Company Information for 100 COOPER PROPERTY LLC
152 WEST 157TH STREET, Suffolk, NEW YORK, NY, 10019,
Company Registration Number
Active |
Company Name | |
Legal Registered Office / Registered Agent | |
152 WEST 157TH STREET Suffolk NEW YORK NY 10019 | |
Company Number | USNY2655541 | |
New York DoS ID# | 2655541 | |
Date formed | 2001-06-28 | |
Country | United States of America (USA) | |
Origin Country | United States of America (USA) | |
CompanyStatus | Active | |
Lastest accounts | ||
Account next due | ||
Latest return | ||
Return next due | ||
Type of accounts | ||
Jurisdiction | New York Department of State |
Last Datalog update: | 2022-05-03 05:04:38 |
New York Department of State |
If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help. Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us. |
Sorry we do not have the filing history available yet. We do about 500,000 updates per day so the filing history should be available soon. US
Issuing organisation | Licence Type | Licence Number | Status | Issue date | Expiry date | |
New York City SANITATION RECYCLING | Violation | 0126593327 | 2001-12-15 | Violation: AS06 DIRTY SIDEWALK/DIRTY AREA. Location: 100 COOPER STREET MANHATTAN. Infraction penalty: $50.00. Paid: $50.00. Status: | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 0130304112 | 2002-07-17 | Violation: AS18 STORAGE OF RECEPTACLES. Location: 100 COOPER NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $50.00. Paid: $100.00. Status: | ||
New York City SANITATION RECYCLING | Violation | 0128917984 | 2002-09-14 | Violation: AR03 FAILURE TO POST NOTICES/INFORM ABOUT RECYCLING(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER STREET MANHATTAN. Infraction penalty: $25.00. Paid: $25.00. Status: | ||
New York City SANITATION OTHERS | Violation | 0129788039 | 2002-10-13 | Violation: AS16 IMPROPER DISPOSAL 1ST OFFENSE. Location: 100 COOPER STREET MANHATTAN. Infraction penalty: $50.00. Paid: $50.00. Status: | ||
New York City SANITATION OTHERS | Violation | 0132723700 | 2003-03-11 | Violation: AS16 IMPROPER DISPOSAL 1ST OFFENSE. Location: 100 COOPER STREET MANHATTAN. Infraction penalty: $50.00. Paid: $85.00. Status: | ||
New York City SANITATION OTHERS | Violation | 0130898983 | 2003-03-15 | Violation: AS16 IMPROPER DISPOSAL 1ST OFFENSE. Location: 100 COOPER STREET MANHATTAN. Infraction penalty: $50.00. Paid: $85.00. Status: | ||
New York City SANITATION OTHERS | Violation | 0130914704 | 2003-03-18 | Violation: AS16 IMPROPER DISPOSAL 1ST OFFENSE. Location: 100 COOPER STREET MANHATTAN. Infraction penalty: $50.00. Paid: $85.00. Status: | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 0135916707 | 2003-05-01 | Violation: AS16 IMPROPER DISPOSAL 1ST OFFENSE. Location: 100 COOPER STREET MANHATTAN. Infraction penalty: $50.00. Paid: $50.00. Status: | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 0135902609 | 2003-05-03 | Violation: AS26 FAILURE TO CLEAN 18 INCHES INTO STREET. Location: 100 COOPER STREET MANHATTAN. Infraction penalty: $50.00. Paid: $50.00. Status: | ||
New York City SANITATION OTHERS | Violation | 0142285413 | 2004-09-16 | Violation: AR11 RECYCLABLES PLACED FOR COLLECTION WITH NON-RECYC(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER STREET MANHATTAN. Infraction penalty: $25.00. Paid: $25.00. Status: | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 0148103120 | 2005-05-25 | Violation: AS26 FAILURE TO CLEAN 18 INCHES INTO STREET. Location: 100 COOPER STREET MANHATTAN. Infraction penalty: $100.00. Paid: $300.00. Status: | ||
New York City Environmental Control Board | Violation | 32046965Z | 2005-08-19 | Violation Type: Boilers Severity: Non-Hazardous Description: 50A 32 50A) CLEAN OIL SPILL IN BOILER ROOM AREA. 32A) EXPOSED WIRES ONJUNCTION BOXES AND ON CONTROLS. - 27-127 FAILURE TO MAINTAIN BOILER (A) Penalty imposed: USD$ 35000 Penalty paid: USD$ 35000 | ||
New York City DEPT. OF BUILDINGS | Violation | 032046965Z | 2005-08-19 | Violation: BB4A FAILURE TO MAINTAIN BOILER (A).. Location: 100 COOPER STREET NY. Infraction penalty: $350.00. Paid: $350.00. Status: Compliance Due | ||
New York City SANITATION OTHERS | Violation | 0140354758 | 2006-07-20 | Violation: AR11 RECYCLABLES PLACED FOR COLLECTION WITH NON-RECYC(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $25.00. Paid: $33.00. Status: | ||
New York City SANITATION RECYCLING | Violation | 0154182151 | 2006-08-26 | Violation: AS26 FAILURE TO CLEAN 18 INCHES INTO STREET. Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $100.00. Paid: $395.00. Status: | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 040295652P | 2009-01-27 | Violation: AR11 RECYCLABLES PLACED FOR COLLECTION WITH NON-RECYC(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $25.00. Paid: $25.00. Status: | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 040064941N | 2009-03-21 | Violation: AS06 DIRTY SIDEWALK/DIRTY AREA. Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $100.00. Paid: $100.00. Status: | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 042943553P | 2009-06-20 | Violation: AR09 FAILURE TO PROPERLY PUT RECYCS OUT FOR COLLECTION(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $25.00. Paid: $25.00. Status: | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 040338332N | 2009-11-28 | Violation: AR10 NON-RECYCLABLES IN RECYC. CONTAINER FOR COLLECTION(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $25.00. Paid: $25.00. Status: | ||
New York City Environmental Control Board | Violation | 34851954H | 2010-07-07 | Violation Type: Construction Severity: Unknown Description: WORK W/O A PERMIT WORK NOTED REMOVAL OF SECTIONS OF FRONT PARAPET W/O A PERMIT AND W/O A SIDEWALK SHED TO PROTECT PUBLIC BELOW REM: STOP ALLWORK AT FRONT MAKE SITE SAFE W/ A FLAGMAN BELOW OBTAIN PERMIT CONTACT - 28-105.1 WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT Penalty imposed: USD$ 160000 Penalty paid: USD$ 160000 | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 043570720K | 2011-06-25 | Violation: AR09 FAILURE TO PROPERLY PUT RECYCS OUT FOR COLLECTION(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $100.00. Paid: . Status: Penalty Due | ||
New York City Environmental Control Board | Violation | 34835681L | 2011-06-28 | Violation Type: Construction Severity: Unknown Description: WORK W/O A PERMIT.NOTE: BASEMENT LEVEL CREATING A LAUNDRY ROOM W/PARTITION WALL & DOOR.(2)APPROX. 20' GAS PIPING & BLACK PIPING INSTALLED READY FOR HOOK UP.APPROX 95% OF PLUMBING WORK DONE.(3)NEW ELECTRICAL WOR - 28-105.1 WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT Penalty imposed: USD$ 160000 Penalty paid: USD$ 160000 | ||
New York City Environmental Control Board | Violation | 34835682N | 2011-06-28 | Violation Type: Unknown Severity: Unknown Description: OCCUPANCY CONTRARY TO THAT ALLOWED BY THE C/O OR BLDG DEPT. RECORDS.NOTED:C/O#16960 STATES THAT CELLAR IS FOR STORAGE & BOILER ROOM. @ TIMEOF INSPEC. CELLAR WAS BEING CREATED FOR A LAUNDRY ROOM SET UP.NO JOB F - 28-105.1 WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT Penalty imposed: USD$ 50000 Penalty paid: USD$ 50000 | ||
New York City Environmental Control Board | Violation | 34835683P | 2011-06-28 | Violation Type: Construction Severity: Unknown Description: UNLAWFULLY CONTINUED WORK WHILE ON NOTICE OF A STOP WORK ORDER:NOTE A FULL SWO ISSUED TO PROPERTY ON 7/7/2010 #1284768. NO PAPER OR DISP ON SYSTEM STATING THAT A FULL RESCIND HAS BEEN ISSUED TO LIFT SWO.(2)NEW - 28-207.2.2 UNLAWFULLY CONTINUED WORK WHILE NOTICE OF A STOP WORK ORDER Penalty imposed: USD$ 480000 Penalty paid: USD$ 480000 | ||
New York City DEPT. OF BUILDINGS | Violation | 034835681L | 2011-06-28 | Violation: 1 -D142 2 FAMILY B101 WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT. Location: 100 COOPER STREET NY. Infraction penalty: $1600.00. Paid: $1600.00. Status: | ||
New York City DEPT. OF BUILDINGS | Violation | 034835683P | 2011-06-28 | Violation: 1 -D142 2 FAMILY B112 UNLAWFULLY CONTINUED WORK WHILE ON NOTICE OF A STOP WORK ORDER. Location: 100 COOPER STREET NY. Infraction penalty: $4800.00. Paid: $4800.00. Status: | ||
New York City DEPT. OF BUILDINGS | Violation | 034835682N | 2011-06-28 | Violation: MULTIPLE DWELLING B201 WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT. Location: 100 COOPER STREET NY. Infraction penalty: $800.00. Paid: $500.00. Status: Compliance Due | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 043391822H | 2012-02-02 | Violation: AR11 RECYCLABLES PLACED FOR COLLECTION WITH NON-RECYC(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $100.00. Paid: $100.00. Status: | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 043610653N | 2012-03-03 | Violation: AR20 FAILURE TO PROPERLY PUT RECYCLS OUT FOR COLLECTION(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $200.00. Paid: . Status: Penalty Due | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 043670033R | 2012-05-12 | Violation: AR10 NON-RECYCLABLES IN RECYC. CONTAINER FOR COLLECTION(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $100.00. Paid: $100.00. Status: | ||
New York City PCS - DOHMH | Violation | 0800236169 | 2012-06-07 | Violation: AH3N FAIL TO ELIMINATE RODENT INFESTATION SHOWN BY ACTIVE RODENT SIGNS 1ST. Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $300.00. Paid: $330.00. Status: | ||
New York City SANITATION OTHERS | Violation | 0175744425 | 2013-02-05 | Violation: AR11 RECYCLABLES PLACED FOR COLLECTION WITH NON-RECYC(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $100.00. Paid: . Status: Penalty Due | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 040159403H | 2013-03-05 | Violation: AR11 RECYCLABLES PLACED FOR COLLECTION WITH NON-RECYC(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $100.00. Paid: $100.00. Status: | ||
New York City DOS - ENFORCEMENT AGENTS | Violation | 043581746M | 2013-03-19 | Violation: AR11 RECYCLABLES PLACED FOR COLLECTION WITH NON-RECYC(9+ DWELLING UNITS). Location: 100 COOPER STREET NEW YORK. Infraction penalty: $100.00. Paid: $100.00. Status: | ||
New York City Environmental Control Board | Violation | 35203832K | 2016-11-10 | Violation Type: Construction Severity: Unknown Description: WORK W/O A PERMIT. AT THE TIME OF MY INSPECTION AT 11:30AM AT ABOVE ADDRESS AND DATE I OBSERVED IN THE CELLAR NEW GAS VALVES INSTALLED ON GAS PIPING, ALSO IN APT 3C NEW GAS VALVE INSTALLED BEHIND GAS STOVE - 28-105.1 WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT Penalty imposed: USD$ .00 Penalty paid: USD$ .00 |
Jurisdiction | Claim | Date | Legal Rep |
New York City | Article 7 Real Property Tax Petition | 2007-00-00 | PODELL ROTHMAN |
New York City | Article 7 Real Property Tax Petition | 2008-00-00 | PODELL ROTHMAN |
New York City | Article 7 Real Property Tax Petition | 2009-00-00 | PODELL ROTHMAN |
New York City | Article 7 Real Property Tax Petition | 2010-00-00 | PODELL ROTHMAN |
New York City | Article 7 Real Property Tax Petition | 2011-00-00 | PODELL ROTHMAN |
New York City | Article 7 Real Property Tax Petition | 2012-00-00 | PODELL ROTHMAN |
New York City | Article 7 Real Property Tax Petition | 2013-00-00 | PODELL ROTHMAN |
New York City | Article 7 Real Property Tax Petition | 2014-00-00 | PODELL ROTHMAN |
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If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help. Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us. |