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Company Information for

Linear Technology Corporation

Company Registration Number

Company Overview

About Linear Technology Corporation
Linear Technology Corporation was founded on and has its registered office in Delaware. The organisation's status is listed as "Unknown". Linear Technology Corporation is a business registered in United States of America (USA) with State of Delaware Division of Corporations
Key Data
Company Name
Linear Technology Corporation
Legal Registered Office / Registered Agent
Filing Information
Company Number USDE3263108
Delaware company number# 3263108
Date formed 
Country United States of America (USA)
Origin Country United States of America (USA)
CompanyStatus Unknown
Lastest accounts 
Account next due 
Latest return 
Return next due 
Type of accounts 
401k Plan Filings 401k Plan Data  
IRS EIN:   942778785
Jurisdiction State of Delaware Division of Corporations
Last Datalog update: 2019-05-01 10:50:41
Primary Source:State of Delaware Division of Corporations
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If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help.
Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us.
Companies with same name Linear Technology Corporation
The following companies were found which have the same name as Linear Technology Corporation. These may be the same company in different jurisdictions
  Registered addressLast known statusFormation date
LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1630 MCCARTHY BLVD MILPITAS CA 95035 Dissolved Company formed on the 2002-04-03
LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 17 G W Tatro Dr Jeffersonville VT 05464 Active Company formed on the 2002-04-09
Linear Technology Corporation Maryland Unknown
Linear Technology Corporation Maryland Unknown
Corporation Filing History
State of Delaware Division of Corporations Filing History
This is a record of the public documents (corporate filing) lodged from State of Delaware Division of Corporations where the company has filed annual returns and other statutory filing documents. Examples of documents filed include: change of registered office, accounts filing, director/officer appointments & resignations, changes in share capital, shareholder members lists etc.

DateDocument TypeDocument Description
2021-04-12Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: COMMERCIAL STATEMENT OF CHANGE
2020-02-20Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: MERGER
2020-02-01Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ARDUEDATE
2019-03-28Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2019-02-01Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ARDUEDATE
2018-10-11Virginia Secretary of State: Principal address registered as: 1630 MCCARTHY BLVD MILPITAS CA 95035-0005
2018-10-05Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: TRANSFER OF REGISTRATION
2018-10-05Virginia Secretary of State: Principal address registered as: 1630 MCCARTHY BLVD MILPITAS CA 95035-0005
2018-10-04Florida DoS: WITHDRAWAL.
2018-06-30Virginia Secretary of State: Principal address registered as: 1630 MCCARTHY BLVD MILPITAS CA 95035-0005
2018-06-30Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Report filed for foreign entity
2018-03-28Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2018-02-27Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Assessment Payment
2018-02-01Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ARDUEDATE
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. LOTHAR MAIER no longer listed as company officer
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. RICHARD NICKSON no longer listed as company officer
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. DAVE QUARLES no longer listed as company officer
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. PAUL CHANTALAT no longer listed as company officer
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ERIK SOULE no longer listed as company officer
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ROBERT REAY no longer listed as company officer
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ALEXANDER MCCANN no longer listed as company officer
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ROBERT DOBKIN no longer listed as company officer
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. THOMAS VOLPE no longer listed as company officer
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. RICHARD MOLEY no longer listed as company officer
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. DAVID LEE no longer listed as company officer
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ARTHUR AGNOS no longer listed as company officer
2017-08-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. JOHN GORDON no longer listed as company officer
2017-06-30Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Report filed for foreign entity
2017-06-07Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: Statement of Change
2017-03-29Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. LOTHAR MAIER declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. RICHARD NICKSON declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. DAVE QUARLES declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. PAUL CHANTALAT declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ERIK SOULE declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ROBERT REAY declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ALEXANDER MCCANN declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. DONALD ZERIO declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ROBERT DOBKIN declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ROBERT SWANSON declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. THOMAS VOLPE declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. RICHARD MOLEY declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. DAVID LEE declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ARTHUR AGNOS declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. JOHN GORDON declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. WILLIAN MARTIN declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. EILLEN M WYNNE declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. STEVE PIETKIEWICZ declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. RICK HESS declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. KEVN LANOUETTE declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. JASON FIORILLO declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. EILLEN WYNNE declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity ID 602193846 change of registered office from CT CORPORATION SYSTEM,505 UNION AVE SE STE 120,OLYMPIA to C T CORPORATION SYSTEM, 711 CAPITOL WAY S STE 204,OLYMPIA
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. DON PAULUS declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ALI HUSAIN declared in company officer role of Governor
2016-06-27Washington DoS Entity 602193846. PAUL COGHLAN no longer listed as company officer
2016-04-28Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: Statement of Change
2016-04-13Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Assessment Payment
2016-04-13Virginia Secretary of State: Principal address registered as: 1630 MCCARTHY BLVD MILPITAS CA 95035-0005
2016-04-05Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2015-12-03Washington DoS Entity 602193846. DONALD ZERIO no longer listed as company officer
2015-12-03Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ROBERT SWANSON no longer listed as company officer
2015-12-03Washington DoS Entity 602193846. PAUL COGHLAN declared in company officer role of Vice President
2015-12-03Washington DoS Entity 602193846. WILLIAN MARTIN no longer listed as company officer
2015-12-03Washington DoS Entity 602193846. EILLEN M WYNNE no longer listed as company officer
2015-12-03Washington DoS Entity 602193846. STEVE PIETKIEWICZ no longer listed as company officer
2015-12-03Washington DoS Entity 602193846. RICK HESS no longer listed as company officer
2015-12-03Washington DoS Entity 602193846. KEVN LANOUETTE no longer listed as company officer
2015-12-03Washington DoS Entity 602193846. JASON FIORILLO no longer listed as company officer
2015-12-03Washington DoS Entity 602193846. EILLEN WYNNE no longer listed as company officer
2015-12-03Washington DoS Entity 602193846. ALI HUSAIN no longer listed as company officer
2015-03-13Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2015-02-25Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2014-08-29Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: Statement of Change
2014-02-18Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2014-01-10Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2013-10-04Virginia Secretary of State: Agent address registered as: CT CORPORATION SYSTEM 4701 COX ROAD, SUITE 285, , GLEN ALLEN, VA, 23060. Agent Type: B.E. AUTH IN VIRGINIA
2013-10-04Virginia Secretary of State: Agent address registered as: C T CORPORATION SYSTEM 4701 Cox Rd Ste 285, , Glen Allen, VA, 23060-6808. Agent Type: B.E. AUTH IN VIRGINIA
2013-02-15Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2013-01-14Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2012-03-06Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2011-02-18Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2010-04-27Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2009-03-11Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2008-03-11Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2007-03-09Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2006-03-15Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2005-03-28Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2004-03-17Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2003-03-21Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: ANNUAL REPORT
2002-05-20Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: Initial Report
2002-04-09Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Foreign entity registration in jurisdiction
2002-03-29Washington DoS Entity 602193846. State registration of Foreign entity
2002-03-29Washington DoS Foreign entity 602193846: FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT
Industry Information
541519 - Other Computer Related Services

Licences & Regulatory approval
We could not find any licences issued to Linear Technology Corporation or authorisation from an industry specific regulator to operate. These may not be required.
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Legal Notices
No legal notices or events such as winding-up orders or proposals to strike-off have been issued
Fines / Sanctions
No fines or sanctions have been issued against Linear Technology Corporation
Legal Events
Court Hearings
CourtJudgeDateCase NumberCase Title
District of Delaware 2018-12-10 to 2019-01-03 1:06-cv-00476 Linear Technology Corporation v. Monolithic Power Systems Inc.
2019-01-03Acknowledgment of Receipt (court notes)
2019-01-03Acknowledgment of Receipt (court notes)
2018-12-13Acknowledgment of Receipt (court notes)
2018-12-10Letter (court notes)
District Court of Delaware 2016-08-20 to 2016-08-20 1:06-cv-00476-GMS Linear Technology Corporation v. Monolithic Power Systems Inc.
2016-08-20(Court notes)
District Court of Delaware 2016-08-20 to 2016-08-20 1:11-cv-01074 Signal Tech LLC v. Linear Technology Corporation
2016-08-20(Court notes)
District of Delaware 2015-12-30 to 2017-01-23 1:14-cv-01091 In-Depth Test LLC v. Linear Technology Corporation
2017-01-23(Court notes)
2016-04-14Letter (court notes)
2016-03-31Notice re Attorney Appearance - Requesting Removal of Co-Counsel (court notes)
2016-02-16Notice re Attorney Appearance - Requesting Removal of Co-Counsel (court notes)
2016-01-04SO ORDERED
2015-12-30Appear Pro Hac Vice (court notes)
2015-12-30Notice re Attorney Appearance - Requesting Removal of Co-Counsel (court notes)
Intangible Assets
We have not found any records of Linear Technology Corporation registering or being granted any patents
Domain Names
We do not have the domain name information for Linear Technology Corporation

Trademark assignments to Linear Technology Corporation

DateTrademark IDReg Mark IDAssigned fromLocationReason
WIPOWIPO892784Dust Networks, Inc.
WIPOWIPO900607Dust Networks, Inc.

Trademark applications by Linear Technology Corporation

Linear Technology Corporation is the 1st New Owner entered after registration for the trademark DUST NETWORKS ™ (WIPO892784) through the WIPO on the 2006-06-30
Wireless mesh networks comprised of numerous small wireless monitoring units configured to act together as a wireless local area network and each unit being comprised of a microprocessor, computer memory, a battery and a transceiver.
Réseaux maillés sans fil composés de nombreuses petites unités de contrôle sans fil configurées de manière à ce que l'ensemble fonctionne en un réseau local sans fil, chaque unité étant composée d'un microprocesseur, d'une mémoire informatique, d'une batterie et d'un émetteur-récepteur.
Redes inalámbricas malladas que se componen de varias pequeñas unidades de control inalámbricas configuradas para actuar conjuntamente como una red inalámbrica de área local, y cada unidad comprende un microprocesador, una memoria para ordenador, una batería y un transceptor.
Linear Technology Corporation is the 1st New Owner entered after registration for the trademark Dust ™ (WIPO900607) through the WIPO on the 2006-07-05
Wireless mesh networks comprised of numerous small wireless monitoring units configured to act together as a wireless local area network and each unit being comprised of a microprocessor, computer memory, a battery and a transceiver, said mesh networks being for use in remotely monitoring offices, buildings, industrial equipment and dangerous environments.
Réseaux maillés sans fil composés de nombreuses petites unités de commande sans fil configurées pour servir ainsi de réseau local sans fil et chaque unité étant composée d'un microprocesseur, d'une mémoire pour ordinateur, d'une batterie et d'un transcepteur, dits réseaux maillés destinés à être utilisés dans des équipements industriels et environnements dangereux, bâtiments et bureaux de commande à distance.
Redes de malla inalámbricas compuestas por diversas unidades inalámbricas de monitorización de pequeño tamaño configuradas para actuar de conjunto como una red de área local inalámbrica; cada unidad está constituida por un microprocesador, memoria informática, una batería y un transceptor; dichas redes de malla son para utilizar en agencias de vigilancia a distancia, edificios, equipos industriales y entornos peligrosos.
Government Income
We have not found government income sources for Linear Technology Corporation. This could be because the transaction value was below £ 500 with local government or below £ 25,000 for central government. We have found 8,000 supplier to government that are UK companies so approx 0.2% of companies listed on Datalog supply to government.

The top companies supplying to UK government with the same SIC code (541519 - Other Computer Related Services) as Linear Technology Corporation are:

Business Rates/Property Tax
No properties were found where Linear Technology Corporation is liable for the business rates / property tax. This could be for a number of reasons.
  • The council hasnt published the data
  • We havent found or been able to process the councils data
  • The company is part of a group of companies and another company in the group is liable for business rates
  • The registered office may be a residential address which does not have a commercial designation. If the business is run from home then it won't be a commercial property and hence won't be liable for business rates.
  • Serviced offices are increasingly popular and therefore a business may not be paying business rates directly - the building owner is and this is incorporated in the office rental charge.
Foreign or State Registered Offices
Office Details
Premises Address Entity IDJurisdictionRegistration DateStatus
4701 COX ROAD, SUITE 285 GLEN ALLEN VA 23060 F146162 Virginia State Corporation Commission 2001-02-27 ACTIVE
C T CORPORATION SYSTEM OLYMPIA WA 98501 602193846 Washington Department of State 2002-03-29 Active
C T CORPORATION SYSTEM PLANTATION FL United States Of America (USA) 33324 F02000001523 Florida Department of State Division of Corporations 2002-03-27 Active
CT CORPORATION SYSTEM Jeffersonville 05464 73945 / F23880 Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division 2002-04-09 Active

Government Grants / Awards
Technology Strategy Board Awards
The Technology Strategy Board has not awarded Linear Technology Corporation any grants or awards. Grants from the TSB are an indicator that the company is investing in new technologies or IPR
European Union CORDIS Awards
The European Union has not awarded Linear Technology Corporation any grants or awards.
    We could not find any group structure information
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