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UK Limited Companies
This is a list of UK companies on the Companies House Register based in postcode area MK18. Sole trader are not listed here.

The postal code MK18 covers the following areas:

Addington, Adstock, Akeley, Barton Hartshorn, Botolph Claydon, Buckingham, Calvert, Chackmore, Chetwode, Dadford, Dunton, East Claydon, Finmere, Gawcott, Granborough, Hillesden, Hoggeston, Leckhampstead, Lillingstone Dayrell, Lillingstone Lovell,

Company NameRegistered Office LocationSummary of Business
10TWENTY2 LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 10TWENTY2 was formed 21 years ago. Its business classification is 'Information technology consultancy activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
1ST CHOICE GAS SERVICES LIMITED BUCKS, 1ST CHOICE GAS SERVICES was formed 24 years ago. Its business classification is 'business support service activities '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
1ST CLEAN LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 1ST CLEAN was formed 11 years ago. The company did not declare the nature of its business prior to the business closing. 1ST CLEAN was dissolved on the 2015-01-06 and the company has ceased trading.
2B HR LIMITED SALTBURN-BY-THE-SEA, CLEVELAND 2B HR was formed 22 years ago. Its business classification is 'Management consultancy activities other than financial management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
2C2 LIMITED LEIGHTON BUZZARD, 2C2 was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Management consultancy activities other than financial management'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
32HEX LTD BUCKINGHAM, 32HEX was formed 13 years ago. Its business classification is 'business support service activities '. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
ULTRAMED HEALTHCARE LIMITED GAWCOTT, BUCKINGHAM ULTRAMED HEALTHCARE was formed 12 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Dormant Company'. ULTRAMED HEALTHCARE was dissolved on the 2017-03-14 and the company has ceased trading.
360 MARKETING LIMITED BUCKS, 360 MARKETING was formed 24 years ago. Its business classification is 'holiday and other collective accommodation'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
3D DESIGN ASSOCIATES LTD TOWCESTER, NORTHANTS 3D DESIGN ASSOCIATES was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Dormant Company'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
3D INITIATIVE LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 3D INITIATIVE was formed 15 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Dormant Company'. 3D INITIATIVE was dissolved on the 2014-07-15 and the company has ceased trading.
3GB LIMITED BUCKS, 3GB was formed 21 years ago. Its business classification is 'Construction of other civil engineering projects '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
4 REDCLIFFE STREET FREEHOLD LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, 4 REDCLIFFE STREET FREEHOLD was formed 13 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. Its business classification is 'letting and operating of own or leased real estate'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
4B MARTINVEST LIMITED WINSLOW, BUCKINGHAM 4B MARTINVEST was formed 42 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'software consultancy and supply'. 4B MARTINVEST was dissolved on the 2013-12-19 and the company has ceased trading.
4D SOLUTIONS LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, 4D SOLUTIONS was formed 20 years ago. Its business classification is 'information technology service activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
4D STORAGE SOLUTIONS LTD BUCKINGHAM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 4D STORAGE SOLUTIONS was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'business support service activities '. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
5TH POSITION LTD BRACKLEY, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE 5TH POSITION was formed 13 years ago. Its business classification is 'Management consultancy activities other than financial management'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
7ABLE LIMITED GRENDON UNDERWOOD, 7ABLE was formed 15 years ago. Its business classification is 'Business and domestic software development'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
96-98 HIGH STREET WINSLOW FLAT MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED DAVENTRY, 96-98 HIGH STREET WINSLOW FLAT MANAGEMENT COMPANY was formed 23 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A & AP SERVICES LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, BUCKS A & AP SERVICES was formed 11 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'information service activities not elsewhere classified'. A & AP SERVICES was dissolved on the 2016-12-20 and the company has ceased trading.
A ABASS LTD BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, ENGLAND A ABASS was formed 13 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Dormant Company'. A ABASS was dissolved on the 2014-08-19 and the company has ceased trading.
A BUCKLAND & SONS LTD BUCKINGHAM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE A BUCKLAND & SONS was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Wholesale of waste and scrap'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A CULTURAL ODYSSEY LTD BUCKINGHAM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE A CULTURAL ODYSSEY was formed 21 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Management consultancy activities other than financial management'. A CULTURAL ODYSSEY was dissolved on the 2017-05-23 and the company has ceased trading.
A J GAZZEL CONSULTING LIMITED MAIN STREET GAWCOTT, BUCKINGHAM A J GAZZEL CONSULTING was formed 13 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'business support service activities not elsewhere classified'. A J GAZZEL CONSULTING was dissolved on the 2014-11-04 and the company has ceased trading.
A J SPITTLES LTD EAST CLAYDON, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE A J SPITTLES was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Architectural activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A LITTLE BIT OF VINTAGE LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM A LITTLE BIT OF VINTAGE was formed 12 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Retail sale of other second-hand goods in stores (not incl. antiques)'. A LITTLE BIT OF VINTAGE was dissolved on the 2015-07-07 and the company has ceased trading.
A M CATER LANDSCAPING LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, A M CATER LANDSCAPING was formed 27 years ago. Its business classification is 'Landscape service activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A P TECHWORKS LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE A P TECHWORKS was formed 15 years ago. Its business classification is 'Construction of other civil engineering projects '. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
A TO B TRAVEL LIMITED WINSLOW, BUCKINGHAM A TO B TRAVEL was formed 29 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Taxi operation'. A TO B TRAVEL was dissolved on the 2014-08-01 and the company has ceased trading.
A WORD IN EDGEWAYS LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP WINSLOW, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE A WORD IN EDGEWAYS LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP was formed 21 years ago. The company has not yet declared the nature of its business and set a SIC code. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A&B MERCHANDISING LIMITED Buckingham, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE A&B MERCHANDISING was formed 25 years ago. Its business classification is 'Manufacture of other wearing apparel and accessories '. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
A.B.M. ENGINEERING LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE A.B.M. ENGINEERING was formed 27 years ago. Its business classification is 'engineering activities'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
A.J.J ENTERPRISES LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, BUCKS A.J.J ENTERPRISES was formed 13 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet'. A.J.J ENTERPRISES was dissolved on the 2014-06-24 and the company has ceased trading.
A1 LOCUMS LIMITED BRACKLEY, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE A1 LOCUMS was formed 20 years ago. Its business classification is 'Temporary employment agency activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
AA ROBOTICS LIMITED AYLESBURY, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE AA ROBOTICS was formed 17 years ago. Its business classification is 'Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
AA SERCO LTD Buckingham, BUCKS AA SERCO was formed 14 years ago. Its business classification is 'Dormant Company'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
AAAZ LIMITED Winslow, BUCKINGHAM AAAZ was formed 13 years ago. Its business classification is 'Non-specialised wholesale trade'. The company is no longer trading and is being liquidated.
AARANYA PUBLISHERS LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, BUCKS AARANYA PUBLISHERS was formed 14 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'publishing activities'. AARANYA PUBLISHERS was dissolved on the 2016-08-23 and the company has ceased trading.
AB DESIGN SOLUTIONS LTD AYNHO, OXFORDSHIRE AB DESIGN SOLUTIONS was formed 18 years ago. Its business classification is 'Architectural activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
AB TECHNICAL SERVICES LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, AB TECHNICAL SERVICES was formed 20 years ago. Its business classification is 'Electrical installation'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
AJPB LTD TOWCESTER, AJPB was formed 18 years ago. Its business classification is 'letting and operating of own or leased real estate'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ABBOTT MACHINERY LIMITED MILTON KEYNES, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE ABBOTT MACHINERY was formed 11 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Construction of other civil engineering projects not elsewhere classified'. ABBOTT MACHINERY was dissolved on the 2016-12-20 and the company has ceased trading.
ABBOTTS VALE MANAGEMENT LIMITED NORTHAMPTON, ABBOTTS VALE MANAGEMENT was formed 29 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ABCORP CONSULTANCY LTD BUCKINGHAM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE ABCORP CONSULTANCY was formed 11 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Dormant Company'. ABCORP CONSULTANCY was dissolved on the 2016-12-13 and the company has ceased trading.
ABINGTON SUPERMARKETS LIMITED WELLINGBOROUGH, ABINGTON SUPERMARKETS was formed 20 years ago. Its business classification is 'Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
THE RENTAL CENTRES LIMITED BUCKINGHAM., THE RENTAL CENTRES was formed 12 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'letting and operating of own or leased real estate'. THE RENTAL CENTRES was dissolved on the 2016-03-22 and the company has ceased trading.
ABQM CONSULTING LTD BUCKINGHAM, ENGLAND ABQM CONSULTING was formed 14 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities'. ABQM CONSULTING was dissolved on the 2018-02-13 and the company has ceased trading.
ABSOLUTE FILMS LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE ABSOLUTE FILMS was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Photographic activities not elsewhere classified'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
AC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LLP BUCKINGHAM, BUCKS AC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LLP was formed 12 years ago. The company has not yet declared the nature of its business and set a SIC code. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ACB CONSULTING LIMITED BUCKINGHAM, ACB CONSULTING was formed 14 years ago. Its business classification is 'specialised design activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ACCENT CURTAINS LTD HAILSHAM, EAST SUSSEX ACCENT CURTAINS was formed 15 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Manufacture of soft furnishings'. ACCENT CURTAINS was dissolved on the 2016-01-12 and the company has ceased trading.

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