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Home > England & Wales Companies > RICARDO UK LIMITED
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Company Registration Number
Private Limited Company

Company Overview

About Ricardo Uk Ltd
RICARDO UK LIMITED was founded on 1993-05-06 and has its registered office in Shoreham-by-sea. The organisation's status is listed as "Active". Ricardo Uk Limited is a Private Limited Company registered in with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as FULL
  • Annual turnover is £6.5 million or more
  • The balance sheet total is £ 3.26 million or more
  • Employs 50 or more employees
  • May be publically listed
  • May be a member of a group of companies meeting any of the above criteria
Key Data
Company Name
Legal Registered Office
BN43 5FG
Other companies in BN43
Filing Information
Company Number 02815682
Company ID Number 02815682
Date formed 1993-05-06
Origin Country United Kingdom
Type Private Limited Company
CompanyStatus Active
Lastest accounts 30/06/2023
Account next due 31/03/2025
Latest return 15/04/2016
Return next due 13/05/2017
Type of accounts FULL
VAT Number /Sales tax ID GB272643062  
Last Datalog update: 2024-11-05 10:20:29
Primary Source:Companies House
There are multiple companies registered at this address, the registered address may be the accountant's offices for RICARDO UK LIMITED
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Company Officers of RICARDO UK LIMITED

Current Directors
Officer Role Date Appointed
Company Secretary 2017-08-15
Director 2003-03-12
Director 2017-07-17
Director 2006-03-13
Director 2013-07-01
Director 2017-02-01
Director 2003-03-28
Previous Officers
Officer Role Date Appointed Date Resigned
Company Secretary 2014-07-01 2017-08-14
Director 2014-07-01 2016-03-10
Director 2011-03-01 2015-03-30
Director 2010-07-20 2014-07-31
Director 2010-07-20 2014-07-01
Director 2012-09-01 2014-07-01
Director 2010-07-20 2014-03-31
Company Secretary 2009-10-30 2014-02-28
Director 2009-11-03 2013-03-28
Director 2011-07-18 2012-04-02
Director 2010-02-12 2011-09-16
Director 2003-03-28 2010-07-20
Company Secretary 2007-03-05 2009-10-30
Director 2009-03-20 2009-10-30
Director 2003-07-27 2009-08-28
Director 2003-04-11 2007-09-28
Director 2006-03-13 2007-07-02
Company Secretary 2003-03-03 2007-03-05
Director 1998-11-09 2007-01-05
Director 2003-07-27 2006-03-13
Director 2003-03-12 2006-03-13
Director 2003-03-12 2005-08-31
Director 2003-03-12 2004-09-06
Director 2003-03-03 2003-12-19
Director 2003-03-28 2003-07-18
Company Secretary 1993-05-21 2003-03-03
Nominated Secretary 1993-05-06 1993-05-21
Nominated Director 1993-05-06 1993-05-21

Related Directorships

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
MARK WILLIAM GARRETT B & R TAYLOR LIMITED Director 2010-04-23 CURRENT 1963-10-31 Dissolved 2017-04-03
MARK WILLIAM GARRETT FENTON TECHNOLOGY DESIGN LIMITED Director 2010-04-23 CURRENT 1959-03-23 Dissolved 2017-04-03
MARK WILLIAM GARRETT RICARDO SPECIAL VEHICLES LIMITED Director 2010-02-01 CURRENT 1992-06-12 Dissolved 2017-04-03
MARK WILLIAM GARRETT RICARDO TEST SERVICES LIMITED Director 2010-02-01 CURRENT 1989-05-24 Dissolved 2017-04-03
IAN JEFFREY GIBSON PPA ENERGY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Director 2014-11-13 CURRENT 2010-09-07 Dissolved 2017-06-20
IAN JEFFREY GIBSON RICARDO-AEA LIMITED Director 2013-07-01 CURRENT 2012-09-26 Active
IAN JEFFREY GIBSON RICARDO PLC Director 2013-07-01 CURRENT 1927-06-30 Active
DAVID JOHN SHEMMANS B & R TAYLOR LIMITED Director 2010-04-23 CURRENT 1963-10-31 Dissolved 2017-04-03
DAVID JOHN SHEMMANS FENTON TECHNOLOGY DESIGN LIMITED Director 2010-04-23 CURRENT 1959-03-23 Dissolved 2017-04-03
DAVID JOHN SHEMMANS RICARDO TEST SERVICES LIMITED Director 2009-11-12 CURRENT 1989-05-24 Dissolved 2017-04-03

More director information

Corporation Filing History
Companies House Filing History
This is a record of the public documents (corporate filing) lodged from Companies House where the company has filed annual returns and other statutory filing documents. Examples of documents filed include: change of registered office, accounts filing, director/officer appointments & resignations, changes in share capital, shareholder members lists etc.

DateDocument TypeDocument Description
2023-09-15Second filing of director appointment of Richard Colin Guest
2022-12-05AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/22
2021-11-09AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/21
2020-10-13AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/20
2019-10-15AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/19
2019-07-16AP03Appointment of Teresa Mello as company secretary on 2019-07-04
2019-07-16TM02Termination of appointment of Kerry Joanne Norwood Steer on 2019-07-04
2018-10-17AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/18
2018-08-31TM02Termination of appointment of Patricia Ryan on 2018-07-31
2018-08-31AP03Appointment of Mrs Kerry Joanne Norwood Steer as company secretary on 2018-07-31
2017-11-13AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/17
2017-10-24AP03Appointment of Miss Patricia Ryan as company secretary on 2017-08-15
2017-10-24TM02Termination of appointment of William John Henderson-Deeves on 2017-08-14
2017-05-16LATEST SOC16/05/17 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 10000000
2016-10-01AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/16
2016-07-20OCS1096 Court Order to Rectify
2016-05-04AR0115/04/16 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2016-01-12AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/15
2015-05-08LATEST SOC08/05/15 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 10000000
2015-05-08AR0115/04/15 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2014-11-11AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/14
2014-04-22LATEST SOC22/04/14 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 10000000
2014-04-22AR0115/04/14 FULL LIST
2013-11-14AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/13
2013-05-02AR0115/04/13 FULL LIST
2012-11-14AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/12
2012-04-18AR0115/04/12 FULL LIST
2011-11-23AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/11
2011-07-13SH0130/06/11 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL GBP 10000000
2011-05-10AR0115/04/11 FULL LIST
2010-11-18AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/10
2010-05-05AR0115/04/10 FULL LIST
2010-04-19RES01ADOPT ARTICLES 11/01/2010
2009-12-12AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/06/09
Industry Information
28 - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
281 - Manufacture of general-purpose machinery
28150 - Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements

71 - Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
711 - Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
71122 - Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities

Licences & Regulatory approval
We could not find any licences issued to RICARDO UK LIMITED or authorisation from an industry specific regulator to operate. These may not be required.
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Legal Notices
No legal notices or events such as winding-up orders or proposals to strike-off have been issued
Fines / Sanctions
No fines or sanctions have been issued against RICARDO UK LIMITED
Mortgages / Charges
Total # Mortgages/Charges 3
Mortgages/Charges outstanding 1
Mortgages Partially Satisifed 0
Mortgages Satisfied/Paid 2
Details of Mortgagee Charges
Charge Type Date of Charge Charge Status Mortgagee
Intangible Assets
Domain Names

RICARDO UK LIMITED owns 1 domain names.  

We have not found any records of RICARDO UK LIMITED registering or being granted any trademarks
Government Income

Government spend with RICARDO UK LIMITED

Government Department Income DateTransaction(s) Value Services/Products
Ministry of Defence 2013-05-31 GBP £100,000
Ministry of Defence 2013-05-03 GBP £76,508

How is this useful? The company sells into the government and has the following income from government. This provides an indication of the sources of their revenue. This is unlikely to be a complete picture of their income from government sources since many councils and countries do not disclose this information or do so inconsistently. For example UK central government has a £ 25,000 transaction threshold which means it is possible for significant spend to not be disclosed. Where there are multiple transactions in a month, we consolidate daily transactions to provide an aggregate value for the month - the description will apply to the first transaction and the total may not reflect all spend on the description.

Contracts Awarded
CustomerDescription Contract award date Value
Protected Mobility Team, DE&S Engineering design services 2013/08/14 GBP 600,000

Engineering design services. Post Design Services (“PDS”) for the WMIK and Snatch vehicle fleets.

Business Rates/Property Tax
No properties were found where RICARDO UK LIMITED is liable for the business rates / property tax. This could be for a number of reasons.
  • The council hasnt published the data
  • We havent found or been able to process the councils data
  • The company is part of a group of companies and another company in the group is liable for business rates
  • The registered office may be a residential address which does not have a commercial designation. If the business is run from home then it won't be a commercial property and hence won't be liable for business rates.
  • Serviced offices are increasingly popular and therefore a business may not be paying business rates directly - the building owner is and this is incorporated in the office rental charge.
Import/Export of Goods
Goods imported/exported by RICARDO UK LIMITED
OriginDestinationDateImport CodeImported Goods classification description
2018-12-0084073499Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ (excl. those used for the industrial assembly of pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701.10, motor vehicles of heading 8703, motor vehicles of heading 8704 with engines of a cylinder capacity < 2.800 cm³ and motor vehicles of heading 8705)
2018-12-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2018-12-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2018-12-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-12-0087115000Motorcycles, incl. mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity > 800 cm³
2018-12-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2018-12-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2018-12-0048219010Self-adhesive paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, non-printed
2018-12-0048219010Self-adhesive paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, non-printed
2018-12-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-12-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-12-0084519000Parts of machines for washing, cleaning, wringing, drying, ironing, pressing, bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or made-up textile articles; parts of machines used in the manufacture of linoleum or other floor coverings for applying the paste to the base fabric or other support; parts of machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics, n.e.s.
2018-12-0084519000Parts of machines for washing, cleaning, wringing, drying, ironing, pressing, bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or made-up textile articles; parts of machines used in the manufacture of linoleum or other floor coverings for applying the paste to the base fabric or other support; parts of machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics, n.e.s.
2018-12-0084669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2018-12-0084669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2018-12-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-12-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-12-0085363010Apparatus for protecting electrical circuits for a voltage <= 1.000 V, for a current <= 16 A (excl. fuses and automatic circuit breakers)
2018-12-0085363010Apparatus for protecting electrical circuits for a voltage <= 1.000 V, for a current <= 16 A (excl. fuses and automatic circuit breakers)
2018-11-0084073491Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³ but > 1.000 cm³ (excl. engines of subheading 8407.34.10)
2018-11-0084073499Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ (excl. those used for the industrial assembly of pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701.10, motor vehicles of heading 8703, motor vehicles of heading 8704 with engines of a cylinder capacity < 2.800 cm³ and motor vehicles of heading 8705)
2018-11-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2018-11-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2018-11-0087089993Parts and accessories of closed-die forged steel, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s.
2018-11-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2018-11-0090230080Instruments, apparatus and models designed for demonstrational purposes, e.g. in education or exhibitions, unsuitable for other uses (excl. ground flying trainers of heading 8805, collectors' pieces of heading 9705, antiques of an age > 100 years of heading 9706 and of the type used for teaching physics, chemistry and technical subjects)
2018-11-0090271090Non-electronic gas or smoke analysis apparatus
2018-11-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2018-11-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-11-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-11-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-11-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-11-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-11-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-11-0084839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-11-0084839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-11-0085011010Synchronous motors of an output <= 18 W
2018-11-0085011010Synchronous motors of an output <= 18 W
2018-11-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-11-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-10-0084091000Parts suitable for use solely or principally with internal combustion piston engine for aircraft, n.e.s.
2018-10-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2018-10-0084733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2018-10-0084879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2018-10-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2018-10-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-10-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2018-10-0090271010Electronic gas or smoke analysis apparatus
2018-10-0090314990Optical instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking, not elsewhere specified or included in chapter 90
2018-10-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-10-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-10-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-10-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-10-0084839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-10-0084839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-10-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2018-10-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2018-09-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2018-09-0084834029Gears and gearing, for machinery (excl. friction gears, spur, helical, bevel, bevel-spur gears and gearing and worm gear, gear boxes and other speed changers)
2018-09-0084879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2018-09-0085185000Electric sound amplifier sets
2018-09-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-09-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2018-09-0090230080Instruments, apparatus and models designed for demonstrational purposes, e.g. in education or exhibitions, unsuitable for other uses (excl. ground flying trainers of heading 8805, collectors' pieces of heading 9705, antiques of an age > 100 years of heading 9706 and of the type used for teaching physics, chemistry and technical subjects)
2018-09-0090271010Electronic gas or smoke analysis apparatus
2018-09-0094031051Office desks, with metal frames
2018-09-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-09-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-09-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-09-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-09-0084841000Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal
2018-09-0084841000Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal
2018-09-0090173000Micrometers, callipers and gauges (excl. gauges without adjustable devices of subheading 9031.80)
2018-09-0090173000Micrometers, callipers and gauges (excl. gauges without adjustable devices of subheading 9031.80)
2018-08-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2018-08-0084733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2018-08-0087081010Bumpers and parts thereof, for the industrial assembly of motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, vehicles for the transport of goods with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 2.500 cm³ or with spark-ignition internal piston engine of a cylinder capacity <= 2.800 cm³ and special purpose motor vehicles of heading 8705, n.e.s.
2018-08-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2018-08-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-08-0087149930Luggage carriers for bicycles
2018-08-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2018-08-0090271090Non-electronic gas or smoke analysis apparatus
2018-08-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-08-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-08-0084149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2018-08-0084149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2018-08-0084834030Ball or roller screws, for machinery
2018-08-0084834030Ball or roller screws, for machinery
2018-08-0084835080Flywheels and pulleys, incl. pulley blocks (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-08-0084835080Flywheels and pulleys, incl. pulley blocks (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-08-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-08-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-08-0085359000Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage > 1.000 V (excl. fuses, automatic circuit breakers, isolating switches, make-and-break switches, lightning arresters, voltage limiters, surge suppressors and control desks, cabinets, panels etc. of heading 8537)
2018-08-0085359000Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage > 1.000 V (excl. fuses, automatic circuit breakers, isolating switches, make-and-break switches, lightning arresters, voltage limiters, surge suppressors and control desks, cabinets, panels etc. of heading 8537)
2018-08-0085363010Apparatus for protecting electrical circuits for a voltage <= 1.000 V, for a current <= 16 A (excl. fuses and automatic circuit breakers)
2018-08-0085363010Apparatus for protecting electrical circuits for a voltage <= 1.000 V, for a current <= 16 A (excl. fuses and automatic circuit breakers)
2018-08-0085443000Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships
2018-08-0085443000Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships
2018-08-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-08-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-07-0049019900Printed books, brochures and similar printed matter (excl. those in single sheets; dictionaries, encyclopaedias, periodicals and publications which are essentially devoted to advertising)
2018-07-0084082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2018-07-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2018-07-0084131100Pumps fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages
2018-07-0084733020Electronic assemblies of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s.
2018-07-0084801000Moulding boxes for metal foundry
2018-07-0087012010Road tractors for semi-trailers, new
2018-07-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2018-07-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-07-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2018-07-0090271010Electronic gas or smoke analysis apparatus
2018-07-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2018-07-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-07-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-07-0084139200Parts of liquid elevators, n.e.s.
2018-07-0084139200Parts of liquid elevators, n.e.s.
2018-07-0084834090Gears and gearing, for machinery (excl. ball or roller screws and gears and gearing in general, and toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately)
2018-07-0084834090Gears and gearing, for machinery (excl. ball or roller screws and gears and gearing in general, and toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately)
2018-07-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-07-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-07-0085363010Apparatus for protecting electrical circuits for a voltage <= 1.000 V, for a current <= 16 A (excl. fuses and automatic circuit breakers)
2018-07-0085363010Apparatus for protecting electrical circuits for a voltage <= 1.000 V, for a current <= 16 A (excl. fuses and automatic circuit breakers)
2018-06-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2018-06-0084714900Data-processing machines, automatic, presented in the form of systems "comprising at least a central processing unit, one input unit and one output unit" (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. peripheral units)
2018-06-0087084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2018-06-0087088020Suspension systems and parts thereof, incl. shock-absorbers, for the industrial assembly of: motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, vehicles for the transport of goods with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 2.500 cm³ or with spark-ignition internal piston engine of a cylinder capacity <= 2.800 cm³ and special purpose motor vehicles of heading 8705, n.e.s
2018-06-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-06-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2018-06-0090271010Electronic gas or smoke analysis apparatus
2018-06-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2018-06-0084073491Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³ but > 1.000 cm³ (excl. engines of subheading 8407.34.10)
2018-06-0084073491Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³ but > 1.000 cm³ (excl. engines of subheading 8407.34.10)
2018-06-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-06-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-06-0084669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2018-06-0084669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2018-06-0084834090Gears and gearing, for machinery (excl. ball or roller screws and gears and gearing in general, and toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately)
2018-06-0084834090Gears and gearing, for machinery (excl. ball or roller screws and gears and gearing in general, and toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately)
2018-06-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-06-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-06-0084839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-06-0084839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-06-0084841000Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal
2018-06-0084841000Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal
2018-06-0085011091Universal AC-DC motors of an output <= 37,5 W
2018-06-0085011091Universal AC-DC motors of an output <= 37,5 W
2018-06-0087089235Silencers "mufflers" and exhaust pipes, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.92.20)
2018-06-0087089235Silencers "mufflers" and exhaust pipes, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.92.20)
2018-06-0087141090Parts and accessories of motorcycles, incl. mopeds, n.e.s. (excl. brakes, gear boxes, road wheels, silencers, exhaust pipes, clutches, and their parts)
2018-06-0087141090Parts and accessories of motorcycles, incl. mopeds, n.e.s. (excl. brakes, gear boxes, road wheels, silencers, exhaust pipes, clutches, and their parts)
2018-05-0084042000Condensers for steam or other vapour power units
2018-05-0084091000Parts suitable for use solely or principally with internal combustion piston engine for aircraft, n.e.s.
2018-05-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2018-05-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2018-05-0085444210Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
2018-05-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2018-05-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-05-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2018-05-0090271010Electronic gas or smoke analysis apparatus
2018-05-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2018-05-0040169997Articles of vulcanised rubber, n.e.s. (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-05-0040169997Articles of vulcanised rubber, n.e.s. (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-05-0066019990Umbrellas and sun umbrellas, incl. walking-stick umbrellas (excl. umbrellas with a cover of woven textile materials and umbrellas having a telescopic shaft, garden umbrellas and the like, and toy umbrellas)
2018-05-0066019990Umbrellas and sun umbrellas, incl. walking-stick umbrellas (excl. umbrellas with a cover of woven textile materials and umbrellas having a telescopic shaft, garden umbrellas and the like, and toy umbrellas)
2018-05-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-05-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-05-0084079090Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 250 cm³, of a power > 10 kW (other than engines of subheading 8407.90.50, reciprocating piston engine of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of chapter 87, aircraft engines and marine propulsion engines)
2018-05-0084079090Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 250 cm³, of a power > 10 kW (other than engines of subheading 8407.90.50, reciprocating piston engine of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of chapter 87, aircraft engines and marine propulsion engines)
2018-05-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-05-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-05-0084719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2018-05-0084719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2018-05-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2018-05-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2018-05-0084831029Cranks and crank shafts (excl. of open-die forged steel or cast iron or cast steel)
2018-05-0084831029Cranks and crank shafts (excl. of open-die forged steel or cast iron or cast steel)
2018-05-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-05-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-05-0087085099Parts for drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20, for non-driving axles and of closed-die forged steel)
2018-05-0087085099Parts for drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20, for non-driving axles and of closed-die forged steel)
2018-05-0087141090Parts and accessories of motorcycles, incl. mopeds, n.e.s. (excl. brakes, gear boxes, road wheels, silencers, exhaust pipes, clutches, and their parts)
2018-05-0087141090Parts and accessories of motorcycles, incl. mopeds, n.e.s. (excl. brakes, gear boxes, road wheels, silencers, exhaust pipes, clutches, and their parts)
2018-04-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2018-04-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2018-04-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-04-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2018-04-0090271010Electronic gas or smoke analysis apparatus
2018-04-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2018-04-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-04-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-04-0084129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2018-04-0084129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2018-04-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-04-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-04-0084849000Sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings
2018-04-0084849000Sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings
2018-04-0087089299Parts for silencers "mufflers" and exhaust pipes, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.92.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2018-04-0087089299Parts for silencers "mufflers" and exhaust pipes, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.92.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2018-04-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-04-0090328900Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. hydraulic or pneumatic, manostats, thermostats, and taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481)
2018-03-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2018-03-0084824000Needle roller bearings
2018-03-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2018-03-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-03-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2018-03-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2018-03-0040093200Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), reinforced or otherwise combined only with textile materials, with fittings
2018-03-0040093200Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), reinforced or otherwise combined only with textile materials, with fittings
2018-03-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-03-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-03-0084718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2018-03-0084718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2018-03-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-03-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-03-0085011099DC motors of an output <= 37,5 W
2018-03-0085011099DC motors of an output <= 37,5 W
2018-03-0087115000Motorcycles, incl. mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity > 800 cm³
2018-03-0087115000Motorcycles, incl. mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity > 800 cm³
2018-03-0087141090Parts and accessories of motorcycles, incl. mopeds, n.e.s. (excl. brakes, gear boxes, road wheels, silencers, exhaust pipes, clutches, and their parts)
2018-03-0087141090Parts and accessories of motorcycles, incl. mopeds, n.e.s. (excl. brakes, gear boxes, road wheels, silencers, exhaust pipes, clutches, and their parts)
2018-02-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2018-02-0087049000Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, with engines other than internal combustion piston engine (excl. dumpers for off-highway use of subheading 8704.10 and special purpose motor vehicles of heading 8705)
2018-02-0087081010Bumpers and parts thereof, for the industrial assembly of motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, vehicles for the transport of goods with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 2.500 cm³ or with spark-ignition internal piston engine of a cylinder capacity <= 2.800 cm³ and special purpose motor vehicles of heading 8705, n.e.s.
2018-02-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2018-02-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-02-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2018-02-0090271010Electronic gas or smoke analysis apparatus
2018-02-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-02-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2018-02-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-02-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-02-0084793090Machinery for treating wood or cork (excl. dryers, spray guns and the like, machine tools and presses for the manufacture of particle board or fibre building board)
2018-02-0084793090Machinery for treating wood or cork (excl. dryers, spray guns and the like, machine tools and presses for the manufacture of particle board or fibre building board)
2018-02-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-02-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-02-0084839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-02-0084839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2018-02-0085366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2018-02-0085366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2018-02-0087085099Parts for drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20, for non-driving axles and of closed-die forged steel)
2018-02-0087085099Parts for drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20, for non-driving axles and of closed-die forged steel)
2018-02-0087089435Steering wheels, columns and boxes, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.94.20)
2018-02-0087089435Steering wheels, columns and boxes, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.94.20)
2018-01-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2018-01-0084714900Data-processing machines, automatic, presented in the form of systems "comprising at least a central processing unit, one input unit and one output unit" (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. peripheral units)
2018-01-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2018-01-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2018-01-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2018-01-0090271010Electronic gas or smoke analysis apparatus
2018-01-0040093200Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), reinforced or otherwise combined only with textile materials, with fittings
2018-01-0040093200Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), reinforced or otherwise combined only with textile materials, with fittings
2018-01-0048211010Self-adhesive paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, printed
2018-01-0048211010Self-adhesive paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, printed
2018-01-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-01-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2018-01-0084129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2018-01-0084129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2018-01-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-01-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2018-01-0084841000Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal
2018-01-0084841000Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal
2018-01-0085044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2018-01-0085044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2018-01-0085111000Sparking plugs of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines
2018-01-0085111000Sparking plugs of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines
2018-01-0085364190Relays for a voltage <= 60 V, for a current > 2 A
2018-01-0085364190Relays for a voltage <= 60 V, for a current > 2 A
2018-01-0087115000Motorcycles, incl. mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity > 800 cm³
2018-01-0087115000Motorcycles, incl. mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity > 800 cm³
2017-04-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2017-04-0084199085Parts of machinery, plant and laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated, for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature, and of non-electric instantaneous and storage water heaters, n.e.s. (excl. of medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers, those for the manufacture of semiconductor boules or wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits or flat panel displays, and of furnaces, ovens and other equipment of heading 8514)
2017-04-0084834051Gear boxes for machinery
2017-04-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2017-04-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2017-04-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2017-03-0084082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2017-03-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2017-03-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2017-03-0084834051Gear boxes for machinery
2017-03-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2017-03-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2017-03-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2017-02-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2017-02-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2017-02-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2017-01-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2017-01-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2017-01-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2017-01-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2016-11-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2016-11-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-11-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2016-11-0087089599Safety airbags with inflator system and parts thereof, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.95.10 and of closed-die forged steel)
2016-11-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2016-11-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2016-11-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2016-11-0073182900Non-threaded articles, of iron or steel
2016-11-0084129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2016-11-0084799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-11-0084829900Parts of ball or roller bearings (excl. balls, needles and rollers), n.e.s.
2016-11-0084831021Cranks and crank shafts, of cast iron or cast steel
2016-11-0084831095Main shafts or driving shafts, counter shafts, cam shafts, eccentric shafts and other transmission shafts (excl. cranks, crank shafts and articulated shafts)
2016-11-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2016-11-0084839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-11-0085369085Electrical apparatus for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. fuses, circuit breakers and other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits, relays and other switches, lamp holders, plugs and sockets, prefabricated elements for electrical circuits and other connections and contact elements for wire and cables and for wafer probers)
2016-11-0087149990Parts and accessories for bicycles, and parts thereof, n.e.s.
2016-11-0090279050Parts and accessories of instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis, e.g. polarimeters, refractometers, spectrometers, of instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking viscosity, porosity, expansion, surface tension or the like and of instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking quantities of heat, sound or light, incl. exposure meters, n.e.s. (excl. of gas or smoke analysis apparatus)
2016-11-0094031051Office desks, with metal frames
2016-10-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2016-10-0084801000Moulding boxes for metal foundry
2016-10-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2016-10-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2016-10-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2016-10-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2016-10-0090318038Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.s. in chapter 90
2016-10-0090318091Instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities, non-optical, non-electronic (excl. hand-held instruments for measuring length)
2016-10-0084079090Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 250 cm³, of a power > 10 kW (other than engines of subheading 8407.90.50, reciprocating piston engine of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of chapter 87, aircraft engines and marine propulsion engines)
2016-10-0084139200Parts of liquid elevators, n.e.s.
2016-10-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2016-10-0084842000Mechanical seals
2016-10-0085013100DC motors of an output > 37,5 W but <= 750 W and DC generators of an output <= 750 W
2016-10-0087084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2016-09-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2016-09-0084733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2016-09-0084879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2016-09-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2016-09-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2016-09-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2016-09-0090318091Instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities, non-optical, non-electronic (excl. hand-held instruments for measuring length)
2016-09-0040103900Transmission belts or belting, of vulcanised rubber (excl. endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-section "V-belts", V-ribbed, of an outside circumference > 60 cm but <= 240 cm and endless synchronous belts of an outside circumference > 60 cm but <= 198 cm)
2016-09-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2016-09-0084149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2016-09-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-09-0084314980Parts of machinery of heading 8426, 8429 and 8430, n.e.s.
2016-09-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2016-09-0084829900Parts of ball or roller bearings (excl. balls, needles and rollers), n.e.s.
2016-09-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2016-09-0085016400AC generators "alternators", of an output > 750 kVA
2016-09-0087032319Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of 1 to 9 persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 3.000 cm³, new (excl. those of subheading 8703 10 and motor caravans)
2016-09-0087033219Motor cars and other motor vehicles, principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 2.500 cm³, new (excl. motor caravans and vehicles specially designed for travelling on snow and other special purpose vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2016-09-0087084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2016-09-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2016-08-0084073499Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ (excl. those used for the industrial assembly of pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701.10, motor vehicles of heading 8703, motor vehicles of heading 8704 with engines of a cylinder capacity < 2.800 cm³ and motor vehicles of heading 8705)
2016-08-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2016-08-0084212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2016-08-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-08-0084733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2016-08-0084879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2016-08-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2016-08-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2016-08-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2016-08-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2016-08-0084834090Gears and gearing, for machinery (excl. ball or roller screws and gears and gearing in general, and toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately)
2016-08-0085045020Inductors of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus and for power supplies for automatic data-processing machines and units thereof (excl. those for discharge lamps or tubes)
2016-08-0085389099Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading 8535, 8536 or 8537, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies, and boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases for the goods of heading 8537, not equipped with their apparatus, and for wafer probers of subheading 8536.90.20)
2016-08-0087088099Suspension systems and parts thereof, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.80.20, shock-absorbers, anti roll bars, torsion bars and those of closed-die forged steel)
2016-07-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2016-07-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2016-07-0084733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2016-07-0085087000Parts of vacuum cleaners, dry cleaners and wet vacuum cleaners, n.e.s.
2016-07-0087031011Vehicles specially designed for travelling on snow, with internal combustion piston engine
2016-07-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2016-07-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2016-07-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2016-07-0090230080Instruments, apparatus and models designed for demonstrational purposes, e.g. in education or exhibitions, unsuitable for other uses (excl. ground flying trainers of heading 8805, collectors' pieces of heading 9705, antiques of an age > 100 years of heading 9706 and of the type used for teaching physics, chemistry and technical subjects)
2016-07-0084129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2016-07-0084314980Parts of machinery of heading 8426, 8429 and 8430, n.e.s.
2016-07-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2016-06-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2016-06-0084713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2016-06-0087033319Motor cars and other motor vehicles, principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity > 2.500 cm³, new (excl. motor caravans and vehicles specially designed for travelling on snow and other special purpose vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2016-06-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2016-06-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2016-06-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2016-06-0039269092Articles made from plastic sheet, n.e.s.
2016-06-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2016-06-0084139200Parts of liquid elevators, n.e.s.
2016-06-0084818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2016-06-0084849000Sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings
2016-06-0085087000Parts of vacuum cleaners, dry cleaners and wet vacuum cleaners, n.e.s.
2016-06-0087032319Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of 1 to 9 persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 3.000 cm³, new (excl. those of subheading 8703 10 and motor caravans)
2016-06-0087033110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2016-05-0063049300Articles for interior furnishing, of synthetic fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted, blankets and travelling rugs, bedlinen, table linen, toilet linen, kitchen linen, curtains, incl. drapes, interior blinds, curtain or bed valances, bedspreads, lampshades and articles of heading 9404)
2016-05-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2016-05-0084831021Cranks and crank shafts, of cast iron or cast steel
2016-05-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2016-05-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2016-05-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2016-05-0094031051Office desks, with metal frames
2016-05-0040094200Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), reinforced or otherwise combined with materials other than metal or textile materials, with fittings
2016-05-0084091000Parts suitable for use solely or principally with internal combustion piston engine for aircraft, n.e.s.
2016-05-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2016-05-0084139200Parts of liquid elevators, n.e.s.
2016-05-0084148080Air pumps and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters, with a maximum horizontal side > 120 cm (excl. vacuum pumps, hand- or foot-operated air pumps and compressors)
2016-05-0084549000Parts of converters, ladles, ingot moulds and casting machines of a kind used in metallurgy or in metal foundries, n.e.s.
2016-05-0084669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2016-05-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2016-05-0087083099Brakes and servo-brakes and their parts, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.30.10 and for disc brakes)
2016-05-0087089135Radiators for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.91.20)
2016-05-0087089199Parts for radiators, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.91.20 and those of closed-die forged steel)
2016-05-0090318091Instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities, non-optical, non-electronic (excl. hand-held instruments for measuring length)
2016-04-0068138900Friction material and articles thereof, e.g. sheets, rolls, strips, segments, discs, washers and pads, for clutches and the like, with a basis of mineral substances or cellulose, whether or not combined with textile or other materials (excl. containing asbestos, and brake linings and pads)
2016-04-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2016-04-0084831095Main shafts or driving shafts, counter shafts, cam shafts, eccentric shafts and other transmission shafts (excl. cranks, crank shafts and articulated shafts)
2016-04-0085361010Fuses for a current <= 10 A, for a voltage <= 1.000 V
2016-04-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2016-04-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2016-04-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2016-04-0090318038Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.s. in chapter 90
2016-04-0090318091Instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities, non-optical, non-electronic (excl. hand-held instruments for measuring length)
2016-04-0073069000Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles "e.g., open seam, riveted or similarly closed", of iron or steel (excl. of cast iron, seamless or welded tubes and pipes and tubes and pipes having internal and external circular cross-sections and an external diameter of > 406,4 mm)
2016-04-0084091000Parts suitable for use solely or principally with internal combustion piston engine for aircraft, n.e.s.
2016-04-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2016-04-0084122920Hydraulic systems powered using hydraulic fluid power motors (excl. hydraulic power engines and motors, linear acting[cylinders])
2016-04-0084149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2016-04-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2016-04-0084812090Valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission
2016-04-0084813091Check "non-return" valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, of cast iron or steel
2016-04-0084828000Roller bearings, incl. combined ball-roller bearings (excl. ball bearings, tapered roller bearings, incl. cone and tapered roller assemblies, spherical roller bearings, needle and cylindrical roller bearings)
2016-04-0084842000Mechanical seals
2016-04-0084849000Sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings
2016-04-0085076000Lithium-ion accumulators (excl. spent)
2016-04-0087084091Parts for gear boxes of closed-die forged steel, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2016-04-0087089390Clutches and parts thereof, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.93.10)
2016-04-0090271090Non-electronic gas or smoke analysis apparatus
2016-04-0090312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2016-03-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2016-03-0085365019Switches for a voltage of <= 60 V (excl. relays, push-button switches and rotary switches)
2016-03-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2016-03-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2016-03-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2016-03-0090318038Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.s. in chapter 90
2016-03-0063063000Sails for boats, sailboards or landcraft, of textile materials
2016-03-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2016-03-0084149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2016-03-0084669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2016-03-0084799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2016-03-0084831095Main shafts or driving shafts, counter shafts, cam shafts, eccentric shafts and other transmission shafts (excl. cranks, crank shafts and articulated shafts)
2016-03-0084839020Parts of bearing housings, n.e.s.
2016-03-0085366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2016-02-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2016-02-0085439000Parts of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2016-02-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2016-02-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2016-02-0084079090Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 250 cm³, of a power > 10 kW (other than engines of subheading 8407.90.50, reciprocating piston engine of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of chapter 87, aircraft engines and marine propulsion engines)
2016-02-0084082057Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 100 kW but <= 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2016-02-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2016-02-0084129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2016-02-0084131900Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)
2016-02-0084735080Parts and accessories equally suitable for use with two or more typewriters, word-processing machines, calculating machines, automatic data-processing machines or other machines, equipment or devices of heading 8469 to 8472, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2016-02-0084829900Parts of ball or roller bearings (excl. balls, needles and rollers), n.e.s.
2016-02-0085011091Universal AC-DC motors of an output <= 37,5 W
2016-02-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2016-02-0090329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2016-01-0084082057Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 100 kW but <= 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2016-01-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2016-01-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2016-01-0084821010Ball bearings with greatest external diameter <= 30 mm
2016-01-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2016-01-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2016-01-0090318091Instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities, non-optical, non-electronic (excl. hand-held instruments for measuring length)
2016-01-0039174000Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
2016-01-0040169997Articles of vulcanised rubber, n.e.s. (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2016-01-0084079090Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 250 cm³, of a power > 10 kW (other than engines of subheading 8407.90.50, reciprocating piston engine of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of chapter 87, aircraft engines and marine propulsion engines)
2016-01-0084129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2016-01-0084719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2016-01-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2016-01-0084829900Parts of ball or roller bearings (excl. balls, needles and rollers), n.e.s.
2016-01-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2015-12-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-12-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-12-0085365019Switches for a voltage of <= 60 V (excl. relays, push-button switches and rotary switches)
2015-12-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2015-12-0087149990Parts and accessories for bicycles, and parts thereof, n.e.s.
2015-12-0090318098Non-electronic and non-optical instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.s. in chapter 90
2015-11-0040091100Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings
2015-11-0084071000Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engine, for aircraft
2015-11-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-11-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-11-0084199085Parts of machinery, plant and laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated, for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature, and of non-electric instantaneous and storage water heaters, n.e.s. (excl. of medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers, those for the manufacture of semiconductor boules or wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits or flat panel displays, and of furnaces, ovens and other equipment of heading 8514)
2015-11-0084719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2015-11-0084849000Sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings
2015-11-0087082990Parts and accessories for the industrial assembly of bodies of: tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of >= 10 persons, motor cars and vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods, special purpose motor vehicles (excl. bumpers and parts thereof, safety seat belts and parts and accessories for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of subheading 8708.29.10)
2015-11-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2015-11-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2015-11-0087149990Parts and accessories for bicycles, and parts thereof, n.e.s.
2015-11-0094031051Office desks, with metal frames
2015-10-0040029990Synthetic rubber and factice derived from oils, in primary forms or plates, sheets or strip (excl. latex; styrene-butadiene "SBR", carboxylated styrene-butadiene "XSBR", butadiene "BR" butyl "IIR", halo-isobutene-isoprene "CIIR" or "BIIR", chloroprene -chlorobutadiene- "CR", acrylonitrile-butadiene "NBR", isoprene "IR" or ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated diene "EPDM" rubber; products modified by the incorporation of plastics)
2015-10-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-10-0084714900Data-processing machines, automatic, presented in the form of systems "comprising at least a central processing unit, one input unit and one output unit" (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. peripheral units)
2015-10-0084811005Pressure-reducing valves combined with filters or lubricators
2015-10-0084819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2015-10-0084833038Bearing housings not incorporating ball or roller bearings, for machinery and plain shaft bearings (excl. those for ball or roller bearings)
2015-10-0085447000Optical fibre cables made up of individually sheathed fibres, whether or not containing electric conductors or fitted with connectors
2015-10-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2015-10-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2015-09-0073079980Tube or pipe fittings, of iron or steel (excl. of cast iron or stainless steel, threaded, butt welding fittings, and flanges)
2015-09-0082073010Interchangeable tools for pressing, stamping or punching, for working metal
2015-09-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-09-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-09-0084669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2015-09-0084831021Cranks and crank shafts, of cast iron or cast steel
2015-09-0085021200Generating sets with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of an output > 75 kVA but <= 375 kVA
2015-09-0085044090Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters)
2015-09-0085366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2015-09-0088033000Parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, n.e.s. (excl. those for gliders)
2015-08-0083023000Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for motor vehicles (excl. hinges and castors)
2015-08-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-08-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-08-0084145940Centrifugal fans (excl. table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W)
2015-08-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2015-08-0090319020Parts and accessories for optical instruments and appliances for inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices or for measuring surface particulate contamination on semiconductor wafers, n.e.s.
2015-07-0184082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2015-07-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-07-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-07-0184669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2015-07-0184839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-07-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2015-07-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2015-07-0084082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2015-07-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-07-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-07-0084669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2015-07-0084839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-07-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2015-07-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2015-06-0183023000Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for motor vehicles (excl. hinges and castors)
2015-06-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-06-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-06-0184839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-06-0083023000Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for motor vehicles (excl. hinges and castors)
2015-06-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-06-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-06-0084839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-05-0140091100Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings
2015-05-0184071000Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engine, for aircraft
2015-05-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-05-0184129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2015-05-0184841000Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal
2015-05-0187033110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2015-05-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2015-05-0040091100Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings
2015-05-0084071000Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engine, for aircraft
2015-05-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-05-0084129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2015-05-0084841000Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal
2015-05-0087033110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2015-05-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2015-04-0183023000Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for motor vehicles (excl. hinges and castors)
2015-04-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-04-0184138200Liquid elevators (excl. pumps)
2015-04-0184834051Gear boxes for machinery
2015-04-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2015-04-0190318091Instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities, non-optical, non-electronic (excl. hand-held instruments for measuring length)
2015-04-0083023000Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for motor vehicles (excl. hinges and castors)
2015-04-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-04-0084138200Liquid elevators (excl. pumps)
2015-04-0084834051Gear boxes for machinery
2015-04-0087089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2015-04-0090318091Instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities, non-optical, non-electronic (excl. hand-held instruments for measuring length)
2015-03-0184082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2015-03-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-03-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-03-0084082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2015-03-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-03-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-02-0173079100Flanges of iron or steel (excl. cast or stainless products)
2015-02-0184073491Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³ but > 1.000 cm³ (excl. engines of subheading 8407.34.10)
2015-02-0184082057Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 100 kW but <= 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2015-02-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-02-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-02-0184129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2015-02-0185030010Non-magnetic retaining rings for electric motors and electric generating sets
2015-02-0185161080Electric water heaters and immersion heaters (excl. instantaneous water heaters)
2015-02-0185371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2015-02-0185414090Photosensitive semiconductor devices, incl. photovoltaic cells
2015-02-0187033110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2015-02-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2015-02-0073079100Flanges of iron or steel (excl. cast or stainless products)
2015-02-0084073491Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³ but > 1.000 cm³ (excl. engines of subheading 8407.34.10)
2015-02-0084082057Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 100 kW but <= 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2015-02-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-02-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-02-0084129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2015-02-0085030010Non-magnetic retaining rings for electric motors and electric generating sets
2015-02-0085161080Electric water heaters and immersion heaters (excl. instantaneous water heaters)
2015-02-0085371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2015-02-0085414090Photosensitive semiconductor devices, incl. photovoltaic cells
2015-02-0087033110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2015-02-0087084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2015-01-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-01-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-01-0184129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2015-01-0184835080Flywheels and pulleys, incl. pulley blocks (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-01-0190318098Non-electronic and non-optical instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.s. in chapter 90
2015-01-0084099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2015-01-0084099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2015-01-0084129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2015-01-0084835080Flywheels and pulleys, incl. pulley blocks (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2015-01-0090318098Non-electronic and non-optical instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.s. in chapter 90
2014-12-0184082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2014-12-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2014-12-0184139100Parts of pumps for liquids, n.e.s.
2014-12-0184839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2014-12-0185030099Parts suitable for use solely or principally with electric motors and generators, electric generating sets and rotary converters, n.e.s. (excl. non-magnetic retaining rings and of cast iron or cast steel)
2014-12-0185065090Lithium cells and batteries (excl. spent, and in the form of cylindrical or button cells)
2014-12-0187082990Parts and accessories for the industrial assembly of bodies of: tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of >= 10 persons, motor cars and vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods, special purpose motor vehicles (excl. bumpers and parts thereof, safety seat belts and parts and accessories for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of subheading 8708.29.10)
2014-12-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2014-12-0194031051Office desks, with metal frames
2014-11-0140091100Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings
2014-11-0140169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2014-11-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2014-11-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2014-11-0184133020Injection pumps for internal combustion piston engine
2014-11-0184669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2014-11-0187033219Motor cars and other motor vehicles, principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 2.500 cm³, new (excl. motor caravans and vehicles specially designed for travelling on snow and other special purpose vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2014-11-0187084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2014-10-0183023000Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for motor vehicles (excl. hinges and castors)
2014-10-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2014-10-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2014-10-0184669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2014-10-0184869090Parts and accessories for machines and apparatus of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of semiconductor boules or wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits or flat panel displays, and for machines and apparatus specified in note 9 C to chapter 84, n.e.s. (excl. tool holders, self-opening dieheads, workholders, those of spinners for coating photographic emulsions, for physical deposition by sputtering, for dry-etching patterns, for chemical vapour depositio
2014-10-0185011091Universal AC-DC motors of an output <= 37,5 W
2014-10-0185023980Generating sets, non-wind-powered and non-powered by spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine (excl. turbogenerators)
2014-10-0187032319Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of 1 to 9 persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 3.000 cm³, new (excl. those of subheading 8703 10 and motor caravans)
2014-10-0187033319Motor cars and other motor vehicles, principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity > 2.500 cm³, new (excl. motor caravans and vehicles specially designed for travelling on snow and other special purpose vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2014-10-0187084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2014-10-0190329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2014-09-0184073491Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³ but > 1.000 cm³ (excl. engines of subheading 8407.34.10)
2014-09-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2014-09-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2014-09-0184131100Pumps fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages
2014-09-0184669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2014-09-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2014-09-0184831095Main shafts or driving shafts, counter shafts, cam shafts, eccentric shafts and other transmission shafts (excl. cranks, crank shafts and articulated shafts)
2014-09-0187032319Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of 1 to 9 persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 3.000 cm³, new (excl. those of subheading 8703 10 and motor caravans)
2014-09-0187084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2014-09-0187089199Parts for radiators, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.91.20 and those of closed-die forged steel)
2014-09-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2014-09-0190318098Non-electronic and non-optical instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.s. in chapter 90
2014-08-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2014-08-0184129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2014-08-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2014-08-0185076000Lithium-ion accumulators (excl. spent)
2014-08-0187032319Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of 1 to 9 persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 3.000 cm³, new (excl. those of subheading 8703 10 and motor caravans)
2014-08-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2014-07-0183023000Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for motor vehicles (excl. hinges and castors)
2014-07-0184091000Parts suitable for use solely or principally with internal combustion piston engine for aircraft, n.e.s.
2014-07-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2014-07-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2014-07-0184839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2014-07-0187032319Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of 1 to 9 persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 3.000 cm³, new (excl. those of subheading 8703 10 and motor caravans)
2014-07-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2014-06-0140091100Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings
2014-06-0183023000Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for motor vehicles (excl. hinges and castors)
2014-06-0184082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2014-06-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2014-06-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2014-06-0184133080Fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine (excl. injection pumps)
2014-06-0184735080Parts and accessories equally suitable for use with two or more typewriters, word-processing machines, calculating machines, automatic data-processing machines or other machines, equipment or devices of heading 8469 to 8472, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2014-06-0184849000Sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings
2014-06-0185013100DC motors of an output > 37,5 W but <= 750 W and DC generators of an output <= 750 W
2014-06-0187032319Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of 1 to 9 persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 3.000 cm³, new (excl. those of subheading 8703 10 and motor caravans)
2014-06-0187032410Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine of a cylinder capacity > 3.000 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2014-06-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2014-06-0190329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2014-04-0140114000New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, of a kind used for motorcycles
2014-04-0149081000Transfers "decalcomanias", vitrifiable
2014-04-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2014-04-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2014-04-0184133020Injection pumps for internal combustion piston engine
2014-04-0184148011Turbocompressors, single-stage (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2014-04-0184669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2014-04-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2014-04-0185176200Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, incl. switching and routing apparatus (excl. telephone sets, telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks)
2014-04-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2014-03-0184073499Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ (excl. those used for the industrial assembly of pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701.10, motor vehicles of heading 8703, motor vehicles of heading 8704 with engines of a cylinder capacity < 2.800 cm³ and motor vehicles of heading 8705)
2014-03-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2014-03-0184139200Parts of liquid elevators, n.e.s.
2014-03-0184829900Parts of ball or roller bearings (excl. balls, needles and rollers), n.e.s.
2014-03-0185366930Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V, for printed circuits
2014-03-0187033110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2014-03-0187089993Parts and accessories of closed-die forged steel, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s.
2014-03-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2014-02-0140091100Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings
2014-02-0182059090Sets of articles of two or more subheadings of heading 8205
2014-02-0184091000Parts suitable for use solely or principally with internal combustion piston engine for aircraft, n.e.s.
2014-02-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2014-02-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2014-02-0184831095Main shafts or driving shafts, counter shafts, cam shafts, eccentric shafts and other transmission shafts (excl. cranks, crank shafts and articulated shafts)
2014-02-0185111000Sparking plugs of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines
2014-02-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2014-02-0187089993Parts and accessories of closed-die forged steel, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s.
2014-02-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2014-01-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2014-01-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2014-01-0184831095Main shafts or driving shafts, counter shafts, cam shafts, eccentric shafts and other transmission shafts (excl. cranks, crank shafts and articulated shafts)
2014-01-0185065090Lithium cells and batteries (excl. spent, and in the form of cylindrical or button cells)
2014-01-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2014-01-0187032319Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of 1 to 9 persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 3.000 cm³, new (excl. those of subheading 8703 10 and motor caravans)
2014-01-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2014-01-0187089993Parts and accessories of closed-die forged steel, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s.
2014-01-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2013-12-0173251099Articles of non-malleable cast iron, n.e.s. (excl. surface and valve boxes and articles for sewage, water,...
2013-12-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2013-12-0185013100DC motors of an output > 37,5 W but <= 750 W and DC generators of an output <= 750 W
2013-12-0185076000Lithium-ion accumulators (excl. spent)
2013-12-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2013-12-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2013-12-0187032319Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of 1 to 9 persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 3.000 cm³, new (excl. those of subheading 8703 10 and motor caravans)
2013-12-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2013-12-0187089235Silencers "mufflers" and exhaust pipes, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.92.20)
2013-12-0190319085Parts and accessories for instruments, appliances and machines for measuring and checking, n.e.s.
2013-11-0140091100Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings
2013-11-0173251099Articles of non-malleable cast iron, n.e.s. (excl. surface and valve boxes and articles for sewage, water,...
2013-11-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2013-11-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2013-11-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2013-11-0184669330Parts and accessories for water-jet cutting machines, n.e.s.
2013-11-0185011091Universal AC-DC motors of an output <= 37,5 W
2013-11-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2013-11-0187032319Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of 1 to 9 persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 3.000 cm³, new (excl. those of subheading 8703 10 and motor caravans)
2013-11-0187033110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2013-11-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2013-11-0187089299Parts for silencers "mufflers" and exhaust pipes, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.92.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2013-11-0187089435Steering wheels, columns and boxes, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.94.20)
2013-11-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2013-10-0184082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2013-10-0184089089Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", new, of a power > 5.000 kW (excl. engines for rail traction or marine propulsion and engines for motor vehicles of chapter 87)
2013-10-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2013-10-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2013-10-0184112220Turbopropellers of a power > 1.100 kW but <= 3.730 kW
2013-10-0184129020Parts of reaction engines, n.e.s. (excl. of turbojets)
2013-10-0184139100Parts of pumps for liquids, n.e.s.
2013-10-0184148028Reciprocating displacement compressors, having a gauge pressure capacity <= 15 bar, giving a flow/h > 60 m³ (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2013-10-0184733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2013-10-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2013-10-0184834090Gears and gearing, for machinery (excl. ball or roller screws and gears and gearing in general, and toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately)
2013-10-0185014080AC motors, single phase, of an output of > 750 W
2013-10-0185015220AC motors, multi-phase, of an output > 750 W but <= 7,5 kW
2013-10-0187032319Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of 1 to 9 persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 3.000 cm³, new (excl. those of subheading 8703 10 and motor caravans)
2013-10-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2013-10-0187089191Parts for radiators, of closed-die forged steel, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.91.20)
2013-09-0182074090Tools for tapping or threading materials other than metal, interchangeable
2013-09-0184129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2013-09-0184138100Pumps for liquids, power-driven (excl. those of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, general reciprocating or rotary positive displacement pumps and centrifugal pumps of all kinds)
2013-09-0184834021Spur and helical gears and gearing, for machinery (excl. friction gears, gear boxes and other speed changers)
2013-09-0184834051Gear boxes for machinery
2013-09-0185013100DC motors of an output > 37,5 W but <= 750 W and DC generators of an output <= 750 W
2013-09-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2013-09-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2013-08-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2013-08-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2013-08-0184834051Gear boxes for machinery
2013-08-0185045095Inductors (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus and for power supplies for automatic data-processing machines and units thereof and those for discharge lamps or tubes)
2013-08-0187033319Motor cars and other motor vehicles, principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity > 2.500 cm³, new (excl. motor caravans and vehicles specially designed for travelling on snow and other special purpose vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2013-08-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2013-07-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2013-07-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2013-07-0184669370Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal by removing material, n.e.s. (excl. for water-jet cutting machines)
2013-07-0184719000Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
2013-07-0184834051Gear boxes for machinery
2013-07-0185013100DC motors of an output > 37,5 W but <= 750 W and DC generators of an output <= 750 W
2013-07-0185111000Sparking plugs of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines
2013-07-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2013-07-0185371010Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines
2013-07-0187089491Parts for steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes, of closed-die forged steel, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.94.20)
2013-07-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2013-06-0127101981Motor oils, compressor lube oils and turbine lube oils containing by weight >= 70% of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations (excl. for undergoing chemical transformation)
2013-06-0184073499Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ (excl. those used for the industrial assembly of pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701.10, motor vehicles of heading 8703, motor vehicles of heading 8704 with engines of a cylinder capacity < 2.800 cm³ and motor vehicles of heading 8705)
2013-06-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2013-06-0184541000Converters of a kind used in metallurgy or in metal foundries
2013-06-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2013-06-0185013100DC motors of an output > 37,5 W but <= 750 W and DC generators of an output <= 750 W
2013-05-0184079090Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 250 cm³, of a power > 10 kW (other than engines of subheading 8407.90.50, reciprocating piston engine of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of chapter 87, aircraft engines and marine propulsion engines)
2013-05-0184082057Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 100 kW but <= 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2013-05-0184089089Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", new, of a power > 5.000 kW (excl. engines for rail traction or marine propulsion and engines for motor vehicles of chapter 87)
2013-05-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2013-05-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2013-05-0184834090Gears and gearing, for machinery (excl. ball or roller screws and gears and gearing in general, and toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately)
2013-05-0185016400AC generators "alternators", of an output > 750 kVA
2013-05-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2013-05-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2013-05-0187089993Parts and accessories of closed-die forged steel, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s.
2013-05-0190303399Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking voltage, current, resistance or electrical power, non-electronic, without recording device (excl. multimeters, voltmeters and oscilloscopes and oscillographs)
2013-04-0184073491Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³ but > 1.000 cm³ (excl. engines of subheading 8407.34.10)
2013-04-0184089089Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", new, of a power > 5.000 kW (excl. engines for rail traction or marine propulsion and engines for motor vehicles of chapter 87)
2013-04-0184669330Parts and accessories for water-jet cutting machines, n.e.s.
2013-04-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2013-04-0184834051Gear boxes for machinery
2013-04-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2013-04-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2013-04-0185258099Video camera recorders able to record television programmes and sound and images taken by the television camera
2013-04-0190279050Parts and accessories of instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis, e.g. polarimeters, refractometers, spectrometers, of instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking viscosity, porosity, expansion, surface tension or the like and of instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking quantities of heat, sound or light, incl. exposure meters, n.e.s. (excl. of gas or smoke analysis apparatus)
2013-03-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2013-03-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2013-03-0184718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2013-03-0184839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2013-03-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2013-03-0185447000Optical fibre cables made up of individually sheathed fibres, whether or not containing electric conductors or fitted with connectors
2013-03-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2013-03-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2013-02-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2013-02-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2013-02-0184149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2013-02-0184669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2013-02-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2013-02-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2013-02-0187084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2013-02-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2013-02-0190329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2013-01-0173182900Non-threaded articles, of iron or steel
2013-01-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2013-01-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2013-01-0184139200Parts of liquid elevators, n.e.s.
2013-01-0184718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2013-01-0185111000Sparking plugs of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines
2013-01-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2013-01-0187087099Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.70.10, those of aluminium and wheel centres in star form, cast in one piece, of iron or steel)
2013-01-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2012-12-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2012-12-0184213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2012-12-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2012-12-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2012-12-0187033110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2012-12-0187081090Bumpers and parts thereof for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.10.10)
2012-12-0187084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2012-12-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2012-11-0184139100Parts of pumps for liquids, n.e.s.
2012-11-0184148011Turbocompressors, single-stage (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2012-11-0184831029Cranks and crank shafts (excl. of open-die forged steel or cast iron or cast steel)
2012-11-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2012-11-0185258030Digital cameras
2012-11-0187033110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2012-11-0187033290Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 2.500 cm³, used (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2012-11-0187084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2012-11-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2012-11-0190318038Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.s. in chapter 90
2012-10-0184082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2012-10-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2012-10-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2012-10-0184718000Units for automatic data-processing machines (excl. processing units, input or output units and storage units)
2012-10-0184733020Electronic assemblies of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s.
2012-10-0184818019Taps, cocks and valves for sinks, washbasins, bidets, water cisterns, baths and similar fixtures (excl. mixing valves)
2012-10-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2012-10-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2012-10-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2012-09-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2012-09-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2012-09-0184133020Injection pumps for internal combustion piston engine
2012-09-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2012-09-0184813099Check "non-return" valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. those of cast iron or steel)
2012-09-0185065090Lithium cells and batteries (excl. spent, and in the form of cylindrical or button cells)
2012-09-0185111000Sparking plugs of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines
2012-09-0185369085Electrical apparatus for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. fuses, circuit breakers and other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits, relays and other switches, lamp holders, plugs and sockets, prefabricated elements for electrical circuits and other connections and contact elements for wire and cables and for wafer probers)
2012-09-0187032110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine of a cylinder capacity <= 1.000 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2012-09-0187085099Parts for drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20, for non-driving axles and of closed-die forged steel)
2012-09-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2012-08-0140169300Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2012-08-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2012-08-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2012-08-0184119900Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s.
2012-08-0184129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2012-08-0184272090Works trucks, self-propelled, with a lifting height < 1 m, non-powered with an electric motor
2012-08-0184714100Data-processing machines, automatic, comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit, and one input unit and one output unit, whether or not combined (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. those presented in the form of systems and peripheral units)
2012-08-0184833038Bearing housings not incorporating ball or roller bearings, for machinery and plain shaft bearings (excl. those for ball or roller bearings)
2012-08-0184839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2012-08-0185016400AC generators "alternators", of an output > 750 kVA
2012-08-0187033110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2012-08-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2012-08-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2012-07-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2012-07-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2012-07-0184148080Air pumps and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters, with a maximum horizontal side > 120 cm (excl. vacuum pumps, hand- or foot-operated air pumps and compressors)
2012-07-0185111000Sparking plugs of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines
2012-06-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2012-06-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2012-06-0184133080Fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine (excl. injection pumps)
2012-06-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2012-06-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2012-06-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2012-05-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2012-05-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2012-05-0184669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2012-05-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2012-05-0185258099Video camera recorders able to record television programmes and sound and images taken by the television camera
2012-05-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2012-04-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2012-04-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2012-04-0184149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2012-04-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2012-04-0187032390Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ but <= 3.000 cm³, used (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2012-04-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2012-04-0187084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2012-04-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2012-04-0190318032Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices
2012-03-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2012-03-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2012-03-0184716070Input or output units for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing (excl. keyboards)
2012-03-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2012-03-0184831029Cranks and crank shafts (excl. of open-die forged steel or cast iron or cast steel)
2012-03-0185049099Parts of static converters, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)
2012-03-0187087099Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.70.10, those of aluminium and wheel centres in star form, cast in one piece, of iron or steel)
2012-03-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2012-03-0190241090Machines and appliances for testing the mechanical properties of metals, non-electronic
2012-03-0190248090Machines and appliances for testing the mechanical properties of materials, non-electronic (excl. metals)
2012-02-0184082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2012-02-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2012-02-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2012-02-0184139200Parts of liquid elevators, n.e.s.
2012-02-0184715000Processing units for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing in the same housing one or two of the following types of unit: storage units, input units, output units (excl. those of heading 8471.41 or 8471.49 and excl. peripheral units)
2012-02-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2012-02-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2012-02-0184831095Main shafts or driving shafts, counter shafts, cam shafts, eccentric shafts and other transmission shafts (excl. cranks, crank shafts and articulated shafts)
2012-02-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2012-02-0185238099Media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, magnetic, optical and semiconductor media, and products of chapter 37)
2012-02-0185369085Electrical apparatus for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. fuses, circuit breakers and other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits, relays and other switches, lamp holders, plugs and sockets, prefabricated elements for electrical circuits and other connections and contact elements for wire and cables and for wafer probers)
2012-02-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2012-02-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2012-02-0187149490Parts of brakes, incl. coaster braking hubs and hub-brakes, for cycles, n.e.s. (excl. for motorcycles)
2012-01-0172072080Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight >= 0,25% carbon (excl. those of square, rectangular, circular or polygonal cross-section)
2012-01-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2012-01-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2012-01-0184812090Valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission
2012-01-0184869090Parts and accessories for machines and apparatus of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of semiconductor boules or wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits or flat panel displays, and for machines and apparatus specified in note 9 C to chapter 84, n.e.s. (excl. tool holders, self-opening dieheads, workholders, those of spinners for coating photographic emulsions, for physical deposition by sputtering, for dry-etching patterns, for chemical vapour depositio
2012-01-0185011091Universal AC-DC motors of an output <= 37,5 W
2012-01-0185238099Media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, magnetic, optical and semiconductor media, and products of chapter 37)
2012-01-0187032110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine of a cylinder capacity <= 1.000 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2012-01-0187089390Clutches and parts thereof, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.93.10)
2012-01-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-12-0184079090Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary piston engine, of a cylinder capacity > 250 cm³, of a power > 10 kW (other than engines of subheading 8407.90.50, reciprocating piston engine of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of chapter 87, aircraft engines and marine propulsion engines)
2011-12-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2011-12-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2011-12-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2011-12-0185366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2011-12-0187081090Bumpers and parts thereof for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.10.10)
2011-12-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2011-12-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-11-0184073430Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, used, of a cylinder capacity > 1.000 cm³
2011-11-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2011-11-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2011-11-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2011-11-0184849000Sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings
2011-11-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2011-11-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-10-0173182900Non-threaded articles, of iron or steel
2011-10-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2011-10-0182079099Tools, interchangeable, for use in mechanical or non-mechanical hand-held appliances, or for machine tools, for working materials other than metal, with working parts of materials other than diamond, agglomerated diamond, sintered metal carbide or cermets, n.e.s.
2011-10-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2011-10-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2011-10-0184733020Electronic assemblies of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s.
2011-10-0185011091Universal AC-DC motors of an output <= 37,5 W
2011-10-0185065090Lithium cells and batteries (excl. spent, and in the form of cylindrical or button cells)
2011-10-0185071080Lead-acid accumulators of a kind used for starting piston engines (starter batteries), working with non-liquid electrolyte (excl. spent)
2011-10-0185238099Media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, magnetic, optical and semiconductor media, and products of chapter 37)
2011-10-0187085099Parts for drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20, for non-driving axles and of closed-die forged steel)
2011-10-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-09-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2011-09-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2011-09-0185030099Parts suitable for use solely or principally with electric motors and generators, electric generating sets and rotary converters, n.e.s. (excl. non-magnetic retaining rings and of cast iron or cast steel)
2011-09-0185238099Media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, magnetic, optical and semiconductor media, and products of chapter 37)
2011-09-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-08-0140112010Pneumatic tyres, new, of rubber, of a kind used for buses or lorries, with a load index of <= 121
2011-08-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2011-08-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2011-08-0184818019Taps, cocks and valves for sinks, washbasins, bidets, water cisterns, baths and similar fixtures (excl. mixing valves)
2011-08-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2011-08-0185431000Electrical particle accelerators for electrons, protons, etc. (excl. ion implanters for doping semiconductor materials)
2011-08-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-08-0187149990Parts and accessories for bicycles, and parts thereof, n.e.s.
2011-08-0190330000Parts and accessories for machines, appliances, instruments or other apparatus in chapter 90, specified neither in this chapter nor elsewhere
2011-07-0148219090Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, non-printed (excl. self-adhesive)
2011-07-0182075090Tools for drilling, interchangeable, for working materials other than metal, with working parts of materials other than diamond or agglomerated diamond (excl. tools for rock-drilling or earth-boring, wall boring and tools for tapping)
2011-07-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2011-07-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2011-07-0184212900Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids (excl. such machinery and apparatus for water and other beverages, oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines and artificial kidneys)
2011-07-0184213920Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines)
2011-07-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2011-07-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2011-07-0185238099Media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, magnetic, optical and semiconductor media, and products of chapter 37)
2011-07-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-06-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2011-06-0184133020Injection pumps for internal combustion piston engine
2011-06-0184219900Parts of machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids or gases, n.e.s.
2011-06-0184339000Parts of harvesting machinery, threshing machinery, mowers and machines for cleaning, sorting or grading agricultural produce, n.e.s.
2011-06-0184661020Arbors, collets and sleeves for use as tool holders in machine tools, incl. tool holders for any type of tool for working in the hand
2011-06-0184833038Bearing housings not incorporating ball or roller bearings, for machinery and plain shaft bearings (excl. those for ball or roller bearings)
2011-06-0185013100DC motors of an output > 37,5 W but <= 750 W and DC generators of an output <= 750 W
2011-06-0185030099Parts suitable for use solely or principally with electric motors and generators, electric generating sets and rotary converters, n.e.s. (excl. non-magnetic retaining rings and of cast iron or cast steel)
2011-06-0185043180Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers)
2011-06-0185238099Media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, magnetic, optical and semiconductor media, and products of chapter 37)
2011-06-0187019090Tractors, incl. tractor units for articulated lorries (excl. tractors of heading 8709, pedestrian-controlled tractors, road tractors for semi-trailers, track-laying tractors and agricultural and forestry tractors)
2011-06-0187033110Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. station wagons and racing cars, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" of a cylinder capacity <= 1.500 cm³, new (excl. vehicles for the transport of persons on snow and other specially designed vehicles of subheading 8703.10)
2011-06-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-05-0184073499Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ (excl. those used for the industrial assembly of pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701.10, motor vehicles of heading 8703, motor vehicles of heading 8704 with engines of a cylinder capacity < 2.800 cm³ and motor vehicles of heading 8705)
2011-05-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2011-05-0184131900Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages)
2011-05-0187084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2011-05-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2011-05-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-05-0190318034Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking geometrical quantities (excl. for inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices)
2011-04-0184082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2011-04-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2011-04-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2011-04-0184678900Tools for working in the hand, hydraulic or with self-contained non-electric motor (excl. chainsaws and pneumatic tools)
2011-04-0184835080Flywheels and pulleys, incl. pulley blocks (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2011-04-0185238099Media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, magnetic, optical and semiconductor media, and products of chapter 37)
2011-04-0185381000Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases for the goods of heading 8537, not equipped with their apparatus
2011-04-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2011-04-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-03-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2011-03-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2011-03-0185015230AC motors, multi-phase, of an output > 7,5 kW but <= 37 kW
2011-03-0185015399AC motors, multi-phase, of an output > 750 kW (excl. traction motors)
2011-03-0185238099Media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, magnetic, optical and semiconductor media, and products of chapter 37)
2011-03-0185359000Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage > 1.000 V (excl. fuses, automatic circuit breakers, isolating switches, make-and-break switches, lightning arresters, voltage limiters, surge suppressors and control desks, cabinets, panels etc. of heading 8537)
2011-03-0187081090Bumpers and parts thereof for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.10.10)
2011-03-0187084091Parts for gear boxes of closed-die forged steel, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2011-03-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2011-03-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-02-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2011-02-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2011-02-0184145980Fans (excl. table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W, axial and centrifugal fans)
2011-02-0184439990Parts and accessories of printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies and of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442)
2011-02-0184669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2011-02-0184714900Data-processing machines, automatic, presented in the form of systems "comprising at least a central processing unit, one input unit and one output unit" (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. peripheral units)
2011-02-0185030099Parts suitable for use solely or principally with electric motors and generators, electric generating sets and rotary converters, n.e.s. (excl. non-magnetic retaining rings and of cast iron or cast steel)
2011-02-0185118000Electrical ignition or starting equipment, incl. cut-outs, of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. generators, starter motors, distributors, ignition coils, ignition magnetos, magnetic flywheels and sparking plugs)
2011-02-0185238099Media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, magnetic, optical and semiconductor media, and products of chapter 37)
2011-02-0187082990Parts and accessories for the industrial assembly of bodies of: tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of >= 10 persons, motor cars and vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods, special purpose motor vehicles (excl. bumpers and parts thereof, safety seat belts and parts and accessories for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of subheading 8708.29.10)
2011-02-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2011-02-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-02-0187149990Parts and accessories for bicycles, and parts thereof, n.e.s.
2011-01-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2011-01-0184082057Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 100 kW but <= 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2011-01-0184089089Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", new, of a power > 5.000 kW (excl. engines for rail traction or marine propulsion and engines for motor vehicles of chapter 87)
2011-01-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2011-01-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2011-01-0184669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2011-01-0184733020Electronic assemblies of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s.
2011-01-0184835080Flywheels and pulleys, incl. pulley blocks (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2011-01-0184849000Sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings
2011-01-0185044055Accumulator chargers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, and polycrystalline semiconductor rectifiers)
2011-01-0185176200Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, incl. switching and routing apparatus (excl. telephone sets, telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks)
2011-01-0185238099Media, recorded, for reproducing sound or image, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine, magnetic, optical and semiconductor media, and products of chapter 37)
2011-01-0185369010Connections and contact elements, for wire and cables, for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. plugs, sockets and prefabricated elements)
2011-01-0187084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2011-01-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2011-01-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2011-01-0194012000Seats for motor vehicles
2010-12-0184082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2010-12-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2010-12-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2010-12-0184149000Parts of : air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors, fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, n.e.s.
2010-12-0184669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2010-12-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2010-12-0184733020Electronic assemblies of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s.
2010-12-0185219000Video recording or reproducing apparatus, whether or not incorporating a video tuner (excl. magnetic tape-type and video camera recorders)
2010-12-0185437090Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chap. 85
2010-12-0185443000Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships
2010-12-0187085099Parts for drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20, for non-driving axles and of closed-die forged steel)
2010-12-0187089235Silencers "mufflers" and exhaust pipes, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.92.20)
2010-12-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2010-12-0190318098Non-electronic and non-optical instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.s. in chapter 90
2010-12-0190329000Parts and accessories for regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
2010-11-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2010-11-0184133080Fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine (excl. injection pumps)
2010-11-0184212300Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines
2010-11-0184733020Electronic assemblies of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s.
2010-11-0184733080Parts and accessories of automatic data-processing machines or for other machines of heading 8471, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies)
2010-11-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2010-11-0184835020Flywheels and pulleys, incl. pulley blocks, of cast iron or cast steel
2010-11-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2010-11-0187089390Clutches and parts thereof, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.93.10)
2010-11-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2010-11-0190318038Electronic instruments, apparatus and machines for measuring or checking, n.e.s. in chapter 90
2010-10-0140094200Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), reinforced or otherwise combined with materials other than metal or textile materials, with fittings
2010-10-0184082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2010-10-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2010-10-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2010-10-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2010-10-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2010-10-0185366990Plugs and sockets for a voltage of <= 1.000 V (excl. those for coaxial cables and printed circuits)
2010-10-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2010-10-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2010-10-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2010-09-0184072900Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary engines, for marine propulsion (excl. outboard motors)
2010-09-0184073499Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ (excl. those used for the industrial assembly of pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701.10, motor vehicles of heading 8703, motor vehicles of heading 8704 with engines of a cylinder capacity < 2.800 cm³ and motor vehicles of heading 8705)
2010-09-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2010-09-0184669400Parts and accessories for machine tools for working metal without removing material, n.e.s.
2010-09-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2010-09-0184839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2010-09-0185119000Parts of electrical ignition or starting equipment, generators, etc. of heading 8511, n.e.s.
2010-09-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2010-09-0190181990Electro-diagnostic apparatus, incl. apparatus for functional exploratory examination or for checking physiological parameters (excl. electro-cardiographs, ultrasonic scanning apparatus, magnetic resonance imaging apparatus, scintigraphic apparatus and monitoring apparatus for simultaneous monitoring of two or more physiological parameters)
2010-08-0184082051Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power <= 50 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2010-08-0184082055Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 50 kW but <= 100 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2010-08-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2010-08-0184213980Machinery and apparatus for filtering and purifying gases (other than air and excl. those which operate using a catalytic process, and isotope separators)
2010-08-0184549000Parts of converters, ladles, ingot moulds and casting machines of a kind used in metallurgy or in metal foundries, n.e.s.
2010-08-0184799080Parts of machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2010-08-0184818099Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves, safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks, baths and similar fixtures, central heating radiator valves, valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes, process control valves, globe valves, gate valves, ball and plug valves, butterfly valves and diaphragm valves)
2010-08-0185423990Electronic integrated circuits (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits and such as processors, controllers, memories and amplifiers)
2010-08-0187083099Brakes and servo-brakes and their parts, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.30.10 and for disc brakes)
2010-08-0187084050Gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20)
2010-08-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2010-08-0187089599Safety airbags with inflator system and parts thereof, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.95.10 and of closed-die forged steel)
2010-08-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2010-08-0190312000Test benches for motors, generators, pumps, etc.
2010-07-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2010-07-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2010-07-0184212300Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines
2010-07-0184311000Parts of pulley tackles and hoists (other than skip hoists), winches, capstans and jacks, n.e.s.
2010-07-0185489090Electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, n.e.s. in chapter 85
2010-07-0187089499Parts for steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.94.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2010-07-0194012000Seats for motor vehicles
2010-06-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2010-06-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2010-06-0184713000Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units)
2010-06-0184819000Parts of valves and similar articles for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, n.e.s.
2010-06-0184839089Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately and parts of transmission shafts and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gear boxes and other speed changers, flywheels and pulleys, clutches and shaft couplings, n.e.s. (excl. of cast iron or cast steel)
2010-06-0185049099Parts of static converters, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)
2010-06-0185176200Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, incl. switching and routing apparatus (excl. telephone sets, telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks)
2010-06-0187084099Parts for gear boxes for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.40.20 and of closed-die forged steel)
2010-06-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2010-06-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2010-05-0169099000Ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods (excl. general-purpose storage vessels for laboratories, containers for shops and household articles)
2010-05-0173259990Articles of iron or steel, cast, n.e.s. (excl. of malleable or non-malleable cast iron, grinding balls and similar articles for mills)
2010-05-0184082055Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 50 kW but <= 100 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2010-05-0184082099Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine" for vehicles of chapter 87, of a power > 200 kW (excl. engines of subheading 8408.20.10 and engines for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors)
2010-05-0184129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2010-05-0184148011Turbocompressors, single-stage (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing)
2010-05-0187081090Bumpers and parts thereof for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.10.10)
2010-05-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2010-05-0187099000Parts of self-propelled works trucks, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports for short distance transport of goods, incl. tractors for railways station platforms, n.e.s.
2010-04-0173259990Articles of iron or steel, cast, n.e.s. (excl. of malleable or non-malleable cast iron, grinding balls and similar articles for mills)
2010-04-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2010-04-0184073499Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engine, of a kind used for vehicles of chapter 87, new, of a cylinder capacity > 1.500 cm³ (excl. those used for the industrial assembly of pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701.10, motor vehicles of heading 8703, motor vehicles of heading 8704 with engines of a cylinder capacity < 2.800 cm³ and motor vehicles of heading 8705)
2010-04-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2010-04-0184129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2010-04-0185049099Parts of static converters, n.e.s. (excl. electronic assemblies of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof)
2010-04-0185423190Electronic integrated circuits as processors and controllers, whether or not combined with memories, converters, logic circuits, amplifiers, clock and timing circuits, or other circuits (excl. in the form of multichip integrated circuits)
2010-04-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2010-04-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2010-03-0184129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2010-03-0184714900Data-processing machines, automatic, presented in the form of systems "comprising at least a central processing unit, one input unit and one output unit" (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. peripheral units)
2010-03-0184879090Machinery parts of chapter 84, not intended for a specific purpose, n.e.s.
2010-03-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2010-03-0187087099Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.70.10, those of aluminium and wheel centres in star form, cast in one piece, of iron or steel)
2010-03-0187089993Parts and accessories of closed-die forged steel, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s.
2010-03-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2010-02-0176130000Aluminium containers for compressed or liquefied gas
2010-02-0184099100Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, n.e.s.
2010-02-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2010-02-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2010-02-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2010-02-0190308990Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities, without recording device, non-electronic, n.e.s.
2010-01-0173259990Articles of iron or steel, cast, n.e.s. (excl. of malleable or non-malleable cast iron, grinding balls and similar articles for mills)
2010-01-0184099900Parts suitable for use solely or principally with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", n.e.s.
2010-01-0184129080Parts of non-electrical engines and motors, n.e.s.
2010-01-0184811099Pressure-reducing valves of base metal (not combined with filters or lubricators)
2010-01-0185291069Aerials (excl. inside and outside aerials for radio or television broadcast receivers and telescopic and whip-type aerials for portable apparatus or for apparatus for fitting in motor vehicles)
2010-01-0185369085Electrical apparatus for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. fuses, circuit breakers and other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits, relays and other switches, lamp holders, plugs and sockets, prefabricated elements for electrical circuits and other connections and contact elements for wire and cables and for wafer probers)
2010-01-0187085035Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.50.20)
2010-01-0187089997Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. of closed-die forged steel)
2010-01-0190142020Inertial navigation systems for aeronautical or space navigation (excl. compasses and radio navigational equipment)
2010-01-0190330000Parts and accessories for machines, appliances, instruments or other apparatus in chapter 90, specified neither in this chapter nor elsewhere

For goods imported into the United Kingdom, only imports originating from outside the EU are shown

Government Grants / Awards
Technology Strategy Board Awards
RICARDO UK LIMITED has been awarded 27 awards from the Technology Strategy Board. The value of these awards is £ 8,299,616

CategoryAward Date Award/Grant
HeatWave II : Collaborative Research and Development 2013-12-01 £ 100,941
CryoPower : Collaborative Research and Development 2013-12-01 £ 188,730
Low Carbon Mild Hybrid Electrified Diesel Optimised Powertrain – HyBoost 2 : Collaborative Research and Development 2013-11-01 £ 507,153
Digital Displacement Rail Transmission with Flywheel Energy Storage : Collaborative Research and Development 2013-01-01 £ 163,835
FlySafe - Flywheel-hybrid safety engineering : Collaborative Research and Development 2012-12-01 £ 278,246
High temperature converters - fast track to increasing the speed of adoption of electric powertrains : Collaborative Research and Development 2012-07-01 £ 11,321
Rapid Design and Development of a Switched Reluctance Traction Motor : Collaborative Research and Development 2012-04-01 £ 217,042
CoolR split cycle engine : Feasibility Study 2012-03-01 £ 23,840
HeatWave : Feasibility Study 2012-03-01 £ 32,865
ARTEMIS - MBAT : European 2011-12-01 £ 455,135
The Total Thermal Management of a Hybrid Diesel-Electric Bus : Collaborative Research and Development 2010-08-01 £ 185,125
Efficient & Reliable Transportation of Consignments (ERTOC) : Large 2010-06-01 £ 725,580
High energy density TMO/Si-alloy battery for PHEVs. : Collaborative Research and Development 2010-04-01 £ 98,800
Syner-D - Integration of Synergistic Cost Effective CO2 Technologies for Diesel : Collaborative Research and Development 2010-03-01 £ 953,842
EDCT - Low Cost High Efficiency Transmission Actuation: Electric Moving Magnet Linear Actuator : Collaborative Research and Development 2010-01-01 £ 225,705
FLYBUS -Flywheel Based Mechanical Hybrid System for Bus & Commercial Vehicle Applications including Retrofit Programme : Collaborative Research and Development 2010-01-01 £ 225,000
Enhanced fuel cell systems for real world commercial and passenger vehicle applications : Collaborative Research and Development 2009-12-01 £ 100,913
Opti-Diesel : Collaborative Research and Development 2009-11-01 £ 105,000
Bladeboost : Collaborative Research and Development 2009-11-01 £ 53,230
KinerStor-Kinetic Energy Recovery and storage System : Collaborative Research and Development 2009-10-01 £ 991,117
E Van : Collaborative Research and Development 2009-10-01 £ 204,302
Hyboost : Collaborative Research and Development 2009-09-01 £ 646,547
Advanced High Energy Density Pouch Cell Battery For Electric Vehicle Applications and Next Generation Battery Management Systm : Collaborative Research and Development 2009-09-01 £ 227,159
2/4CAR 2/4 - Stroke Switching Carbon Reduction Vehicle : Collaborative Research and Development 2008-09-01 £ 1,076,070
Flywheel Hybrid System for Premium Vehicles : Collaborative Research and Development 2008-07-01 £ 135,365
Range Extended Vehicle REHEV : Collaborative Research and Development 2008-07-01 £ 78,153
FOOTLITE : Department of Trade and Industry 2007-07-01 £ 288,600

How is this useful? The company may be investing in new products to generate new revenue streams or investing in new technologies to increase productivity / reduce costs. The company may own IPR as a result.

European Union CORDIS Awards
The European Union has not awarded RICARDO UK LIMITED any grants or awards.
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