Company Information for



Company Registration Number


Private Limited Company


About Lynden Hall Management Co. Ltd

LYNDEN HALL MANAGEMENT CO. LIMITED was founded on 1992-08-11 and has its registered office in Swanage. The organisation's status is listed as "Active". Lynden Hall Management Co. Limited is a Private Limited Company registered in ENGLAND with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as DORMANT
  • Company is not active ie not engaged in any business activity or receiving income or profits
  • Is not incurring costs other than: Annual return fee, late filing fees, companies house admin fees eg company name change or share payments
  • Holds no assets capable of producing any profits or income
  • Holds assets that are unlikely to produce profits and income in the near future
  • Investment trusts, pensions and client account companies may show as dormant companies as they are non trading

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
BH19 2LT
Other companies in BH1

Filing Information

Company Number02738868
Date formed1992-08-11
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePrivate Limited Company
Company StatusActive
Lastest accounts31/08/2023
Account next due31/05/2025
Latest filing return27/08/2015
Filing return next due24/09/2016
Type of accountsDORMANT
Last Datalog update:
2024-11-05 12:45:07
Primary Source:

Current Directors

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited Company Secretary 2011-01-25
Maude Farmery Director RETIRED STORES MANAGER 1994-10-09 ENGLAND
Jamie Rudge Director TREE SURGEON 2016-10-27 ENGLAND

Previous Directors

Officer Role Date AppointedDate Resigned
David William Bull Director 2012-02-24 2017-03-02
Penelope Joyce Fox Colbourne Director 2002-02-15 2012-02-24
Maude Farmery Company Secretary 1994-10-09 2011-01-25
Caroline Jane Walton Director 2001-05-24 2002-02-15
Guy Elliott Director 1999-10-07 2001-07-30
Michael Joseph O'sullivan Director 2000-02-10 2001-05-24
Graham John Gould Director 1998-02-01 1999-10-07
Richard James Hixson Director 1994-10-09 1998-02-01
Brenda Mary Harris Company Secretary 1992-08-11 1994-04-15
Anthony Ernest Harris Director 1992-08-11 1994-04-15
Brenda Mary Harris Director 1992-08-11 1994-04-15
Swift Incorporations Limited Nominated Secretary 1992-08-11 1992-08-01

Related Directorships for Swanage Flat Management Company Limited

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited BIRLEY HALL MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2016-12-01 CURRENT 2000-06-29 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited SWANBROOK MEWS (SWANAGE) MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2016-06-24 CURRENT 1987-08-18 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited GRAND VIEW, BURLINGTON ROAD LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2015-02-17 CURRENT 1986-10-07 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited WAVERLEY COURT (SWANAGE) FREEHOLD LTDCompany Secretary 2015-02-07 CURRENT 2007-12-07 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited WAVERLEY COURT (SWANAGE) MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2015-02-07 CURRENT 1988-12-21 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited GAINSBOROUGH HOUSE SWANAGE LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-07-01 CURRENT 2004-07-30 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited BELLE VUE RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2014-07-01 CURRENT 1973-03-29 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited MELSAN COURT MANAGEMENT CO. LTDCompany Secretary 2014-02-05 CURRENT 1987-11-03 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited BAY VIEW BEACH CHALETS LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-06-07 CURRENT 2002-03-22 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited ASPENS SWANAGE FREEHOLD LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2013-03-01 CURRENT 2010-10-22 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited PENLU MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-12-08 CURRENT 2011-11-11 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited NEWTON GRANGE SWANAGE MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-10-26 CURRENT 2011-01-11 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited MANOR GARDENS MANAGEMENT COMPANY (SWANAGE) LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-06-01 CURRENT 1984-07-05 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited MANOR GARDENS FREEHOLD (SWANAGE) COMPANY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-06-01 CURRENT 2005-12-01 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited NEWMEL LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-05-02 CURRENT 1989-02-27 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited SEASCAPES (SWANAGE) LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2012-02-10 CURRENT 2011-10-27 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited DAVENHAM COURT MANAGEMENT LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2011-07-01 CURRENT 1988-06-29 Active
Swanage Flat Management Company Limited MAYFIELD AND WEYHILL MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITEDCompany Secretary 2009-05-08 CURRENT 2009-03-24 Active