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UK Limited Companies
This is a list of UK companies on the Companies House Register based in postcode area YO17. Sole trader are not listed here.

The postal code YO17 covers the following areas:

Acklam, Aldro, Amotherby, Appleton-le-Street, Barton-le-Street, Birdsall, Brawby, Broughton, Burdale, Burythorpe, Butterwick, Duggleby, East Heslerton, East Knapton, East Lutton, Great Barugh, Great Habton, Helperthorpe, Kennythorpe, Kirby Grindalythe,

Company NameRegistered Office LocationSummary of Business
2 NICKS LIMITED MALTON, 2 NICKS was formed 17 years ago. Its business classification is 'building completion and finishing'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
2 ST PETER STREET MANAGEMENT LIMITED YORK, 2 ST PETER STREET MANAGEMENT was formed 16 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
4SERVE LIMITED YORK, NORTH YORKSHIRE 4SERVE was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'General cleaning of buildings'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
7STREET LIMITED Malton, 7STREET was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'Printing '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
82 CASTLEGATE MALTON LIMITED Malton, 82 CASTLEGATE MALTON was formed 15 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A & D STURDY LIMITED GREATER MANCHESTER, A & D STURDY was formed 18 years ago. Its business classification is 'Construction of domestic buildings'. The company is no longer trading and is being liquidated.
A & P SEDMAN LIMITED NORTH YORKSHIRE, A & P SEDMAN was formed 21 years ago. Its business classification is 'Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A C DENTAL LABORATORIES LIMITED MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE A C DENTAL LABORATORIES was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'Dental practice activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A D F BUILDING CONTRACTORS LIMITED Scarborough, NORTH YORKSHIRE A D F BUILDING CONTRACTORS was formed 20 years ago. Its business classification is 'Development of building projects'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A D LIGHTFOOT LIMITED NORTH YORKSHIRE, A D LIGHTFOOT was formed 21 years ago. Its business classification is 'Support activities for crop production'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A. DUKES BUILDERS LIMITED MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE A. DUKES BUILDERS was formed 22 years ago. Its business classification is 'Construction of domestic buildings'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A1 MICRO DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Leeds, A1 MICRO DEVELOPMENTS was formed 17 years ago. Its business classification is 'Manufacture of other fabricated metal products '. The company is no longer trading and is being liquidated.
PROPERTYLINE DEVELOPMENTS LTD MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE PROPERTYLINE DEVELOPMENTS was formed 11 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Publishing of consumer and business journals and periodicals'. PROPERTYLINE DEVELOPMENTS was dissolved on the 2015-06-23 and the company has ceased trading.
AB HEATING SERVICES LIMITED Driffield, EAST YORKSHIRE AB HEATING SERVICES was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
ABBEYTEK LTD. PICKERING, ABBEYTEK was formed 26 years ago. Its business classification is 'Business and domestic software development'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ABERRATION FILMS LTD York, ABERRATION FILMS was formed 11 years ago. Its business classification is 'specialist photography'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ABIJAMES DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED MIDDLESBROUGH, ABIJAMES DEVELOPMENTS was formed 19 years ago. Its business classification is 'professional, scientific and technical activities '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ABOUTHOUSE LIMITED Ripon, ABOUTHOUSE was formed 21 years ago. Its business classification is 'specialised design activities'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
AC COMMERCIALS (MALTON) LIMITED MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE AC COMMERCIALS (MALTON) was formed 25 years ago. Its business classification is 'Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles (except caravans)'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
AC SUPPLIES (MALTON) LIMITED MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE AC SUPPLIES (MALTON) was formed 15 years ago. The business classification is for a non-trading company. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
ACCESSORIES YORKSHIRE LIMITED Leeds, ACCESSORIES YORKSHIRE was formed 24 years ago. Its business classification is 'Wholesale of watches and jewellery'. The company is no longer trading and is being liquidated.
ACCOUNTANCY RYEDALE LTD MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE ACCOUNTANCY RYEDALE was formed 14 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Accounting and auditing activities'. ACCOUNTANCY RYEDALE was dissolved on the 2017-05-23 and the company has ceased trading.
ACORN COMMUNITY CARE MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE ACORN COMMUNITY CARE was formed 22 years ago. Its business classification is 'education '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ACS ELECTRICAL (YORKSHIRE) LTD MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE ACS ELECTRICAL (YORKSHIRE) was formed 14 years ago. Its business classification is 'Electrical installation'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
ACURA BUILD LIMITED CHORLEY, LANCASHIRE ACURA BUILD was formed 11 years ago. Its business classification is 'Construction of domestic buildings'. The company is no longer trading and is being liquidated.
AFSTRAD LTD MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE AFSTRAD was formed 13 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw and plaiting materials'. AFSTRAD was dissolved on the 2013-09-24 and the company has ceased trading.
AGRI-VISION LIMITED PICKERING, NORTH YORKSHIRE AGRI-VISION was formed 22 years ago. Its business classification is 'Support activities for crop production'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
AKLAH LIMITED MALTON, UNITED KINGDOM AKLAH was formed 12 years ago. The company did not declare the nature of its business prior to the business closing. AKLAH was dissolved on the 2013-08-20 and the company has ceased trading.
ALA WARRANTY LLP MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE ALA WARRANTY LLP was formed 11 years ago. The company has not yet declared the nature of its business and set a SIC code. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ALAIB LIMITED Malton, NORTH YORKSHIRE ALAIB was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'Activities of insurance agents and brokers'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ALAN G HENDERSON LIMITED MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE ALAN G HENDERSON was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'human health activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ALEX LANGE LTD MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE ALEX LANGE was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Support activities for crop production'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ALEXANDER LAUREN LIMITED MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE ALEXANDER LAUREN was formed 15 years ago. The business classification is for a non-trading company. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ALL KEEP PENNING (YORKSHIRE) LIMITED NORTH YORKSHIRE, ALL KEEP PENNING (YORKSHIRE) was formed 17 years ago. Its business classification is 'Renting and leasing of agricultural machinery and equipment'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ALLAN ENGINEERING LIMITED MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE ALLAN ENGINEERING was formed 32 years ago. Its business classification is 'Technical testing and analysis'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ALLANSON BUILDERS LTD YORK, ALLANSON BUILDERS was formed 13 years ago. Its business classification is 'Construction of domestic buildings'. The company is no longer trading and is being liquidated.
ALLIANCE GLASS (YORK) LTD MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE ALLIANCE GLASS (YORK) was formed 21 years ago. Its business classification is 'Glazing'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ALLISON WOLD POWER LIMITED MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE ALLISON WOLD POWER was formed 11 years ago. Its business classification is 'Production of electricity'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
AMBER SLIM LIMITED MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE AMBER SLIM was formed 11 years ago. The company did not declare the nature of its business prior to the business closing. AMBER SLIM was dissolved on the 2014-12-23 and the company has ceased trading.
ANDREW SEAGUST LIMITED MALTON, ANDREW SEAGUST was formed 19 years ago. Its business classification is 'Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
ANIMALS AT HOME (YORK, COAST & MOORS) LTD MALTON, ENGLAND ANIMALS AT HOME (YORK, COAST & MOORS) was formed 13 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Veterinary activities'. ANIMALS AT HOME (YORK, COAST & MOORS) was dissolved on the 2014-10-21 and the company has ceased trading.
APPLETON INNS LTD YORK, NORTH YORKSHIRE APPLETON INNS was formed 14 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Public houses and bars'. APPLETON INNS was dissolved on the 2014-11-18 and the company has ceased trading.
APTERYX 2010 LIMITED MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE APTERYX 2010 was formed 14 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'activities of employment placement agencies'. APTERYX 2010 was dissolved on the 2015-03-24 and the company has ceased trading.
AQUAPOINT LIMITED READING, BERKSHIRE AQUAPOINT was formed 23 years ago. Its business classification is 'Water collection, treatment and supply'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
ARC ELECTRICAL (UK) LIMITED NORTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE ARC ELECTRICAL (UK) was formed 23 years ago. Its business classification is 'Electrical installation'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ARMADEIRA DATA SERVICES LIMITED BARNET, HERTFORDSHIRE ARMADEIRA DATA SERVICES was formed 14 years ago. Its business classification is 'information technology service activities'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
ARMCO IT CONSULTING LIMITED MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE ARMCO IT CONSULTING was formed 20 years ago. Its business classification is 'Computer facilities management activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ASTERION SOLUTIONS LIMITED SELBY, NORTH YORKSHIRE ASTERION SOLUTIONS was formed 22 years ago. Its business classification is 'Business and domestic software development'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
B & F POTATOES LIMITED MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE B & F POTATOES was formed 31 years ago. Its business classification is 'Wholesale of fruit and vegetables'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
B & M WATSON LTD NORTH YORKSHIRE, B & M WATSON was formed 21 years ago. Its business classification is 'Raising of poultry'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details

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