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Home > England & Wales Companies > CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED
Company Information for


4th Floor Byron House, 7/9 St. James's Street, London, SW1A 1EE,
Company Registration Number
Private Limited Company

Company Overview

About Christian Louboutin Uk Ltd
CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED was founded on 2008-06-13 and has its registered office in London. The organisation's status is listed as "Active". Christian Louboutin Uk Limited is a Private Limited Company registered in ENGLAND with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as FULL
  • Annual turnover is £6.5 million or more
  • The balance sheet total is £ 3.26 million or more
  • Employs 50 or more employees
  • May be publically listed
  • May be a member of a group of companies meeting any of the above criteria
Key Data
Company Name
Legal Registered Office
4th Floor Byron House
7/9 St. James's Street
Other companies in EC1V
Filing Information
Company Number 06619840
Company ID Number 06619840
Date formed 2008-06-13
Origin Country United Kingdom
Type Private Limited Company
CompanyStatus Active
Lastest accounts 2024-08-31
Account next due 2026-05-31
Latest return 2024-06-13
Return next due 2025-06-27
Type of accounts FULL
VAT Number /Sales tax ID GB863746392  
Last Datalog update: 2025-01-09 13:59:14
Primary Source:Companies House
There are multiple companies registered at this address, the registered address may be the accountant's offices for CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED
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The following companies were found which have the same name as CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED. These may be the same company in different jurisdictions
  Registered addressLast known statusFormation date


Current Directors
Officer Role Date Appointed
Company Secretary 2008-06-13
Director 2008-06-13
Director 2008-06-13
Director 2016-08-31
Previous Officers
Officer Role Date Appointed Date Resigned
Director 2008-06-13 2016-08-31
Nominated Secretary 2008-06-13 2008-06-13
Nominated Director 2008-06-13 2008-06-13

Related Directorships

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
MARCUS FRANCIS REBUCK PINET LIMITED Company Secretary 2003-04-25 CURRENT 2003-04-25 Active
MARCUS FRANCIS REBUCK HUSSON UK LIMITED Company Secretary 2001-12-19 CURRENT 2001-12-14 Active
ALEXIS LEON ROBERT MOUROT LA MOULADE LTD Director 2016-08-31 CURRENT 2013-09-20 Dissolved 2018-03-27

More director information

Corporation Filing History
Companies House Filing History
This is a record of the public documents (corporate filing) lodged from Companies House where the company has filed annual returns and other statutory filing documents. Examples of documents filed include: change of registered office, accounts filing, director/officer appointments & resignations, changes in share capital, shareholder members lists etc.

DateDocument TypeDocument Description
2025-01-09FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/08/24
2024-08-01Change of details for Mr Christian Louboutin as a person with significant control on 2022-07-28
2023-05-22FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/08/22
2022-08-03AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/08/21
2022-07-28AD01REGISTERED OFFICE CHANGED ON 28/07/22 FROM 64 Ironmonger Row London EC1V 3QR
2021-09-04AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/08/20
2020-12-16DISS40Compulsory strike-off action has been discontinued
2020-12-15AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/08/19
2020-12-01GAZ1FIRST GAZETTE notice for compulsory strike-off
2019-07-04AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/08/18
2018-06-27LATEST SOC27/06/18 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 100000
2018-06-05AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/08/17
2017-09-14AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/08/16
2017-06-15LATEST SOC15/06/17 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 100000
2016-06-13LATEST SOC13/06/16 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 100000
2016-06-13LATEST SOC13/06/16 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 100000
2016-06-13AR0113/06/16 FULL LIST
2016-06-13AR0113/06/16 FULL LIST
2016-02-05AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/08/15
2015-06-16LATEST SOC16/06/15 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 100000
2015-06-16AR0113/06/15 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2015-05-30AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/08/14
2014-06-13LATEST SOC13/06/14 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL;GBP 100000
2014-06-13AR0113/06/14 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2014-05-13AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/08/13
2013-09-19MISCSection 519
2013-08-01AR0113/06/13 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2013-01-22MG01Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 2
2012-07-11AR0113/06/12 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2011-06-27AR0113/06/11 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2010-07-23AR0113/06/10 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2009-08-04363aRETURN MADE UP TO 13/06/09; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2008-12-1688(2)AD 02/09/08 GBP SI 99998@1=99998 GBP IC 2/100000
2008-08-12225CURREXT FROM 30/06/2009 TO 31/08/2009
Industry Information
47 - Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
477 - Retail sale of other goods in specialised stores
47721 - Retail sale of footwear in specialised stores

47 - Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
477 - Retail sale of other goods in specialised stores
47722 - Retail sale of leather goods in specialised stores

Licences & Regulatory approval
We could not find any licences issued to CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED or authorisation from an industry specific regulator to operate. These may not be required.
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Legal Notices
No legal notices or events such as winding-up orders or proposals to strike-off have been issued
Fines / Sanctions
No fines or sanctions have been issued against CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED
Mortgages / Charges
Total # Mortgages/Charges 2
Mortgages/Charges outstanding 2
Mortgages Partially Satisifed 0
Mortgages Satisfied/Paid 0
Details of Mortgagee Charges
Charge Type Date of Charge Charge Status Mortgagee
Filed Financial Reports
Annual Accounts
Annual Accounts
Annual Accounts
Annual Accounts
Annual Accounts
Annual Accounts

These are the financial reports (either an abhreviated set of accounts or profit& loss statement and balance sheet) have been filed with Companies House. The reports allow you to do a basic business credit check on CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED

Intangible Assets
We have not found any records of CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED registering or being granted any patents
Domain Names
We do not have the domain name information for CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED
We have not found any records of CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED registering or being granted any trademarks
Government Income
We have not found government income sources for CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED. This could be because the transaction value was below £ 500 with local government or below £ 25,000 for central government. We have found 8,000 supplier to government that are UK companies so approx 0.2% of companies listed on Datalog supply to government.

The top companies supplying to UK government with the same SIC code (47721 - Retail sale of footwear in specialised stores) as CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED are:

Business Rates/Property Tax
No properties were found where CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED is liable for the business rates / property tax. This could be for a number of reasons.
  • The council hasnt published the data
  • We havent found or been able to process the councils data
  • The company is part of a group of companies and another company in the group is liable for business rates
  • The registered office may be a residential address which does not have a commercial designation. If the business is run from home then it won't be a commercial property and hence won't be liable for business rates.
  • Serviced offices are increasingly popular and therefore a business may not be paying business rates directly - the building owner is and this is incorporated in the office rental charge.
Import/Export of Goods
Goods imported/exported by CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED
OriginDestinationDateImport CodeImported Goods classification description
2018-12-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2018-12-0042029900Travelling-bags, shopping or tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases and similar, with outer surface of vulcanised fibre or paperboard; cases for binoculars, cameras, musical instruments, guns, holsters and similar containers with outer surface of materials (not leather, plastic sheeting or textile materials) (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar; handbags; articles normally carried in pocket or handbag)
2018-12-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2018-12-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-12-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-12-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2018-12-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2018-12-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-12-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-12-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2018-12-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2018-12-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2018-12-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2018-11-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2018-11-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-11-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2018-11-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2018-11-0042029298Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of textile materials (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag, travelling-bags, toilet bags, sports bags and rucksacks)
2018-11-0042029298Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of textile materials (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag, travelling-bags, toilet bags, sports bags and rucksacks)
2018-11-0064039111Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle but not the calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2018-11-0064039111Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle but not the calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2018-11-0094032020Metal beds (excl. hospital beds with mechanical fittings)
2018-11-0094032020Metal beds (excl. hospital beds with mechanical fittings)
2018-11-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-11-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-10-0062105000Women's or girls' garments of textile fabrics, rubberised or impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics or other substances (excl. of the type described in subheading 6202,11 to 6202,19, and babies' garments and clothing accessories)
2018-10-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2018-10-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2018-10-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2018-10-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-10-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2018-10-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2018-10-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2018-09-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2018-09-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-09-0064041100Sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials
2018-09-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2018-09-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2018-08-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2018-08-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-08-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-07-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-07-0083063000Photograph, picture or similar frames, of base metal; mirrors of base metal (excl. optical elements)
2018-07-0083063000Photograph, picture or similar frames, of base metal; mirrors of base metal (excl. optical elements)
2018-07-0094016100Upholstered seats, with wooden frames (excl. convertible into beds)
2018-07-0094016100Upholstered seats, with wooden frames (excl. convertible into beds)
2018-07-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-07-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-06-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2018-06-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2018-06-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-06-0033041000Lip make-up preparations
2018-06-0033041000Lip make-up preparations
2018-06-0064029998Footwear with outer soles of rubber or of plastics and uppers of plastics, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out, or incorporating a protective metal toecap, indoor or sports footwear, waterproof footwear in heading 6401, orthopaedic footwear and footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2018-06-0064029998Footwear with outer soles of rubber or of plastics and uppers of plastics, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out, or incorporating a protective metal toecap, indoor or sports footwear, waterproof footwear in heading 6401, orthopaedic footwear and footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2018-06-0068022100Marble, travertine and alabaster articles thereof, simply cut or sawn, with a flat or even surface (excl. with a completely or partly planed, sand-dressed, coarsely or finely ground or polished surface, tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading 6802,10, setts, curbstones and flagstones)
2018-06-0068022100Marble, travertine and alabaster articles thereof, simply cut or sawn, with a flat or even surface (excl. with a completely or partly planed, sand-dressed, coarsely or finely ground or polished surface, tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading 6802,10, setts, curbstones and flagstones)
2018-06-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-06-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-05-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2018-05-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2018-05-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2018-05-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-05-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2018-04-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2018-04-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2018-04-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2018-04-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2018-04-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-04-0064039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2018-04-0064039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2018-04-0085087000Parts of vacuum cleaners, dry cleaners and wet vacuum cleaners, n.e.s.
2018-03-0042022900Handbags, whether or not with shoulder strap, incl. those without handle, with outer surface of vulcanised fibre or paperboard, or wholly or mainly covered with such materials or with paper
2018-03-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2018-03-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-03-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-03-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2018-03-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2018-03-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2018-03-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2018-02-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2018-02-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2018-02-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-02-0042022900Handbags, whether or not with shoulder strap, incl. those without handle, with outer surface of vulcanised fibre or paperboard, or wholly or mainly covered with such materials or with paper
2018-02-0042022900Handbags, whether or not with shoulder strap, incl. those without handle, with outer surface of vulcanised fibre or paperboard, or wholly or mainly covered with such materials or with paper
2018-02-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2018-02-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2018-01-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2018-01-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2018-01-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-01-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2018-01-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2018-01-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2018-01-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2017-04-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2017-04-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2017-04-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2017-04-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2017-04-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2017-03-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2017-03-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2017-03-0064031900Sports footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. ski-boots, cross-country ski footwear, snowboard boots and skating boots with ice or roller skates attached)
2017-03-0064032000Footwear with outer soles of leather, and uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe
2017-03-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2017-03-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2017-03-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2017-03-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2017-03-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2017-02-0061021010Women's or girls' overcoats, car coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles of wool or fine animal hair, knitted or crocheted
2017-02-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2017-02-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2017-02-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2017-02-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2017-01-0064035931Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, with a maximum sole and heel height of <= 3 cm, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. with uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe, and toy footwear)
2017-01-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2017-01-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2017-01-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2017-01-0094036030Wooden furniture for shops (excl. seats)
2016-11-0033030090Toilet waters (excl. aftershave lotions, deodorants and hair lotions)
2016-11-0033043000Manicure or pedicure preparations
2016-11-0064035931Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, with a maximum sole and heel height of <= 3 cm, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. with uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe, and toy footwear)
2016-11-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2016-11-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-11-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2016-11-0033041000Lip make-up preparations
2016-11-0042021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-11-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-11-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2016-11-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-11-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-11-0042029180Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or of patent leather (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar; articles normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag; travelling, toilet or sports bags; rucksacks)
2016-11-0042029900Travelling-bags, shopping or tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases and similar, with outer surface of vulcanised fibre or paperboard; cases for binoculars, cameras, musical instruments, guns, holsters and similar containers with outer surface of materials (not leather, plastic sheeting or textile materials) (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar; handbags; articles normally carried in pocket or handbag)
2016-11-0048193000Sacks and bags, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres, having a base of a width of >= 40 cm
2016-11-0048194000Sacks and bags, incl. cones, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres (excl. those having a base of a width of >= 40 cm, and record sleeves)
2016-11-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-11-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-11-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2016-11-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2016-11-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-11-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-11-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2016-11-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2016-11-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2016-11-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2016-11-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2016-11-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2016-11-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2016-11-0094038900Furniture of other mareials, including cane, osier or similar materials (excl. of bamboo, rattan, metal, wood and plastics, and seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2016-11-0095062900Water-skis, surfboards and other water-sport equipment (other than sailboards)
2016-10-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-10-0064035931Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, with a maximum sole and heel height of <= 3 cm, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. with uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe, and toy footwear)
2016-10-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2016-10-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-10-0064039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-10-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2016-10-0033029090Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures based on one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry (excl. the food and drink industries and alcoholic solutions)
2016-10-0033030090Toilet waters (excl. aftershave lotions, deodorants and hair lotions)
2016-10-0033041000Lip make-up preparations
2016-10-0033043000Manicure or pedicure preparations
2016-10-0042021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-10-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2016-10-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-10-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-10-0042029900Travelling-bags, shopping or tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases and similar, with outer surface of vulcanised fibre or paperboard; cases for binoculars, cameras, musical instruments, guns, holsters and similar containers with outer surface of materials (not leather, plastic sheeting or textile materials) (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar; handbags; articles normally carried in pocket or handbag)
2016-10-0048192000Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of non-corrugated paper or paperboard
2016-10-0048194000Sacks and bags, incl. cones, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres (excl. those having a base of a width of >= 40 cm, and record sleeves)
2016-10-0048211010Self-adhesive paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, printed
2016-10-0062143000Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and similar articles of synthetic fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted)
2016-10-0062159000Ties, bow ties and cravats of textile materials (excl. of silk, silk waste or man-made fibres, knitted or crocheted)
2016-10-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-10-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-10-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-10-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2016-10-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2016-10-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-10-0064039118Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2016-10-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-10-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2016-10-0064039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2016-10-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2016-10-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2016-10-0064041100Sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials
2016-10-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2016-10-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2016-09-0061046900Women's or girls' trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts of textile materials, knitted or crocheted (excl. of wool, fine animal hair, cotton or synthetic fibres, panties and swimwear)
2016-09-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-09-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2016-09-0033030090Toilet waters (excl. aftershave lotions, deodorants and hair lotions)
2016-09-0033041000Lip make-up preparations
2016-09-0033043000Manicure or pedicure preparations
2016-09-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-09-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-09-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-09-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-09-0042029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-09-0042029900Travelling-bags, shopping or tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases and similar, with outer surface of vulcanised fibre or paperboard; cases for binoculars, cameras, musical instruments, guns, holsters and similar containers with outer surface of materials (not leather, plastic sheeting or textile materials) (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar; handbags; articles normally carried in pocket or handbag)
2016-09-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-09-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-09-0064035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-09-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-09-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2016-09-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2016-09-0064039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2016-09-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-09-0064039193Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.1-00 to 6403.40.00)
2016-09-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2016-09-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2016-09-0064039993Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear)
2016-09-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2016-09-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2016-09-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2016-09-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2016-08-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-08-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-08-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2016-08-0033030090Toilet waters (excl. aftershave lotions, deodorants and hair lotions)
2016-08-0033041000Lip make-up preparations
2016-08-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-08-0042021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-08-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-08-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2016-08-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-08-0042023210Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-08-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-08-0042029180Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or of patent leather (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar; articles normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag; travelling, toilet or sports bags; rucksacks)
2016-08-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-08-0064035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-08-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-08-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2016-08-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-08-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-08-0064039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2016-08-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-08-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2016-08-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2016-08-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2016-08-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2016-08-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2016-08-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2016-07-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-07-0064032000Footwear with outer soles of leather, and uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe
2016-07-0064035931Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, with a maximum sole and heel height of <= 3 cm, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. with uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe, and toy footwear)
2016-07-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-07-0033041000Lip make-up preparations
2016-07-0033043000Manicure or pedicure preparations
2016-07-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-07-0042021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-07-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-07-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2016-07-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-07-0042023290Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of textile materials
2016-07-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-07-0042029180Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or of patent leather (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar; articles normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag; travelling, toilet or sports bags; rucksacks)
2016-07-0042029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-07-0042029291Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of textile materials
2016-07-0043031090Articles of apparel and clothing accessories made of furskin (excl. those of whitecoat pups of harp seal or blueback pups of hooded seal, gloves made of leather and furskin, footware and headgear and parts thereof)
2016-07-0044140010Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects, of tropical wood "okoumé, obeche, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'Afrique, makoré, iroko, tiama, mansonia, ilomba, dibétou, limba, azobé, dark red meranti, light red meranti, meranti bakau, white lauan, white meranti, white seraya, yellow meranti, alan, keruing, ramin, kapur, teak, jongkong, merbau, jelutong, kempas, virola, mahogany "Swietenia spp.", imbuia, balsa, palissandre de Rio, palissandre du Brésil and palissandre de Rose"
2016-07-0044209099Caskets and cases for jewellery or cutlery, and similar articles and articles of furniture (excl. okoumé, obeche, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'Afrique, makoré, iroko, tiama, mansonia, ilomba, dibétou, limba, azobé, dark red meranti, light red meranti, meranti bakau, white lauan, white meranti, white seraya, yellow meranti, alan, keruing, ramin, kapur, teak, jongkong, merbau, jelutong, kempas, virola, mahogany "Swietenia spp.", imbuia, balsa, palissandre de Rio, palissandre de Para and palissandre de
2016-07-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-07-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-07-0064035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-07-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-07-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2016-07-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2016-07-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2016-07-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-07-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-07-0064039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2016-07-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-07-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2016-07-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2016-07-0064039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-07-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2016-07-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2016-07-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2016-07-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2016-07-0070181011Glass beads, cut and mechanically polished (excl. articles thereof)
2016-07-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-07-0094018000Seats, n.e.s.
2016-07-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2016-06-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-06-0061031010Men's or boys' suits of textile materials, knitted or crocheted, of wool or fine animal hair (excl. tracksuits, ski suits and swimwear)
2016-06-0063090000Worn clothing and clothing accessories, blankets and travelling rugs, household linen and articles for interior furnishing, of all types of textile materials, incl. all types of footwear and headgear, showing signs of appreciable wear and presented in bulk or in bales, sacks or similar packings (excl. carpets, other floor coverings and tapestries)
2016-06-0064035931Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, with a maximum sole and heel height of <= 3 cm, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. with uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe, and toy footwear)
2016-06-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-06-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-06-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-06-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-06-0042023210Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-06-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-06-0042029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-06-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-06-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-06-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-06-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2016-06-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-06-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-06-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-06-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2016-06-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2016-06-0064039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2016-06-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2016-06-0064039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-06-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2016-06-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2016-06-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2016-06-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2016-06-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2016-06-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-05-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2016-05-0064041100Sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials
2016-05-0064051000Footwear with uppers of leather or composition leather (excl. with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather and uppers of leather, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-05-0033030090Toilet waters (excl. aftershave lotions, deodorants and hair lotions)
2016-05-0042021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-05-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-05-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2016-05-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-05-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-05-0042029180Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or of patent leather (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar; articles normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag; travelling, toilet or sports bags; rucksacks)
2016-05-0042029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-05-0064019900Waterproof footwear covering neither the ankle nor the knee, with outer soles and uppers of rubber or of plastics, the uppers of which are neither fixed to the sole nor assembled by stitching, riveting, nailing, screwing, plugging or similar processes (excl. covering the ankle but not the knee, footwear incorporating a protective metal toecap, orthopaedic footwear, skating boots with ice or roller skates attached and sports and toy footwear)
2016-05-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-05-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-05-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2016-05-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2016-05-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2016-05-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-05-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-05-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-05-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-05-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2016-05-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2016-05-0064039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2016-05-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2016-05-0064039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-05-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2016-05-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2016-05-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2016-05-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-05-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-05-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-04-0042023900Wallets, purses, key-cases, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of vulcanised fibre or paperboard, or wholly or mainly covered with such materials or with paper, incl. spectacle cases of moulded plastic material
2016-04-0044152090Box pallets and other load boards, of wood (excl. containers specially designed and equipped for one or more modes of transport; flat pallets and pallet collars)
2016-04-0061091000T-shirts, singlets and other vests of cotton, knitted or crocheted
2016-04-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-04-0064041100Sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials
2016-04-0064052099Footwear with uppers of textile materials (excl. with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather, wood or cork, indoor footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-04-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-04-0042021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-04-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-04-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2016-04-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-04-0042029180Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or of patent leather (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar; articles normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag; travelling, toilet or sports bags; rucksacks)
2016-04-0042029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-04-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-04-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2016-04-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-04-0064039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2016-04-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-04-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2016-04-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2016-04-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2016-04-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2016-04-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2016-04-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2016-04-0094037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2016-03-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-03-0064035931Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, with a maximum sole and heel height of <= 3 cm, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. with uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe, and toy footwear)
2016-03-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-03-0064041100Sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials
2016-03-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-03-0042021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-03-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-03-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-03-0042023290Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of textile materials
2016-03-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-03-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-03-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-03-0064035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-03-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-03-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2016-03-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2016-03-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-03-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-03-0064039118Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2016-03-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-03-0064039193Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.1-00 to 6403.40.00)
2016-03-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2016-03-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2016-03-0064039931Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, with a maximum sole and heel height of <= 3 cm, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. toy footwear)
2016-03-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2016-03-0064039993Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear)
2016-03-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2016-03-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2016-03-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2016-03-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2016-03-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2016-03-0064059010Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-03-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-02-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-02-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2016-02-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-02-0033043000Manicure or pedicure preparations
2016-02-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-02-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2016-02-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-02-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-02-0042029180Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or of patent leather (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar; articles normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag; travelling, toilet or sports bags; rucksacks)
2016-02-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-02-0064035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-02-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-02-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2016-02-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2016-02-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-02-0064039118Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2016-02-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-02-0064039193Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.1-00 to 6403.40.00)
2016-02-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2016-02-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2016-02-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2016-02-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2016-02-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2016-02-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2016-02-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2016-01-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-01-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2016-01-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-01-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-01-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-01-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-01-0042023900Wallets, purses, key-cases, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of vulcanised fibre or paperboard, or wholly or mainly covered with such materials or with paper, incl. spectacle cases of moulded plastic material
2016-01-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2016-01-0042029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2016-01-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2016-01-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-01-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2016-01-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2016-01-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2016-01-0064039118Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2016-01-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2016-01-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2016-01-0064039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2016-01-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2016-01-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2016-01-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2016-01-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2016-01-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-12-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-12-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-12-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-12-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-12-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-12-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-12-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-12-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-12-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-12-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-12-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-12-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-12-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-12-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-12-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-12-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-12-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-12-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-12-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-11-0042021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-11-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-11-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-11-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-11-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-11-0042023210Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-11-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-11-0049111090Trade advertising material and the like (other than commercial catalogues)
2015-11-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-11-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-11-0064035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-11-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-11-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-11-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-11-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-11-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-11-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-11-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-11-0064039111Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle but not the calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-11-0064039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-11-0064039118Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-11-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-11-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-11-0064039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-11-0064039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-11-0064039993Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear)
2015-11-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-11-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-11-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-11-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-11-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-11-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-10-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-10-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-10-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-10-0042023210Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-10-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-10-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-10-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-10-0064035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-10-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-10-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-10-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-10-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-10-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-10-0064039193Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.1-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-10-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-10-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-10-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-10-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-10-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-10-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-09-0033043000Manicure or pedicure preparations
2015-09-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-09-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-09-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-09-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-09-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-09-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-09-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-09-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-09-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-09-0064039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-09-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-09-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-09-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-09-0064039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-09-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-09-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-09-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-09-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-08-0033041000Lip make-up preparations
2015-08-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-08-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-08-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-08-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-08-0042023210Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-08-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-08-0049111090Trade advertising material and the like (other than commercial catalogues)
2015-08-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-08-0064035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-08-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-08-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-08-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-08-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-08-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-08-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-08-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-08-0064039118Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-08-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-08-0064039193Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.1-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-08-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-08-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-08-0064039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-08-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-08-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-08-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-08-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-08-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-08-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-07-0133043000Manicure or pedicure preparations
2015-07-0142021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-07-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-07-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-07-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-07-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-07-0142029291Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-07-0164035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-07-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-07-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-07-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-07-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-07-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-07-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-07-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-07-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-07-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-07-0164039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-07-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-07-0164039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-07-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-07-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-07-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-07-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-07-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-07-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-07-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-07-0033043000Manicure or pedicure preparations
2015-07-0042021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-07-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-07-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-07-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-07-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-07-0042029291Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-07-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-07-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-07-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-07-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-07-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-07-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-07-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-07-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-07-0064039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-07-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-07-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-07-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-07-0064039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-07-0064039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-07-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-07-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-07-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-07-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-07-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-07-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-06-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-06-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-06-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-06-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-06-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-06-0164035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-06-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-06-0164035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-06-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-06-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-06-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-06-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-06-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-06-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-06-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-06-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-06-0164039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-06-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-06-0164039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-06-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-06-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-06-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-06-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-06-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-06-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-06-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-06-0184662020Work holders for machine tools in the form of jigs and fixtures for specific applications, incl. sets of standard jig and fixture components
2015-06-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-06-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-06-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-06-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-06-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-06-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-06-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-06-0064035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-06-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-06-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-06-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-06-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-06-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-06-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-06-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-06-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-06-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-06-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-06-0064039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-06-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-06-0064039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-06-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-06-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-06-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-06-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-06-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-06-0084662020Work holders for machine tools in the form of jigs and fixtures for specific applications, incl. sets of standard jig and fixture components
2015-05-0133043000Manicure or pedicure preparations
2015-05-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-05-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-05-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-05-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-05-0142029291Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-05-0164035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-05-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-05-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-05-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-05-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-05-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-05-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-05-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-05-0164039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-05-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-05-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-05-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-05-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-05-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-05-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-05-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-05-0033043000Manicure or pedicure preparations
2015-05-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-05-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-05-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-05-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-05-0042029291Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-05-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-05-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-05-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-05-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-05-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-05-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-05-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-05-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-05-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-05-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-05-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-05-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-05-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-05-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-05-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-05-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-04-0133043000Manicure or pedicure preparations
2015-04-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-04-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-04-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-04-0164035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-04-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-04-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-04-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-04-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-04-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-04-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-04-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-04-0164039193Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.1-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-04-0164039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-04-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-04-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-04-0164039993Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear)
2015-04-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-04-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-04-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-04-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-04-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-04-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-04-0033043000Manicure or pedicure preparations
2015-04-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-04-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-04-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-04-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-04-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-04-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-04-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-04-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-04-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-04-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-04-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-04-0064039193Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.1-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-04-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-04-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-04-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-04-0064039993Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear)
2015-04-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-04-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-04-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-04-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-04-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-04-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-03-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-03-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-03-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-03-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-03-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-03-0164035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-03-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-03-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-03-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-03-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-03-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-03-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-03-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-03-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-03-0164039193Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.1-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-03-0164039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-03-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-03-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-03-0164039993Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear)
2015-03-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-03-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-03-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-03-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-03-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-03-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-03-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-03-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-03-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-03-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-03-0064035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-03-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-03-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-03-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-03-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-03-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-03-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-03-0064039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-03-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-03-0064039193Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.1-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-03-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-03-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-03-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-03-0064039993Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear)
2015-03-0064039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2015-03-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-03-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-03-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-03-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-02-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-02-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-02-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-02-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-02-0142023290Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-02-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-02-0142029291Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-02-0164035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-02-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-02-0164035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-02-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-02-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-02-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-02-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-02-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-02-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-02-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-02-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-02-0164039118Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-02-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-02-0164039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-02-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-02-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-02-0164039993Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear)
2015-02-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-02-0164041100Sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials
2015-02-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-02-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-02-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-02-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-02-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-02-0042022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-02-0042022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-02-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-02-0042023290Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-02-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-02-0042029291Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of textile materials
2015-02-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-02-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-02-0064035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-02-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-02-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-02-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-02-0064035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2015-02-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-02-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-02-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-02-0064039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-02-0064039118Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2015-02-0064039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-02-0064039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2015-02-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-02-0064039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-02-0064039993Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear)
2015-02-0064039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2015-02-0064041100Sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials
2015-02-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-02-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-02-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-02-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-01-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-01-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-01-0142023210Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-01-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-01-0164035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-01-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-01-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-01-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-01-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-01-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-01-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-01-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-01-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-01-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-01-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-01-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-01-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-01-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-01-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-01-0042022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-01-0042023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-01-0042023210Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2015-01-0042029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2015-01-0064035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-01-0064035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-01-0064035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-01-0064035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2015-01-0064035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2015-01-0064035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-01-0064035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2015-01-0064039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2015-01-0064039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2015-01-0064039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2015-01-0064039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2015-01-0064041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2015-01-0064042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2015-01-0064042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2015-01-0064059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-12-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-12-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2014-12-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2014-12-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-12-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-12-0148172000Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards, of paper or paperboard (excl. those with imprinted postage stamps)
2014-12-0164035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2014-12-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-12-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2014-12-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2014-12-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-12-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2014-12-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2014-12-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-12-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2014-12-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2014-12-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2014-12-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2014-12-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2014-12-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2014-12-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-12-0176169910Articles of aluminium, cast, n.e.s.
2014-11-0142021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-11-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-11-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2014-11-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2014-11-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-11-0142023210Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2014-11-0149090000Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing personal greetings, messages or announcements, whether or not illustrated, with or without envelopes or trimmings
2014-11-0164035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2014-11-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-11-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2014-11-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2014-11-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2014-11-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-11-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2014-11-0164039118Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2014-11-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-11-0164039193Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.1-00 to 6403.40.00)
2014-11-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2014-11-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2014-11-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-11-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2014-11-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2014-11-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2014-11-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-11-0168022100Marble, travertine and alabaster articles thereof, simply cut or sawn, with a flat or even surface (excl. with a completely or partly planed, sand-dressed, coarsely or finely ground or polished surface, tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading 6802,10, setts, curbstones and flagstones)
2014-11-0170200080Articles of glass, n.e.s.
2014-10-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-10-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-10-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-10-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-10-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2014-10-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2014-10-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2014-10-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-10-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2014-10-0164039118Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2014-10-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-10-0164039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2014-10-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2014-10-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2014-10-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2014-10-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2014-10-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-09-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-09-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-09-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-09-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2014-09-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2014-09-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-09-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-09-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2014-09-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2014-09-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-09-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2014-09-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2014-09-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2014-08-0142021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-08-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-08-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2014-08-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2014-08-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-08-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-08-0164035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2014-08-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-08-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-08-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2014-08-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2014-08-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2014-08-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-08-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-08-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2014-08-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2014-08-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-08-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2014-08-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-08-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2014-08-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2014-08-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2014-08-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2014-08-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-08-0194036030Wooden furniture for shops (excl. seats)
2014-06-0142021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-06-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-06-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2014-06-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2014-06-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-06-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-06-0164035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2014-06-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-06-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-06-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2014-06-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2014-06-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2014-06-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-06-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-06-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2014-06-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-06-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2014-06-0164039905Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2014-06-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-06-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2014-06-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2014-06-0164041100Sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials
2014-06-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2014-06-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2014-06-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2014-06-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-06-0164062090Outer soles and heels of plastics
2014-04-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-04-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2014-04-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2014-04-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-04-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2014-04-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-04-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2014-04-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-03-0142021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-03-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-03-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2014-03-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2014-03-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-03-0142023290Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of textile materials
2014-03-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-03-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-03-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-03-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2014-03-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2014-03-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2014-03-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-03-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2014-03-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2014-03-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-03-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2014-03-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2014-03-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-03-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2014-03-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2014-03-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2014-03-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2014-03-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-03-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2014-02-0142021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-02-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-02-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2014-02-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2014-02-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-02-0142023290Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of textile materials
2014-02-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-02-0142029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2014-02-0164032000Footwear with outer soles of leather, and uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe
2014-02-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-02-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2014-02-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2014-02-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2014-02-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-02-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-02-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2014-02-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-02-0164039193Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.1-00 to 6403.40.00)
2014-02-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2014-02-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-02-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2014-02-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2014-02-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2014-02-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2014-02-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-01-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-01-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2014-01-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-01-0142023290Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of textile materials
2014-01-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2014-01-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-01-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2014-01-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2014-01-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2014-01-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2014-01-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2014-01-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2014-01-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2014-01-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2014-01-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2014-01-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2014-01-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2014-01-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2014-01-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-12-0134060000Candles, tapers and the like
2013-12-0142021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-12-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-12-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-12-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-12-0148172000Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards, of paper or paperboard (excl. those with imprinted postage stamps)
2013-12-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-12-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2013-12-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2013-12-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2013-12-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-12-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2013-12-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-12-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2013-12-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2013-12-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-12-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2013-12-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2013-12-0164062010Outer soles and heels of rubber
2013-12-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2013-11-0142021211Executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-11-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-11-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-11-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-11-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-11-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-11-0142029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-11-0146029000Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from non-vegetable plaiting materials or made up from goods of non-vegetable plaiting materials of heading 4601 (excl. wallcoverings of heading 4814; twine, cord and rope; footware and headgear and parts thereof; vehicles and vehicle superstructures; goods of chapter 94, e.g. furniture, lighting fixtures)
2013-11-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-11-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2013-11-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2013-11-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-11-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2013-11-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-11-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2013-11-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-11-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2013-11-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-11-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2013-10-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-10-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-10-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-10-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-10-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-10-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2013-10-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2013-10-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2013-10-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-10-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2013-10-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-10-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2013-10-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2013-10-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2013-10-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-10-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2013-10-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2013-09-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-09-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-09-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-09-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2013-09-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2013-09-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2013-09-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-09-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2013-09-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-09-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2013-09-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2013-09-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2013-09-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-09-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2013-09-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2013-09-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2013-08-0142021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-08-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-08-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-08-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-08-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-08-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-08-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2013-08-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2013-08-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2013-08-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-08-0164039116Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2013-08-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-08-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2013-08-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2013-08-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2013-08-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-08-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2013-08-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2013-07-0142021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-07-0142021910Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, with outer surface of aluminium
2013-07-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-07-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-07-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-07-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-07-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-07-0149119900Printed matter, n.e.s.
2013-07-0151129098Woven fabrics containing predominantly, but < 85% combed wool or combed fine animal hair by weight and weighing > 200 g/m² (excl. those mixed principally or solely with synthetic or artificial filaments or staple fibres, those containing > 10% silk, silk waste by weight and fabrics for technical uses of heading 5911)
2013-07-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-07-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2013-07-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2013-07-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2013-07-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-07-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-07-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2013-07-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2013-07-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2013-07-0164039998Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather and uppers of leather, with in-soles of a length of >= 24 cm, for women (excl. footwear covering the ankle; with a protective metal toecap; with a main sole of wood, without in-sole; footwear with a vamp made of straps or which has one or more pieces cut out; indoor, sports or orthopaedic footwear; footwear which cannot be identified as men's or women's)
2013-07-0164041910Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. tennis shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-07-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-07-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2013-07-0164069030Assemblies of uppers affixed to inner soles or to other sole components (excl. of asbestos or fixed to outer soles)
2013-07-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2013-06-0134060000Candles, tapers and the like
2013-06-0142021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-06-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-06-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-06-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-06-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-06-0142029291Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-06-0149119900Printed matter, n.e.s.
2013-06-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-06-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-06-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2013-06-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2013-06-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2013-06-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-06-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-06-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2013-06-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-06-0164039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2013-06-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2013-06-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2013-06-0164039996Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00, 6403.99.11, 6403.99.36, 6403.99.50)
2013-06-0164041910Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. tennis shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-06-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-06-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2013-06-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2013-06-0164062090Outer soles and heels of plastics
2013-06-0164069030Assemblies of uppers affixed to inner soles or to other sole components (excl. of asbestos or fixed to outer soles)
2013-06-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2013-05-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-05-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-05-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-05-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-05-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-05-0142029219Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of plastic sheeting (excl. travelling-cases, briefcases, satchels and similar containers, bag or handbag articles, travelling-bags, toilet bags, sports bags, rucksacks and musical instrument cases)
2013-05-0142029291Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-05-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2013-05-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2013-05-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2013-05-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-05-0164039118Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2013-05-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-05-0164039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2013-05-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2013-05-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2013-05-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-05-0164041100Sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials
2013-05-0164041910Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. tennis shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-05-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-05-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2013-05-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2013-05-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-05-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2013-04-0133030010Perfumes (excl. aftershave lotions and personal deodorants)
2013-04-0142021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-04-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-04-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-04-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-04-0142029211Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-04-0142029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-04-0142029291Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-04-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-04-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2013-04-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2013-04-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2013-04-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-04-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2013-04-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-04-0164039933Footwear non-identifiable as men's or women's footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, with sole and heel height <= 3 cm, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2013-04-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2013-04-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-04-0164041100Sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials
2013-04-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-04-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2013-04-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2013-04-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-04-0164062090Outer soles and heels of plastics
2013-04-0176169910Articles of aluminium, cast, n.e.s.
2013-03-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-03-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-03-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-03-0142029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-03-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-03-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2013-03-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2013-03-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2013-03-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-03-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-03-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2013-03-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-03-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2013-03-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2013-03-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-03-0176169910Articles of aluminium, cast, n.e.s.
2013-02-0142021990Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers (excl. with outer surface of leather, composition leather, patent leather, plastics, textile materials or aluminium)
2013-02-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-02-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-02-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-02-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-02-0142029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-02-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-02-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2013-02-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2013-02-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2013-02-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-02-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2013-02-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-02-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2013-02-0164039991Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-02-0164041100Sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials
2013-02-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-02-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2013-02-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2013-02-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-02-0194054099Electric lamps and lighting fittings, n.e.s. (excl. of plastics)
2013-01-0142021110Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-01-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-01-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2013-01-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2013-01-0142029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2013-01-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-01-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2013-01-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2013-01-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2013-01-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2013-01-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2013-01-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2013-01-0164039950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber, plastics, or composition leather and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, and toy footwear)
2013-01-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2013-01-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2013-01-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2013-01-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2012-12-0142021990Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers (excl. with outer surface of leather, composition leather, patent leather, plastics, textile materials or aluminium)
2012-12-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2012-12-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-12-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-12-0142029219Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of plastic sheeting (excl. travelling-cases, briefcases, satchels and similar containers, bag or handbag articles, travelling-bags, toilet bags, sports bags, rucksacks and musical instrument cases)
2012-12-0142029291Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of textile materials
2012-12-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-12-0164035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-12-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2012-12-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2012-12-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-12-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2012-12-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-12-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2012-12-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2012-12-0164051000Footwear with uppers of leather or composition leather (excl. with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather and uppers of leather, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-12-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2012-11-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-11-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2012-11-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2012-11-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-11-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-11-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-11-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2012-11-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2012-11-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2012-11-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-11-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-11-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-11-0164039198Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.91.18)
2012-11-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2012-11-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2012-11-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2012-11-0173269096Sintered articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2012-11-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2012-11-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2012-11-0194018000Seats, n.e.s.
2012-11-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2012-11-0194033099Wooden furniture for offices, of > 80 cm in height (excl. cupboards)
2012-11-0194035000Wooden furniture for bedrooms (excl. seats)
2012-10-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-10-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2012-10-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2012-10-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-10-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-10-0142029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2012-10-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-10-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-10-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2012-10-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2012-10-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2012-10-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-10-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-10-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2012-10-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2012-10-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2012-09-0134060000Candles, tapers and the like
2012-09-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-09-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-09-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-09-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-09-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2012-09-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2012-09-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-09-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-09-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2012-08-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-08-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2012-08-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-08-0142029215Musical instrument cases with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2012-08-0142029219Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of plastic sheeting (excl. travelling-cases, briefcases, satchels and similar containers, bag or handbag articles, travelling-bags, toilet bags, sports bags, rucksacks and musical instrument cases)
2012-08-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-08-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-08-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2012-08-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2012-08-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-08-0164039196Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00 nor 6403.90-16)
2012-08-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2012-08-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2012-08-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2012-08-0176169910Articles of aluminium, cast, n.e.s.
2012-07-0142021990Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers (excl. with outer surface of leather, composition leather, patent leather, plastics, textile materials or aluminium)
2012-07-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-07-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2012-07-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-07-0142029219Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of plastic sheeting (excl. travelling-cases, briefcases, satchels and similar containers, bag or handbag articles, travelling-bags, toilet bags, sports bags, rucksacks and musical instrument cases)
2012-07-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-07-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-07-0164035939Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, with a maximum sole and heel height of <= 3 cm, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. with uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe)
2012-07-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2012-07-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2012-07-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-07-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-07-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-07-0164041910Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. tennis shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2012-07-0164041990Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear, sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2012-07-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2012-07-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2012-06-0142021910Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, with outer surface of aluminium
2012-06-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-06-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2012-06-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2012-06-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-06-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-06-0142029219Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of plastic sheeting (excl. travelling-cases, briefcases, satchels and similar containers, bag or handbag articles, travelling-bags, toilet bags, sports bags, rucksacks and musical instrument cases)
2012-06-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-06-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2012-06-0164035939Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, with a maximum sole and heel height of <= 3 cm, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. with uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe)
2012-06-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2012-06-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2012-06-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-06-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-06-0164041910Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. tennis shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2012-06-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2012-06-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2012-06-0176169910Articles of aluminium, cast, n.e.s.
2012-05-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-05-0142022210Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting
2012-05-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2012-05-0164035105Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2012-05-0164035119Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle but not the calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-05-0164035195Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-05-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-05-0164035939Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, with a maximum sole and heel height of <= 3 cm, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. with uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe)
2012-05-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2012-05-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2012-05-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-05-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2012-05-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-05-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2012-05-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2012-04-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-04-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2012-04-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-04-0148030090Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin stock and similar paper for household or sanitary purposes, whether or not creped, crinkled, embossed, perforated, surface-coloured, surface-decorated or printed, in rolls of a width > 36 cm or in square or rectangular sheets with one side > 36 cm and the other side > 15 cm in the unfolded state (excl. cellulose wadding, creped paper and webs of cellulose fibres "tissues")
2012-04-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-04-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2012-04-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-04-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2012-04-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2012-04-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2012-04-0194035000Wooden furniture for bedrooms (excl. seats)
2012-04-0194039010Parts of furniture, of metal, n.e.s. (excl. of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2012-03-0142022100Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-03-0142022290Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of textile materials
2012-03-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-03-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-03-0164035191Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-03-0164035199Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-03-0164035950Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles and uppers of leather (excl. covering the ankle, with a vamp or upper made of straps, and toy footwear)
2012-03-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2012-03-0164035995Men's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-03-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-03-0164039111Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle but not the calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-03-0164039118Women's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle (but not the calf), with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2012-03-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-03-0164039936Men's footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather (not covering the ankle), with a vamp made of straps or which has one or several pieces cut out, with sole and heel height <= 3 cm, with in-soles of a length >= 24 cm (excl. 6403.11-00 to 6403.40.00)
2012-03-0164041910Slippers and other indoor footwear, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials (excl. tennis shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, and toy footwear)
2012-03-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2012-03-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2012-03-0176169910Articles of aluminium, cast, n.e.s.
2012-02-0142023100Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-02-0142029110Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
2012-02-0164011000Waterproof footwear incorporating a protective metal toecap, with outer soles and uppers of rubber or of plastics, the uppers of which are neither fixed to the sole nor assembled by stitching, riveting, nailing, screwing, plugging or similar processes (excl. skating boots with ice or roller skates attached, shin-guards and similar protective sportswear)
2012-02-0164035905Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap (excl. covering the ankle)
2012-02-0164035991Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and toy footwear)
2012-02-0164035999Women's footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather, with in-soles of >= 24 cm in length (excl. covering the ankle, incorporating a protective metal toecap, made on a base or platform of wood, without in-soles, with a vamp or upper made of straps, indoor footwear, sports footwear, and orthopaedic footwear)
2012-02-0164039105Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, made on a base or platform of wood, covering the ankle with neither an inner sole nor a protective metal toecap
2012-02-0164039191Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics or composition leather, with uppers of leather, covering the ankle and calf, with in-soles of < 24 cm in length (excl. incorporating a protective metal toecap, sports footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2012-02-0164041100Sports footwear, incl. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like, with outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers of textile materials
2012-02-0164042010Slippers and other indoor footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. toy footwear)
2012-02-0164042090Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials (excl. indoor footwear and toy footwear)
2011-12-0134060000Candles, tapers and the like
2011-03-0133030010Perfumes (excl. aftershave lotions and personal deodorants)
2010-11-0164059090Footwear with outer soles of wood, cork, twine, paperboard, furskin, woven fabrics, felt, nonwovens, linoleum, raffia, straw, loofah, etc. and uppers of materials other than leather, composition leather or textile materials (excl. orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
2010-08-0133030010Perfumes (excl. aftershave lotions and personal deodorants)

For goods imported into the United Kingdom, only imports originating from outside the EU are shown

Government Grants / Awards
Technology Strategy Board Awards
The Technology Strategy Board has not awarded CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN UK LIMITED any grants or awards. Grants from the TSB are an indicator that the company is investing in new technologies or IPR
European Union CORDIS Awards
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