Company Information for A & B REALTY LLC
Company Registration Number
Company Name | |
Legal Registered Office / Registered Agent | |
Company Number | USCA201315910035 | |
California company ID# | 201315910035 | |
Date formed | 2013-05-28 | |
Country | United States of America (USA) | |
Origin Country | United States of America (USA) | |
Type | ||
CompanyStatus | CANCELED | |
Lastest accounts | ||
Account next due | ||
Latest return | ||
Return next due | ||
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Jurisdiction | California Secretary of State |
Last Datalog update: | 2015-06-30 17:03:18 |
California Secretary of State |
If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help. Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us. |
Registered address | Last known status | Formation date | ||
A & B REALTY ASSOCIATES LLC | 120 NEW HYDE PARK RD. Nassau FRANKLIN SQUARE NY 11010 | Active | Company formed on the 1995-02-03 | |
A & B REALTY DEVELOPMENT, LLC | 521 ROUTE 111 Suffolk HAUPPAUGE NY 11788 | Active | Company formed on the 1997-04-15 | |
A & B REALTY, LLC | 9 LINDALE AVE. Oneida NEW HARTFORD NY 13413 | Active | Company formed on the 2007-06-08 | |
A & B REALTY OF NEW YORK LLC | 30 YALE DRIVE Rockland MONSEY NY 10952 | Active | Company formed on the 2004-01-16 | |
A & B Realty, LLC | 9699 Marmot Ridge Cir Littleton CO 80125 | Voluntarily Dissolved | Company formed on the 2005-05-31 | |
A & B REALTY INVESTORS, LLC | 830 N WOODSIDE DR CHANDLER AZ 85224 | Active | Company formed on the 2015-09-15 | |
A & B REALTY 18 INC | 186-11 UNION TURNPIKE Queens FRESH MEADOWS NY 113661733 | Active | Company formed on the 2016-05-24 | |
A & B Realty And Investment | 111 S Oxford Ave #3 Los Angeles CA 90004 | FTB Suspended | Company formed on the 1989-12-29 | |
A & B REALTY | Singapore | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2008-09-10 | |
A & B Realty Corporation | Delaware | Unknown | ||
A & B Realty & Associates | 2252 Crandall Dr San Diego CA 92111 | FTB Suspended | Company formed on the 2005-10-05 | |
A & B REALTY HOLDINGS #1 LLC | 9405 NORTH MIAMI AVENUE MIAMI SHORES FL 33150 | Active | Company formed on the 2008-11-20 | |
A & B REALTY, INC. | 2020 N.E. 163RD ST. NORTH MIAMI BEACH FL | Inactive | Company formed on the 1974-01-24 | |
A & B REALTY, INC. | 921 OSCEOLA DR, BOCA RATON FL 33432 | Active | Company formed on the 1986-02-05 | |
A & B REALTY CORP | FL | Inactive | Company formed on the 1950-06-21 | |
A & B REALTY INVESTMENTS INC | 13950 SW 56 LN MIAMI FL 33183 | Active | Company formed on the 2018-01-25 | |
A & B REALTY II CORP. | 97-50 QUEENS BLVD APT.C3 REGO PARK NY 11374 | Active | Company formed on the 2020-11-03 | |
A & B REALTY GROUP LLC. | 8819 BELLE GLEN DR HOUSTON TX 77099 | Forfeited | Company formed on the 2021-06-02 |
Sorry we do not have the filing history available yet. We do about 500,000 updates per day so the filing history should be available soon. US
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If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help. Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us. |