-05-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-05-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-05-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-05-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-05-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-05-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-05-0075030010Waste and scrap, of non-alloy nickel (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted non-alloy nickel waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing non-alloy nickel, waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators)
2018-05-0075030010Waste and scrap, of non-alloy nickel (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted non-alloy nickel waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing non-alloy nickel, waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators)
2018-05-0075062000Plates, sheets, strip and foil, of nickel alloys (excl. expanded plates, sheets or strip)
2018-05-0075062000Plates, sheets, strip and foil, of nickel alloys (excl. expanded plates, sheets or strip)
2018-05-0085184080Audio-frequency electric amplifiers (excl. telephonic or measurement amplifiers)
2018-05-0085184080Audio-frequency electric amplifiers (excl. telephonic or measurement amplifiers)
2018-05-0085279199Radio receivers, only mains-operated, without built-in loudspeakers, combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus (excl. with laser reading system, cassette decks with an analogue and digital reading system and equipment of a kind used in motor vehicles)
2018-05-0085279199Radio receivers, only mains-operated, without built-in loudspeakers, combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus (excl. with laser reading system, cassette decks with an analogue and digital reading system and equipment of a kind used in motor vehicles)
2018-04-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2018-04-0075051200Bars, rods, profiles and wire, of nickel alloys, n.e.s. (excl. electrically insulated products)
2018-04-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2018-04-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-04-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2018-04-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-04-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-04-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-04-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-04-0068151010Carbon fibres and articles of carbon fibres, for non-electrical purposes
2018-04-0068151010Carbon fibres and articles of carbon fibres, for non-electrical purposes
2018-04-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-04-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-04-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-04-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-04-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-04-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-04-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-04-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-04-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2018-04-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2018-04-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-04-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-04-0082057000Vices, clamps and the like (excl. accessories for and parts of machine tools)
2018-04-0082057000Vices, clamps and the like (excl. accessories for and parts of machine tools)
2018-04-0090173000Micrometers, callipers and gauges (excl. gauges without adjustable devices of subheading 9031.80)
2018-04-0090173000Micrometers, callipers and gauges (excl. gauges without adjustable devices of subheading 9031.80)
2018-04-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-04-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-03-0049119900Printed matter, n.e.s.
2018-03-0072181000Steel, stainless, in ingots and other primary forms (excl. waste and scrap in ingot form, and products obtained by continuous casting)
2018-03-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2018-03-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2018-03-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-03-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-03-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2018-03-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2018-03-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-03-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-03-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-03-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-03-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-03-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-03-0069022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2018-03-0069022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2018-03-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-03-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-03-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-03-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-03-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-03-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-03-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-03-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-03-0084832000Bearing housings, incorporating ball or roller bearings, for machinery
2018-03-0084832000Bearing housings, incorporating ball or roller bearings, for machinery
2018-03-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-03-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-02-0038220000Diagnostic or laboratory reagents on a backing, prepared diagnostic or laboratory reagents whether or not on a backing, and certified reference materials (excl. compound diagnostic reagents designed to be administered to the patient, blood-grouping reagents, animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses and vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms and similar products)
2018-02-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2018-02-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2018-02-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-02-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-02-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-02-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-02-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2018-02-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2018-02-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-02-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-02-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-02-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-02-0048219090Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, non-printed (excl. self-adhesive)
2018-02-0048219090Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, non-printed (excl. self-adhesive)
2018-02-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-02-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-02-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-02-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-02-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-02-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-02-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-02-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2018-02-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-02-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-02-0084795000Industrial robots, n.e.s.
2018-02-0084795000Industrial robots, n.e.s.
2018-02-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-02-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-01-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2018-01-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2018-01-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-01-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2018-01-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2018-01-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2018-01-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-01-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2018-01-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2018-01-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2018-01-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2018-01-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2018-01-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-01-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2018-01-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-01-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2018-01-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2018-01-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2018-01-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-01-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2018-01-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-01-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2018-01-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-01-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2018-01-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2018-01-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2018-01-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-01-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2018-01-0075089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2018-01-0075089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2018-01-0081129970Articles of gallium, indium and vanadium, n.e.s.
2018-01-0081129970Articles of gallium, indium and vanadium, n.e.s.
2018-01-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-01-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2018-01-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-01-0090132000Lasers (excl. laser diodes)
2018-01-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2018-01-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2017-04-0073262000Articles of iron or steel wire, n.e.s.
2017-04-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2017-04-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2017-03-0069039010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing > 25 to 50% graphite or other carbon or a mixture thereof (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2017-03-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2017-03-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2017-02-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2017-02-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2017-02-0084803090Moulding patterns (excl. moulding patterns of graphite or other carbons and ceramic, glass or wooden moulding patterns)
2017-02-0084806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2017-02-0085011091Universal AC-DC motors of an output <= 37,5 W
2017-01-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2017-01-0081059000Articles of cobalt, n.e.s.
2017-01-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2016-11-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2016-11-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2016-11-0085013100DC motors of an output > 37,5 W but <= 750 W and DC generators of an output <= 750 W
2016-11-0096020000Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials n.e.s; moulded or carved articles of wax, of paraffin, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles n.e.s; worked, unhardened gelatin, and articles of unhardened gelatin, n.e.s.
2016-11-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2016-11-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2016-11-0028258000Antimony oxides
2016-11-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2016-11-0032074085Glass frit and other glass in the form of powder, granules or flakes (excl. glass in the form of flakes of a length of >= 0,1 mm but <= 3,5 mm and of a thickness of >= 2 but <= 5 micrometres and glass in the form of powder or granules containing by weight >= 99% of silicon dioxide)
2016-11-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2016-11-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2016-11-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2016-11-0039231000Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics
2016-11-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-11-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2016-11-0069022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2016-11-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2016-11-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2016-11-0069091900Ceramic wares for chemical or other technical uses (excl. of porcelain or china, articles having a hardness equivalent to >= 9 on the Mohs scale, millstones, polishing stones, grindstones and the like of heading 6804, refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2016-11-0070022090Rods of glass, unworked (excl. optical glass)
2016-11-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2016-11-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-11-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2016-11-0075030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2016-11-0085149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
2016-10-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2016-10-0082056000Blowlamps and the like (excl. gas-powered blowlamps)
2016-10-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2016-10-0094032020Metal beds (excl. hospital beds with mechanical fittings)
2016-10-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2016-10-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2016-10-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2016-10-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2016-10-0069022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2016-10-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2016-10-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2016-10-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2016-10-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2016-10-0070200010Glassware of fused quartz or other fused silica, n.e.s.
2016-10-0071171900Imitation jewellery, of base metal, whether or not plated with precious metal (excl. cuff links and studs)
2016-10-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-10-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2016-10-0075089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2016-09-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2016-09-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2016-09-0096020000Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials n.e.s; moulded or carved articles of wax, of paraffin, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles n.e.s; worked, unhardened gelatin, and articles of unhardened gelatin, n.e.s.
2016-09-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2016-09-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2016-09-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2016-09-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2016-09-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2016-09-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-09-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2016-09-0069022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2016-09-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2016-09-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2016-09-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2016-09-0070022090Rods of glass, unworked (excl. optical glass)
2016-09-0070023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2016-09-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2016-09-0084119100Parts of turbojets or turbopropellers, n.e.s.
2016-09-0084879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2016-09-0085149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
2016-08-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2016-08-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2016-08-0084717050Hard disk storage drives for automatic data-processing machines, neither optical nor magneto-optical (excl. central storage units)
2016-08-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2016-08-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2016-08-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2016-08-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2016-08-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2016-08-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2016-08-0069022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2016-08-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2016-08-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2016-08-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2016-08-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2016-08-0069149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2016-08-0070022090Rods of glass, unworked (excl. optical glass)
2016-08-0070023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2016-08-0070023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2016-08-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2016-08-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2016-08-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2016-08-0085149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
2016-08-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2016-07-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2016-07-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2016-07-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2016-07-0028181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2016-07-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2016-07-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2016-07-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2016-07-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2016-07-0039069060Copolymer of methyl acrylate with ethylene and a monomer containing a non-terminal carboxy group as a substituent, containing by weight >= 50% of methyl acrylate, whether or not compounded with silica, in primary forms
2016-07-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-07-0048211090Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, printed (excl. self-adhesive)
2016-07-0055159980Woven fabrics containing predominantly, but < 85% synthetic staple fibres, other than those mixed principally or solely with man-made filament or cotton, dyed or made of yarn of different colours (excl. those of acrylic, modacrylic or polyester staple fibres)
2016-07-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2016-07-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2016-07-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2016-07-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2016-07-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2016-07-0070023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2016-07-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2016-07-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2016-07-0075089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2016-07-0084879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2016-07-0085149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
2016-07-0085423300Electronic integrated circuits as amplifiers
2016-07-0085444920Conductors, electric, for a voltage <= 80 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications, n.e.s.
2016-06-0068151010Carbon fibres and articles of carbon fibres, for non-electrical purposes
2016-06-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2016-06-0081082000Unwrought titanium; titanium powders
2016-06-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2016-06-0085340019Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. multiple printed circuits)
2016-06-0090319085Parts and accessories for instruments, appliances and machines for measuring and checking, n.e.s.
2016-06-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2016-06-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2016-06-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2016-06-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2016-06-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2016-06-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2016-06-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2016-06-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-06-0056029000Felt, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated (excl. needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fibre fabrics)
2016-06-0069022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2016-06-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2016-06-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2016-06-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2016-06-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2016-06-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2016-06-0075030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2016-06-0082059090Sets of articles of two or more subheadings of heading 8205
2016-06-0084799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-06-0085016400AC generators "alternators", of an output > 750 kVA
2016-06-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2016-05-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2016-05-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2016-05-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2016-05-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2016-05-0032074085Glass frit and other glass in the form of powder, granules or flakes (excl. glass in the form of flakes of a length of >= 0,1 mm but <= 3,5 mm and of a thickness of >= 2 but <= 5 micrometres and glass in the form of powder or granules containing by weight >= 99% of silicon dioxide)
2016-05-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2016-05-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2016-05-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2016-05-0059119090Textile products and articles, for technical purposes, specified in Note 7 to chapter 59, n.e.s. (excl. those of felt)
2016-05-0069021000Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, singly or together, > 50% of the elements Mg, Ca or Cr, expressed as MgO, CaO or Cr2O3
2016-05-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2016-05-0069149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2016-05-0070023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2016-05-0070023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2016-05-0074153300Screws, bolts, nuts and similar articles, threaded, of copper (other than screw hooks, ring- and eyebolts, lag screws, plugs, bungs and the like, with screw thread)
2016-05-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2016-05-0075089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2016-05-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2016-05-0082057000Vices, clamps and the like (excl. accessories for and parts of machine tools)
2016-05-0084806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2016-05-0090071000Cinematographic cameras
2016-05-0090189084Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical or veterinary sciences, n.e.s.
2016-04-0049119900Printed matter, n.e.s.
2016-04-0073182900Non-threaded articles, of iron or steel
2016-04-0073269094Articles of iron or steel, closed-die forged, n.e.s.
2016-04-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2016-04-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2016-04-0090319085Parts and accessories for instruments, appliances and machines for measuring and checking, n.e.s.
2016-04-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2016-04-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2016-04-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2016-04-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2016-04-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2016-04-0039231000Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics
2016-04-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2016-04-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2016-04-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2016-04-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2016-04-0084799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-04-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2016-03-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2016-03-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2016-03-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2016-03-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2016-03-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2016-03-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2016-03-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2016-03-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-03-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2016-03-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2016-03-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2016-03-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2016-03-0071101980Platinum in semi-manufactured forms (excl. sheets and strips of a thickness, excl. any backing, of > 0,15 mm and plates, bars, rods, wire and sections)
2016-03-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2016-03-0084718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2016-03-0084799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-03-0085149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
2016-03-0085429000Parts of electronic integrated circuits, n.e.s.
2016-03-0090278099Non-electronic instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis or for determining surface tension or the like, or for measuring heat or sound, n.e.s.
2016-03-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2016-02-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2016-02-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2016-02-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2016-02-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2016-02-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2016-02-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2016-02-0039131000Alginic acid, its salts and esters, in primary forms
2016-02-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-02-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2016-02-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2016-02-0070023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2016-02-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2016-02-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2016-02-0075089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2016-02-0082057000Vices, clamps and the like (excl. accessories for and parts of machine tools)
2016-02-0084119100Parts of turbojets or turbopropellers, n.e.s.
2016-02-0084879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2016-02-0085369085Electrical apparatus for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. fuses, circuit breakers and other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits, relays and other switches, lamp holders, plugs and sockets, prefabricated elements for electrical circuits and other connections and contact elements for wire and cables and for wafer probers)
2016-02-0085423300Electronic integrated circuits as amplifiers
2016-02-0085444999Electric conductors for a voltage 1.000 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (excl. winding wire, coaxial conductors, wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships, and wire and cables with individual conductor wires of a diameter > 0,51 mm)
2016-02-0090173000Micrometers, callipers and gauges (excl. gauges without adjustable devices of subheading 9031.80)
2016-01-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2016-01-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2016-01-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2016-01-0090319085Parts and accessories for instruments, appliances and machines for measuring and checking, n.e.s.
2016-01-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2016-01-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2016-01-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2016-01-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2016-01-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2016-01-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2016-01-0039069090Acrylic polymers in primary forms (excl. poly"methyl methacrylate", poly[N-"3-hydroxyimino-1,1-dimethylbutyl"acrylamide], copolymer of 2-diisopropylaminoethyl methacrylate with decyl methacrylate in the form of a solution in N,N-dimethylacetamide, containing by weight >= 55% of copolymer, copolymer of acrylic acid with 2-ethylhexyl acrylate containing by weight >= 10% but <= 11% of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate, copolymer of acrylonitrile with methyl acrylate modified with polybutadiene-acrylonitrile "N
2016-01-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-01-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2016-01-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2016-01-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2016-01-0070023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2016-01-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2016-01-0084735080Parts and accessories equally suitable for use with two or more typewriters, word-processing machines, calculating machines, automatic data-processing machines or other machines, equipment or devices of heading 8469 to 8472, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2016-01-0084799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-12-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-12-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2015-12-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2015-12-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-12-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-12-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-12-0070023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2015-12-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2015-12-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-12-0084806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2015-11-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-11-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2015-11-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-11-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-11-0039231000Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics
2015-11-0069032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-11-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-11-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2015-11-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-11-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-11-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-11-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-11-0075089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2015-11-0084806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2015-11-0090319085Parts and accessories for instruments, appliances and machines for measuring and checking, n.e.s.
2015-10-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-10-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2015-10-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2015-10-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2015-10-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-10-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2015-10-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-10-0069032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-10-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-10-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-10-0070023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2015-10-0070023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2015-10-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2015-10-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-10-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-10-0085437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2015-09-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-09-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2015-09-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-09-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-09-0069022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2015-09-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-09-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2015-09-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-09-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-09-0071171900Imitation jewellery, of base metal, whether or not plated with precious metal (excl. cuff links and studs)
2015-09-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-09-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2015-09-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2015-09-0085149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
2015-09-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2015-08-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-08-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-08-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2015-08-0038019000Preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes, blocks, plates or other semi-manufactures (excl. carbonaceous pastes for electrodes and similar pastes for furnace linings)
2015-08-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-08-0048219090Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, non-printed (excl. self-adhesive)
2015-08-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2015-08-0069032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-08-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-08-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-08-0069149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2015-08-0070023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2015-08-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-08-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-08-0076031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2015-08-0084799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-07-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-07-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2015-07-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2015-07-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-07-0138019000Preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes, blocks, plates or other semi-manufactures (excl. carbonaceous pastes for electrodes and similar pastes for furnace linings)
2015-07-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-07-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-07-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-07-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2015-07-0170023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2015-07-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2015-07-0171110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2015-07-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-07-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-07-0181122900Articles of chromium, n.e.s.
2015-07-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-07-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2015-07-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2015-07-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-07-0038019000Preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes, blocks, plates or other semi-manufactures (excl. carbonaceous pastes for electrodes and similar pastes for furnace linings)
2015-07-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-07-0069032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-07-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-07-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2015-07-0070023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2015-07-0070023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2015-07-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2015-07-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-07-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-07-0081122900Articles of chromium, n.e.s.
2015-06-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-06-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2015-06-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2015-06-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-06-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-06-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-06-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-06-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2015-06-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-06-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-06-0169149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2015-06-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2015-06-0171110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2015-06-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-06-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-06-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2015-06-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-06-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2015-06-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2015-06-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-06-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-06-0069032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-06-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-06-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2015-06-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-06-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-06-0069149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2015-06-0070023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2015-06-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2015-06-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-06-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-06-0076031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2015-05-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-05-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2015-05-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-05-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-05-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-05-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-05-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-05-0170023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2015-05-0171101980Platinum in semi-manufactured forms (excl. sheets and strips of a thickness, excl. any backing, of > 0,15 mm and plates, bars, rods, wire and sections)
2015-05-0171110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2015-05-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-05-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-05-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2015-05-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2015-05-0184798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2015-05-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2015-05-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-05-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2015-05-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-05-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-05-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-05-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-05-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-05-0070023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2015-05-0071101980Platinum in semi-manufactured forms (excl. sheets and strips of a thickness, excl. any backing, of > 0,15 mm and plates, bars, rods, wire and sections)
2015-05-0071110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2015-05-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-05-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-05-0076031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2015-05-0084119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2015-05-0084798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2015-05-0084879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2015-04-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-04-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2015-04-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2015-04-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2015-04-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2015-04-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-04-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-04-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-04-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-04-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-04-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-04-0169149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2015-04-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2015-04-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-04-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-04-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2015-04-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-04-0028181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2015-04-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2015-04-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2015-04-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2015-04-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-04-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-04-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-04-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-04-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-04-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-04-0069149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2015-04-0070023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2015-04-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-04-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-04-0076031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2015-03-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-03-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-03-0138011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2015-03-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2015-03-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-03-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-03-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2015-03-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-03-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-03-0171101980Platinum in semi-manufactured forms (excl. sheets and strips of a thickness, excl. any backing, of > 0,15 mm and plates, bars, rods, wire and sections)
2015-03-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-03-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-03-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2015-03-0181122900Articles of chromium, n.e.s.
2015-03-0181129920Articles of hafnium "celtium" and germanium, n.e.s.
2015-03-0182057000Vices, clamps and the like (excl. accessories for and parts of machine tools)
2015-03-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2015-03-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-03-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-03-0038011000Artificial graphite (excl. retort graphite, retort carbon and goods of artificial graphite, incl. refractory materials based on artificial graphite)
2015-03-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2015-03-0069032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-03-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-03-0069039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2015-03-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-03-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-03-0071101980Platinum in semi-manufactured forms (excl. sheets and strips of a thickness, excl. any backing, of > 0,15 mm and plates, bars, rods, wire and sections)
2015-03-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-03-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-03-0076031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2015-03-0081122900Articles of chromium, n.e.s.
2015-03-0081129920Articles of hafnium "celtium" and germanium, n.e.s.
2015-03-0082057000Vices, clamps and the like (excl. accessories for and parts of machine tools)
2015-03-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2015-02-0114049000Vegetable products n.e.s
2015-02-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-02-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2015-02-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2015-02-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2015-02-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-02-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-02-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2015-02-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2015-02-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-02-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-02-0169149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2015-02-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2015-02-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2015-02-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-02-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-02-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2015-02-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2015-02-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2015-02-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-02-0184806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2015-02-0190314990Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, not elsewhere specified or included in chapter 90
2015-02-0014049000Vegetable products n.e.s
2015-02-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-02-0028181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2015-02-0028256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2015-02-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2015-02-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-02-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-02-0068043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2015-02-0069022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2015-02-0069032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-02-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-02-0069149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2015-02-0070023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2015-02-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2015-02-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-02-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-02-0075089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2015-02-0076031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2015-02-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2015-02-0084799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-02-0084806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2015-02-0090314990Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, not elsewhere specified or included in chapter 90
2015-01-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-01-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2015-01-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2015-01-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2015-01-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2015-01-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-01-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-01-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-01-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-01-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-01-0169149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2015-01-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-01-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-01-0181129920Articles of hafnium "celtium" and germanium, n.e.s.
2015-01-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2015-01-0026151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2015-01-0028181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2015-01-0028182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2015-01-0028259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2015-01-0034021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2015-01-0034049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2015-01-0038160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2015-01-0069032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2015-01-0069091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2015-01-0069099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2015-01-0069149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2015-01-0075021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2015-01-0075022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2015-01-0081129920Articles of hafnium "celtium" and germanium, n.e.s.
2015-01-0084879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2014-12-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2014-12-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2014-12-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2014-12-0139131000Alginic acid, its salts and esters, in primary forms
2014-12-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-12-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-12-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2014-12-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2014-12-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2014-12-0174199990Articles of copper, n.e.s.
2014-12-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2014-12-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2014-12-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2014-12-0184798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2014-12-0184806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2014-12-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2014-11-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2014-11-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2014-11-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2014-11-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2014-11-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2014-11-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2014-11-0148211090Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, printed (excl. self-adhesive)
2014-11-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-11-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-11-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2014-11-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2014-11-0169149000Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
2014-11-0170023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2014-11-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2014-11-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2014-11-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2014-11-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2014-11-0184119100Parts of turbojets or turbopropellers, n.e.s.
2014-11-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2014-11-0185149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
2014-10-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2014-10-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2014-10-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2014-10-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2014-10-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2014-10-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-10-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-10-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2014-10-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2014-10-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2014-10-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2014-10-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2014-10-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2014-10-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2014-10-0181121900Articles of beryllium, n.e.s.
2014-10-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2014-10-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2014-10-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2014-09-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2014-09-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2014-09-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2014-09-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2014-09-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2014-09-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2014-09-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2014-09-0139069060Copolymer of methyl acrylate with ethylene and a monomer containing a non-terminal carboxy group as a substituent, containing by weight >= 50% of methyl acrylate, whether or not compounded with silica, in primary forms
2014-09-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-09-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-09-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2014-09-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2014-09-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2014-09-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2014-09-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2014-09-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2014-09-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2014-08-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2014-08-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2014-08-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2014-08-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2014-08-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2014-08-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2014-08-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2014-08-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2014-08-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-08-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2014-08-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2014-08-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2014-08-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2014-08-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2014-08-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2014-08-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2014-08-0184179000Parts of industrial or laboratory furnaces, non-electric, incl. incinerators, n.e.s.
2014-08-0190321089Non-electronic thermostats, without electrical triggering device
2014-08-0190328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2014-07-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2014-07-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2014-07-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2014-07-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2014-07-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2014-07-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2014-07-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2014-07-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2014-07-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-07-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-07-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2014-07-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2014-07-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2014-07-0174199990Articles of copper, n.e.s.
2014-07-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2014-07-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2014-07-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2014-07-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2014-07-0184799020Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, of cast iron or cast steel, n.e.s.
2014-07-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2014-06-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2014-06-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2014-06-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2014-06-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2014-06-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2014-06-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2014-06-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-06-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-06-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2014-06-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2014-06-0173259990Articles of iron or steel, cast, n.e.s. (excl. of malleable or non-malleable cast iron, grinding balls and similar articles for mills)
2014-06-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2014-06-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2014-06-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2014-06-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2014-06-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2014-04-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2014-04-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2014-04-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2014-04-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2014-04-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2014-04-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2014-04-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2014-04-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2014-04-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2014-04-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2014-04-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-04-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-04-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2014-04-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2014-04-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2014-04-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2014-04-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2014-04-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2014-04-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2014-04-0182090020Inserts, indexable, for tools, unmounted, of sintered metal carbide or cermets
2014-04-0184119100Parts of turbojets or turbopropellers, n.e.s.
2014-04-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2014-04-0185459090Articles of graphite or other carbon, for electrical purposes (excl. electrodes, carbon brushes and heating resistors)
2014-03-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2014-03-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2014-03-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2014-03-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2014-03-0169021000Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, singly or together, > 50% of the elements Mg, Ca or Cr, expressed as MgO, CaO or Cr2O3
2014-03-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-03-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2014-03-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2014-03-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2014-03-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2014-03-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2014-03-0176031000Powders of aluminium, of non-lamellar structure (excl. pellets of aluminium)
2014-03-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2014-03-0184418000Machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, n.e.s.
2014-03-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2014-03-0190178090Hand-held instruments for measuring length, n.e.s.
2014-03-0190321089Non-electronic thermostats, without electrical triggering device
2014-02-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2014-02-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2014-02-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2014-02-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2014-02-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-02-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2014-02-0171110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2014-02-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2014-02-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2014-02-0184549000Parts of converters, ladles, ingot moulds and casting machines of a kind used in metallurgy or in metal foundries, n.e.s.
2014-02-0184678900Tools for working in the hand, hydraulic or with self-contained non-electric motor (excl. chainsaws and pneumatic tools)
2014-01-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2014-01-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2014-01-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2014-01-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2014-01-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2014-01-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2014-01-0138220000Diagnostic or laboratory reagents on a backing, prepared diagnostic or laboratory reagents whether or not on a backing, and certified reference materials (excl. compound diagnostic reagents designed to be administered to the patient, blood-grouping reagents, animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses and vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms and similar products)
2014-01-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2014-01-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-01-0169039010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing > 25 to 50% graphite or other carbon or a mixture thereof (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2014-01-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2014-01-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2014-01-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2014-01-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2014-01-0181121900Articles of beryllium, n.e.s.
2014-01-0184795000Industrial robots, n.e.s.
2014-01-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2014-01-0184806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2014-01-0195030099Toys, n.e.s.
2013-12-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2013-12-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2013-12-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2013-12-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2013-12-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2013-12-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2013-12-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-12-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-12-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2013-12-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2013-12-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2013-12-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2013-12-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2013-12-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2013-12-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2013-12-0190241090Machines and appliances for testing the mechanical properties of metals, non-electronic
2013-11-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2013-11-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2013-11-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2013-11-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2013-11-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2013-11-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2013-11-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2013-11-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2013-11-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-11-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2013-11-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2013-11-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2013-11-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2013-11-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2013-11-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2013-11-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2013-11-0182073090Interchangeable tools for pressing, stamping or punching, for working materials other than metal
2013-11-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2013-10-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2013-10-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2013-10-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2013-10-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2013-10-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2013-10-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2013-10-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2013-10-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2013-10-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2013-10-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2013-10-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2013-10-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-10-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-10-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2013-10-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2013-10-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2013-10-0170023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2013-10-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2013-10-0171110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2013-10-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2013-10-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2013-10-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2013-10-0190279080Parts and accessories of microtomes or of gas or smoke analysis apparatus, n.e.s.
2013-10-0190321089Non-electronic thermostats, without electrical triggering device
2013-09-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2013-09-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2013-09-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2013-09-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2013-09-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2013-09-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2013-09-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2013-09-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2013-09-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2013-09-0169021000Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, singly or together, > 50% of the elements Mg, Ca or Cr, expressed as MgO, CaO or Cr2O3
2013-09-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-09-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2013-09-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2013-09-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2013-09-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2013-09-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2013-09-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2013-09-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2013-09-0190321089Non-electronic thermostats, without electrical triggering device
2013-08-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2013-08-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2013-08-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2013-08-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2013-08-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2013-08-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2013-08-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2013-08-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2013-08-0139131000Alginic acid, its salts and esters, in primary forms
2013-08-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2013-08-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-08-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2013-08-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2013-08-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2013-08-0170023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2013-08-0174122000Copper alloy tube or pipe fittings "e.g., couplings, elbows, sleeves"
2013-08-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2013-08-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2013-08-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2013-08-0185149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
2013-08-0196020000Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials n.e.s; moulded or carved articles of wax, of paraffin, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles n.e.s; worked, unhardened gelatin, and articles of unhardened gelatin, n.e.s.
2013-07-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2013-07-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2013-07-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2013-07-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2013-07-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2013-07-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2013-07-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2013-07-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2013-07-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2013-07-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2013-07-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-07-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2013-07-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2013-07-0170023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2013-07-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2013-07-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2013-07-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2013-06-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2013-06-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2013-06-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2013-06-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2013-06-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2013-06-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2013-06-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2013-06-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2013-06-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2013-06-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2013-06-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-06-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2013-06-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2013-06-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2013-06-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2013-06-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2013-06-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2013-06-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2013-05-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2013-05-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2013-05-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2013-05-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2013-05-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2013-05-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2013-05-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2013-05-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2013-05-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2013-05-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2013-05-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2013-05-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-05-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2013-05-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2013-05-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2013-05-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2013-05-0171110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2013-05-0171179000Imitation jewellery (excl. jewellery, of base metal, whether or not clad with silver, gold or platinum)
2013-05-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2013-05-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2013-05-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2013-05-0184239000Weighing machine weights of all kinds; parts of weighing machinery, n.e.s.
2013-05-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2013-05-0185439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2013-04-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2013-04-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2013-04-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2013-04-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2013-04-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2013-04-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2013-04-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2013-04-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2013-04-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-04-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2013-04-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2013-04-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2013-04-0173182900Non-threaded articles, of iron or steel
2013-04-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2013-04-0181129970Articles of gallium, indium and vanadium, n.e.s.
2013-04-0184806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2013-04-0195063990Golf equipment (excl. balls, clubs and parts thereof)
2013-03-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2013-03-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2013-03-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2013-03-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2013-03-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2013-03-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2013-03-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2013-03-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2013-03-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2013-03-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2013-03-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2013-03-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-03-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2013-03-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2013-03-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2013-03-0170023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2013-03-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2013-03-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2013-03-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2013-03-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2013-03-0181019700Tungsten waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tungsten)
2013-03-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2013-03-0184799020Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, of cast iron or cast steel, n.e.s.
2013-03-0195063990Golf equipment (excl. balls, clubs and parts thereof)
2013-02-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2013-02-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2013-02-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2013-02-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2013-02-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2013-02-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2013-02-0169021000Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, singly or together, > 50% of the elements Mg, Ca or Cr, expressed as MgO, CaO or Cr2O3
2013-02-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-02-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-02-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2013-02-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2013-02-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2013-02-0170023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2013-02-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2013-02-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2013-02-0181019700Tungsten waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tungsten)
2013-02-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2013-02-0181052000Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; cobalt powders
2013-02-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2013-01-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2013-01-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2013-01-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2013-01-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2013-01-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2013-01-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2013-01-0139131000Alginic acid, its salts and esters, in primary forms
2013-01-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2013-01-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2013-01-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2013-01-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2013-01-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2013-01-0170023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2013-01-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2013-01-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2013-01-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2013-01-0181019700Tungsten waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tungsten)
2013-01-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2013-01-0185439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2013-01-0190278013Electronic apparatus and equipment for performing measurements of the physical properties of semiconductor materials or of LCD substrates or associated insulating or conductive layers during the semiconductor wafer production process or the LCD production process
2012-12-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2012-12-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2012-12-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2012-12-0128269080Fluorosilicates, fluoroaluminates and other complex fluorine salts (excl. sodium hexafluoroaluminate "synthetic cryolite", dipotassium hexafluorozirconate and inorganic or organic compounds of mercury)
2012-12-0129157050Stearic acid and its salts and esters
2012-12-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2012-12-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2012-12-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2012-12-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2012-12-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2012-12-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-12-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2012-12-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2012-12-0171110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2012-12-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2012-12-0175062000Plates, sheets, strip and foil, of nickel alloys (excl. expanded plates, sheets or strip)
2012-12-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2012-12-0181129970Articles of gallium, indium and vanadium, n.e.s.
2012-12-0185443000Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships
2012-12-0190278017Electronic instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis or for measuring viscosity, porosity, expansion, surface tension or the like, or for measuring heat, sound or light, n.e.s.
2012-11-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2012-11-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2012-11-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2012-11-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2012-11-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2012-11-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2012-11-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2012-11-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2012-11-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-11-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2012-11-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2012-11-0170023100Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
2012-11-0171110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2012-11-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2012-10-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2012-10-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2012-10-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2012-10-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2012-10-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2012-10-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2012-10-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2012-10-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2012-10-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-10-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2012-10-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2012-10-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2012-10-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2012-09-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2012-09-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2012-09-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2012-09-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2012-09-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2012-09-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2012-09-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2012-09-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2012-09-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2012-09-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2012-09-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-09-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2012-09-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2012-09-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2012-09-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2012-09-0175030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2012-09-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2012-09-0185443000Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships
2012-08-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2012-08-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2012-08-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2012-08-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2012-08-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2012-08-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2012-08-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2012-08-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2012-08-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-08-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2012-08-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2012-08-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2012-08-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2012-08-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2012-08-0182053000Planes, chisels, gouges and similar cutting tools for working wood
2012-08-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2012-08-0185443000Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships
2012-08-0190221900Apparatus based on the use of X-rays (other than for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses)
2012-07-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2012-07-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2012-07-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2012-07-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2012-07-0138220000Diagnostic or laboratory reagents on a backing, prepared diagnostic or laboratory reagents whether or not on a backing, and certified reference materials (excl. compound diagnostic reagents designed to be administered to the patient, blood-grouping reagents, animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses and vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms and similar products)
2012-07-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2012-07-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-07-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2012-07-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2012-07-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2012-07-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2012-07-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2012-07-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2012-07-0181121900Articles of beryllium, n.e.s.
2012-07-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2012-07-0185443000Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships
2012-06-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2012-06-0128181091Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2012-06-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2012-06-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2012-06-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2012-06-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2012-06-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2012-06-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2012-06-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2012-06-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-06-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2012-06-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2012-06-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2012-06-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2012-06-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2012-06-0181019400Unwrought tungsten, incl. bars and rods of tungsten obtained simply by sintering
2012-06-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2012-06-0185043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2012-06-0185365080Switches for a voltage of > 60 V and <= 1.000 V (excl. relays, automatic circuit breakers, electronic AC switches consisting of optically coupled input and output circuits "insulated thyristor AC switches", electronic switches, incl. temperature protected electronic switches, consisting of a transistor and a logic chip [chip-on-chip technology] and electromechanical snap-action switches for a current <= 11 A)
2012-06-0185439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2012-06-0190278099Non-electronic instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis or for determining surface tension or the like, or for measuring heat or sound, n.e.s.
2012-05-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2012-05-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2012-05-0128181099Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with >= 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2012-05-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2012-05-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2012-05-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2012-05-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2012-05-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2012-05-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-05-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2012-05-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2012-05-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2012-05-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2012-05-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2012-05-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2012-05-0185149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
2012-04-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2012-04-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2012-04-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2012-04-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2012-04-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2012-04-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2012-04-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2012-04-0144151010Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, of wood
2012-04-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2012-04-0169022099Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, > 50% alumina, silica or a mixture or compound of these products (excl. containing, by weight, >= 93% silica, > 7% but < 45% alumina and those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
2012-04-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-04-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2012-04-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2012-04-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2012-04-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2012-04-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2012-04-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2012-04-0181129291Unwrought vanadium; vanadium powders (excl. ash and residues containing vanadium)
2012-04-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2012-04-0184715000Processing units for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing in the same housing one or two of the following types of unit: storage units, input units, output units (excl. those of heading 8471.41 or 8471.49 and excl. peripheral units)
2012-04-0185443000Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships
2012-03-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2012-03-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2012-03-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2012-03-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2012-03-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2012-03-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-03-0169039010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing > 25 to 50% graphite or other carbon or a mixture thereof (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-03-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2012-03-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2012-03-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2012-03-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2012-03-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2012-03-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2012-03-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2012-03-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2012-03-0185371091Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines)
2012-03-0190318038Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.s. in chapter 90
2012-02-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2012-02-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2012-02-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2012-02-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2012-02-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2012-02-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2012-02-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2012-02-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2012-02-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-02-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2012-02-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2012-02-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2012-02-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2012-02-0175052200Wire of nickel alloys (excl. electrically insulated products)
2012-02-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2012-02-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2012-02-0184669280Parts and accessories for machine tools for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2012-02-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2012-02-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2012-02-0185439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2012-01-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2012-01-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2012-01-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2012-01-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2012-01-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2012-01-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2012-01-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2012-01-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2012-01-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2012-01-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2012-01-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2012-01-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2012-01-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2012-01-0181129920Articles of hafnium "celtium" and germanium, n.e.s.
2012-01-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2012-01-0190318038Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.s. in chapter 90
2011-12-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2011-12-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2011-12-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2011-12-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2011-12-0140021100Styrene-butadiene rubber latex "SBR"; carboxylated styrene-butadiene rubber latex "XSBR"
2011-12-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2011-12-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2011-12-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2011-12-0181129920Articles of hafnium "celtium" and germanium, n.e.s.
2011-12-0184242000Spray guns and similar appliances (other than electrical machines, appliances and other devices for spraying molten metals or metal carbides of heading 8515, sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines)
2011-12-0184679900Parts of pneumatic tools for working in the hand, hydraulic or with self-contained electric or non-electric motor, n.e.s.
2011-12-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2011-12-0185443000Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships
2011-11-0125049000Natural graphite (excl. in powder or in flakes)
2011-11-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2011-11-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2011-11-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2011-11-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2011-11-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2011-11-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2011-11-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2011-11-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2011-11-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-11-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2011-11-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2011-11-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2011-11-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2011-11-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2011-11-0181052000Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; cobalt powders
2011-11-0181129920Articles of hafnium "celtium" and germanium, n.e.s.
2011-11-0184779080Parts of machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials of subheading 8477.10.00 to 8477.80.99, n.e.s. (excl. parts of machines for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits, and of cast iron or cast steel)
2011-11-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2011-11-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2011-10-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2011-10-0128046900Silicon containing < 99,99% by weight of silicon
2011-10-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2011-10-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2011-10-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2011-10-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2011-10-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-10-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2011-10-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2011-10-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2011-10-0175052200Wire of nickel alloys (excl. electrically insulated products)
2011-10-0181129920Articles of hafnium "celtium" and germanium, n.e.s.
2011-10-0184771000Injection-moulding machines for working rubber or plastics
2011-10-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2011-10-0185439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2011-10-0190278099Non-electronic instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis or for determining surface tension or the like, or for measuring heat or sound, n.e.s.
2011-09-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2011-09-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2011-09-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2011-09-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2011-09-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2011-09-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2011-09-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-09-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2011-09-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2011-09-0171110000Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured
2011-09-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2011-09-0175030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2011-09-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2011-09-0181052000Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; cobalt powders
2011-09-0184289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2011-09-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2011-08-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2011-08-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2011-08-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2011-08-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2011-08-0168151010Carbon fibres and articles of carbon fibres, for non-electrical purposes
2011-08-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-08-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2011-08-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2011-08-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2011-08-0175030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2011-08-0175052200Wire of nickel alloys (excl. electrically insulated products)
2011-08-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2011-08-0181052000Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; cobalt powders
2011-08-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2011-07-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2011-07-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2011-07-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2011-07-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2011-07-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2011-07-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2011-07-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-07-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-07-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2011-07-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2011-07-0175030010Waste and scrap, of non-alloy nickel (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted non-alloy nickel waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing non-alloy nickel, waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators)
2011-07-0175030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2011-07-0184798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2011-07-0185149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
2011-07-0190330000Parts and accessories for machines, appliances, instruments or other apparatus in chapter 90, specified neither in this chapter nor elsewhere
2011-06-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2011-06-0128046900Silicon containing < 99,99% by weight of silicon
2011-06-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2011-06-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2011-06-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2011-06-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2011-06-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2011-06-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2011-06-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-06-0169039010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing > 25 to 50% graphite or other carbon or a mixture thereof (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-06-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2011-06-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2011-06-0175030010Waste and scrap, of non-alloy nickel (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted non-alloy nickel waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing non-alloy nickel, waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators)
2011-06-0175030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2011-06-0175052200Wire of nickel alloys (excl. electrically insulated products)
2011-06-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2011-06-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2011-06-0181052000Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; cobalt powders
2011-06-0181129920Articles of hafnium "celtium" and germanium, n.e.s.
2011-06-0184141089Vacuum pumps (excl. vacuum pumps for use in semiconductor production, rotary piston vacuum pumps, sliding vane rotary pumps, molecular drag pumps and Roots pumps, diffusion pumps, cryopumps and adsorption pumps)
2011-06-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2011-06-0184806000Moulds for mineral materials (excl. moulds of graphite or other carbons, ceramic or glass moulds)
2011-06-0185439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2011-05-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2011-05-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2011-05-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2011-05-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2011-05-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2011-05-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2011-05-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-05-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-05-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2011-05-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2011-05-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2011-05-0175030010Waste and scrap, of non-alloy nickel (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted non-alloy nickel waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing non-alloy nickel, waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators)
2011-05-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2011-05-0184717050Hard disk storage drives for automatic data-processing machines, neither optical nor magneto-optical (excl. central storage units)
2011-05-0185423110Electronic integrated circuits as processors and controllers, whether or not combined with memories, converters, logic circuits, amplifiers, clock and timing circuits, or other circuits in the form of multichip integrated circuits consisting of two or more interconnected monolithic integrated circuits as specified in note 8 (b) (3) to chapter 85
2011-05-0190029000Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, mounted, of any material, being parts of or fittings for instruments or apparatus (excl. objective lenses for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers, such elements of glass not optically worked, and filters)
2011-04-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2011-04-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2011-04-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2011-04-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2011-04-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2011-04-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2011-04-0168151010Carbon fibres and articles of carbon fibres, for non-electrical purposes
2011-04-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-04-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-04-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2011-04-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2011-04-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2011-04-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2011-04-0175030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2011-04-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2011-04-0190330000Parts and accessories for machines, appliances, instruments or other apparatus in chapter 90, specified neither in this chapter nor elsewhere
2011-03-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2011-03-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2011-03-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2011-03-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2011-03-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2011-03-0140021100Styrene-butadiene rubber latex "SBR"; carboxylated styrene-butadiene rubber latex "XSBR"
2011-03-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-03-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-03-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2011-03-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2011-03-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2011-03-0175030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2011-03-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2011-03-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2011-03-0181052000Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; cobalt powders
2011-03-0184249000Parts of fire extinguishers, spray guns and similar appliances, steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines and machinery and apparatus for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders, n.e.s.
2011-02-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2011-02-0128046900Silicon containing < 99,99% by weight of silicon
2011-02-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2011-02-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2011-02-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2011-02-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2011-02-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2011-02-0168151010Carbon fibres and articles of carbon fibres, for non-electrical purposes
2011-02-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-02-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2011-02-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2011-02-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2011-02-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2011-02-0175030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2011-02-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2011-02-0181052000Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; cobalt powders
2011-01-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2011-01-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2011-01-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2011-01-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2011-01-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2011-01-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2011-01-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2011-01-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2011-01-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2011-01-0184798997Machines, apparatus and mechanical appliances, n.e.s.
2011-01-0190258040Hydrometers, areometers and similar floating instruments, hygrometers and psychrometers, whether or not combined with each other or with thermometers or barometers, electronic
2011-01-0190330000Parts and accessories for machines, appliances, instruments or other apparatus in chapter 90, specified neither in this chapter nor elsewhere
2010-12-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2010-12-0126159000Niobium, tantalum or vanadium ores and concentrates
2010-12-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2010-12-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2010-12-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2010-12-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2010-12-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2010-12-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2010-12-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2010-12-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-12-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2010-12-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2010-12-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2010-12-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2010-12-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2010-12-0184733020Electronic assemblies of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s.
2010-12-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2010-12-0194054031Electric lamps and lighting fittings, of plastics, used with filament lamps, n.e.s.
2010-11-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2010-11-0128046900Silicon containing < 99,99% by weight of silicon
2010-11-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2010-11-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2010-11-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2010-11-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2010-11-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2010-11-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2010-11-0168151010Carbon fibres and articles of carbon fibres, for non-electrical purposes
2010-11-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-11-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2010-11-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2010-11-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2010-11-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2010-11-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2010-11-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2010-11-0175030090Waste and scrap, of nickel alloys (excl. ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted nickel alloys waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing nickel alloys)
2010-11-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2010-11-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2010-11-0181052000Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; cobalt powders
2010-11-0181129920Articles of hafnium "celtium" and germanium, n.e.s.
2010-11-0182079078Tools, interchangeable, for use in mechanical or non-mechanical hand-held appliances or in machine tools, for working materials other than metal, with working part of sintered metal carbides or cermets, n.e.s.
2010-11-0184733020Electronic assemblies of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s.
2010-11-0190330000Parts and accessories for machines, appliances, instruments or other apparatus in chapter 90, specified neither in this chapter nor elsewhere
2010-10-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2010-10-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2010-10-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2010-10-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2010-10-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2010-10-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2010-10-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2010-10-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2010-10-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-10-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2010-10-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2010-10-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2010-10-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2010-10-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2010-10-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2010-10-0184248900Mechanical appliances, whether or not hand-operated, for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders, n.e.s.
2010-10-0184733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2010-10-0187149990Parts and accessories for bicycles, and parts thereof, n.e.s.
2010-10-0190330000Parts and accessories for machines, appliances, instruments or other apparatus in chapter 90, specified neither in this chapter nor elsewhere
2010-09-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2010-09-0126159000Niobium, tantalum or vanadium ores and concentrates
2010-09-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2010-09-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2010-09-0129336980Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only, containing an unfused triazine ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure (excl. melamine, atrazine "ISO", propazine "ISO", simazine "ISO", hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine "hexogen, trimethylenetrinitramine", methenamine [INN] "hexamethylenetetramine" and 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-[4,6-bis"octylthio"-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino]phenol)
2010-09-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2010-09-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2010-09-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2010-09-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-09-0169039010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing > 25 to 50% graphite or other carbon or a mixture thereof (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-09-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2010-09-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2010-09-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2010-09-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2010-09-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2010-09-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2010-09-0184803090Moulding patterns (excl. moulding patterns of graphite or other carbons and ceramic, glass or wooden moulding patterns)
2010-08-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2010-08-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2010-08-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2010-08-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2010-08-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2010-08-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2010-08-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2010-08-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2010-08-0148211090Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, printed (excl. self-adhesive)
2010-08-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-08-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-08-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2010-08-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2010-08-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2010-08-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2010-08-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2010-08-0181052000Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; cobalt powders
2010-08-0185149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
2010-08-0190330000Parts and accessories for machines, appliances, instruments or other apparatus in chapter 90, specified neither in this chapter nor elsewhere
2010-07-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2010-07-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2010-07-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2010-07-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2010-07-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2010-07-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-07-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2010-07-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2010-07-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2010-07-0170060090Sheets or profiles of glass, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, bent, edge-worked, engraved, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materials (excl. optical glass, safety glass, multiple-walled insulating units of glass, glass in the form of a mirror)
2010-07-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2010-07-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2010-07-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2010-07-0181129970Articles of gallium, indium and vanadium, n.e.s.
2010-07-0182057000Vices, clamps and the like (excl. accessories for and parts of machine tools)
2010-07-0184869090Parts and accessories for machines and apparatus of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of semiconductor boules or wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits or flat panel displays, and for machines and apparatus specified in note 9 C to chapter 84, n.e.s. (excl. tool holders, self-opening dieheads, workholders, those of spinners for coating photographic emulsions, for physical deposition by sputtering, for dry-etching patterns, for chemical vapour depositio
2010-06-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2010-06-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2010-06-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2010-06-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2010-06-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2010-06-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2010-06-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-06-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-06-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2010-06-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2010-06-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2010-06-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2010-06-0184129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2010-06-0190330000Parts and accessories for machines, appliances, instruments or other apparatus in chapter 90, specified neither in this chapter nor elsewhere
2010-05-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2010-05-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2010-05-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2010-05-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2010-05-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2010-05-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2010-05-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2010-05-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-05-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2010-05-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2010-05-0170060090Sheets or profiles of glass, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, bent, edge-worked, engraved, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materials (excl. optical glass, safety glass, multiple-walled insulating units of glass, glass in the form of a mirror)
2010-05-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2010-05-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2010-05-0190330000Parts and accessories for machines, appliances, instruments or other apparatus in chapter 90, specified neither in this chapter nor elsewhere
2010-04-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2010-04-0128046900Silicon containing < 99,99% by weight of silicon
2010-04-0128181099Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with >= 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2010-04-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2010-04-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2010-04-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2010-04-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2010-04-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2010-04-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-04-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2010-04-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2010-04-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2010-04-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2010-04-0175089000Articles of nickel, n.e.s.
2010-04-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2010-04-0181019700Tungsten waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tungsten)
2010-04-0185149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
2010-04-0190321089Non-electronic thermostats, without electrical triggering device
2010-03-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2010-03-0128181099Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with >= 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2010-03-0128182000Aluminium oxide (excl. artificial corundum)
2010-03-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2010-03-0129336980Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only, containing an unfused triazine ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure (excl. melamine, atrazine "ISO", propazine "ISO", simazine "ISO", hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine "hexogen, trimethylenetrinitramine", methenamine [INN] "hexamethylenetetramine" and 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-[4,6-bis"octylthio"-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino]phenol)
2010-03-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2010-03-0134049000Artificial waxes and prepared waxes (excl. poly"oxyethylene" [polyethylene glycol] waxes)
2010-03-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2010-03-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2010-03-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2010-03-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2010-03-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-03-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2010-03-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2010-03-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2010-03-0170023900Tubes of glass, unworked (excl. tubes of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10-6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C or of fused quartz or other fused silica)
2010-03-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2010-03-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2010-03-0181019700Tungsten waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tungsten)
2010-03-0184141089Vacuum pumps (excl. vacuum pumps for use in semiconductor production, rotary piston vacuum pumps, sliding vane rotary pumps, molecular drag pumps and Roots pumps, diffusion pumps, cryopumps and adsorption pumps)
2010-03-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2010-03-0190279080Parts and accessories of microtomes or of gas or smoke analysis apparatus, n.e.s.
2010-02-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2010-02-0128181011Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with < 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with aluminium oxide content < 98,5% by weight)
2010-02-0128256000Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide
2010-02-0134021300Non-ionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
2010-02-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2010-02-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2010-02-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2010-02-0169032010Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, < 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-02-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2010-02-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2010-02-0170060090Sheets or profiles of glass, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, bent, edge-worked, engraved, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materials (excl. optical glass, safety glass, multiple-walled insulating units of glass, glass in the form of a mirror)
2010-02-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2010-02-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2010-02-0181033000Tantalum waste and scrap (excl. ash and residues containing tantalum)
2010-02-0181129970Articles of gallium, indium and vanadium, n.e.s.
2010-02-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2010-02-0184169000Parts of furnace burners such as mechanical stokers, incl. their mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances, n.e.s.
2010-02-0185439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2010-02-0190330000Parts and accessories for machines, appliances, instruments or other apparatus in chapter 90, specified neither in this chapter nor elsewhere
2010-01-0126151000Zirconium ores and concentrates
2010-01-0128181099Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined, with >= 50 % of the total weight having a particle size > 10 mm (excl. with an aluminium oxide content >= 98,5% by weight "high purity")
2010-01-0128259085Inorganic bases and metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, n.e.s.
2010-01-0138160000Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (excl. preparations based on graphite or other carbonaceous substances)
2010-01-0138249097Chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries, incl. those consisting of mixtures of natural products, n.e.s.
2010-01-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2010-01-0168043000Hand sharpening or polishing stones
2010-01-0169032090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods, containing, by weight, >= 45% of alumina and > 50% of silica (excl. refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods)
2010-01-0169039090Retorts, crucibles, mufflers, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths, rods and other refractory ceramic goods (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths, articles of heading 6902, articles containing carbon, alumina or silica of subheading 6903.10.00 and 6903.90.10)
2010-01-0169091100Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses, of porcelain or china (excl. refractory ceramic goods, electrical devices, insulators and other electrical insulating fittings)
2010-01-0170060090Sheets or profiles of glass, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, bent, edge-worked, engraved, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materials (excl. optical glass, safety glass, multiple-walled insulating units of glass, glass in the form of a mirror)
2010-01-0175021000Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
2010-01-0175022000Unwrought nickel alloys
2010-01-0185149000Parts of electric industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, incl. of those functioning by induction or dielectric loss, and of industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss, n.e.s. (other than for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)

For goods imported into the United Kingdom, only imports originating from outside the EU are shown

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