Company Information for GROUP WEST LLC
LAS VEGAS, NV, 89104,
Company Registration Number
Domestic Limited-Liability Company
Dissolved |
Company Name | |
Legal Registered Office / Registered Agent | |
Company Number | USNV20071456177 | |
Nevada DoS ID# | 20071456177 | |
Date formed | 2007-03-30 | |
Country | United States of America (USA) | |
Origin Country | United States of America (USA) | |
Type | Domestic Limited-Liability Company | |
CompanyStatus | Dissolved | |
Lastest accounts | ||
Account next due | ||
Latest return | ||
Return next due | ||
Type of accounts | ||
401k Plan Filings | 401k Plan Data | |
IRS EIN: | 208762879 | |
Jurisdiction | Nevada Department of State |
Last Datalog update: | 2016-07-03 00:43:20 |
Nevada Department of State |
If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help. Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us. |
Registered address | Last known status | Formation date | ||
GROUP WEST LLC | 120 SW CROWELL WAY STE 310 BEND OR 97702 | Active | Company formed on the 2008-01-11 | |
GROUP WEST DEVELOPMENT, INC. | 9859 REDMOND WOODINVILLE RD PO BOX 428 REDMOND WA 980730428 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 1987-03-16 | |
GROUP WEST ASSOCIATES, LLC | 3601 FREMONT AVE N STE 314 SEATTLE WA 981038753 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2000-09-26 | |
GROUP WEST COMPANIES, LLC | 4110 42ND AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98105 | Inactive | Company formed on the 2001-12-11 | |
GROUP WEST DESIGN, LLC | 2121 5TH AVENUE SEATTLE WA 981212510 | Inactive | Company formed on the 2001-12-11 | |
GROUP WEST OWNER'S REPRESENTATION, LLC | 4110 42ND AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98105 | Inactive | Company formed on the 2002-02-14 | |
GROUP WEST DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES, LLC | 4110 42ND AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98105 | Inactive | Company formed on the 2002-02-14 | |
GROUP WEST OWNER'S REPRESENTATION, LLP | 1910 FAIRVIEW AVE E STE 500 SEATTLE WA 981020000 | Delinquent | Company formed on the 2002-06-19 | |
GROUP WEST COMPANIES, LLP | 4110 42ND AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98105 | Inactive | Company formed on the 2002-06-19 | |
GROUP WEST DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES, LLP | 4110 42ND AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98105 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2002-06-19 | |
GROUP WEST DESIGN, LLP | 4110 42ND AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98105 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2002-07-31 | |
GROUP WEST DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES LLC | 3601 FREMONT AVE N STE 314 SEATTLE WA 981038753 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2003-11-21 | |
GROUP WEST COMPANIES PLLC | 320 W GALER ST STE 204 SEATTLE WA 981193065 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2004-03-02 | |
GROUP WEST INTERIOR DESIGN LLC | 3601 FREMONT AVE N STE 314 SEATTLE WA 981038753 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2004-06-28 | |
GROUP WEST ARCHITECTS PLLC | 3601 FREMONT AVE N STE 314 SEATTLE WA 981030000 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2004-07-19 | |
GROUP WEST CONSULTING SERVICES LLC | 3601 FREMONT AVE N STE 314 SEATTLE WA 981038753 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2005-01-01 | |
GROUP WEST HYDROPONIC GROWERS LLC | 3601 FREMONT AVE N STE 314 SEATTLE WA 981038753 | Dissolved | Company formed on the 2010-12-23 | |
GROUP WEST ONE, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY | 3375 SOUTH ALDEBARAN AVENUE LAS VEGAS NV 89102 | Permanently Revoked | Company formed on the 1995-04-26 | |
GROUP WEST, INC. | 9120 DOUBLE DIAMOND PKWY RENO NV 89521 | Permanently Revoked | Company formed on the 1998-08-27 |
Date | Document Type | Document Description |
Dissolution | ||
Annual List | ||
Annual List | ||
Annual List | 2013/2014 | |
Annual List | ||
Annual List | ||
Annual List | ||
Annual List | ||
Annual List | 08-09 | |
Initial List | ||
Articles of Organization |
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If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help. Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us. |