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UK Limited Companies
This is a list of UK companies on the Companies House Register based in postcode area SW17. Sole trader are not listed here.

The postal code SW17 covers the following areas:

Furzedown, Summerstown, Tooting Bec, Tooting Broadway, Tooting Graveney, Upper Tooting,

Company NameRegistered Office LocationSummary of Business
1-6 MANVILLE GARDENS RESIDENTS COMPANY LIMITED LONDON, 1-6 MANVILLE GARDENS RESIDENTS COMPANY was formed 31 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
10 VERONICA ROAD RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED , 10 VERONICA ROAD RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION was formed 31 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. The business classification is for a non-trading company. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
1073 GARRATT LANE LIMITED LONDON, 1073 GARRATT LANE was formed 29 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
108 EDITIONS LTD LONDON, 108 EDITIONS was formed 14 years ago. Its business classification is 'publishing activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
109 DRAKEFIELD ROAD LIMITED LONDON, 109 DRAKEFIELD ROAD was formed 13 years ago. Its business classification is 'accommodation'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
11 MORING ROAD LIMITED LONDON, 11 MORING ROAD was formed 14 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
110 HURON ROAD FREEHOLD COMPANY LIMITED TOOTING, LONDON 110 HURON ROAD FREEHOLD COMPANY was formed 16 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. Its business classification is 'letting and operating of own or leased real estate'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
112 DRAKEFIELD ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY , 112 DRAKEFIELD ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY was formed 39 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
12-14 BRUDENELL ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED LONDON, 12-14 BRUDENELL ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY was formed 22 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. The business classification is for a non-trading company. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
121 TRINITY ROAD RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED LONDON, 121 TRINITY ROAD RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION was formed 34 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
126 MERTON ROAD SOUTHFIELDS RESIDENTS LIMITED London, 126 MERTON ROAD SOUTHFIELDS RESIDENTS was formed 30 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. Its business classification is 'business support service activities '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
128 CHURCH LANE RTM COMPANY LIMITED LONDON, 128 CHURCH LANE RTM COMPANY was formed 13 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. Its business classification is 'Combined facilities support activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
13 LUCIEN ROAD LIMITED LONDON, 13 LUCIEN ROAD was formed 30 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
132 RITHERDON ROAD LIMITED , 132 RITHERDON ROAD was formed 28 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
134 TREVELYAN ROAD (FREEHOLD) COMPANY LIMITED LONDON, 134 TREVELYAN ROAD (FREEHOLD) COMPANY was formed 13 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
137 TRINITY ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED SUDBURY, SUFFOLK 137 TRINITY ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY was formed 21 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. Its business classification is 'Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
139 TREVELYAN ROAD (FREEHOLD) COMPANY LIMITED LONDON, 139 TREVELYAN ROAD (FREEHOLD) COMPANY was formed 16 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
14 & 16 AVARN ROAD (TOOTING) RTM COMPANY LIMITED LONDON, 14 & 16 AVARN ROAD (TOOTING) RTM COMPANY was formed 11 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
140 BEECHCROFT ROAD MANAGEMENT LIMITED LONDON, 140 BEECHCROFT ROAD MANAGEMENT was formed 16 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
15 GT LIMITED LONDON, 15 GT was formed 30 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
15 NOYNA ROAD RTM COMPANY LIMITED , 15 NOYNA ROAD RTM COMPANY was formed 18 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
15 STREATHBOURNE ROAD LIMITED London, 15 STREATHBOURNE ROAD was formed 26 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
151 QUEENSTOWN ROAD LIMITED SEVENOAKS, 151 QUEENSTOWN ROAD was formed 22 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
16 BELLEVUE ROAD RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED , 16 BELLEVUE ROAD RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION was formed 38 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
16 LANGROYD LIMITED LONDON, 16 LANGROYD was formed 16 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis'. 16 LANGROYD was dissolved on the 2014-12-30 and the company has ceased trading.
16 OSWARD ROAD LIMITED , 16 OSWARD ROAD was formed 22 years ago. Its business classification is 'Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
16 TERRAPIN ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED LONDON, 16 TERRAPIN ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY was formed 24 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. Its business classification is 'accommodation'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
162 TRINITY ROAD LIMITED LONDON, 162 TRINITY ROAD was formed 11 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
164 TRINITY ROAD FREEHOLD LIMITED LONDON, 164 TRINITY ROAD FREEHOLD was formed 13 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
165 167 SELLINCOURT ROAD MANAGEMENT LIMITED LONDON, 165 167 SELLINCOURT ROAD MANAGEMENT was formed 20 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. Its business classification is 'letting and operating of own or leased real estate'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
17 & 19 MELLISON ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED , 17 & 19 MELLISON ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY was formed 27 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
17 COMPLETE LIMITED SHREWSBURY, 17 COMPLETE was formed 14 years ago. Its business classification is 'Buying and selling of own real estate'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
17 19 MANTILLA ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED , 17 19 MANTILLA ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY was formed 25 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. The business classification is for a non-trading company. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
17FILMS LTD , 17FILMS was formed 19 years ago. Its business classification is 'Support activities to performing arts'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
18 GAMBOLE ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED LONDON, 18 GAMBOLE ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY was formed 23 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. Its business classification is 'Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
18-53 ELDERFIELD PLACE LIMITED LONDON, 18-53 ELDERFIELD PLACE was formed 21 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
184 TRINITY ROAD LONDON SW17 LIMITED , 184 TRINITY ROAD LONDON SW17 was formed 20 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. The business classification is for a non-trading company. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
19 - 24 ELMFIELD MANSIONS RESIDENTS LTD LONDON, 19 - 24 ELMFIELD MANSIONS RESIDENTS was formed 17 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
19 HILLBURY ROAD FREEHOLDERS LIMITED MALDON, ESSEX 19 HILLBURY ROAD FREEHOLDERS was formed 31 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
1PERFUMERY LTD LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM 1PERFUMERY was formed 13 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'service activities not elsewhere classified'. 1PERFUMERY was dissolved on the 2014-01-07 and the company has ceased trading.
1ST ARCHITECTS LONDON LIMITED NORWICH, 1ST ARCHITECTS LONDON was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Development of building projects'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
1ST FRESH FOODS LTD MITCHAM, 1ST FRESH FOODS was formed 11 years ago. Its business classification is 'Retail sale of fruit and vegetables in specialised stores'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
1ST WATCH SECURITY SERVICES LTD LONDON, 1ST WATCH SECURITY SERVICES was formed 13 years ago. Its business classification is 'Private security activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
2 BRUSSELS ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED LONDON, 2 BRUSSELS ROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY was formed 31 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. Its business classification is 'accommodation'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
2 TRINITY CRESCENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED LONDON, 2 TRINITY CRESCENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY was formed 23 years ago. Its business classification is 'letting and operating of own or leased real estate'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
2 4 BICKLEY STREET RTE COMPANY LTD LONDON, 2 4 BICKLEY STREET RTE COMPANY was formed 12 years ago. It is likely that this company could be for a residential property to manage the residents freehold and therefore not a trading company. Its business classification is 'Buying and selling of own real estate'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
20 ELMBOURNE ROAD LIMITED London, 20 ELMBOURNE ROAD was formed 34 years ago. Its business classification is 'Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
20 VERONICA ROAD (FREEHOLD) LIMITED LONDON, 20 VERONICA ROAD (FREEHOLD) was formed 22 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
20-27 ST PETER'S CLOSE LIMITED LONDON, 20-27 ST PETER'S CLOSE was formed 15 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
202 BEECHCROFT ROAD (FREEHOLD) LIMITED LONDON, 202 BEECHCROFT ROAD (FREEHOLD) was formed 21 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details

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