Company Information for SPARTAN MARKETING LLC
Company Registration Number
Company Name | |
Legal Registered Office / Registered Agent | |
Michigan | |
Company Number | USMIE47993 | |
Michigan SoS number# | M47993 | |
Date formed | ||
Country | United States of America (USA) | |
Origin Country | United States of America (USA) | |
Type | ||
CompanyStatus | UNKNOWN | |
Lastest accounts | ||
Account next due | ||
Latest return | ||
Return next due | ||
Type of accounts | ||
Jurisdiction | Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs |
Last Datalog update: | 2019-03-25 08:25:47 |
Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs |
If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help. Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us. |
Registered address | Last known status | Formation date | ||
SPARTAN MARKETING LIMITED | SUITE 404 ALBANY HOUSE 324-326 REGENT STREET 324-326 REGENT STREET LONDON W1B 3HH | Dissolved | Company formed on the 1999-03-08 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING CANADA LTD. | 100 KING ST W SUITE 6600 TORONTO Ontario M5X1B8 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 1985-03-14 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING GROUP LIMITED | 32 MERRION STREET UPPER DUBLIN 2 IRELAND D02KW80 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2012-08-13 | |
Spartan Marketing Group, LLC | 3006 E Goldstone Dr Ste 216 Meridan ID 83642 | Inactive - Administratively Dissolved (Tax) | Company formed on the 2012-07-19 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING INC | 7420 BLANCO RD STE 120 SAN ANTONIO Texas 78216 | FRANCHISE TAX INVOLUNTARILY ENDED | Company formed on the 2013-08-08 | |
Spartan Marketing, LLC | 1875 Presidential Heights #1127 Colorado Springs CO 80905 | Delinquent | Company formed on the 2012-10-02 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING ALBERTA LTD. | 74 HAVENHURST CRES SW CALGARY ALBERTA T2V 3C5 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2008-02-08 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING, LLC | 220 W. 13TH STREET - DOVER OH 44622 | Active | Company formed on the 2012-03-26 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING SERVICES, LLC | 351 SHADYDALE DR. - CANFIELD OH 44406 | Active | Company formed on the 2008-02-06 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING PRIVATE LIMITED | GH-697 DEENDAYAL NAGAR GATE NO. 2 GWALIOR Madhya Pradesh 474020 | ACTIVE | Company formed on the 2010-01-07 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING SERVICES | JALAN PELIKAT Singapore | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2008-09-10 | |
Spartan Marketing International, Inc. | Saint John New Brunswick | Active | Company formed on the 2016-04-07 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING LLC | 64 PINE KNOLL LANE SANTA ROSA BEACH FL 32459 | Inactive | Company formed on the 2008-12-04 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING CORP | 7200 NW 19TH STREET MIAMI FL 33126 | Inactive | Company formed on the 2014-02-14 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING & CONSULTING LLC | 1840 SW 22ND ST. MIAMI FL 33145 | Inactive | Company formed on the 2007-01-22 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING GROUP, INC | 1201 HAYS STREET TALLAHASSEE FL 32301 | Inactive | Company formed on the 2006-07-13 | |
SPARTAN MARKETING GROUP, LLC | 40349 US HGWY 19 NORTH TARPON SPRINGS FL 34689 | Active | Company formed on the 2018-03-29 | |
Sorry we do not have the filing history available yet. We do about 500,000 updates per day so the filing history should be available soon. US
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If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help. Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us. |