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Company Information for


3rd Floor, 44 Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG,
Company Registration Number
RC - Registered Private Company

Company Overview

About Rosedale Property Holdings Ltd
ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED was founded on 1989-01-05 and has its registered office in St Helier. The organisation's status is listed as "Live". Rosedale Property Holdings Limited is a RC - Registered Private Company registered in Jersey - Channel Islands with Jersey Financial Services Commission
Key Data
Company Name
Legal Registered Office
3rd Floor
44 Esplanade
St Helier
Filing Information
Company Number JE42836
Company ID Number 42836
Date formed 1989-01-05
Country Jersey - Channel Islands
Origin Country Jersey
Type RC - Registered Private Company
CompanyStatus Live
Lastest accounts 
Account next due 
Latest return 
Return next due 
Type of accounts 
VAT Number /Sales tax ID GB597990163  
Last Datalog update: 2020-03-11 05:29:12
Primary Source:Jersey Financial Services Commission
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If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help.
Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us.
The following companies were found which have the same name as ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED. These may be the same company in different jurisdictions
  Registered addressLast known statusFormation date
ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS PTY LIMITED NSW 2101 Active Company formed on the 2005-12-23
Corporation Filing History
Jersey Financial Services Commission Filing History
This is a record of the public documents (corporate filing) lodged from Jersey Financial Services Commission where the company has filed annual returns and other statutory filing documents. Examples of documents filed include: change of registered office, accounts filing, director/officer appointments & resignations, changes in share capital, shareholder members lists etc.

DateDocument TypeDocument Description
2020-01-13Change of Registered Address
2019-02-25Annual Return 2019
2018-02-20Annual Return 2018
2017-03-31Annual Return 2017
2016-02-26Annual Return 2016
2015-03-05Change of Registered Address
2015-02-24Annual Return 2015
2014-02-14Annual Return 2014
2013-02-27Annual Return 2013
2013-02-01Special Resolution
2013-01-31Special Resolution
2012-12-13Notice of Registered Office
2012-02-03Annual Return 2012
2011-02-17Annual Return 2011
2010-02-16Annual Return 2010
2009-03-06Annual Return 2009
2008-11-13Notice of Registered Office
2008-02-20Annual Return 08
2007-02-05Annual Return 07
2006-09-28Notice of Registered Office
2006-02-16Annual Return 06
2005-02-11Annual Return 05
2004-10-15Special Resolution
2004-02-17Annual Return 04
2003-03-28Annual Return 03
2003-03-26Special Resolution
2003-02-06Annual Return 03
2002-08-15Notice of Registered Office
2002-02-11Annual Return 02
2001-02-12Annual Return 01
2000-05-18Annual Return 00
2000-05-18Annual Return 99
2000-02-01Annual Return 00
1999-08-18Special Resolution
1999-07-20Annual Return 99
1999-07-20Annual Return 98
1999-02-09Annual Return 99
1998-02-26Annual Return 98
1997-12-17Notice of Registered Office
1997-12-15Special Resolution
1997-02-26Annual Returns pre 1998
1996-02-27Annual Returns pre 1998
1995-02-28Annual Returns pre 1998
1994-02-25Annual Returns pre 1998
1993-01-26Annual Returns pre 1998
1992-03-03Annual Returns pre 1998
1991-10-11Notice of Registered Office
1991-05-20Annual Returns pre 1998
1990-04-11Annual Returns pre 1998
1989-03-20Notice of Registered Office
1989-03-16Notice of Registered Office
1989-03-01Notice of Registered Office
1989-01-05Registration Certificate
Industry Information

Licences & Regulatory approval
We could not find any licences issued to ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED or authorisation from an industry specific regulator to operate. These may not be required.
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Legal Notices
No legal notices or events such as winding-up orders or proposals to strike-off have been issued
Fines / Sanctions
No fines or sanctions have been issued against ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED
Intangible Assets
We have not found any records of ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED registering or being granted any patents
Domain Names
We do not have the domain name information for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED
We have not found any records of ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED registering or being granted any trademarks
Real Estate Transactions
JurisdictionProperty TypeFinancial InstrumentTransaction DateSeller/GrantorBuyer/GranteePriceAsset IDAsset Description
CITY OF BRISTOL SOUTH WEST Real Estate 2015-12-21 BL42333 Leasehold interest in property at 30 Queen Square, Bristol (BS1 4ND) for representative located at JERSEY / 44 The Esplanade, St Hellier, Jersey, JE4 9WG
HAMPSHIRE SOUTH EAST Real Estate 2015-11-02 HP762248 Leasehold interest in property at Unit 27b, North Way, Walworth Industrial Estate, Andover for representative located at JERSEY / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
SOLIHULL WEST MIDLANDS Real Estate 2015-09-25 WK130091 Freehold interest in property at 5, 9, 15 and 19 (odd numbers) High Street, Solihull for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at 44 The Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
GLOUCESTERSHIRE SOUTH WEST Real Estate 2015-08-11 GR20248 Freehold interest in property at 8-8a Eastgate Street, Gloucester (GL1 1PA) for representative located at JERSEY / 44 The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG
TAUNTON DEANE SOMERSET Real Estate 2014-10-08 ST252483 Freehold interest in property at 12 East Street, Taunton (TA1 3LN) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
TAUNTON DEANE SOMERSET Real Estate 2014-10-08 ST276214 Freehold interest in property at 10 Magdalene Lane, Taunton (TA1 1SE) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
TAUNTON DEANE SOMERSET Real Estate 2014-10-08 ST49144 Freehold interest in property at 10 East Street, Taunton (TA1 3LN) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
TAUNTON DEANE SOMERSET Real Estate 2014-10-08 ST59259 Freehold interest in property at 11 East Street, Taunton (TA1 3LN) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
TAUNTON DEANE SOMERSET Real Estate 2014-10-08 ST65122 Freehold interest in property at 11 East Street, Taunton (TA1 3LN) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
CITY OF PLYMOUTH CITY OF PLYMOUTH Real Estate 2014-08-29 DN612376 Leasehold interest in property at 30 and 32 New George Street, Plymouth (PL1 1RW) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Bilsdale Properties Limited, Fountain Court, 12 Bruntcliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG
CITY OF BRISTOL CITY OF BRISTOL Real Estate 2014-07-18 AV91234 Leasehold interest in property at 93 and 95 Broadmead and 42 Union Street, Broadmead for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
WEST BERKSHIRE WEST BERKSHIRE Real Estate 2014-03-31 BK181915 Freehold interest in property at 81 and, 82 Northbrook Street, Newbury (RG14 1AE) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Espilanade, St Helier, Jersey, Je4 9wg / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
SCARBOROUGH NORTH YORKSHIRE Real Estate 2011-12-20 NYK56623 Freehold interest in property at 104-105 Westborough, Scarborough (YO11 1LD) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
ST HELENS MERSEYSIDE Real Estate 2005-06-03 MS286667 Freehold interest in property at land on the west side of Lodge Lane, Ashton-in-Makerfield for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
ST HELENS MERSEYSIDE Real Estate 2005-06-03 MS299686 Freehold interest in property at Land on the West side of Warrington Road, Ashton-in-Makerfield for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
ST HELENS MERSEYSIDE Real Estate 2005-06-03 MS308237 Freehold interest in property at land on the west side of Lodge Lane, Haydock for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL / Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG
WIGAN GREATER MANCHESTER Real Estate 2005-01-26 GM579213 Freehold interest in property at Units 1 to 10 (inclusive) Three Sisters Enterprise Park, Antler Court, Ashton in Makerfield, Wigan (WN4 8DU) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
LEEDS WEST YORKSHIRE Real Estate 2005-01-26 WYK543335 Freehold interest in property at land lying to the South West of Hudswell Road, Leeds for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
SLOUGH SLOUGH Real Estate 2005-01-20 BK182209 Freehold interest in property at 146 and 148 High Street, Slough (SL1 1JP) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
STROUD GLOUCESTERSHIRE Real Estate 2005-01-20 GR108516 Freehold interest in property at Units A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L and M, Stroud Industrial Estate, Old Ends Lane, Stonehouse (GL10 3SA) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
RUSHMOOR HAMPSHIRE Real Estate 2005-01-20 HP575294 Freehold interest in property at 28 and 30 Union Street, Aldershot (GU11 1EW) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
GREAT YARMOUTH NORFOLK Real Estate 2005-01-20 NK236779 Freehold interest in property at 12/13 King Street, Great Yarmouth (NR30 2BA) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
BROXTOWE NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Real Estate 2005-01-20 NT214819 Freehold interest in property at 27 to 33 (odd) High Road, Beeston for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds
BARNSLEY SOUTH YORKSHIRE Real Estate 1999-03-01 SYK404878 Freehold interest in property at Land on the south side of Upper Cliffe Road, Dodworth Business Park, Barnsley for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
SANDWELL WEST MIDLANDS Real Estate 1998-03-31 WM674560 Leasehold interest in property at land and buildings on the East side of Roebuck Street, West Bromwich for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
BARNSLEY SOUTH YORKSHIRE Real Estate 1998-03-27 SYK393854 Freehold interest in property at Land at Dodworth Business Park, Barnsley for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
SANDWELL WEST MIDLANDS Real Estate 1997-05-01 SF71864 Freehold interest in property at 54, 56, 58 and 60 Roebuck Street, West Bromwich for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
WALSALL WEST MIDLANDS Real Estate 1996-04-22 WM444153 Freehold interest in property at land on the south east side of Westgate, Aldridge for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
WALSALL WEST MIDLANDS Real Estate 1996-04-22 WM781135 Freehold interest in property at Units 5, 6 & 7 Tintagel Way, Aldridge, (WS9 8EW) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
TRAFFORD GREATER MANCHESTER Real Estate 1996-03-14 GM716496 Freehold interest in property at land on the south and east sides of Tenax Road, Trafford Park for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
SANDWELL WEST MIDLANDS Real Estate 1989-07-03 SF103567 Freehold interest in property at land and buildings on the east side of Roebuck Street, West Bromwich for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
SANDWELL WEST MIDLANDS Real Estate 1989-07-03 SF64268 Freehold interest in property at land on the East side of Oldbury Road, West Bromwich for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
BRECKLAND NORFOLK Real Estate 1989-06-30 NK959 Freehold interest in property at land and building on the south west side of Fengate Drove, Weeting, Brandon, (IP27 0PW) for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE Real Estate 1989-06-28 AV117884 Freehold interest in property at land and buildings lying to the south east of Badminton Road, Yate for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
BOLTON GREATER MANCHESTER Real Estate 1989-06-26 GM333141 Freehold interest in property at land and buildings on the north east side of Hardmans Lane, Bromley Cross, Bolton for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
TRAFFORD GREATER MANCHESTER Real Estate 1989-06-26 GM530714 Freehold interest in property at land on the south east side of Tenax Road, Davyhulme for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
BLACKBURN WITH DARWEN BLACKBURN WITH DARWEN Real Estate 1989-06-26 LA187098 Freehold interest in property at land on the south side of Blackamoor Road, Guide, Blackburn for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
TRAFFORD GREATER MANCHESTER Real Estate 1989-06-26 LA230854 Freehold interest in property at land and buildings lying to the South West of Trafford Park Road, forming part of Ocean Iron Works Davyhulme for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
TRAFFORD GREATER MANCHESTER Real Estate 1989-06-26 LA252420 Freehold interest in property at land and buildings on the south east side of Tenax Road, Davyhulme for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED representative located at Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL
Government Income
We have not found government income sources for ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED. This could be because the transaction value was below £ 500 with local government or below £ 25,000 for central government. We have found 8,000 supplier to government that are UK companies so approx 0.2% of companies listed on Datalog supply to government.

The top companies supplying to UK government with the same SIC code () as ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED are:

Business Rates/Property Tax
No properties were found where ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED is liable for the business rates / property tax. This could be for a number of reasons.
  • The council hasnt published the data
  • We havent found or been able to process the councils data
  • The company is part of a group of companies and another company in the group is liable for business rates
  • The registered office may be a residential address which does not have a commercial designation. If the business is run from home then it won't be a commercial property and hence won't be liable for business rates.
  • Serviced offices are increasingly popular and therefore a business may not be paying business rates directly - the building owner is and this is incorporated in the office rental charge.
Foreign or State Registered Offices
Office Details
Premises Address Entity IDJurisdictionRegistration DateStatus
Ogier House, The Espilanade, St Helier, Jersey, Je4 9wg / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL / Fountain Court, 12 Bruntcliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG Mailing Address
Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL / Fountain Court, 12 Brunscliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG Mailing Address
Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Bilsdale Properties Limited, Fountain Court, 12 Bruntcliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG / Walker Morris Solicitors, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL Mailing Address
Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL / Fountain Court, 12 Bruntcliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG Mailing Address
12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL / Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Fountain Court, 12 Bruntcliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG Mailing Address
Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds / Fountain Court, 12 Bruntcliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG Mailing Address
Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL / Bilsdale Properties Limited, Fountain Court, 12 Bruntcliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG Mailing Address
44 The Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL / Bilsdale Properties Limited, Fountain Court, 12 Bruntcliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG Mailing Address
JERSEY / 44 The Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL Mailing Address
JERSEY / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL / 22 The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, Je4 9wg Mailing Address
JERSEY / Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL Mailing Address
JERSEY / 44 The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL Mailing Address
JERSEY / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL / Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG Mailing Address
JERSEY / Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds Mailing Address
JERSEY / Ogier House, The Espilanade, St Helier, Jersey, Je4 9wg / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL Mailing Address
JERSEY / Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Bilsdale Properties Limited, Fountain Court, 12 Bruntcliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG Mailing Address
JERSEY / 44 The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL Mailing Address
JERSEY / Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL Mailing Address
JERSEY / 44 The Esplanade, St Hellier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL Mailing Address
JERSEY / Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL Mailing Address
Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL / Fountain Court, 12 Bruntcliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG Mailing Address
Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL / Fountain Court, 12 Bruntcliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG Mailing Address
Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9WG / 12 King Street, Leeds LS1 2HL / Fountain Court, 12 Bruntscliffe Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0JG Mailing Address

Government Grants / Awards
Technology Strategy Board Awards
The Technology Strategy Board has not awarded ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED any grants or awards. Grants from the TSB are an indicator that the company is investing in new technologies or IPR
European Union CORDIS Awards
The European Union has not awarded ROSEDALE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED any grants or awards.
    We could not find any group structure information
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    Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us.
    Need more information?
    We offer bespoke investigations into companies. If you need more information about this company we can gather more information as directed by you. This may, for example, be a forensic investigation such as tracing hidden assets. The engagement is on a time and materials basis. We charge GBP £ 500 per day + VAT. Contact us with a description of what you're looking for and we will assess whether we can help.